Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

he is trying to influence people to NOT go against him and testify and etc...….sure he has the power to make charges...and barr can push a lot...….but it still comes to a trial....with judges and etc....just a scare tactic.....and good news for the trumpies
Much like Trump winning the 2019 Bipartisan Justice award founded by 20 Black Republicans and 20 Black Democrats? If both sides can agree about Trump it is an harbinger for his re-election @subhub174014 :

“The Bipartisan Justice Award is the highest honor given annually to a public servant who has demonstrated the ability to work across the aisle to achieve meaningful progress in reforming our criminal justice system. The 2019 Bipartisan Justice award winner is President Donald J. Trump for his Bipartisan leadership in the passage of the historic First Step Act. The award is being given by the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center, a non-profit organization founded by 20 Black Republicans and 20 Black Democrats in 2015, to elevate the issue of criminal justice reform above partisan politics.”

This investigation will bring to light spying on a political adversary and then trying to unseat him after being elected by launching a witch hunt aka “insurance policy”.

Brennan - Clapper - Comey - McCabe are all at great peril for their part in an attempted soft coup. Treason really. All this impeachment horseshite will look like the horseshite it is when ALL the truth comes out.
This investigation will bring to light spying on a political adversary and then trying to unseat him after being elected by launching a witch hunt aka “insurance policy”.

Brennan - Clapper - Comey - McCabe are all at great peril for their part in an attempted soft coup. Treason really. All this impeachment horseshite will look like the horseshite it is when ALL the truth comes out.
David Harris Jr said the same about Clapper today on his podcast @blkdlaur. If you want check it out here and be sure to share it:
This investigation will bring to light spying on a political adversary and then trying to unseat him after being elected by launching a witch hunt aka “insurance policy”.

Brennan - Clapper - Comey - McCabe are all at great peril for their part in an attempted soft coup. Treason really. All this impeachment horseshite will look like the horseshite it is when ALL the truth comes out.

all called for a certainly justified...….trump wants to get along with the Russians...….one of our allies tells our FBI that a trump campaign man just met with a known Russian spy on some island.....then see at least 5 different people in trumps campaign all with ties to Russia..….and we already know Russia trying to hack the election............nobody in their right mind would have just said ...Oh that's just trump being trump
David Harris Jr said the same about Clapper today on his podcast @blkdlaur. If you want check it out here and be sure to share it:

Thanks Stiff - I’ll do that.
Much like Trump winning the 2019 Bipartisan Justice award founded by 20 Black Republicans and 20 Black Democrats? If both sides can agree about Trump it is an harbinger for his re-election @subhub174014 :

“The Bipartisan Justice Award is the highest honor given annually to a public servant who has demonstrated the ability to work across the aisle to achieve meaningful progress in reforming our criminal justice system. The 2019 Bipartisan Justice award winner is President Donald J. Trump for his Bipartisan leadership in the passage of the historic First Step Act. The award is being given by the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center, a non-profit organization founded by 20 Black Republicans and 20 Black Democrats in 2015, to elevate the issue of criminal justice reform above partisan politics.”


say what you want and you are starting this all over again...…..I started a whole thread with facts on it...and you are trying to sneak it back in...….the majority of americans think trump is a racist...…...there was even other blks talking about those blk preachers.....all wanting some shot at glory?
all called for a certainly justified...….trump wants to get along with the Russians...….one of our allies tells our FBI that a trump campaign man just met with a known Russian spy on some island.....then see at least 5 different people in trumps campaign all with ties to Russia..….and we already know Russia trying to hack the election............nobody in their right mind would have just said ...Oh that's just trump being trump

You have Russia on the brain - that ship has sailed - nuttin for your side Trump 1 Dems 0
all called for a certainly justified...….trump wants to get along with the Russians...….one of our allies tells our FBI that a trump campaign man just met with a known Russian spy on some island.....then see at least 5 different people in trumps campaign all with ties to Russia..….and we already know Russia trying to hack the election............nobody in their right mind would have just said ...Oh that's just trump being trump
We shall see. Just as Trump is all in to be re-elected, you and the Dems are all in with Russian collusion. Time will tell how this poker game plays out.
Get with it - it’s Ukraine now

Racist has kinda faded now too - although I guess you guys will resurrect that too as needed.
Yeah bro, but there are other former USSR states that can be involved in the future? Maybe Latvia? Lithuania? Moldova? Azerbaijan? Who knows between now and November 2020? :ROFLMAO: :unsure:
say what you want and you are starting this all over again...…..I started a whole thread with facts on it...and you are trying to sneak it back in...….the majority of americans think trump is a racist...…...there was even other blks talking about those blk preachers.....all wanting some shot at glory?
True and being a bipartisan organization even 20 Black Democrats had to bite the bullet and agree that President Donald Trump ?? should be granted their award for his actions as POTUS for criminal prison reform. That has to say a lot. Who knows maybe the late Elijah Cummings got word about that and that could have killed him? :unsure:

You have Russia on the brain - that ship has sailed - nuttin for your side Trump 1 Dems 0

just got pulled back into dock...….judge ruled to day that all of Muellers reports to be turned over to congress......not Barr's altered one....the real deal!....guessing you will see more come to light....and trump even moodier...with Ukraine...Mueller....Syria…..The Saudi's...….and now his hotel......he can only be shot once
just got pulled back into dock...….judge ruled to day that all of Muellers reports to be turned over to congress......not Barr's altered one....the real deal!....guessing you will see more come to light....and trump even moodier...with Ukraine...Mueller....Syria…..The Saudi's...….and now his hotel......he can only be shot once
And just like Neo from "The Matrix" those metaphoric bullets of the Ukraine, Comey, Mueller, Syria, The Saudis, any issues regarding his hotels, and anything else you can think of trying to take POTUS Trump ?? down will be stopped similar to this @subhub174014:

guess these students were smarter than trump thought....they didn't show up!
but I'm sure for stiff this means nothing....trump had a few black pastors at the white house

In Trump pitch at black college, its students were largely absent

That was the question raised by several protestors who walked the streets of Columbia, S.C., on Friday afternoon, as they geared up to push back against Trump’s speech at historically black Benedict College. Several usual suspects were part of the anti-Trump line up: staffers from rival Democratic campaigns, angered residents and volunteers passing out impeachment merchandise (an impeachment shirt was on sale for $15).

Yet one anticipated group was noticeably missing: Benedict College students.

Kamila Harris was supposed to speak there also....but refused
This rabbi, Johnathan Cahn, originally called out Hillary and Bill as notorious archetypes from the Bible as wicked King Ahab and Queen Jezebel over 2 years ago in 2017 which is documented here:

Apparently Hillary got wind of it and she obviously does not like it. So in a recent speech at Elijah Cummings' funeral she claimed Trump was Ahab and Melania is Jezebel. Guys like @subhub174014 would obviously say she is right to claim Trump is similar wicked King Ahab which is debateable, but what did Melania ever do to paint her as wicked Jezebel??? She is married to Trump but I suspect she does her best not to be political? I think Hillary might be wanting to run again, otherwise she will actively support whoever wins the DNC nomination just to try to defeat President Donald Trump. ??

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you did notice trump was not invited to the funeral today didn't you......that should tell you something...but it won't
If the pallbearer refused to shake hands with Mitch McConnell I could only imagine the hate Trump would get if he showed up to pay his respects to the late Elijah Cummings @subhub174014 :

To maintain peace it would be best for Trump to stay away, which is what he did especially because he was not invited as you said.
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