Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump is an unmitigated disaster and few of you sees it. It is too late - the balance of power will shift away from America and the rest of the world is starting to view America as a threat to global security.

posted that on the other thread.....but I really think that is all part of P.utins plan for trump....destroy our creditability…..break up NATO which p.utin hates I said several times I really believe he is a Russian will come to light sooner or later.....

look at Crimea...all of a sudden we don't care...and even if the rest of the world is mad about it enough to kick him out of what was once the g8....and yet trump pushing to let him back in.....which has a lot to do with France wanting to start another pact...without the US.....

we were going in to help Ven. because people there starving...sent troops and supplies and etc...….Russia sends troops and tells us to stay out....that was the end of it....

Syria....we pull out leave our allies to die...….who benefits.. Russia...…

we hold up aid for Ukraine unless they do trump a favor....which hurts their fight against Russia....who benefits if they don't have the means to fight...Russia

Middle east a mess the whole world knows it.....and now trump helping the Saudi's get Nukes....we were supporting the gov of Yemen against terrorist's…..and who were those terrorists....the Saudis.....the same people both trump and Kushner have big money ties to so we pull out of that

trump pulling out of paris accord...creating hard feeling against us around the world......who takes up the slack we left...China

trump wants out of NATO......leaving the EU to try and defend the Baltics from Russia....we pull out...they break up...who benefits...Russia

there is so much he does that benefits Russia....some have to see it...….even Pelosi confronted him about it...provoking his meltdown in the white house a while back....he would hate to have all that put together and him end up being tried for treason....which I think it is just a matter of time before it happens anyway...….but right now...that good old American greed...and stupidity keeps him in office
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posted that on the other thread.....but I really think that is all part of P.utins plan for trump....destroy our creditability…..break up NATO which p.utin hates I said several times I really believe he is a Russian will come to light sooner or later.....

look at Crimea...all of a sudden we don't care...and even if the rest of the world is mad about it enough to kick him out of what was once the g8....and yet trump pushing to let him back in.....which has a lot to do with France wanting to start another pact...without the US.....

we were going in to help Ven. because people there starving...sent troops and supplies and etc...….Russia sends troops and tells us to stay out....that was the end of it....

Syria....we pull out leave our allies to die...….who benefits.. Russia...…

we hold up aid for Ukraine unless they do trump a favor....which hurts their fight against Russia....who benefits if they don't have the means to fight...Russia

Middle east a mess the whole world knows it.....and now trump helping the Saudi's get Nukes....we were supporting the gov of Yemen against terrorist's…..and who were those terrorists....the Saudis.....the same people both trump and Kushner have big money ties to so we pull out of that

trump pulling out of paris accord...creating hard feeling against us around the world......who takes up the slack we left...China

trump wants out of NATO......leaving the EU to try and defend the Baltics from Russia....we pull out...they break up...who benefits...Russia

there is so much he does that benefits Russia....some have to see it...….even Pelosi confronted him about it...provoking his meltdown in the white house a while back....he would hate to have all that put together and him end up being tried for treason....which I think it is just a matter of time before it happens anyway...….but right now...that good old American greed...and stupidity keeps him in office
With regard to the Paris Accords consider India and China. Some of India's cities are the most polluted on the planet as seen here:

Some of China's cities are not much better as seen here:

One thing that they both have in common are they both have several cities where people have to go outside wearing masks due to ******* pollution that never appeared in North America where the skies are in a permanent haze of pollution, unlike the clear skies in North America where wearing of masks is only done on occasions for decorative purposes like Hallowe'en and costume parties. The other thing that India and China has in common is that there populations are in the billions.

Therefore why is it that America and Canada has to join such climate agreements and India and China go away unchallenged? Their populations eclipse that of America and Canada combined as well as their pollution counts?
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With regard to the Paris Accords consider India and China. Some of India's cities are the most polluted on the planet as seen here:

Some of China's cities are not much better as seen here:

One thing that they both have in common are they both have several cities where people have to go outside wearing masks due to ******* pollution that never appeared in North America where the skies are in a permanent haze of pollution, unlike the clear skies in North America where wearing of masks is only done on occasions for decorative purposes like Hallowe'en and costume parties. The other thing that India and China has is common is that there populations are in the billions.

