Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump Twists Impeachment Polls

A number of national polls show more Americans want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office than those who don’t. In swing states, however, a majority opposes removing Trump from office via impeachment, even as a majority supports moving forward with the impeachment inquiry.

Those are the polling statistics that Trump twisted over the weekend when he accused the media of “reading the wrong polls” and said that “people don’t want anything to do with impeachment.”

Just shows when it comes to corruption Trump has to have his hands in the pot also......he is willing to use any means to keep the presidency......and he is willing to let Russia have the country if that is how it ends up

The Giuliani problem’ and other takeaways from diplomats’ impeachment testimony

WASHINGTON — Kurt Volker knew by early July that he and other Trump administration officials had a problem. More precisely, he realized “there’s a Giuliani problem here.”

That is what the former U.S. special envoy to Ukraine told the House panels leading Democrats’ impeachment inquiry just weeks ago, referring to Rudolph Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney. The former U.S. attorney and New York City mayor is at the forefront of testimony that Volker and Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union, gave the House committees. Giuliani’s name comes up over and over, with both officials raising concerns about his role in American diplomacy despite having no government position.

Transcripts of their hours before lawmakers also reveal officials’ concern about a confusion about U.S. policy toward Ukraine, senior administration officials competing against one another and how Giuliani’s sway with Trump pushed his boss into a predicament that could make him just the third sitting president to be impeached by the House.

Here are three takeaways about the Trump White House from the Volker and Sondland transcripts.

The ‘Giuliani factor’
Volker told lawmakers that earlier this year he “could see we have a problem” in the form of a “negative feed” about Ukraine and its new president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, which he had concluded was coming through Giuliani.

That “feed” led directly to Trump. It was, he said under oath, “reinforcing a negative perception of the president,” referring to Zelenskiy.

Volker testified that he tried setting up more regular communications with Giuliani in an attempt to get the administration’s Ukraine policy “in the box.” But, he and Sondland made clear to the committees, they failed to do so. The two, and others, were unable to overcome what Volker described as Trump’s “long-standing” skepticism of Ukraine.

Asked by Foreign Affairs Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania if that skepticism existed before Giuliani might have imparted some of his opinions on Trump, Volker replied: “Well, what I can say is that when I briefed the President and then participated in his meeting with (former Ukraine) President Poroshenko in September 2017, it was already clear then that he had a very skeptical view of Ukraine.”

The testimony shows just how weary U.S. diplomats were of Giuliani — and how they treated him like something of a pariah. To that end, Volker let the panels know he “met Mr. Giuliani in person only once, at a reception at which I briefly shook his hand in 2015,” and only learned Trump wanted Ukraine matters to flow through his personal lawyer in May, and then only had “two or three” telephone conversations with him after that.

When Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., asked Sondland if it is “a reasonable position” for any sitting president of the United States to look into what he allegedly thought were legitimate acts of corruption by former Vice President Joe Biden and ******* Hunter Biden in Ukraine, Sondland resisted taking a position. But he notably did not endorse Giuliani’s involvement.

“I can’t express an opinion on that. I don’t know legally if the president has the right to do that. Again, I’m not a lawyer. I think that’s really between the president and his, you know, the electorate, as to whether the voters think that that’s proper or not.”

So concerned was Volker about Giuliani having Trump’s attention about Ukraine that he once pulled aside Zelenskiy and a top aide during a reception to explain what he once called “the Giuliani factor.”

“I explained that I thought … there is a negative narrative about Ukraine that is counteracting all the good things that he is doing, and that we are officially communicating back, and that this is being amplified by Rudy Giuliani,” he said under oath.

Ultimately, however, Volker and Sondland decided to play ball with the president’s arrangement — but both claim to have steered clear of “Rudy.”

West Wing war

The transcripts are merely the latest descriptions of a West Wing and administration in which senior officials are secretive with one another about their true policy views — and jockeying for position to get theirs into Trump’s mind as key decisions are nearing deadlines.

