Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

well first to a bad start....the guardian is not what you would call mainstream nor fair

but the one-sub thing...…..mostly in Europe....Uk to be exact....but then again it all goes back to what articles they post and by whom.....even if it is a good idea.....won't work...… many already into who or what they want and no changing...….look at blkdlaur and that whacko he believes in...…..and the right has a bunch of them.....and those people are not going to ******* the golden goose...they make to much spreading their bullshit

I did see something like that advertised on my phone...….the idea is good...but as long as there are people spreading hate and discontent....just going to continue...….Gingrich the founder of all that with his contract with America....when he didn't get his way on that...he pushed the hate and impeaching Clinton for a blow job ….when at the time he and Starr both were cheating on their wives.....
Maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong BUT, This is a fact that I can debate SubbyHubbieCucky about and he has no leg to stand on. God put Trump in office, no corrupt, vindictive, lying Media or Democratic Party will remove him from office if God wants him to stay as President.
not looking good for the "former" quid pro quo...but there is quid pro go to jail

William Taylor Was Skeptical Of Trump. Then Came His ...
William Taylor, the chargé d’affaires leading the US embassy in Kyiv since Trump recalled the ambassador, makes clear in stunning text messages with Gordon Sondland, the ambassador to the European Union, and Kurt Volker, the then–special envoy on Ukraine, that he would rather quit than see Ukraine get muscled into a “nightmare scenario.”

Top U.S. envoy ties Trump directly to Ukraine quid pro quo ...
9 hours ago · The diplomat, William Taylor, painted a damaging portrait of events that directly tied Trump to a quid pro quo with Ukraine, according to his prepared remarks obtained by …

Read the Ukraine Envoy’s Statement to Impeachment Inquiry ...
3 hours ago · William B. Taylor Jr., the United States’ top diplomat in Ukraine, delivered testimony to impeachment investigators on Tuesday that described an effort by President Trump to withhold aid for...
a marching we will go....a marching we will to jail we must go

U.S. envoy says he was told release of Ukraine aid was contingent on public declaration to investigate Bidens, 2016 election

The senior U.S. diplomat in Ukraine told lawmakers Tuesday that President Trump made the release of military aid contingent on public declarations from Ukraine that it would investigate the Bidens and the 2016 election, contradicting Trump’s denial that he used the money as leverage for political gain.

The explosive, closed-door testimony from acting ambassador William B. Taylor Jr. undermined the repeated statements of the president and the depositions of other administration officials, with the potential to reset the House impeachment probe of Trump.

Taylor, a seasoned diplomat, Army veteran and meticulous note taker, provided an expansive description of a series of events at the heart of an investigation that poses the most serious threat to the Trump presidency. One Democrat described the testimony as “damning.”

help...I've fallen and can't get back up.....

Anonymous author of Trump ‘resistance’ op-ed to publish a tell-all book

The author of an anonymous column in the New York Times in 2018, who was identified as a senior Trump administration official acting as part of the “resistance” inside the government, has written a tell-all book to be published next month.

The book, titled “A Warning,” is being promoted as “an unprecedented behind-the-scenes portrait of the Trump presidency” that expands upon the Times column, which ricocheted around the world and stoked the president’s rage because of its devastating portrayal of Trump in office.

The column described Trump’s leadership style as “impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective,” and noted that “his impulsiveness results in half-baked, ill-informed and occasionally reckless decisions that have to be walked back.”

The author of the column, which was titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration” and published Sept. 5, 2018, was known to the Times but identified only as a senior official in the Trump administration. The person has still not been publicly identified.

Trump lashed out at the anonymous author after the column’s publication. The president questioned both whether the author existed and whether the author had committed treason. He also demanded on Twitter that the Times turn over “the GUTLESS anonymous person” to the government “at once.” The Times did not.

The forthcoming book will list the author as “Anonymous.” Although the person does not reveal their identity in the book, they will discuss the reasons for their anonymity, according to people involved in the project.

“Picking up from where those first words of warning left off, this explosive book offers a shocking, firsthand account of President Trump and his record,” reads a statement about the book’s release.

The book will be published Nov. 19 by Twelve, an imprint of Grand Central Publishing/Hachette Book Group. It comes during a treacherous period for Trump, as the House continues its fast-moving impeachment inquiry into allegations that the president abused his power.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Disappointed and stunned that Justin managed a minority government but I am not going to protest what Canadians collectively decided to vote for, unlike what several Americans did when a certain 45th POTUS got elected! ?? (GO TRUMP!)

As I type this post I guess Justin is probably doing other crazy stuff unbecoming of a Prime Minister? Sigh! :unsure:

sorry stiff that comment was not directed to you
Maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong BUT, This is a fact that I can debate SubbyHubbieCucky about and he has no leg to stand on. God put Trump in office, no corrupt, vindictive, lying Media or Democratic Party will remove him from office if God wants him to stay as President.
God didn't do anything of the sort. Don't be silly.
God didn't do anything of the sort. Don't be silly.
I really wasn't addressing you Subby, I added a little flavor to Subhubs handle. No I am not silly in stating that God placed Donald Trump in the white house, I am a Christian and I know much of what the word of God says. Not a debate about God though, I will leave Judgement up to Him.
I really wasn't addressing you Subby, I added a little flavor to Subhubs handle. No I am not silly in stating that God placed Donald Trump in the white house, I am a Christian and I know much of what the word of God says. Not a debate about God though, I will leave Judgement up to Him.

you lack the knowledge to really address have repeatedly shown that......a man of god?
all of this.....and god and you supported him

Ivanka Trump's 'Lap Dance' with Donald -
Sep 08, 2016 · A photograph shows Ivanka Trump grinding on the lap of her *******, Donald Trump. A 1996 photograph was captioned as showing a 15-year-old Ivanka Trump sitting on her ******* Donald Trump

These photos of Trump and Ivanka will make you deeply ...
These photos of Trump and Ivanka will make you deeply uncomfortable A look back at Donald and Ivanka Trump's strange daddy-******* photos. By Lenyon Whitaker

Signs Donald Trump Still Thinks of Ivana as the Love of...
Dec 13, 2018 · Long before he became the president and before he married Melania, Donald Trump spent an impressive 15 years married to his first wife, Ivana Trump

How Many Times Has Trump Cheated on His Wives? Here's What ...
Jan 12, 2018 · A Wall Street Journal article on Friday alleged that President Donald Trump cheated on his wife, Melania, with a porn star—and it wasn't the first time Trump has been in the center of a …

The Trump Files: Listen to Donald Brag About His Affairs ...
Sep 29, 2016 · Carswell called up Trump’s office to talk about allegations that Trump had taken up with model Carla Bruni and dumped Marla Maples, the woman with …

Trump The Pervert | The American Conservative
Oct 13, 2016 · Trump The Pervert. By Rod Dreher • October 13, 2016, 9:41 AM. Tweet; Maybe you’ve seen the 1992 video clip in which Donald Trump chats with a group of little girls at Trump

Donald Trump's Alleged Sexual Preference For Golden ...
Jan 11, 2017 · Donald Trump's Alleged Sexual Preference For Golden Showers Goes Viral ... that includes supposed evidence of Donald Trump's "sexual perversion”. As expected, there was a …

Entertainment world reacts to Donald Trump 'golden showers ...
Jan 11, 2017 · 'Make America urinate again' Twitter has been sent into a frenzy by claims that President Elect Donald Trump has paid women to urinate on a hotel …

not what most would call a Christian...….but guess they have lowered their standards for money