Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

In Trump’s Ukraine Phone Call, Alarmed Aides Saw Trouble ...
Sep 27, 2019 · “The White House officials who told me this information were deeply disturbed by what had transpired in the phone ... phone call between Mr. Trump and Mr. Zelensky. ... by saying they
Don't have log in so I can't read it.

I will say this transcript, transcript, and transcript. And hold an open impeachment trial.
The problem for the demon-crats , almost 3 years of nothing accept get Donald Trump, they are shaking in their boots. Pretty bad when the retarded efforts of their debates is get Donald Trump. If they don't drum up some false charges that are going to stick, he will win 2020 the intelligent successful people in this country, mostly republicans and independents will not vote for a party consisting of corrupt, vindictive democrats. They have nothing to offer, they are robots programmed to do and say the same things.
The problem for the demon-crats , almost 3 years of nothing accept get Donald Trump, they are shaking in their boots. Pretty bad when the retarded efforts of their debates is get Donald Trump. If they don't drum up some false charges that are going to stick, he will win 2020 the intelligent successful people in this country, mostly republicans and independents will not vote for a party consisting of corrupt, vindictive democrats. They have nothing to offer, they are robots programmed to do and say the same things.

typical for you to be out of the smart loop...…..might want to ask someone just what is going on....because you seem to be the last to know...….look at the numbers for the right in some of their home districts……..Dems way out performing them in local donations.....pretty good indication of what some think of their republican representative.....let me spell that out for you....trouble on re-election.....RNC going to have to pump money in some of those districts.....and trump isn't going to like takes away from his lawyer fees...and personal donations such as mar lago and others
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Was that Biden's Ukrainian admitted illegal acts and extortion or Biden breaking several laws and then bragging about it to the Foreign Relations Board? ?

But maybe you don't understand the difference between telling a foreign state to dig up dirt on a political opponent or no military aide and telling a foreign anti corruption treaty partner to, you know, actually fight corruption in order to get a loan.
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The problem for the demon-crats , almost 3 years of nothing accept get Donald Trump, they are shaking in their boots. Pretty bad when the retarded efforts of their debates is get Donald Trump. If they don't drum up some false charges that are going to stick, he will win 2020 the intelligent successful people in this country, mostly republicans and independents will not vote for a party consisting of corrupt, vindictive democrats. They have nothing to offer, they are robots programmed to do and say the same things.

It’s the whining - people are sick of Dem whining - you’d think they’d tire of it - but they never do - everyone else is SURE sick of their not stop whining and showing themselves to be nothing but sore LOSERS !!!!!!
Was that Biden's Ukrainian admitted illegal acts and extortion or Biden breaking several laws and then bragging about it to the Foreign Relations Board? ?

But maybe you don't understand the difference between telling a foreign state to dig up dirt on a political opponent or no military aide and telling a foreign anti corruption treaty partner to, you know, actually fight corruption in order to get a loan.

Maybe just maybe if there is dirt to be dug up - it should be dug up if the person in question is running for president.

Pretty clear to all but Dem drones that Biden sold us out in both Ukraine and China for personal gain.
Pelosi releases 'fact sheet' saying Trump has 'betrayed his oath of office'

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) office on Monday released a "fact sheet" laying out what Democrats believe is their most compelling evidence to date against President Trump in their investigation of the president's efforts to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate a domestic political rival.
Pelosi releases 'fact sheet' saying Trump has 'betrayed his oath of office'

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) office on Monday released a "fact sheet" laying out what Democrats believe is their most compelling evidence to date against President Trump in their investigation of the president's efforts to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate a domestic political rival.

So what- This is politics until she holds the vote for impeachment and their is a public trial. No public vote, no public trial means she has nothing. You sure do love the behavior of the 30s German National Socialists.

And in my opinion. Pelosi has never understood the meaning of Oath nor what Oath of Office means. She has screwed you lib left wingnuts harder than anyone on the Right Wing.
Pelosi releases 'fact sheet' saying Trump has 'betrayed his oath of office'

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) office on Monday released a "fact sheet" laying out what Democrats believe is their most compelling evidence to date against President Trump in their investigation of the president's efforts to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate a domestic political rival.
so what was the vote