Sondland described harmony between U.S. diplomats in Ukraine and Brussels and the White House National Security Council about how they were engaging Zelenskiy, who ran as an anti-corruption reformer. It was only months after those efforts began that Sondland realized there was a problem.

“I understood following the meeting, as reflected in the summary of a phone call the next day between (Energy) Secretary (Rick) Perry and Ambassador (John) Bolton, that there was a difference of opinion between Secretary Perry, Ambassador Volker and myself, on the one hand, and the NSC on the other,” he testified. (Bolton was then Trump’s national security adviser.)

“We three favored promptly scheduling a call and meeting between Presidents Trump and Zelenskiy; the NSC did not,” Sondland told lawmakers. But Bolton and other top NSC officials never informed the diplomats that they “harbored any misgivings about the propriety of what we were doing.

But it wasn’t just with one another that the Trump officials were battling, further muddying the administration’s Ukraine efforts.

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Who’s in charge?

The Volker and Sondland transcripts paint a portrait of a White House and administration in which key players lacked a grasp of who was in charge of Ukraine policy.

Both witnesses said they knew Trump had put out word at a May 23 meeting that Giuliani should be the conduit, but their testimony showed neither sought him out for guidance or directions.

Asked by Daniel Goldman, director of investigations for House Intelligence Committee Democrats, whether he tried to learn more about the former New York mayor’s misgivings about Ukraine, Sondland replied, “No.”

“I let the others work on it and I went back and worked on other things, because Volker and Perry were the ones who reached out to Giuliani,” he said as Goldman persisted.

“That wasn’t my question. My question is not whether you reached out to Mr. Giuliani. My question is whether you took it upon yourself in any way to figure out what Rudy Giuliani’s concerns about Ukraine were?” Goldman asked.

Sondland deflected blame for the situation to his colleagues.

“I got the information through Ambassador Volker, and he said that Mr. Giuliani was concerned about corruption, which we were also concerned about,” he said. “We had our meeting. They went off to deal with Giuliani. I went back to doing my thing.”

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looks like the trump elevator is leaving the penthouse....and going down

Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

AP sources: State Dept. worried about defending ambassador

WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department's third-ranking official is expected to tell Congress that political considerations were behind the agency's refusal to deliver a robust defense of the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.

People familiar with the matter say the highest-ranking career diplomat in the foreign service, David Hale, plans to tell congressional impeachment investigators on Wednesday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other senior officials determined that defending Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch would hurt the effort to free up U.S. military assistance to Ukraine.

trump soon to have the military hating him also.....although he lost a lot of respect from them in this....just creating more anti-trump voters

Senior military officers rebel against Trump plan to ...*******-war...
May 22, 2019 · Senior military officers rebel against Trump plan to pardon troops accused of war crimes From left, Navy Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher, Army 1st Lt. Michael Behenna and Army

Trump Orders Navy to Strip Medals From Prosecutors in War ...
Jul 31, 2019 · WASHINGTON — President Trump intervened Tuesday once again on behalf of a Navy SEAL who was charged but acquitted of war crimes in the death of a captured Islamic State fighter in Iraq

and then this...……………….

Trump Is Openly Talking About Committing a War Crime
9 days ago · Trump isn’t just talking about defending the oil, he is openly talking about taking it, which is a war crime. Support Nonprofit Journalism If you enjoyed this article, consider making a donation ...
And the beat goes on...……...more shoes to drop yet once they see that long jail term....expect to see Manafort soon want to make a deal

Stone Trial Links Trump More Closely to 2016 Effort to Obtain Stolen Emails

WASHINGTON — President Trump was more personally involved in his campaign’s effort to obtain Democratic emails stolen by Russian operatives in 2016 than was previously known, phone records introduced in federal court on Wednesday suggested.

of is a no win....and a lot of bad PR

Facing Investigation, Giuliani Needed a Lawyer, but Firms Stayed Away

President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, said on Wednesday that he had assembled a legal team to represent him in the criminal investigation into his activities related to Ukraine, an announcement that came after weeks of sputtered attempts to find a lawyer willing to take him on as a client.
