Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

If the pallbearer refused to shake hands with Mitch McConnell I could only imagine the hate Trump would get if he showed up to pay his respects to the late Elijah Cummings @subhub174014 :

To maintain peace it would be best for Trump to stay away, which is what he did especially because he was not invited as you said.

Maintain peace my ass...…...just like at McCains funeral and Mrs Bush....he was NOT invited....he gets that a lot Prince harry's wedding and etc.....might be some indication of what people think of him wouldn't you say?
goes to a college ...A notorious black college to speak...…..and the students didn't show....more protestors outside than there were attendees!

BTW...throw in that little stunt a couple weeks ago and now I'm sure he has even less support in the UK now...….inviting the parents of the ******* that was killed by an American citizen....they show up at the white house expecting to have trump say she will be sent back to Uk for trial...instead introduces them to their *******'s killer
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If you are a trumpie it is not looking good

State Department’s Philip Reeker Testifies Top Officials Blocked Show of Support for Ousted Ambassador

WASHINGTON—A senior State Department official went before House impeachment investigators Saturday and said that top officials stymied a show of solidarity for the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine after President Trump had her removed, according to a person familiar with his closed-door testimony.

Philip Reeker, the acting assistant secretary of state in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, was also present for a White House interagency meeting during which a Department of Defense official raised concerns about a decision by the White House to hold military aid to Ukraine, the person familiar with the testimony said.
The House Intelligence Committee subpoenaed Mr. Reeker’s testimony after the State Department directed him not to appear for his scheduled Saturday deposition, according to an official working on the impeachment inquiry. The official said the State Department was also attempting to limit any testimony that did occur, and that Mr. Reeker was complying with the subpoena and answering questions.

Mr. Reeker was named to the job in March, around the time Mr. Trump ordered the removal of Marie Yovanovitch, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and others had accused Ms. Yovanovitch of undermining the president abroad and of obstructing efforts to persuade Kyiv to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.

Ms. Yovanovitch “was a primary concern from his first week on the job,” the person familiar said, relaying Mr. Reeker’s position on the issue.

The events surrounding the decision to hold up aid to Ukraine are a central focus of the House impeachment inquiry. Mr. Trump has denied wrongdoing and has called the probe a witch hunt.

The State Department didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.), a member of the House Oversight Committee, said Saturday afternoon that the panels were learning more from Mr. Reeker than they had anticipated, extending the length of the deposition. He declined to elaborate on the substance of Mr. Reeker’s testimony.

“He’s being helpful in some respects, he is corroborating previous witnesses and their testimony,” he said. “It’s a much richer reservoir of information that we originally expected.”

Rep. Mark Meadows (R., N.C.), a top ally of the president’s on Capitol Hill, said that Mr. Reeker is a minor player in the overall Ukraine saga. He also declined to comment on the substance of Mr. Reeker’s testimony.

“Ukraine was one of dozens of countries that he oversees, so to the extent he was copied on an email here or there, that’s pretty much his involvement,” Mr. Meadows said.

Trump’s former Chief of Staff John Kelly said he regrets resigning and he told Trump hiring a “yes man” would lead to impeachment

  • Former Chief of Staff John Kelly said he regretted resigning from the Trump administration and that he warned Trump about impeachment, according to the Washington Examiner.
  • According to the report, Kelly said he warned Trump that hiring a "yes man" as his successor would only lead to impeachment proceedings, suggesting that current Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney was partially to blame for the current impeachment proceedings because he is unable to keep Trump out of trouble.
  • Kelly said he had "second thoughts about leaving" because Trump would be less "all over the place."
The US House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump less than a year after Kelly departed the administration.

Former Chief of Staff John Kelly said he regretted resigning from the Trump administration and that he warned Trump about impeachment, according to a Washington Examiner report published Saturday.

According to the report, Kelly said he warned Trump that hiring a "yes man" as his successor would only lead to impeachment proceedings, suggesting that current Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney was partially to blame for the current impeachment proceedings because he is unable to keep Trump out of trouble.

"I said, whatever you do — and we were still in the process of trying to find someone to take my place — I said whatever you do, don't hire a 'yes man,' someone who won't tell you the truth — don't do that. Because if you do, I believe you will be impeached," Kelly recalled, in an interview at the Washington Examiner's political conference Sea Island Summit.

