Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Like ******* like *******....P.utin took over the papers after threatening to jail the owner so he flew the country leaving P.utin in control....and now this.....Trump can't do what P.utin has done so he just got everyone believing they are all fake news....and I'm sure if trump could do this also...he would

Putin signs Russian sovereign internet law - CNN
May 01, 2019 · Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed into law new measures that would enable the creation of a national network, able to operate separately from the rest of the world, according to ...

Russia brings in 'sovereign internet' law to cut country ...
A new Russian law allowing President Vladimir Putin 's government to cut the entire country from the rest of the web has officially come into effect. The "sovereign internet" law, which came into...
How's that border wall working out for you?...…..Mmmmm guess maybe all that Russian steele isn't working out....should have bought some more drones like congress told you to!

Smugglers are SAWING through sections of Trump's border wall
5 hours ago · Smuggling gangs in Mexico have continuously sawed through President Trump ’s controversial border wall using every day power tools, according the U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the...

Smuggling Gangs Are Sawing Through New Sections Of Trump's ...
Nov 02, 2019 · Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through brand new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commonly available power tools and have created large enough openings for people and ******* to pass through, according to U.S. border agents and officials with knowledge of the damage.

Smugglers are sawing through new sections of Trump’s ...
Nov 02, 2019 · SAN DIEGO — Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large...
Trump cheered (and booed) at UFC match in New York City ...
8 hours ago · President Donald Trump and UFC president Dana White arrive at Madison Square Garden to attend the UFC 244 mixed martial arts fights, Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019, in New York. (Associated Press)

president donald trump met with mixed reaction at ufc 244 ...
Click to view on Bing


Nov 03, 2019 · President Donald Trump met with mixed reaction at UFC 244, protests outside arena. NEW YORK — It was more positive than the last sporting event he went to. President Donald Trump
well he is nobody.....just a talk show host

but he is right....could happen....doubt it...but could...he has Russia...blackmail...he's crass...should have never made it last time...lost the popular vote by a bunch.....and I think that number will be even higher this time...but will he get re-elected????????
I'm surprised at you @subhub174014 ? I thought you would say that Trump would have to clear himself from impeachment first? But this time around Trump does not really have to campaign as just about everyone has a position about him whether positive or negative.
The flow of demented Dem horseshite flows without end

Even though the Dems have only bozos hoping to the Whitehouse to send

Attack and insult our president they constantly do

Make up one charge after another is their strategy too

They have dogged him since election night 3 years ago

Failure after failure still they do NOT slow

People are sick of their lies and their constant whine

Methinks the election in 2020 will for President Trump end just fine :]
The flow of demented Dem horseshite flows without end

Even though the Dems have only bozos hoping to the Whitehouse to send

Attack and insult our president they constantly do

Make up one charge after another is their strategy too

They have dogged him since election night 3 years ago

Failure after failure still they do NOT slow

People are sick of their lies and their constant whine

Methinks the election in 2020 will for President Trump end just fine :]
The poet! ?????????????????????
The flow of demented Dem horseshite flows without end

Even though the Dems have only bozos hoping to the Whitehouse to send

Attack and insult our president they constantly do

Make up one charge after another is their strategy too

They have dogged him since election night 3 years ago

Failure after failure still they do NOT slow

People are sick of their lies and their constant whine

Methinks the election in 2020 will for President Trump end just fine :]

that's all they teach in retard school
The flow of demented Dem horseshite flows without end

Even though the Dems have only bozos hoping to the Whitehouse to send

Attack and insult our president they constantly do

Make up one charge after another is their strategy too

They have dogged him since election night 3 years ago

Failure after failure still they do NOT slow

People are sick of their lies and their constant whine

Methinks the election in 2020 will for President Trump end just fine :]
that's all they teach in retard school
I guess if you were @blkdlaur's English professor he gets an F on that assignment @subhub174014 ?
The latest on the Trump impeachment inquiry

Trump: "I have the real polls" on impeachment

President Trump dismissed polls that show growing support for impeachment among Americans as “fake,” and “lousy.”

“Well, you’re reading the wrong polls. You’re reading the wrong polls,” the President Told CNN’s Jeremy Diamond on the south lawn of the White House today.

