Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Despite being a Canadian I once legally worked in your belovéd country with a legal work visa from College and University, in Minnesota, several years ago. Back then some of the engineers whom I worked with claimed they were hunters as well and they loved to hunt venison. I never went out with them but they clearly knew their craft well as they were very descriptive about their outings and enjoyed it thoroughly.

been to minn a lot......never deer hunted....but have done a lot of fishing there....good "outdoor" state....but then so is Okl….but the deer down here are not corn fed so don't get near as for fishing...I have fished in a lot of Midwest states....was supposed to go try Canada this year....but understand you guys have pretty stringent requirements on the boats....and I have a shaft seal leaking some...nothing serious....but enough to not let my boat into Canada...neighbor has a new one....but when I was free he wasn't and when he was free I wasn't so we didn't make it.....although Canada lets you ...well actually the US also...lets you bring very little across the border

work was wanting to cut heads and was offering an early out for I took it with a nice separation check....went out and bought me a new boat!.....then work calls and they are going to lose a couple of big accounts if I I agreed to just the two and still do them from home on a work computer....but got me a new boat out of it....and still having a place built on Table Rock Lake......although I am really taking a fucking on that....was supposed to be done this summer! and have paid through the nose so far with not a lot to show
the guy just is not liked

Donald Trump booed by fans at World Series Game 5
8 hours ago · President Donald Trump was booed loudly and met with a chant of “lock him up” Sunday night when he was announced as a special guest at Game 5 of the World Series at Nationals Park. The 45th U

World Series: Trump booed by Nationals fans; crowd chants ...
Oct 27, 2019 · Trump, who did not arrive in time for the national anthem or first pitch, was shown on the videoboard ahead of the fourth inning during a Salute to Veterans in-game segment. The crowd

Trump Loudly Booed At World Series -
7 hours ago · USA Today : “Trump, who did not arrive in time for the national anthem or first pitch, was shown on the videoboard ahead of the fourth inning during a Salute to Veterans in-game segment. The crowd immediately responded by booing Trump loudly.” “After initially boing Trump, the crowd continued into a ‘ lock him up ‘ chant.”
the guy still has not changed and it's all about who he considers more important......said he wanted to thank a few would have thought the first would have been OUR troops and second our intelligence agencies.....instead the very first one RUSSIA....the second Turkey then Syria and Iraq....guess our people was further down the list.....and then he never did tell the democrats until the next day.....just pushes more hate and division....the crowd in texas summed it up with the chant to "LOCK HIM UP"
Washington DC is a bastion of lefties don’t mean nothing.

Russia on the brain is a terrible thing - poor Subhub hope taint terminal.

The way the media skews everything to the left not surprised by the reaction - the truth eventually catches up.


The left just needs to take a massive DUMP

They’re so fulla shite they’re gonna explode

The truth and President Trump gonna run over them like a squashed in the road toad.
Mary Anne Marsh: The walls are closing in on President Trump
By Mary Anne Marsh | Fox News
“If we were confident the president did not commit a crime we would have said so,” Special Counsel Robert Mueller said at a May press conference after releasing his eponymous report. Now, we may find out what Mueller was talking about.

On Friday, as Trump and Republicans continued to attack the impeachment inquiry by House Democrats, Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., issued a decision that may have sealed Trump's fate. Howell ruled that the Department of Justice must provide Congress with the unredacted version of the Mueller report as well as the grand jury testimony and related materials. The unredacted information disclosed in the report could answer what did Trump know and when did he know it.

The Right might likes this....trump not quite down and out it would seem....a lot plays into all of it.....

Trump’s madness is not enough to doom him in 2020

The impeachment war is not just about impeachment. It’s also about the 2020 election.

President Trump’s strategy, if one can call it that, is thus not aimed primarily at avoiding impeachment in the House, which now seems inevitable, or even removal from office by the Senate, still a long shot. It is designed to let him survive this process with a chance of winning reelection.

