Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Nope taint a whine - Tis a statement o fact - I’m done with your pathetic party - it SUX - party o sore LOSERS!!!!!

you never gave any indication you were anything but a trumptard….a dyeing breed actually

Support for Trump's Impeachment Is Only Growing - Truthdig
Every MOC should be on the record in support of an impeachment inquiry and a fair and open impeachment trial in the Senate. ... Support for Trump's Impeachment Is Only Growing.

Impeachment Polls Show a Steady Rise in Support - The New ...
Oct 01, 2019 · Support for removing President Trump from office has leapt since Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened an impeachment inquiry against him, but his Republican backers appear …
News on Trump Impeachment: Latest Updates & Reaction ...
on Trump Impeachment. Latest updates from Capitol Hill and the White House. ... Former and current officials are providing lurid testimony on Capitol Hill in defiance of White House orders.

Top NSC Russia official confirms key testimony linking Trump to quid pro quo
Tim Morrison, however, was careful not to directly criticize the president's actions.

10/31/2019 10:34 AM EDT
Updated 10/31/2019 04:48 PM EDT

President Donald Trump’s top Russia aide on Thursday corroborated aspects of a key U.S. diplomat’s testimony connecting the president to a quid pro quo with Ukraine, according to people familiar with the aide’s testimony to House impeachment investigators.

Timothy Morrison, the Europe and Russia chief for the National Security Council, was cited more than a dozen times in William Taylor’s opening statement to investigators last week. Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, said Morrison told him that Trump sought to withhold military aid to Ukraine and refuse a White House meeting with the country’s president until it launched investigations into Trump’s political rivals. Morrison, who testified for more than eight hours behind closed doors, confirmed Taylor’s account of those conversations.

MORE BRIBERY? It's the trump way.....

Trump lures GOP senators on impeachment with cold cash
The president is tapping his vast donor network to buck up lawmakers whose support he badly needs — but who also need him.

10/31/2019 05:00 AM EDT

President Donald Trump is rewarding senators who have his back on impeachment — and sending a message to those who don't to get on board.

Trump is tapping his vast fundraising network for a handful of loyal senators facing tough reelection bids in 2020. Each of them has signed onto a Republican-backed resolution condemning the inquiry as “unprecedented and undemocratic.”

After McConnell advice, Trump lays off GOP senators on impeachment
The president’s team is betting that the cult of his personality and the power of his prolific Twitter feed will be enough to keep senators on his side.

10/30/2019 07:05 PM EDT

Sitting inside the White House, Mitch McConnell gave Donald Trump some straightforward advice: Stop attacking senators — including Mitt Romney — who likely will soon judge your fate in an impeachment trial.

The one-on-one meeting last week between the Senate majority leader and the president covered several weighty issues including Syria, according to two people familiar with the conversation. But like everything these days when it comes to Trump, impeachment was high on the president’s mind.

John Bolton scheduled to testify in impeachment inquiry
It's unclear if he'll appear at the deposition.

10/30/2019 04:06 PM EDT
Updated 10/30/2019 07:12 PM EDT

House impeachment investigators have asked former national security adviser John Bolton and two key White House lawyers to testify next week as part of the inquiry, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Bolton is scheduled to be deposed on Nov. 7, while National Security Council attorneys John Eisenberg and Michael Ellis are slated to appear on Nov. 4, the source said. It was not immediately clear whether they plan to appear for testimony.

Testimony: Nunes acolyte misrepresented himself to Trump as Ukraine expert
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman also testified on Tuesday that the National Security Council staffer, Kash Patel, fed the president disinformation about Ukraine.

10/30/2019 01:00 PM EDT

The decorated Army officer who testified to House investigators on Tuesday told lawmakers that a close associate of Republican Rep. Devin Nunes “misrepresented” himself to President Donald Trump in an effort to involve himself further in Ukraine policy, according to two people familiar with his closed-door deposition.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the National Security Council’s top Ukraine expert, told lawmakers that after attending Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s inauguration in May as part of a delegation led by Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Vindman had been looking forward to debriefing Trump and giving a positive account of Zelensky’s vision for Ukraine’s future.

State Dept. officials offer new details about Trump’s shadow diplomacy with Ukraine
Catherine Croft also testified that lobbyist Robert Livingston pushed to get the ambassador to Ukraine fired.

10/30/2019 09:21 AM EDT
Updated 10/30/2019 01:13 PM EDT

Two veteran foreign service officers revealed new details to House impeachment investigators on Wednesday about the unconventional efforts by President Donald Trump’s associates to influence U.S. policy toward Ukraine, according to copies of their opening statements obtained by POLITICO.

