Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

They licked his shoes for 8 years but the guy still had the nerve to whine about Fox news. Would have been interesting to see what he would have done dealing with what Trump has had to deal with.

again....for the past few days I have posted more than enough articles to show.....Trump has had it easy....even with all his corruption....I don't recall the left picking on his ******* (the minor one) and his wife...nor making anywhere near the derogatory comments to him that Obama had to endure...go back a few pages on this thread...I posted more than like I also said back....have no sympathy for him at all......besides he is a crook and a con man playing on the weak minded
Tell that to the Patriots !!!!!!! :}

YUK!.....see Mr. perfect had his jersey stolen again

but you being an east coaster....probably your hero
I used to live in Midwest and was bears/chiefs....still am although that makes me an odd ball down here...…you ain't ******* unless you got a cowboy star'm for whomever is playing the cowboys!.
Just sayin - for a few games our D scored more’n our offense - contributed mightily to offense’s points scored in every game - our D is winning games :}
Just sayin - for a few games our D scored more’n our offense - contributed mightily to offense’s points scored in every game - our D is winning games :}

don't watch them unless I have to....but unless they are doing a lot of interceptions....and haven't read about it....or a lot of touchbacks...didn't read that either.....all they are doing is slowing down the competitions offense...which is a lot....which means Brady doesn't have to do much because defense has slowed down the other team.....just never did like Brady....and have no real reason....but or whatever....I always root for a midwestern team and am usually anti "coast" either side
now back to the topic at hand....not looking good for trump....but trump and the right doing what they did when trump was running the first time...slander and belittle decorated war heros to get what he wants.....and I see that didn't sit well with several republicans....he keeps using this scorched earth policy to defend himself....he is going to get burned...sooner or later......and starting to look like sooner
Onward President Donald Trump 2020

Hope so....straight to prison......eventually his Mcarthy tactics will catch up with him and his.....anyone who doesn't think trump should get to do anything he wants....from line his own pockets to keep himself in a traitor or guilty of espionage....some of those got the "chair"
Sub they are all crooks, whether Trump is or not. We will see what happens. I still think he is safe and will win again.

well there is no such thing as an honest politician...…….but way to much on trump right from the start with his foundation...campaign finances....the millions coming up missing from his inauguration...his lies about the ******* running the biz....his lies about not having any dealings with Russia....his own sons stating they had a blank check when it came to money from Russia....his giving Venezuala to the Russians after he pledge needed aid....his support for the Saudi's......his treatment of Turkey and Russia....the tax deal he created....several of the laws he has passed......his corrupt administration....letting his ******* be involved when all just like him have biz deals world wide....Ivanka claimed to have given up her china clothing line...and yet a couple months ago China just granted 5 new lic to her...virtually un heard of....******* I could go on and on....there is not one good thing about this guy nor one honest bone in his body!
about to get a lot hotter....already is...but...

Top Trump adviser next in impeachment hearing hot seat

WASHINGTON (AP) — A top adviser to President Donald Trump on Russia and Europe is resigning on the eve of his testimony in the House's impeachment probe.

A senior administration official says Tim Morrison, a National Security Council official, "has decided to pursue other opportunities." The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, adds that Morrison has been considering leaving the administration for "some time."

Morrison is set to face lawmakers Thursday morning. He was one of the officials listening in on Trump's July call with the president of Ukraine.

He has been a central figure in other testimony about Trump's decision to withhold military assistance to Ukraine, as well as efforts by the president and his allies to pressure Ukraine to investigate Trump's political rivals.

EARLIER: WASHINGTON (AP) — Tim Morrison owes his job at the National Security Council to President Donald Trump. But on Thursday, Morrison's testimony in the House impeachment inquiry might be central to a push to remove the president from office.

Morrison, tall and lean with an authoritative voice, will be asked to explain that "sinking feeling" he got when Trump demanded that Ukraine's president investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and meddling in the 2016 election.

Morrison, who is in his 40s, is a political appointee in the Trump White House, brought on board by former national security adviser John Bolton to address arms control matters and later shifted into his current role as a top Russia and Europe adviser. It was there that he stepped into the thick of an in-house squabble about the activities of Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal attorney who had been conversing with Ukrainian leaders outside of traditional U.S. diplomatic circles.

Known as a "hawk" in national security circles, Morrison is set to be the first political appointee from the White House to testify before impeachment investigators. He'll be navigating between his allegiance to Trump and cooperation with a probe denounced by the president, who has directed his staff not to testify.

Regardless of what he says, GOP lawmakers will be hard-pressed to dismiss Morrison, formerly a longtime Republican staffer at the House Armed Services Committee. He's been bouncing around Washington in Republican positions for two decades, having worked for Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn., Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and as a GOP senior staffer on the House Armed Services Committee, including nearly four years when it was chaired by Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas.

