Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Are you serious in posting all of this ? Without a doubt Donald Trump is a sinner, anyone that claims not to be, is a liar and a hypocrite. For any religious System to openly involve themselves in politics is Anti-Christ. For any religious System to put down the leadership that God has put in place, by declaring that it supports or doesn't support God's placement is Anti-Christ. Satan has done and continues to do a fantastic job of deceiving the people of this world to believe that the Anti-Christ mentioned in the Word of God is to be a man that will appear and sit in the Temple of God claiming that he is God. Question; what is the real Temple of God? It is not a man made earthly temple like the Jewish people built in Jerusalem or The Tabernacle built by the Israelite's while they when wandering in the desert for 40 years. These were symbolic representations of a Temple made by God, never by man.

I think all of those are very religious and would they do question you saying you are religious and yet support this some of it...very factual on their part
A GOOD union shop will do that....just before I quit working as a mechanic they passed right to work....anyone could come no dues and get the same benefits that we all did....came time to strike for better benefits they just stayed right in and worked...

you being a biz owner look at it a lot different...but if it wasn't for unions be no working wages....40hour work overtime weekends off and so much more......unions on their way out...not many left....and look what we have now....barely any of the above and trying to do away with the rest!

big biz spent a lot of money to do away with any rights unions naturally you don't like can pay as little as possible no overtime......vacation….nothing if you don't want to...assuming you do any of that anyway
Paid vacation paid holidays bonuses
well...yes anything trump does IS wrong in my eyes...….funny trump knows more than the military?....for a man who never served.....and now fires the secretary of the Navy for disagreeing with him......trump can just do no wrong in YOUR eyes...….besides this is just another trump diversion away from all his corruption....a tactic he has always used......willing to fuck over the military judicial system to turn eyes away from his other issues

as for not being there....that might apply to you......but in every war the enemy has always used children to ******* our troops....we are just unsuspecting of children and that's why they use them

No ******* - and maybe why that particular 10 year old was killed - or that the he was a potential threat - only the man that was there in that split second to make the decision knows for sure. Not you or I.
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Following the news like @subhub174014 does I'd wager he was hoping Conan, the hero dog that helped bring down Baghdadi that Trump hosted at the White House, would bite him in the ass? :ROFLMAO:

Let just say I believe our national intelligence agencies are less than trustworthy and John Brennan is a disgrace.
So, what you really are saying is you take the word of a man who is caught 7-10 times a day lying and stretching the truth OVER the many investigations (most unrelated with each other) that have said otherwise!
Not only THAT, but, Trump hasn't done a thing about safe guarding our upcoming 2020 election, so EVEN if Trump is right, he still doesn't care if Ukraine or WHOEVER infiltrates our elections AGAIN in 2020.
Now think this out slowing blkdlaur ... regardless of whether it was Russia OR Ukraine, why do you think Trump does NOT care about safe guarding the 2020 election?
Trump is doing just fine. The impeachment inquiry is a complete farce. These threads have become people debating and arguing to prove how intelligent they are. My ******* was so right 50 years ago when he correctly stated that when uneducated idiots go to college you end up with educated idiots. What do you think Mac and Sub, How big will the Trump victory in 2020 be ? Possibly 75% to 25% or even a greater percentage.
Trump is doing just fine. The impeachment inquiry is a complete farce. These threads have become people debating and arguing to prove how intelligent they are. My ******* was so right 50 years ago when he correctly stated that when uneducated idiots go to college you end up with educated idiots. What do you think Mac and Sub, How big will the Trump victory in 2020 be ? Possibly 75% to 25% or even a greater percentage.

he is going down like a 25 cent ******.....which he should be very familiar with anyway

Impeachment Polls Show a Steady Rise in Support - The New ...
Oct 01, 2019 · “If that 15 percent that oppose Donald Trump moves to support impeachment, then you’ll have between 55 and 60 percent of the country supporting impeachment and removal from office.

and to add more to it....numbers will go up....your man going down

Judge rules Don McGahn must testify before the House ...
18 hours ago · Deadline WH Weekdays 4PM ET; ... Judge rules Don McGahn must testify before the House Judiciary Committee 02:27. ... Judge rules former White House Counsel must testify.

