Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

and I thought most tump supporters had fled...…...not much else to defend

stiff did you read the article about the tele evangelist?......I agree with him...….what does it say about Christians when they support a man like trump?...……..forgetting about all the other....just look at him admittedly playing around on all 3 of his me that there is enough to qualify him to not be someone the church would support.....and like the guy says something about us as a whole that we would lower our standards for what reason

down here it's part of the "bible belt".....and when I moved here I soon figured out what that crazy Charles Manson" singer was talking about...he was from here...…..anyway churches are so big around here they are like gangs.....I would get hit on for over a month about joining this church or that...once even had two guys corner me in an office and try and block me from leaving until they told me all about their church....crazy...…...was in a printing office just prior to the election and there was a decon there from some church getting some stuff done and commenting on I started on him...bringing up just some of trumps sexual exploits...he finally said I was anti-religious for not supporting him and left......several others clapped for me......bottom line was...just about every church down here is Baptist....I am a Methodist and our church doesn't preach politics!...ours anyway

I think that is why you see a dramatic decrease in church's not church's a man of god putting in their heads what he WANTS them to believe....when they get into politics and preaching something that someone feels strongly against.....lose a member.....and the stats show that

well I could go on about churches in general...but will drop it at that
and I thought most tump supporters had fled...…...not much else to defend

stiff did you read the article about the tele evangelist?......I agree with him...….what does it say about Christians when they support a man like trump?...……..forgetting about all the other....just look at him admittedly playing around on all 3 of his me that there is enough to qualify him to not be someone the church would support.....and like the guy says something about us as a whole that we would lower our standards for what reason

down here it's part of the "bible belt".....and when I moved here I soon figured out what that crazy Charles Manson" singer was talking about...he was from here...…..anyway churches are so big around here they are like gangs.....I would get hit on for over a month about joining this church or that...once even had two guys corner me in an office and try and block me from leaving until they told me all about their church....crazy...…...was in a printing office just prior to the election and there was a decon there from some church getting some stuff done and commenting on I started on him...bringing up just some of trumps sexual exploits...he finally said I was anti-religious for not supporting him and left......several others clapped for me......bottom line was...just about every church down here is Baptist....I am a Methodist and our church doesn't preach politics!...ours anyway

I think that is why you see a dramatic decrease in church's not church's a man of god putting in their heads what he WANTS them to believe....when they get into politics and preaching something that someone feels strongly against.....lose a member.....and the stats show that

well I could go on about churches in general...but will drop it at that

You should start your own church - you preach enough in here - The Church o Dem Disparagements ;}
There is a lot of misconceptions on what it means to be a believer in Christ. A good tree will bear good fruit, a bad tree will bear bad fruit, Jesus says " You Will know them by their fruit". Some of us produce a ton of rotten fruit, We all should know the kind of fruit we are producing, rest assured God does.
There is a lot of misconceptions on what it means to be a believer in Christ. A good tree will bear good fruit, a bad tree will bear bad fruit, Jesus says " You Will know them by their fruit". Some of us produce a ton of rotten fruit, We all should know the kind of fruit we are producing, rest assured God does.
Do you think there's a Christian obligation to look after the planet we're on?
Because your president is going against the rest of the world because he's a greedy selfish bastard. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?

Do you think there's a Christian obligation to look after the planet we're on?
Because your president is going against the rest of the world because he's a greedy selfish bastard. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God? What is your interpretation of this verse in God's Word ?

I believe that we are stewards of our planet to some extent, each person should not abuse the planet, the animals, and each other. You believe what you want about Global Warming. I see it clearly as a well financed, very organised power move to to destroy the economies of the world, to keep indoctrinating the people in America to accept Socialism, to crush capitalism and make the people depend on the government to survive, until the government fails.
hell you can believe in anything you want to believe in...hell there are devil worshipers...aethiest….sun worshipper......but there is nowhere in the bible that condones half of what trump has done....that's why you hear a lot of black preachers say he is the antichrist

Why do some evangelicals think that Trump is the anti-Christ?
Nov 24, 2016 · Not likely Antichrist is supposted to be popular and seductive. Obama have some Anti-Christ quallities. Hes slogan; YES WE CAN … is sudpicsious, People got enthusiastic and voted for Obama. He had been Anti-Christ we would have found out that he m...

Nostradamus saw Trump as the anti-christ who'll trigger ...
Now, it is believed that when Nostradamus spoke about the Anti-Christ he was referring to the newly appointed, 45 th president of the United States: Donald Trump. Those who have followed the predictions by Nostradamus firmly argue that Trumps it the Anti-Christ who will cause World War 3, and to back up their claims they point to the following ...

I really, wish that Evangelicals would read their Bibles. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 describes the Man of Sin, who will deceive with signs and wonders (see Matthew 24:24) and proclaim himself God / King of the Jews / King of Israel. #Antichrist
I concur completely.

that's odd that you can say that and still support a man that doesn't believe in climate allowing coal to pollute the air AND the waterways....allowing timber work in Washington that will ******* the fishing industry and the fish around there for ages...opened up hunting on endangered spicies….so Jr could go shoot an eagle...….allowing these big trucks to go back to polluting the air so truckers could have more horsepower and a lot trumpies have a strange sense of what is right