“I have the real polls. I have the real polls,” Trump claimed. “The CNN polls are fake. The FOX polls have always been lousy, I tell them they ought to get themselves a new pollster, but the real polls, and you look at the polls that came out this morning, people don’t want anything to do with impeachment. It’s a phony scam. It’s a hoax. And the whistleblower should be revealed because the whistleblower gave false information.”
The President did not give any more details on what he says are the “real polls.”

Recent polls:
The Fox News poll released this morning found 49% in favor of impeaching and removing the president, 45% were opposed.

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll also released this morning found 49% in favor of impeaching and removing the president, 46% were opposed.

Two polls released last week show Americans divided on the impeachment inquiry. A poll from the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune found that Texas voters were about evenly split over whether Trump should be removed from office before the end of his term. The Washington Post/ABC News poll shows Americans are split along party lines on whether to impeach and remove Trump.

Poll: 60 percent say Trump should not be reelected | TheHill
Despite the desire to elect Trump's replacement in 2020, a majority of voters, 56 percent, say Trump should not be impeached and compelled to leave office, while 39 percent support impeachment and .

Most Americans Want Trump Gone, But Not By Impeachment
Aug 28, 2019 · Of the 59 percent of Americans who said they do not support formal impeachment, 27 percent said it’s because they think Trump has done nothing wrong, according to Monmouth.

Poll: 60 percent say Trump should not be reelected | TheHill
Despite the desire to elect Trump's replacement in 2020, a majority of voters, 56 percent, say Trump should not be impeached and compelled to leave office, while 39 percent support impeachment and ...

is this where blkdlaur tells me what the people want......he must be referring to trump people....
Last edited:
Liar n Chief just keeps getting exposed for what he is...….a fucking phoney on the way out!

AP fact check: Trump on 'crying' IS leader, whistleblower

"The whistleblower gave a very inaccurate report about my phone call. ...The whistleblower should be revealed because the whistleblower gave false stories." — remarks Sunday to reporters.

THE FACTS: The CIA officer's accusations about improper conduct by Trump in his dealings with Ukraine have not been shown to be incorrect. Several key details have actually been corroborated by people with firsthand knowledge of the events who have appeared on Capitol Hill.

For example, the White House account of the July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy showed that the whistleblower had accurately summarized the conversation, as relayed by unidentified U.S. officials, in the complaint sent to the acting director of national intelligence.

TRUMP: "My phone call was perfecto, it was totally appropriate." — remarks Sunday to reporters.

THE FACTS: Trump's argument that his conduct in the phone call was by the book is hard to sustain.

In his phone call, Trump told Zelenskiy "I would like for you to do us a favor, though" and investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, his businessman ******* and Democrats going back to the 2016 U.S. election. Diplomat William Taylor testified last month that Trump directly linked his request for that favor to military aid that he had abruptly suspended to Ukraine.

U.S. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who listened to the call, was so concerned that he rushed to one of the lawyers for the National Security Council to alert them.

As for the call being "perfect," it was actually worrisome enough so that White House lawyers moved a rough transcript of it to a highly secure system where fewer officials would have access to it than is normally the case for conversations between Trump and world leaders.

TRUMP, on IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: "He died whimpering and crying." — interview Thursday with Britain's LBC Radio.

TRUMP: "He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way. ... He died like a dog, he died like a coward. He was whimpering, screaming, and crying." — news conference on Oct. 27.

THE FACTS: His top military leaders don't know what Trump is talking about.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, watched the U.S. military raid with Trump in the Situation Room.

"I don't know what the source of that was," Milley said when asked about whimpering and crying. He offered that Trump might have talked directly to members of the unit, though it is inconceivable that they would not have briefed their commanders, too.

Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command who oversaw the U.S. raid on the Islamic State leader, did not support the commander in chief's story.

"He crawled into a hole with two small children and blew himself up while his people stayed on the grounds," McKenzie said of al-Baghdadi at a Pentagon briefing Wednesday. "I'm not able to confirm anything else about his last seconds."

Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who also was in the Situation Room, demurred when asked about Trump's comments. "I don't have those details," he said on ABC's "This Week."

White House officials have declined to say how the president got his information about al-Baghdadi's alleged last moments' meltdown.

Al-Baghdadi died during the raid in Syria after he detonated a suicide vest.