Therefore why is it that America and Canada has to join such climate agreements and India and China go away unchallenged? Their populations eclipse that of America and Canada combined as well as their pollution counts?

Yes but unlike the US China is working hard to clean up their act......they say it is effecting the and etc....they are putting a lot of effort into it anyway
U.S. diplomat accuses Giuliani of 'lies' campaign against envoy to Ukraine

WASHINGTON, Nov 7 (Reuters) - A top U.S. diplomat told congressional investigators that President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani conducted a "campaign full of lies" against the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine before she was recalled from her post, according to a transcript of his testimony released on Thursday.
George Kent, a deputy assistant secretary of state, told the Trump impeachment inquiry that he was also subject to attacks by Giuliani but was told to "keep my head down" by a senior State Department official.

Bolton willing to defy White House and testify if court clears the way, according to people familiar with his views

Former national security adviser John Bolton is willing to defy the White House and testify in the House impeachment inquiry about his alarm at the Ukraine pressure campaign if a federal court clears the way, according to people familiar with his views.
Bolton could be a powerful witness for Democrats: Top State Department and national security officials already have testified that he was deeply concerned about efforts by Trump and his allies to push Ukraine to open investigations into a political rival of the president’s while the Trump administration held up military aid to that country

It was the GOP that created this people would come forward and be protected...….and now willing to break their own laws and principals...for what?......the whistleblower testimony is not even needed...enough others have come forward to more than make up for it...but they don't care...trump wants a name...and they are willing to put this mans life at risk to give it to him

Jordan: Republicans Will Subpoena Whistleblower for Public Hearing

Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee Jim Jordan announced Thursday that Republicans plan to subpoena the whistleblower who filed a complaint concerning President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine.

House Democrats, who control the majority on the committees conducting the resulting impeachment probe, are expected to shut down the subpoena request as they have already rejected the idea of the whistleblower testifying in public, citing concern for the anonymous member of the intelligence community’s safety.

The whistleblower complaint expressed concerns about Trump’s July 25th phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, during which Trump asked Zelensky to investigate 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden and his *******’s connections to a Ukrainian gas company. Much-needed U.S. military aid to Ukraine was being held up at the time, prompting speculation of a quid pro quo.

The Trump administration and lawmakers defending the president have made accusations of political bias one of their main defenses against the allegations, arguing that the whistleblower is partisan and not entitled to anonymity.

He is getting off many dollars did he sucker people out of for his foundation...only to have it discovered it was nothing more than a trump family slush fund and used for lawyer fees

Judge orders Trump pay $2 million in lawsuit against Trump ...
3 hours ago · President Donald Trump must pay $2 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that he and his children misused the Trump Foundation for personal gain, a judge ruled. The lawsuit

Trump ordered to pay $2M in settlement over Trump ...
4 hours ago · The New York Supreme Court ordered Trump to pay $2 million in damages as part of a settlement stemming from a June 2018 civil lawsuit filed by the state attorney

Trump to pay $2 million to settle New York civil lawsuit ...
Nov 07, 2019 · A New York state judge ordered President Donald Trump to pay $2 million to a collection of nonprofit organizations in connection with a settlement with the New York state attorney general's

trump will have to give P.utin Ukraine for the money to cover this
Yes but unlike the US China is working hard to clean up their act......they say it is effecting the and etc....they are putting a lot of effort into it anyway
As I said, India apparently is the greatest perpetrator of pollution nowadays and I do not hear about them paying for billions / trillions of rupees for their carbon credits? As you say China is trying to clean up now, but in the past they were heavy polluters as well so they should pay for some retroactive carbon credits too. Once everyone else get on board then we should join afterwards despite not having a multi-billion population like them and I have never heard of any city in North America having their level of pollution either.

And on another level I think it's slightly ironic hearing you defend China @subhub174014 ? In the past you did agree with me with how they are not only stealing America's lunch, but how they are popping the bag in her face as well too.
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As I said, India apparently is the greatest perpetrator of pollution nowadays and I do not hear about them paying for billions / trillions of rupees for their carbon credits? As you say China is trying to clean up now, but in the past they were heavy polluters as well so they should pay for some retroactive carbon credits too. Once everyone else get on board then we should join afterwards despite not having a multi-billion population like them and I have never heard of any city in North America having their level of pollution either.

