Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Dems have played out their hand - the American population has had enough of their flailing and insipid attacks on our President and the lack of getting anything productive done - Independents are particularly sick of the Dems horseshite.

will admit things at a stale mate right now....but right now 50% of the country wants impeachment...hell it was only 30 % for clintion and less for Nixon....but up coming election on a lot of minds...this could go past 2020
CNN's Fact Checker: Trump Is 'Lying Egregiously' | Crooks ...
That Donald Trump is a pathological liar is not a surprise. That he lies about something so obvious and that anyone in the same room can see is false is a level of pathology that even Dale can't believe, as he tells Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter. "I think he's given us reason to doubt literally everything he's saying. I think one of the ...

Donald Trump lies more often than you wash your hands ...
Jun 10, 2019 · In his first 869 days as President, Donald Trump said 10,796 things that were either misleading or outright false, according to The Washington …

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies | The Daily Wire
But there’s only one truly massive liar in this race: Donald Trump. When Politico attempted to measure how many lies Trump told over the course of 4.6 hours of speeches, they found that he lied, on average, once every five minutes. When Huffington Post catalogued his lies over the course of just one town hall event, they came up with 71 lies.

CNN’s John Avlon busts years’ worth of Trump lies in just ...


Apr 15, 2019 · CNN’s John Avlon on Monday ran down years’ worth of President Donald Trump’s lies in a short three-minute video.
  • Author: Brad Reed
I’m soooooooo sick of you Dems accusing the President of lying - NO one lies more’n CNN - for almost 3 years 24 / 7 they lied about Russian collusion - zero credibility !!!!!! really think trump doesn't lie? many different news source would you like a post for seem to think I watch a lot of it and have told you I don't know how tmes I don't watch it that much...but back to CNN......they don't lie....if they did you know trump would be the first to contact the FCC and raise hell.....kind of like he was going to sue all those gals for lying...nothing happened there either...he knows they are not lying

and they didn't lie about collusion.....and I have posted Muellers exact comments several times but just goes over your head because it is not what you want to hear really think trump doesn't lie? many different news source would you like a post for seem to think I watch a lot of it and have told you I don't know how tmes I don't watch it that much...but back to CNN......they don't lie....if they did you know trump would be the first to contact the FCC and raise hell.....kind of like he was going to sue all those gals for lying...nothing happened there either...he knows they are not lying

and they didn't lie about collusion.....and I have posted Muellers exact comments several times but just goes over your head because it is not what you want to hear

WRONG - CNN lies like the proverbial rug!!!!!!!
This morning news said 48 against
wouldn't be surprised.....some die hard dems say they are ****** to do it because he broke the law....and now even the right agrees.....but they say not bad enough to impeach....well that is why that law is in there just for that reason....but a lot worry this will drag out into election time and effect the election....and who knows if it will work out for dems or repubs.….and no one wants it to go into the election.....election should just be about is he cutting it or not....I think Pelosi is against the impeachment...but getting pressure to go with it....I would rather just see the inquey keep going exposing all the ******* he is doing and let it go at that....almost 75% of the country does NOT want him back in