Morrison's name appeared more than a dozen times in earlier testimony by William Taylor, the acting U.S. ambassador in Ukraine, who told impeachment investigators that Trump was withholding military aid unless the new Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, went public with a promise to investigate Trump's political rival Joe Biden and his ******* Hunter. Taylor's testimony contradicts Trump's repeated denials that there was any quid pro quo.

Taylor said Morrison recounted a conversation that Gordon Sondland, America's ambassador to the European Union, had with a top aide to Zelenskiy named Andriy Yermak. Taylor said Morrison told him security assistance would not materialize until Zelenskiy committed to investigate Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company that once employed Biden's *******. A White House meeting for Zelenskiy also was in play.

"I was alarmed by what Mr. Morrison told me about the Sondland-Yermak conversation," Taylor testified. "This was the first time I had heard that the security assistance — not just the White House meeting — was conditioned on the investigations."

Taylor testified that Morrison told him he had a "sinking feeling" after learning about a Sept. 7 conversation Sondland had with Trump.

"According to Mr. Morrison, President Trump told Ambassador Sondland that he was not asking for a quid pro quo," Taylor testified. "But President Trump did insist that President Zelenskiy go to a microphone and say he is opening investigations of Biden and 2016 election interference, and that President Zelenskiy should want to do this himself. Mr. Morrison said that he told Ambassador Bolton and the NSC lawyers of this phone call between President Trump and Ambassador Sondland."

Morrison told people after Bolton was ****** out of his job that the national security adviser had tried to stop Giuliani's diplomatic dealings with Ukraine and that Morrison agreed, according to a U.S. official, who was not authorized to discuss Morrison's role in the impeachment inquiry and spoke only on condition of anonymity. The official said Morrison told people that with the appointment of Robert O'Brien as Bolton's successor, his own future work at the NSC was in a "holding pattern."

Bolton had brought Morrison into the NSC in July 2018 as senior director for weapons of mass destruction and biodefence. He's known as an arms control expert or an arms treaty saboteur, depending on who you ask.

Morrison, who earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Minnesota and a law degree from George Washington University, keeps nuclear strategist Herman Kahn's seminal volume on thermonuclear warfare on a table in his office.

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, said Bolton and Morrison are likeminded. Kimball said both have been known for calling up GOP congressional offices warning them against saying anything about arms control that didn't align with their views.

Just as John Bolton reportedly did, I would be shocked if Morrison did not regard Giuliani's activities as being out of bounds," said Kimball, who has been on opposite sides of arms control debates with Morrison for more than a decade.
Bolton called to testify in House impeachment inquiry

WASHINGTON (AP) — House investigators are summoning top Trump officials, including former national security adviser John Bolton, to testify next week as the impeachment probe pushes ever deeper into the White House.

Text - H.Res.13 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Impeaching ...
RESOLUTION Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors. Resolved, That Donald John Trump, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following article of impeachment be exhibited to …

H. RES. 13

Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.


January 3, 2019

Mr. Sherman (for himself and Mr. Green of Texas) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Resolved, That Donald John Trump, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following article of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate:

Article of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States of America in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America, against Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, in maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors.

In his conduct while President of the United States, Donald John Trump, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice during a Federal investigation in that:

Knowing that Federal law enforcement authorities were investigating possible criminal law violations of his former National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn and knowing that Federal law enforcement authorities were conducting one or more investigations into Russian state interference in the 2016 campaign for President of the United States, and that such investigation(s) included the conduct of his campaign personnel and associates acting on behalf of the campaign, to include the possible collusion by those individuals with the Russian government, Donald John Trump sought to use his authority to hinder and cause the termination of such investigation(s) including through threatening, and then terminating, James Comey, who was until such termination the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The pattern of behavior leading to the conclusion that he sought to cause the hindrance or termination of said investigation(s) include the following:

(1) Requesting that the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation curtail the investigation of the activities of General Michael Flynn under circumstances wherein it appeared that Director Comey might be terminated if he failed to adhere to such request.

(2) Making a determination to terminate the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and only thereafter requesting that the Deputy Attorney General provide him with a memorandum detailing inadequacies in the Director’s performance of his duties.

(3) Despite offering differing rationales for the termination of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, admitted subsequently that the main reason for the termination was that the Director would not close or alter the investigation of matters related to the involvement of Russia in the 2016 campaign for President of the United States.

(4) Stated that, once he had terminated the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the pressure of said investigation had been significantly reduced.

In all of this, Donald John Trump has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Wherefore, Donald John Trump, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office.

Go Trump