The House of Representatives launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump less than a year after Kelly departed the administration after a whistleblower report surfaced detailing Trump's handling of a call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump's behavior has only gotten more erratic since.

"That was almost 11 months ago, and I have an awful lot of, to say the least, second thoughts about leaving," Kelly said. "It pains me to see what's going on because I believe if I was still there or someone like me was there, he would not be kind of, all over the place."

According to the report, Kelly did not endorse the impeachment inquiry, which he called avoidable, but did indicate that Administration officials are partially responsible.

"Someone has got to be a guide that tells [the president] that you either have the authority or you don't, or Mr. President, don't do it," Kelly said. "Don't hire someone that will just nod and say, 'That's a great idea Mr. President.' Because you will be impeached."

Democrat drivel drives on in demented decadence destructively demonstrating their devilish delirium :}

Having a mental block?
nothing to say?

Ok I see you are a seesame grad and have mastered the letter,,,, we need to work on your GFY letters......the second letter requiring an inverted P
Al-Baghdadi blown to bits - GO PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!!!!

so he says......not the first time they were sure they had him and he showed up 6 months later.....and yes go before you get charged with treason

coming to a TV near you soon!

BTW,,,if they did get him it had nothing to do with was all Graham and Pelosi!...and our congressman.....she told trump he was flat giving the country to Russia and asked why....that is what created that famous photo of her standing in front of him and others

BTW2....hope trump has a tunnel under the white would have to be a fat one....and big enough so he could take his *******....and I would bet even the RNC would pay for it
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so he says......not the first time they were sure they had him and he showed up 6 months later.....and yes go before you get charged with treason

coming to a TV near you soon!

BTW,,,if they did get him it had nothing to do with was all Graham and Pelosi!...and our congressman.....she told trump he was flat giving the country to Russia and asked why....that is what created that famous photo of her standing in front of him and others

BTW2....hope trump has a tunnel under the white would have to be a fat one....and big enough so he could take his *******....and I would bet even the RNC would pay for it
dna confirmed
******* we have bases all over the world....I can remember going to germany 2 times on what was called Reforger….to play war games...….US spent millions playing games.....remember one time I was in an 8in howitzer unit....they gave us orders to mover about every 4 hours it seemed….we would go through these old towns with narrow streets..make a turn and tear out the corner of the bldgs...….and over there you ******* something ...not ******* a chicken you just don't pay for the pay for the eggs and other chicks it would have produced for the next 5 years.....I remember one time we had just got settled in and was about the orders to move to another coordinance….we pull in it is the middle of the night...….bunch of trees all around...….we get up the next morning and villagers all pissed and stacking rocks around our equipment.....we were right in the middle of what was once a nice orchard....anyway you are there for 6 weeks to 2 months...and the war games only last 3 days...but you have equipment to take care of before and after and etc...….millions spent all for?????

but anyway we have to stay there I guess because of Russia......and like SK we have to stay there because of the north.....we need a major base in northern help the kurds who have given so much to help keep an eye on Russia/Syria....and keep iran from just taking over in Iraq.....I think if we just got isis under control....we could just sit back let all of them do their own thing...and also keep an eye on Iran
Thank you for your service, I turned 18 in 1975 so there was no draft, I got married instead.
They said they brought kit to test in field

you believe everything you hear

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ‘killed in a massive ...
Jun 11, 2017 · Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said it was "a matter of time" before the leader was killed. "Nearly all of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's deputies are …

Trump hails death of 'depraved' Islamic State leader Baghdadi in U.S. raid

Turkey said it was proud to have helped “bring a notorious terrorist to justice”, but Russia’s response was skeptical, with the defense ministry in Moscow saying that it had no reliable information on the U.S. raid and observing there had been previous attempts to ******* Baghdadi.

well i'm far from over the hill …….just got the ok to deer hunt 1200 acres in Iowa this season....I gave up dragging them out along time me a artic cat 4 wheeler I put in the back of my 4 wheel truck
Despite being a Canadian I once legally worked in your belovéd country with a legal work visa from College and University, in Minnesota, several years ago. Back then some of the engineers whom I worked with claimed they were hunters as well and they loved to hunt venison. I never went out with them but they clearly knew their craft well as they were very descriptive about their outings and enjoyed it thoroughly.