Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Good thing Obama pulled them all out

he wanted to...but was smart enough to see it wasn't safe yet....and may never be who knows....but now with trump setting up the saudie with nukes....definately tip the balance of power......and with them you never know just whose side they are on...hell trump let them ******* an american journalist and di nothing....they are not someone you can trust either....look at yemen

we were supporting the gov there...especially after they kidnapped all those girls and etc.....Saudi's working on a takeover we leave....…...getting to the point France or EU going to have to take over a leadership role in the world...we can't be trusted
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Bullshit both sides are just like to point fingers . You ever heard the saying when you point a finger at someone you have three pointing back. Take a little responsibility theres plenty to go around

look at the records Bush Sr did the right thing...and pulled back out....Clinton left things alone......bush Jr and Cheney is the ones that went to remove saddam...and up set the apple cart...….look at most of the Isis leaders....former saddam generals!.....It was all about republican greed ...cheney….. Bush Jr to dumb to figure out he was used....but Jr did drain social security to pay for that mess...and most of it went to haliburton and trickeled it's way back to cheney…..Obama pulled out what he could but he listened to his generals...but where Obama fucked up....he listened to Iraq...when the new people wanted the US out...….who in the hell were they to dictate to us..but Obama pulled a lot of them out...the people that Bush put in were the same religion as Iran...and he opened that the right is responsible for the mess...Obama just should not have let Iraq dictate to us what they wanted....and now Trump is turning it all into a money thing to turkey and Russia...….both of whom are not someone you can trust....and what trump is doing is making Russia a bigger super power now....and killing what world respect we USED to have...that deal with the kurds killed any respect he had around the world

there is no one else to blame but the republicans and their greed
Obama's drone programs killed alot...... alot.

yes he used that program a lot on isis rather than send in troops....but just like with anytime you bomb...there are casualties...and the right made an issue of it so he stopped it....funny we still bomb a lot but hear nothing

you would really like to believe would make things ok for trump to do it....i'm sure if it had happened it would be all over the news about now

I would have to say that is entirely false....first it is a Fox interview...and second it is Pompeo defending trump....I looked and found nothing on withholding aid....besides Obama and P.utin did not like each other at the start of his second term Obama was going to work with P.utin on a few things......but then P.utin invaded Crimea for one....they never liked each other at all and then with Hillary saying the Russian election was a farce......just added fuel to the fire.....Obama played a big part in Russia getting kicked out of what was once the g8 G7 and trump pushing for Russia to get back in...but other countries not buying what he is selling and could end up with it being a G6...and they have already talked about that....France proposed something with the EU and others leaving the US out also

'We need to stand on our own two feet' Merkel calls for ...
Feb 03, 2017 · 'We need to stand on our own two feet' Merkel calls for UNITED Europe to stand without USA ANGELA Merkel has called for more European Union

France's Macron embraces high-risk diplomacy at EU's ...
Sep 17, 2019 · Just as the United States is seeking less frosty ties with the new leaders of the European Union, French President Emmanuel Macron has seized …
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he is just going to read his "doctored" version of events to try and sway some votes.....even the transcript is one his team put together and it even admits things...but 3 have already testified that transcript has left out a lot...….he is just trying to sway the crowd....the trumpies will just get that much more fired up...the left already knows it is a lie...the ones in the middle....???

what he seems to forget the left will get a rebuttal…..and there has already been at least3 come forward to say it is a lie...2 others they are not saying what they said...just very damaging for trump

trump and Pompeo and others HAVE to keep pushing the lie....because now they are approaching obstruction and conspiracy charges
yes he used that program a lot on isis rather than send in troops....but just like with anytime you bomb...there are casualties...and the right made an issue of it so he stopped it....funny we still bomb a lot but hear nothing

you would really like to believe would make things ok for trump to do it....i'm sure if it had happened it would be all over the news about now

I would have to say that is entirely false....first it is a Fox interview...and second it is Pompeo defending trump....I looked and found nothing on withholding aid....besides Obama and P.utin did not like each other at the start of his second term Obama was going to work with P.utin on a few things......but then P.utin invaded Crimea for one....they never liked each other at all and then with Hillary saying the Russian election was a farce......just added fuel to the fire.....Obama played a big part in Russia getting kicked out of what was once the g8 G7 and trump pushing for Russia to get back in...but other countries not buying what he is selling and could end up with it being a G6...and they have already talked about that....France proposed something with the EU and others leaving the US out also

'We need to stand on our own two feet' Merkel calls for ...
Feb 03, 2017 · 'We need to stand on our own two feet' Merkel calls for UNITED Europe to stand without USA ANGELA Merkel has called for more European Union

France's Macron embraces high-risk diplomacy at EU's ...
Sep 17, 2019 · Just as the United States is seeking less frosty ties with the new leaders of the European Union, French President Emmanuel Macron has seized …
He only stopped in 2016
trump just digging that hole deeper for himself.....doesn't know when to shut up

As Trump moves to bully witnesses and derail impeachment, Democrats see obstruction

President Trump has sought to intimidate witnesses in the impeachment inquiry, attacking them as “Never Trumpers” and badgering an anonymous whistleblower. He has directed the White House to withhold documents and block testimony requested by Congress. And he has labored to publicly discredit the investigation as a “scam” overseen by “a totally compromised kangaroo court.”