This makes life complicated for Democrats organizing the inquiry and for those seeking their party’s presidential nomination.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) and the rest of their caucus confront a strategic imbalance. They can’t forget the long game, but they must stay focused on facts, witnesses and evidence. The president and his Republican defenders in Congress can play political games to their heart’s content. Democrats can’t afford to appear to be anything but judicious, careful and deliberate, lest they play into Trump’s hands by looking, well, “political.”

And while the dance in Washington continues, the party’s nomination race is entering the stage that will accentuate divisions. Trump will exploit every crack in Democratic solidarity.

Attacks on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) will escalate, because current trends are in her favor. All her rivals have an interest in reversing them.

Former vice president Joe Biden will be fighting on two fronts as he addresses perceptions that his candidacy is fading. He must stop Warren’s momentum and prevent another center-left candidate — South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg especially, but also, perhaps, Sens. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) or Kamala D. Harris (Calif.) — from biting into the support he has maintained.

And public speculation by Democratic strategists that the party needs to find a brand-new candidate weakens everyone now running, which is also to Trump’s advantage.

The situation Democrats face is therefore more treacherous than they might want to believe, given that a flailing Trump seems to be losing the messaging war on impeachment rather badly. Yes, the public seems ready to throw Trump out of office. But will Democrats make that easy or hard?

A report released last week by the Center for American Progress sheds important light on the party’s choices. One of its key findings will cheer Trump’s foes: If every demographic group votes as it did in 2016, Trump will lose the popular vote by an even greater margin than he did last time and fall short in the three states that put him over the top: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Why? Because, write Ruy Teixeira and John Halpin, the study’s authors, “the nonwhite share of the eligible electorate will increase by 2 percentage points, almost entirely from increases in the shares of Hispanics, Asians, and voters of other races. That will be balanced by a commensurate decrease in the share of white noncollege eligible voters.”

But Democrats should not think that victory is already in the bank. The electoral college decides who is president, and Teixeira and Halpin note that these demographic shifts alone would produce only very narrow margins in the three key states. If Democrats fail to convert some of Trump’s voters or increase turnout among the faithful, the party’s candidate would still be at risk.

Whoever the Democratic nominee is,” Teixeira said in an interview, “he or she must do two things above all: reach out to the white working class and increase black turnout.”

This is exactly why many Democrats once saw Biden as their savior, since he combines a white working-class appeal with a strong draw on the loyalty of African Americans. Biden’s problem is that many Democrats have begun to wonder if the candidate they are seeing on the trail is the same person they imagined when he first announced his bid.

Biden needs to restore their confidence even as his rivals try to convince primary voters that they are more likely to achieve Teixeira’s twin goals than the former vice president.

As for Trump, Teixeira sees his most promising path to reelection as “increasing his share of the white working-class vote and also increasing turnout in this group,” while holding down his losses among the white college-educated.

So if Trump’s approach to impeachment seems undisciplined, its main purpose is to incite rage, energy and thus turnout among those who put him in the White House in the first place — Republican base voters plus white working-class swing voters.

“Is his strategy working?” Teixeira asked. “Probably not. But there may be method in his madness.”
Which is why Trump’s madness will continue. Democrats cannot afford to assume that this alone will doom him.

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Americans tend to pull for the underdog -

ALL Democrats have been after President Trump since Election Day

They have dogged him over:






from one thing to another they have pursued him mercilessly - I for one feel like people are completely sick of their incredible pile of horseshite charges.

I never felt ill will towards Democrats - I have voted for many over the years

NOW - I’m done with the sorest LOSERS I have ever seen.
Yeah that’s what they’d chant - bunch o liberal arseholes populate Washington DC - means nothing - actually less than nothing :}
Yeah that’s what they’d chant - bunch o liberal arseholes populate Washington DC - means nothing - actually less than nothing :}

sorry ….but fresh out of sympathy.....where do you think the term "party of no" came from?...….from the right cock blocking everything Obama tried to do......I remember him being called a liar on national TV while making a speech in front of congress.....I remember a big issue being made of him having his feet up on the desk....they even picked on his ******* a couple of times

Obama faces vile insults like no other president has ...
Dec 11, 2014 · Among the wild accusations against President Barack Obama: He was a Black Panther, he refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and he’s complicit with the Muslim Brotherhood.