Ex-WH Counsel Don McGahn Must Comply With Subpoena And ...
Nov 25, 2019 · Ex-WH Counsel Don McGahn Must Comply With Subpoena And Testify, Judge Rules Former White House counsel Don McGahn will have to testify in the House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry after a judge ruled on Monday that he can no longer defy a subpoena. The White House has been

Giuliani associate willing to testify Nunes met with ex ...
An attorney for Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani says his client is willing to tell Congress that Rep. Devin Nunes met with Ukraine's former top prosecutor about investigating ...

Support for Trump’s impeachment jumps: poll – POLITICO
The poll, which began after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her support for impeachment proceedings on Tuesday, shows 43 percent of voters think Congress should begin the process of impeachment, while an equal number of poll respondents say Congress shouldn’t begin impeachment proceedings. Another 13 percent of voters are undecided.
YOU had a *******? wow! And to think, YOU were the winning sperm in your mom's belly. Actually hard to believe, but I guess we should be glad one of the other 499, 999,999 million losers didn't win. No telling what you would believe in.
View attachment 2993488
I rest my case, now every one of us life smart people can sit back and watch trump continue on for the next 5 years. It will be soooo much fun to watch the "know it alls" get crushed by us " know nothings".
I rest my case, now every one of us life smart people can sit back and watch trump continue on for the next 5 years. It will be soooo much fun to watch the "know it alls" get crushed by us " know nothings".

what? do you think they will have some kind of camera in his cell....that would be invasion of privacy...but then hell laws mean nothing to why should we worry about that either
he is going down like a 25 cent ******.....which he should be very familiar with anyway

Impeachment Polls Show a Steady Rise in Support - The New ...
Oct 01, 2019 · “If that 15 percent that oppose Donald Trump moves to support impeachment, then you’ll have between 55 and 60 percent of the country supporting impeachment and removal from office.

and to add more to it....numbers will go up....your man going down

Judge rules Don McGahn must testify before the House ...
18 hours ago · Deadline WH Weekdays 4PM ET; ... Judge rules Don McGahn must testify before the House Judiciary Committee 02:27. ... Judge rules former White House Counsel must testify.

Ex-WH Counsel Don McGahn Must Comply With Subpoena And ...
Nov 25, 2019 · Ex-WH Counsel Don McGahn Must Comply With Subpoena And Testify, Judge Rules Former White House counsel Don McGahn will have to testify in the House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry after a judge ruled on Monday that he can no longer defy a subpoena. The White House has been

Giuliani associate willing to testify Nunes met with ex ...
An attorney for Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani says his client is willing to tell Congress that Rep. Devin Nunes met with Ukraine's former top prosecutor about investigating ...

Support for Trump’s impeachment jumps: poll – POLITICO
The poll, which began after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her support for impeachment proceedings on Tuesday, shows 43 percent of voters think Congress should begin the process of impeachment, while an equal number of poll respondents say Congress shouldn’t begin impeachment proceedings. Another 13 percent of voters are undecided.
Not a chance
Not a chance
don't bet on it...…….but with them in a hurry to push this through without some from the white house aids testimony...…...hard to understand why the push…..without their testimony to lock things up....who knows....whole thing a mess.....the guy is a crook and both sides know it....but proving it is another thing...… will happen sooner or later...he just keeps getting bolder in his corruption.....sooner or later it will come out....I think he will dodge this and probably get re-elected which will piss of 3/4 of the country since over 70% do not want him back...…...public will demand some answers and impeachment for sure the....just how I see things.....right would be better off finding a new candidate now...if trump re-elected then impeached that puts pence in charge with neither side wanting that......the right won't win again for quite a while...better off finding someone now....but still over a year until it gets to nut cutt'n time
Everything I’ve been hearing says the polls for Impeachment are going against the rabid Dems and in the President’s favor - hell in an interview even Schiffty sounded like he was backing off and said he wasn’t sure and had to check with his constituents :}
Everything I’ve been hearing says the polls for Impeachment are going against the rabid Dems and in the President’s favor - hell in an interview even Schiffty sounded like he was backing off and said he wasn’t sure and had to check with his constituents :}

what do you have bad hearing anyway.....schifty backing off..never saw that...but it is still Pelos's call....she hasn't said much.....except to get trumps goat with his catering to Russia....trump comes unglued at that...wonder why
what do you have bad hearing anyway.....schifty backing off..never saw that...but it is still Pelos's call....she hasn't said much.....except to get trumps goat with his catering to Russia....trump comes unglued at that...wonder why

Dems have played out their hand - the American population has had enough of their flailing and insipid attacks on our President and the lack of getting anything productive done - Independents are particularly sick of the Dems horseshite.