To the Democratic leaders directing the impeachment proceedings, Trump’s actions to stymie their probe into his conduct with Ukraine add up to another likely article of impeachment: Obstruction.

Opinion: Washington Nationals have tough call to make on attending White House

The Washington Nationals have some choices to make, ones that could profoundly impact how the team is seen going forward

This isn't about free agency. That will come soon enough. In the coming days, the Nationals, their coaches and front office staff, even owner Ted Lerner and his family, will have to decide whether to take part in Monday’s visit to the White House. To celebrate with President Donald Trump, whose job approval rating looks more like Victor Robles' batting average and who was booed and jeered by Nationals fans.

Time was, a visit to the White House was one of the more appealing perks of winning a title. You got to meet a president, have your picture taken with him and see parts of the White House that are off-limits to the general public. An athlete here and there might have skipped, but it was seen largely as an innocuous photo op, acceptable to anyone, regardless of their political beliefs.

No longer. While the refusal of NBA teams to meet with Trump brought the dilemma to the forefront, their boycott was hardly a surprise given that the league is made up largely of African-American players and it has taken a leadership role on social justice issues.

When the Red Sox visited the White House in May, manager Alex Cora, AL MVP Mookie Betts and several other players were noticeable for their absence. Most of the players who skipped were, like Cora and Betts, minorities, people who have been disparaged and discriminated against by Trump.

I’ve used my voice on many occasions so that Puerto Ricans are not forgotten, and my absence is no different,” Cora, who had publicly criticized Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria, which devastated the island where he was born, said in explaining why he was skipping the visit.

Some of the Nationals’ biggest stars, and most impactful players, are either black or Latino: Juan Soto, Anthony Rendon, Howie Kendrick, Asdrubal Cabrera and Victor Robles. Is it fair to expect Soto, who just turned 21 and is not even from this country, to have weighed the nuances and issues of what a White House visit means? In a matter of days, mind you, most of which have been devoted to raucous celebrations.

What of the rest of the roster? There was a good number of people who piled onto the Nationals bandwagon simply because they weren’t the Houston Astros, whose arrogance and toxic culture was revealed in their response to a story about a then-assistant general manager taunting female reporters over a pitcher who had been suspended for domestic violence.
The bandwagon became even more crowded after Nationals fans booed Trump and chanted “Lock him up!” when he attended Game 5.

If Trump is arrested there will be a Democrat that could be his bunkmate and he can warm his bunk for him...

doubt that...there are far more republicans in jail right now that there are Dems....most of them for C.hil abuse.....think Dennis hassert former republican speaker of the house is till 10 years or better I think....and there were at least 6 this summer....but be something about the right that is into that sort of thing

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with ******* a 13-Year-Old Girl*******-lawsuit

  • Johnson says in the complaint that Trump and Epstein threatened her and her family with bodily harm if she didnt comply with all of their disgusting demands. The Trump campaign has been on this immediately, calling it absolute nonsense and not even remotely true or possible.

Trump’s Alleged ******* of 13-Year-Old Girl Isn't Going Away ...
Trump’s Alleged ******* of 13-Year-Old Girl Isn't Going Away A young woman’s decision to drop ******* charges over an alleged incident when she was 13 was an amazing stroke of luck for Donald Trump.

guess that is one thing the right all has in common
still trying to just give countries to Russia....he knows who pays his bills...…..but don't think congress nor the Senate is going to be real happy about this....ata time when he needs republican support...he is really pushing the limits

White House Freezes Military Aid to Lebanon, Against Wishes of Congress, State Dept. and Pentagon

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has frozen all military aid to the Lebanese army, including a package worth $105 million that both the State Department and Congress approved in September, congressional officials said Friday.

The halt to American funding of the Lebanese Armed Forces, an important multisectarian group, comes at a critical time for Lebanon, as officials are grappling with the country’s largest street protests since its independence in 1943 and a change in leadership ****** by the demonstrations. A freeze on the assistance could give Iran and Russia an opening to exert greater influence over the Lebanese military, analysts say, and perhaps even allow the Islamic State and Al Qaeda to gain greater footholds in the country.

The delivery of military aid, especially in cases that involve White House intervention, has become a delicate and divisive issue in Washington. Congressional committees are overseeing an impeachment inquiry into whether President Trump held up $391 million in military aid to Ukraine in an effort to coerce Ukrainian leaders to do political favors for him. Though the president has denied it, senior administration officials have testified that there was indeed a quid pro quo, and the top American diplomat in Ukraine said he sent a cable telling Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that it was “folly” to withhold the aid.

The Pentagon and State Department pressed for the aid for the Lebanese Armed Forces, congressional aides said, and officials in both departments say the military organization is an important bulwark against extremist elements and armed factions of Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Shiite group that has political and military wings.

But officials on the national security staff at the White House recently asked the Office of Management and Budget to freeze all aid to the Lebanese military, two congressional officials said Friday. Officials at the State Department and Pentagon only learned of the halt in recent days. It is unclear if anyone has told the Lebanese government of the freeze.

read more @

even though allfor assures me "they got nothing"...not looking good for him...and this is definitely not going to help any