And on another level I think it's slightly ironic hearing you defend China @subhub174014 ? In the past you did agree with me with how they are not only stealing America's lunch, but how they are popping the bag in her face as well too.

I'm not defending China...not at all....don't care for them....although not really their one ****** those big corps to go there....cutting good paying jobs and lowering the standards of living.....wal mart stocking up on their *******....and people buying it because it is all they can afford.....and in doing so we have created a probably far greater military then we no....have no love for china......but for all their faults...they are smart enough to see what we are doing to the air and trying to clean up their act....whereas trump wants no part of it....and pushed to get coal mining going again....just for one

not a fan of India either....but then again...not really their doing......years ago they literally had no education.....WE went over built schools....paid money for teachers to go over...did everything we could to get their education system they have a better education than our people do...they are getting work visas to come over and take the high paying jobs because we lack the education.....2 years ago they just asked for an increase of another 50,000 to get work visas....but who here cuts the education the people who don't need it can have tax breaks
Democrats discussing multiple articles of impeachment against Trump

House Democrats have considered drafting as many as three articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, as they prepare to take their Ukraine impeachment inquiry public next week after a month of closed-door depositions, according to multiple sources familiar with the deliberations.

No decisions have been made, and what happens will ultimately be shaped by the conclusions and findings of the ongoing impeachment inquiry. In the last two modern impeachment proceedings against Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, the House Judiciary Committee sent three and four articles of impeachment, respectively, to the full chamber for consideration, including articles charging abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and contempt of Congress for defying congressional subpoenas.

Democrats have floated the possibility of charging Trump with abuse of power for efforts to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s family and the 2016 election, as well as obstruction of Congress for the administration’s refusal to comply with subpoenas for records and witness testimony.

They have also weighed an obstruction of justice charge centered on the president’s efforts to obstruct former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Mueller’s findings in the second volume of his report, focused on obstruction, are repeatedly referenced in the report accompanying their resolution laying out the impeachment inquiry.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office declined to comment on the potential articles of impeachment at this stage in the process, and the speaker has not endorsed any number of articles or specifics suggested in the caucus.

Pence aide said Trump's July 25 call with Ukraine was political and not a normal diplomatic call

An aide to Vice President Mike Pence who listened to the call between President Donald Trump and the Ukrainian President told impeachment inquiry investigators on Thursday that she found the conversation to be unusual because it was political in nature, according to two sources familiar with the testimony.

Jennifer Williams, an aide in the vice president's office and a long time State Department staffer, said the phone call did not have the normal tone of a diplomatic call. Williams did not raise concerns about the call with her superiors.

Not trying to piss you off @subhub174014 as I know the issues of American veterans are near and dear to your heart from prior conversations with you, but I am beginning to think our conversations are being spied upon? So far it is still a simple webpage as opposed to a website, but I literally saw the url from just watching it from my Canadian news just now where you might either hate it, laugh your ass off, or both:

Undoubtedly if you have any hacking skills or if you can summon someone to do so, I would think that would be a high priority to remove that from the Internet?
All and I mean ALL of the propaganda that has been expressed on here is about be WORTHLESS. My opinion of Trump is coming true! President Donald John Trump is so much more intelligent than any of his enemies could even know. All this news that all the media is pushing on us is nothing and the totally foolishness that the Democrats are attempting is playing right into Trumps plans to drain the swamp. Watch the back door Democrats, he has been playing your party every step of the way. The bottom is about fall out , but it isn't going to be Trump that falls.
All and I mean ALL of the propaganda that has been expressed on here is about be WORTHLESS. My opinion of Trump is coming true! President Donald John Trump is so much more intelligent than any of his enemies could even know. All this news that all the media is pushing on us is nothing and the totally foolishness that the Democrats are attempting is playing right into Trumps plans to drain the swamp. Watch the back door Democrats, he has been playing your party every step of the way. The bottom is about fall out , but it isn't going to be Trump that falls.
Agreed, Trump is playing the Democrats like Elton John plays a piano. Only thing is that people have to be patient to see that manifest in November 2020. Too bad America does not have early polls that start around now as I would suspect a majority of Americans have solidified their decision about Trump whether they are pro-Trump or anti-Trump. It would be nice to decide all this through any early polls!
Agreed, Trump is playing the Democrats like Elton John plays a piano. Only thing is that people have to be patient to see that manifest in November 2020. Too bad America does not have early polls that start around now as I would suspect a majority of Americans have solidified their decision about Trump whether they are pro-Trump or anti-Trump. It would be nice to decide all this through any early polls!
There is something big going to happen before 2020, Everything the media is pushing is about to blowup in their faces and the democrats are playing right into just what Trump wants, he is playing them like a drum. His plan is to use the Federal courts and his appointing of the federal Judges to destroy the major corruption all the way back to The Deep State and the Obama Administration. They are about the reveal the biggest scandal ever in the History of the United States Government. Don't pay any attention to the Polls, they are just a distraction, what Trump is about to pull off will earn him a complete victory bigger than we can imagine. If you pay attention to his rally speeches he is telling his followers what he is doing.
Not trying to piss you off @subhub174014 as I know the issues of American veterans are near and dear to your heart from prior conversations with you, but I am beginning to think our conversations are being spied upon? So far it is still a simple webpage as opposed to a website, but I literally saw the url from just watching it from my Canadian news just now where you might either hate it, laugh your ass off, or both:

Undoubtedly if you have any hacking skills or if you can summon someone to do so, I would think that would be a high priority to remove that from the Internet?

someone a while back mentioned we were being watched...and they knew it....but so far we are still a country of free speech....but I'm not good enough with these things to know we are being do you know?...I know you dislike anyone talking bad about trump.....and seem to go to any extreme to try and push him and whatever he says....and really get pissed to the point you get c.hildish sometimes in your defense of the man...…and you are intent on trying to do whatever you can to sway the vote.......but like I said....they probably check on anything political....they have that right since 9/11...….and just to throw this in....trump has disgraced about every gov agency we have...….morale so low...…..some of the anti trump posts could even be from them

now as for your trump for vets.....he has already been proven a phoney on that also....first off if you remember right...well you may we had 2 different VA heads a short amount of time....come to find out the VA is actually run by a couple of trumps "friends" at mar a lago….which means there is probably money going into trumps pocket like everything else

Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running ...
Aug 08, 2018 · Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running the V.A. ... shots at the Department of Veterans Affairs since Trump was inaugurated. What the …

The VA is apparently being secretly run by a Mar-a-Lago ...
Aug 08, 2018 · The VA is apparently being secretly run by a Mar-a-Lago shadow triumvirate ... The real power at the VA resides at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump's ... and essentially ****** out

also his supposedly donations to the he said and he promised....never happened

What ever happened to all that money Trump raised for the ...
Mar 03, 2016 · Trump paid off some old debts and paid for one year’s rent on a new office, a total gift worth about $26,200. That was 0.4 percent of the money Trump said he’d raised for veterans.

What ever happened to all that money Trump raised for the ...
Trump paid off some old debts and paid for one year's rent on a new office, a total gift worth about $26,200. That was 0.4 percent of the money Trump said he'd raised for veterans.

but there is more of this and it seems to be picking up steam.....a lot since Syria....and now striping some of medals

Veterans Against Trump - Home | Facebook
Veterans Against Trump
. "The Border Wall" started out as a sound bite, invented by Trump's campaign staff in 2016 as a simple-minded idea to appeal to the bigoted, xenophibic mindless among Republican voters. Now, he's obsessed with completing this childish fantasy, thinking it will assist his re-election.

Military veterans in Congress unload on Trump for ...
US military veterans in Congress sounded off in protest to President Donald Trump's decision to condone an anticipated Turkish assault against the US-supported Kurdish militia in northeastern Syria.

Veterans Against Trump: A Republican White House Aide and ...
Aug 03, 2016 · The back-and-forth inspired a committee of 40 veterans to demand an apology from Trump in a joint letter sent on Monday via the U.S. Postal Service. The group includes Congressman Seth Moulton, Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, founder of the Headstrong project Zach Iscol, along with Gold Star mothers, fathers, and widows.