Catherine Croft and Christopher Anderson, State Department officials who served as senior advisers on Ukraine, described to investigators the unusual intrusion into U.S. foreign policy by Trump-aligned consultants, including his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Robert Livingston, a lobbyist and former GOP congressman.
Ravings of a demented Dem drone - direct from Dem propaganda sources - MSM

Latest on your precious “whistleblower” is that he is a Brennan plant and Biden supporter - the Dems bullshite game is STRONG !!!!!
...more of you just sucking up whatever trump tells you instead of thinking on your own....I'm sure you just sit at night and wait for more of his twitter feeds so you know how to are such a good trump puppet
what you trumpies fail to see...or just don't care...…..trump gave Syria to Russia...….trump gave Venezuela to Russia...…..this phone call.....he either got money and campaign help from another country........or without the aid....Russia takes them also.....either way it is a win win for trump and russia
what you trumpies fail to see...or just don't care...…..trump gave Syria to Russia...….trump gave Venezuela to Russia...…..this phone call.....he either got money and campaign help from another country........or without the aid....Russia takes them also.....either way it is a win win for trump and russia
he promised to pull out and then did imagine that
he promised to pull out and then did imagine that

well imagine this...he is going to bring them all home....then send 15,000 to Saudi.....and then turns around and sends them back in ...just to protect the of the country goes to Russia...….tell me just how that is any kind of pull out.....seems to me that at least a 15,000 increase

it is all about what is best for he and his.....and russia
well imagine this...he is going to bring them all home....then send 15,000 to Saudi.....and then turns around and sends them back in ...just to protect the of the country goes to Russia...….tell me just how that is any kind of pull out.....seems to me that at least a 15,000 increase

it is all about what is best for he and his.....and russia
Let someone else run these countries focus on us
Let someone else run these countries focus on us

to late....we poked a stick in a hornets nest....and now they are everywhere

the black wasp you just knock out of the air and step on...or spray and *******...…....the red wasp......….little different ….it will circle around and get you...the spray doesn't work on them very well....hard to ******* without getting stung

these people been hating and killing for hundreds of years...just the way it we stuck our nose in..(Iraq)….and now gave them someone new to hate

now it is basically self preservation....and we are going to end up losing some of our freedoms here trying to get the ones that are recently they just found a cell of them here......and you know there are more
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List of unsuccessful terrorist plots in the United States ...
Jump to navigation Jump to search. The following is a list of unsuccessful alleged terrorist plots in the Post-9/11 United States. After the initiation of the War on Terrorism following the attacks of September 11, 2001, several terrorist plots aimed at civilian and military targets have failed to succeed.

Massive Network Of ISIS Sleeper Cells Spanning United ...

  • Abstract
  • I. Training Camps
  • II. Using Mosques as Centers For Radicalization
  • III. Smuggling Syria Veterans and Command Figures Into The Us
  • IV. Radicalizing Black American Youth

  • The director of the FBI, James Comey, has stated that ISIS now has a presence in all 50 of the United States:ABC 7 News Chicago: presence varies in its form from state to state. It exists in the form of smaller cells attached to mosques run by radicalized imams, paramilitary groups operating out of compounds throughout the US, reinforced by veterans and command figures from ISIS’ Syria theater and bolstered by recruits from American minority communities. If all th...

Terrorist training camp found in Alabama, report states ...
Sinclair Broadcast Group, which owns Birmingham’s ABC 33/40, reported yesterday that land in Alabama has been linked to a terrorist training camp in New Mexico where malnourished children …

Terrorist attacks and related incidents in the United States
Aug 17, 2019 · Terrorist attacks and related incidents in the United States complied by Wm. Robert Johnston last updated 17 August 2019 Note: table includes terrorist events causing fatalities, incidents involving unconventional weapons, politically-motivated murders, and other incidents of political or methodological significance.

How U.S. Intelligence Misjudged the Growing Threat Behind ...
Sep 10, 2019 · Throughout the 1990s, bin Laden, Sheikh Mohammad and others funded and set up terrorist-training centers in the Middle East and Africa, as well as cells to train

Iranian-Backed 'Sleeper Cell' Militants Hibernating in U.S ...
Apr 17, 2018 · Iranian-backed militants are operating across the United States mostly unfettered, raising concerns in Congress and among regional experts that these …
to late....we poked a stick in a hornets nest....and now they are everywhere

the black wasp you just knock out of the air and step on...or spray and *******...…....the red wasp......….little different ….it will circle around and get you...the spray doesn't work on them very well....hard to ******* without getting stung

these people been hating and killing for hundreds of years...just the way it we stuck our nose in..(Iraq)….and now gave them someone new to hate

now it is basically self preservation....and we are going to end up losing some of our freedoms here trying to get the ones that are recently they just found a cell of them here......and you know there are more
they hated us long before that if we stayed youd bitch we go you bitch i see one constant
His is not the only administration we are talking about you just like to single him out

I singled him out because of what he did to our allies the Kurds and the message that sends to the rest of our allies....he never did have plans on bringing the troops was all about giving syria to two countries he has money ties to.....

Bush the one that did the right thing......he pushed Iraq out of Kuwait....and then left some troops in Kuwait and brought the rest home......Clinton did not get involved and let the staus quo be.......but Cheney...being a typical republican...saw money there and talked Bush Jr into convincing the world Saddam had to be was discovered until later...after haliburton made millions on all of that ..Cheney had ties to matter how evil and etc...and we have turned our head on others worse..Turkey for instance.....saddam did keep Iran at everything a mess.....and iran slowly but surely working a take over in iraq.............and more on YOUR man....with all the ******* going on over there...we have to support pakistan because they have Nukes....we can not let Isis or someone get ahold of those.......and now your man is helping the saudis get them also.......and the saudis have never really been our friends....remember 911?.......but trump and cuckner both have money ties over there......just like with cheney and haliburton....the right is more than willing to sell this country out for a buck!