10 Horrifying Racist Attacks on Obama –
Sep 21, 2009 · "In Obama’s America, the white ******* now get beat up with the black ******* cheering, ‘Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on,’ " said Limbaugh, in a very accurate approximation of how ...

22 times Michelle Obama endured rude, racist, sexist or ...
Nov 16, 2016 · 22 times Michelle Obama endured rude, racist, sexist or plain ridiculous attacks I will miss everything about her being first lady, except for the endless barrage of insults lobbed her way.

How Years Of The Right-Wing Media’s Obama Hatred Paved The ...
How Years Of The Right-Wing Media’s Obama Hatred Paved The Way For Trump. Written by Matt Gertz. Published 01/20/17 7:04 AM EST. Share ... In a sign of things to come, ...

so sorry if I just don't give a fuck about you and trumps hurt feeling! just plain out of sympathy....used it all up last term

NOT ONE FUCKING TIME did he blame republicans or try to blame anyone or divide the country....they even wanted to impeach Obama...but 2 things stopped them he wasn't a crook and he was well liked....something trump doesn't measure up on either category...….you people and your pres have cried since day one...…..look at how long they fucked with the Clintons...sorry you get no sympathy here

you guys have to be the biggest fucking whiners on the planet!
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Nope - WRONG - Dems never shut the fuck up - constant sniveling WHINERS - been after President Trump since election night.

WORLD’S sorest LOSERS !!!!
Haaaaaaaaaaaaa - Media LOVED Obama - never a bad thing to say for both terms.

Not so....the media did the same to him they do to ANY president....yours just can dish it but can't take it.....and see the above post....your party fucked with him before he was even sworn...… people signed a letter stating no support on matter what!

Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1 - The ...
Aug 10, 2012 · Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1 ... would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.) ... 2008 election but before Obama and Biden took office.

The Republicans’ Unprecedented Obstructionism By The ...
Oct 14, 2011 · Even before Barack Obama took the oath office, Republicans leaders, conservative think-tanks and right-wing pundits were calling for total obstruction of the new president's agenda. Bill Kristol, who helped block Bill Clinton's health care reform attempt in 1993, called for history to repeat on the Obama stimulus - and everything else.

Who was the man who got Republicans to sign a pledge ...
Sep 06, 2015 · As another commenter noted, there was no official "sign on the dotted line" pledge. But as Republican stalwart Newt Gingrich has verified, there was a secret meeting of key Republicans not long after President Obama's election, where they vowed t...

you guys are getting off easy and that thin skinned fucker there now deserves ALOT more than he is getting
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Two-thirds of Americans think Trump is dividing the ...
Sep 24, 2017 · Trump’s presidency itself, in other words, has made people feel as though he has done more to divide the country. That holds true among most demographic groups.

A Divided Country Is Exactly What Trump Wants | HuffPost
Aug 17, 2017 · Donald Trump seems perfectly willing to destroy the country to maintain his own power. More broadly and big-picture, look for more of the same. Having risen to power by dividing the country, his party leadership and even, at times, his own campaign team, his aim now is to divide or discredit any institution, tradition or group in his way.
another republican leaving....with a foul taste in his mouth....a lot of them lately....just can't handle the corruption and the direction of the republican party?

Greg Walden, Oregon's Only Congressional Republican, Won't ...
5 hours ago · Oregon’s only congressional Republican is calling it quits. U.S. Rep. Greg Walden announced Monday morning that he won’t run for reelection in 2020, possibly putting a close to

U.S. Rep. Greg Walden to retire in 2021 -
5 hours ago · U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, the top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and Oregon’s only Republican in Congress, announced Monday that he will retire in …

Greg Walden Becomes 22nd Republican Lawmaker to Retire or ...
3 hours ago · Oregon Representative Greg Walden announced on Monday that he will not be seeking re-election to Congress, becoming the 22nd Republican lawmaker to retire or resign ahead of the 2020 election cycle.