Veterans, Oppose Donald Trump | National Review
Veterans swore to uphold the law, including treaties such as Geneva Convention and the international Law of Armed Conflict. Trump endorses war crimes such as ******* and deliberate bombing of civilians. Veterans must oppose Trump because they all took an oath in defense of America, the Constitution,...

and he is well known for "shaming" gold star families....look at what he said and did to John McCain....

All those times President Trump dishonored U.S. veterans ...
Oct 23, 2017 · All those times President Trump dishonored U.S. veterans and military service. Donald Trump in August holding a Purple Heart given to him by a veteran at one of his campaign rallies. President Trump is a big fan of the military — except, perhaps, those who have been captured or killed.

Donald Trump Is No Friend to Veterans | The New Republic
Donald Trump Is No Friend to Veterans His hiring freeze has had an impact on former servicemembers, who make up one third of the federal workforce. By Sarah Jones. February 2, 2017

he did do this......but with "friends" running the have to wonder......

Trump signs the largest VA budget ever
Sep 21, 2018 · WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump signed the Department of Veterans Affairs fiscal 2019 budget into law on Friday, giving the department a funding boost of more than 6 percent and pushing the agency’s total spending over $200 billion for the first time.

I know you are a big fan of trump.....and do all you can to promote him and his adjenda….and really get mad when you are proven to be wrong about him...….and I'm sure you spend a lot of time looking for something good he has done......but there isn't anything

he got into office.....not by his supposedly biz sense when all that was proven false....he made big promises on his snakeoil speeches that a lot of people bought...…..but he basically got into office by insulting people and people thought it was funny.....turns out the joke is on them

and I know you do all you can to dispute anything bad on the man....and would love to try and sway the American vote in his favor......which is very confusing since you are not even American...but everything you post to try and influence those with no ability to think or act on their own.....I can do a simple internet search and find a lot of articles where you are wrong...…...there are 2 or 3 on here who really lack the ability to think on their own....and buy anything the right tells them...but they are the minority...…..the guy has done nothing good for this doing all he can to win favor with Russia...and is in it simply for himself!

and did you see where twitter is stopping all campaign adds from being posted....pissed trump off he had a bunch on there.....people are on facebook to do the many false political statements and adds....and that is how Russia made a major sway last time against Hillary
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Agreed, Trump is playing the Democrats like Elton John plays a piano. Only thing is that people have to be patient to see that manifest in November 2020. Too bad America does not have early polls that start around now as I would suspect a majority of Americans have solidified their decision about Trump whether they are pro-Trump or anti-Trump. It would be nice to decide all this through any early polls!

he got elected on insulting people and his lies...…..many at the time liked his brash approach...….but most see it now for what it is and are turned off by it

How Trump's Insults and Lies are Harming America ...
Jan 11, 2019 · How Trump’s Insults and Lies are Harming America. One of the most outrageous and instantly detectable lies he has told was during a speech to soldiers in Iraq on December 26 when he said “you just got one of the biggest pay raises you’ve ever received . . . It’s great.

Trump's most notable insults | TheHill
2016 GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump has been hurling insult after insult on the campaign trail. Trump has let loose on both Democrats and Republicans, rival candidates, lawmakers, journalists and even pop culture icons. He blasted Sen. John McCain (R …

Is America getting tired of Trump's antics? - Quora
No one individual can answer for AMERICA. Speaking for myself only, it is my impression that yes, America is tired of Trump’s antics. With the exception of Breitbart and Fox “news” virtually all mainline news organizations domestic and foreign report on his lies and what he is doing to America.

Editorial: Donald Trump's dishonesty insults Americans and ...
Editorial: Donald Trump's dishonesty insults Americans and makes the world unstable Posted January 30, 2017 A CBC Editorial: Monday, Jan. 30, 2017; Editorial# 8117

Here's A List Of Countries And Leaders Trump Has Insulted ...
Jan 12, 2018 · It’s been a little more than a year since Donald Trump emerged from an election campaign of threats, lies and vitriol as the future president of the United States of America. His victory speech on Nov. 9, 2016, sparked cautious optimism that perhaps his …

Trump’s lies corrode democracy -
Apr 13, 2018 · Of course, many of Trump’s lies are “conventional” lies similar to those that politicians often tell in order to look good or avoid blame.

