Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Yeah like all the propaganda he posts - fake ******* that Dems spew - theory being ya say the same lies long enough the people will start to believe it. Now it’s just pissing people off.

you people just can not handle the truth...nor the facts....those weak minds have been programed not to accept anything that didn't come from trump or the rnc…...I don't just seems like in small minds that can only handle so much and then they short out...…

better pissed off then pissed most of america
you people just can not handle the truth...nor the facts....those weak minds have been programed not to accept anything that didn't come from trump or the rnc…...I don't just seems like in small minds that can only handle so much and then they short out...…

better pissed off then pissed most of america
if they had anything door would be open
Martha Stewart’s Guide to a Perfect Impeachment Party…

The Impeachment Party will be a time to gather with loved ones in your echo-chamber of liberal glory. Cheers, friends. Pro tip: Always invite friends you can count on to get the dancing going!

Impeachment Party Ideas, Cocktail Recipes
Alysia abbott, impeachment-party proponent This isn’t #ImpeachmentParty’s first rodeo. People have promising to host impeachment parties since before Trump found himself president in 2016.

Everything You Need to Know to Plan Your Impeachment Party
Jun 02, 2017 · It’s the season for barbecues, pool parties, beach bonfires, clambakes — and this year, impeachment parties! No, of course you aren’t jumping the gun. You’re just squeezing some very small modicum of joy out of your life by pre-celebrating a theoretical day of great revelry, looming in our shared not-so-distant future (maybe, hopefully).

Trump's Impeachment party ideas -
Trump's Impeachment party ideas What others are saying Trumped Up Cards is a satirical card game where reality collides with alternative facts and everyone wins!
Trump’s Ukraine Scheme Was Too Crazy Even For John Bolton

This was too much, even for John Bolton.

Trump’s former national security adviser makes multiple cameos in Ambassador William Taylor’s bombshell House testimony Tuesday.

And at nearly every point, the notorious hawk comes out swinging against President Trump’s scheme to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless until Kyiv became an active partner in conducting beneficial investigations for the President’s reelection bid.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) told reporters after hearing the testimony that it “confirmed” the need for Bolton to appear before congressional investigators examining whether Trump should be impeached.

John Bolton retains counsel amid speculation over possible appearance in impeachment inquiry

Former national security adviser John Bolton has retained legal counsel as Democrats on Capitol Hill signal interest in having him testify as part of their Trump impeachment inquiry, a source familiar with the situation told Fox News.

Bolton’s lawyers have had “a conversation“ with the House committees conducting the impeachment inquiry, but it has not progressed to the point of talking about an interview or deposition, the source said.


The New York Times this week first reported the possibility of Bolton appearing before Congress for testimony, amid questions over what Bolton knew about President Trump's requests that Ukraine conduct investigations related to the Biden family and other matters and whether the requests were linked to military aid.

Imagine that? The Black community praises President Donald Trump ?? . I know of at least someone who will disagree with that whose handle rhymes with @subhub174014:

Imagine that? The Black community praises President Donald Trump ?? . I know of at least someone who will disagree with that whose handle rhymes with @subhub174014:

you and that right wing whacko...…….you should team up with blkdlaur… two seem to find the wierdoes….

but I will go you one better.....the house just added a fresh round of subpoenas…...
I figure Bolton can finish off the coffin.....hole has already been dug...….trump dug part of it himself
you and that right wing whacko...…….you should team up with blkdlaur… two seem to find the wierdoes….

but I will go you one better.....the house just added a fresh round of subpoenas…...
I figure Bolton can finish off the coffin.....hole has already been dug...….trump dug part of it himself
I don't expect you to watch that video @subhub174014 seeing that you greatly disagree with David Harris Jr, but among various accolades praising President Donald Trump ?? with his service within the Black community, Tanesha Bannister thanked POTUS Trump for his passing of the First Step Act for criminal justice reform which released her from prison 5 years earlier than expected. Way to go POTUS Donald Trump ??! I guess she is yet another "whacko" for favoring Trump? Problem is when November 2020 comes around many of these "whackos" will come out of the woodwork and re-elect Trump? And I neither think she is Russian, nor did she speak with a heavy Russian accent? :unsure::ROFLMAO:



And by the way at that event POTUS Trump was also given this award too from the Black Community:

“The Bipartisan Justice Award is the highest honor given annually to a public servant who has demonstrated the ability to work across the aisle to achieve meaningful progress in reforming our criminal justice system. The 2019 Bipartisan Justice award winner is President Donald J. Trump for his Bipartisan leadership in the passage of the historic First Step Act. The award is being given by the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center, a non-profit organization founded by 20 Black Republicans and 20 Black Democrats in 2015, to elevate the issue of criminal justice reform above partisan politics.”

I guess that shows how much of a "racist" POTUS Donald Trump is? I guess a racist is someone who helps those he/she hates???? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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What is good for the Democratic geese is good for President Donald Trump's ?? gander as he will be investigating those who started this Russian investigation too:

What is good for the Democratic geese is good for President Donald Trump's ?? gander as he will be investigating those who started this Russian investigation too:

he is just trying in some way to cut a deal....won't work...he is going down