TRUMP ad: "President Trump is changing Washington ... cutting illegal immigration in half ..." — reelection ad shown Wednesday during Game 7 of the World Series.

THE FACTS: That's a distortion. The claim is based on a three-month data snapshot that ignores a spike in border arrests earlier in the year. Border arrests are down only about 10% from President Barack Obama's last month in office.

The ad features shots of Trump shaking hands with Border Patrol agents and cites "Fox News, 9/10/19" as the source for the claim.

In that Fox News interview, Ken Cuccinelli, acting director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said border arrests dropped by more than 50% from May to August, the latest data available at that time.

It's true that arrests and denials of entry along the Mexico border plunged from 144,116 in May to 52,546 in September, a 64% drop. But border arrests had soared to a 13-year monthly high in May. Measuring from Obama's last full month in office, the latest monthly tally in September was down only 10%. December 2016 was a high number for Obama's presidency as people rushed to cross the border before Trump's inauguration.

On top of that, border arrests are a flawed gauge of illegal immigration. It may be impossible to know how many people escaped capture, but the Border Patrol estimates 20% eluded arrest in the 2018 calendar year.

Also, an estimated 40% of people in the country illegally arrived legally and overstayed their visas. Border arrests don't take them into account. So the ad rests on partial accounting and misleading figures.

TRUMP: "We did keep the oil, if you don't mind. We kept the oil. And we'll distribute that oil, we'll help out the Kurds, we'll help out other people. We'll also help out ourselves." — Mississippi rally on Friday.

THE FACTS: It is by law Syria's oil.

Trump says he intends to keep a small number of U.S. troops in the oil-producing region of eastern Syria so that the Islamic State group or someone else cannot take control of the oilfields and use them to generate revenue, such as through oil smuggling.

White House officials have declined to explain what Trump means by keeping the oil. Pentagon officials have said privately they've been given no order to take ownership of any element of Syria's oil resources, including the wells and stored crude.

Ex-evangelical pastor says supporting Trump has been 'damaging' to church

Former megachurch pastor and evangelical author Joshua Harris said in a recent interview that he believes some of the massive support President Trump has enjoyed from the evangelical community has been "incredibly damaging to the Gospel and to the church."

Harris, an influential evangelical teacher and writer during the late 1990s and up until he announced he'd abandoned his faith earlier this year, added that having "a leader like Trump I think is in itself part of the indictment" of Christians.

Evangelicals have been staunch supporters of Trump since his 2016 election, with his job approval higher than average among white evangelical Christians throughout the three years of his presidency, according to Pew Research Center data. In a poll earlier this fall conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, about 77 percent of evangelicals approve of the president's job performance, compared to an average 43 percent in other polls.

But Harris told Axios's Mike Allen that he's concerned about the end result of the church becoming "identified with President Trump."
"I don't think it's going to end well," Harris said in a clip of an interview on "Axios on HBO" released Monday.

"And I think, you know, you look back at the Old Testament and the relationship between the prophets and really bad leaders and kings, and oftentimes it was, it's not something you unwind because it's, it's actually in the scriptures presented as God's judgment on the False Religion of the day," Harris said.

You think Christians today who are embracing President Trump are due for a judgment?" Allen asked.
"I think it is the judgment," Harris responded. "I think it is part of the judgment."

"What do you mean by that?" Allen asked.

"To have a leader like Trump I think is in itself part of the indictment, that this is the leader that you want and maybe deserve," Harris answered. "That represents a lot of who you are."

Harris, who served as the senior pastor at the Covenant Life megachurch Gaithersburg, Md., for more than a decade before
megachurch Gaithersburg, Md., for more than a decade before resigning from his post in 2015 amid controversy over the church's handling of a baby sexual abuse scandal, rose to prominence shortly after the 1997 publication of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" at age 21. The book was once highly influential to evangelical youth group teaching.
Despite the book's huge success in the '90s, Harris raised eyebrows last year after he said he "no longer" agreed "with its central idea that dating should be avoided" after reevaluating the book.

"There are other weaknesses too: in an effort to set a high standard, the book emphasized practices (not dating, not kissing before marriage) and concepts (giving your heart away) that are not in the Bible," he continued. "In trying to warn people of the potential pitfalls of dating, it instilled fear for some-fear of making mistakes or having their heart broken."