I'm sick of Donald Trump - Home | Facebook
I'm sick of Donald Trump. 215 likes. This is basically a page for individuals that are sick and tired of Donald Trump and his "crew". Please feel free to...

Americans are truly sick of Donald Trump's crap - Palmer ...
Jun 24, 2019 · While it is clear that Donald Trump cares nothing for rules, norms, or the law, it sometimes appears odd when groups or individuals suddenly choose to speak out against Trump’s ongoing disregard for what made America great in the first place.

Bennet says Americans are "sick and tired" of Trump's ...
Aug 11, 2019 · "I think that people are so sick and tired of waking up in Donald Trump's reality TV show," Bennet said on "Face the Nation." ... our ******* and grandkids and confident that we've situated America

Is America finally getting tired of Donald Trump? — Quartz
Mar 31, 2016 · Is America finally getting tired of Donald Trump? By Tim Fernholz March 31, 2016. Donald Trump’s shtick may be getting old. In Wisconsin, host of the next big Republican primary, …

The Evangelical Case Against Donald Trump - The Christian Post
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. James 1:26 (NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is …

14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump ...
14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump 1. Russell Moore. 2. Denny Burk. 3. Max Lucado. 4. Thabiti Anyabwile. 5. Erick Erickson. 6. Robert P. George. 7. Alan Noble. 8. Eric Teetsel. 9. Owen Strachan. 10. Matthew Lee Anderson.

Christians Supporting Trump Aren't Christians
Aug 16, 2018 · Trump Christians wouldn’t be called Christians by these people, they would be called Romans—and those following Jesus then, wouldn’t recognize people supporting this President now, as their spiritual descendants. There would be no bloodline to trace, no …

10 reasons you can’t be a Christian and vote for Donald Trump
    1. He lacks compassion. The Bible says: "As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe …
    2. He appeals to fear and anger. The Bible says: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out …
    3. He is enamored with "greatness" and ego, but has no concern for "goodness" or service. The Bible …
    4. He lies — a lot. The Bible says: "Beware then of useless grumbling, and keep your tongue from …
    See all full list on

Even Fox News is sick of Donald Trump's crap - Palmer Report
Jun 09, 2019 · Donald Trump can chalk up yet another embarrassing week – flaunting his ignorance during a visit to one of America’s longest and most trusted allies, dishonoring a war hero on the anniversary of D-Day, and nearly crashing the economy with a reckless new trade deal.


Donald Trump Is Conning America With His Lies | Thomas ...
Trump is a toxic blend of Barnum and bully. If you’re a good mark, he’s your best friend. But if you catch on to the con, then he starts to gaslight. Ask him a question and he’ll lie without batting an eye.

10 Things Trump Supporters Are Too Stupid To Realize
Mar 12, 2016 · Donald Trump is the worst kind of idiot there is: a dangerous one. He’s a short-fingered trust-fund baby with a comically absurd hairdo, hell-bent on becoming the president for personal gain, and he’s willing to say whatever stupid people want to hear in order to achieve that goal.

Poll: 60 percent say Trump should not be reelected | TheHill
A new poll finds that a strong majority of voters believes that President Trump does not deserve a second term in office. Poll: 60 percent say Trump should not be reelected | TheHill Skip to main ...

Majority of People Do Not Want Trump to Run for Re ...
Unsurprisingly, a vast majority of Democrats do not want to see a Trump 2020 bid, with just 16 percent backing a run for a second term for the incumbent president.

Most Americans think Trump is a crook - The Washington Post
May 02, 2019 · For starters, it doesn’t necessarily mean that Americans support impeachment. By a 66 percent to 29 percent margin, they do not want to start impeachment.

Most Americans Want Trump Gone, But Not By Impeachment
Aug 28, 2019 · Most Americans Want Trump Gone, But Not By Impeachment ... only 25% of voters support Trump for a second term while 72% want someone new. ... is the fact that a majority of
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