Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Pelosi releases 'fact sheet' saying Trump has 'betrayed his oath of office'

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) office on Monday released a "fact sheet" laying out what Democrats believe is their most compelling evidence to date against President Trump in their investigation of the president's efforts to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate a domestic political rival.

Here is a direct quote from your Article- The four page document divides the narrative into three categories: the "shakedown," "the pressure campaign" and "the cover up." Key word "narrative" not evidence. The source document is nothing more then a political ad. someone upset and wanting to...???
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Disappointed and stunned that Justin managed a minority government but I am not going to protest what Canadians collectively decided to vote for, unlike what several Americans did when a certain 45th POTUS got elected! ?? (GO TRUMP!)

As I type this post I guess Justin is probably doing other crazy stuff unbecoming of a Prime Minister? Sigh! :unsure:

facts are what they are...even with Russia meddling already...the public knows and they have to run in their areas and not looking good for trump.....even if he should be able to conn his way into a 2nd term...providing he dodges impeachment...…. trump will have trouble with both houses against him

Trump Rages Over Republican Defections as Democrats Press on Impeachment

WASHINGTON — President Trump, increasingly embittered by an impeachment inquiry that Democrats are intensifying by the day, complained on Monday that Republicans were not united enough in defending him against what he called “vicious” adversaries bent on removing him.

******* really hits the fan today

U.S. diplomat who questioned 'crazy' Ukraine policy to testify in Trump probe

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers conducting an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump will hear on Tuesday from the top U.S. official in Ukraine, who once said it was "crazy" to withhold military aid for the country for domestic political reasons.

William Taylor, a former Army officer and career U.S. diplomat now leading the U.S. embassy in Kiev, will be the latest in a series of current and former officials to meet behind closed doors with the Democratic-led House of Representatives Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight Committees in the month since the probe began.

Good News for some....

Canadian vote projections indicate Trudeau will lead minority government

TORONTO —Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has survived scandal and missteps to win a plurality of seats in Parliament in Canada’s federal election, news media here projected, but he failed to retain his majority, leaving his government dependent on the support of smaller parties to advance his agenda.

Trudeau’s Liberal Party has won more seats than Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. and CTV News projected shortly after polls closed Monday night, but fell short of the 170 needed for a majority in the 338-seat House of Commons. As of late Monday night, preliminary results from Elections Canada indicated that the Liberals were leading or had won 155 seats — down from the 184 they won in 2015. The Conservative Party was in second with 122 seats, but led in the popular vote.

White House moves test Republican loyalties

Fissures are emerging among Republican lawmakers over President Trump, who is threatened with impeachment, as his troop withdrawal from Syria and abortive push to host the G-7 at his own resort cause increasing dismay. - Agence France-Presse
Sens. Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham both indicated that voting to remove Trump from the Oval Office is on the table for them should the House pass articles of impeachment. -

No real suprises here......trump as usual aiding the enemy.....

ISIS Reaps Gains of U.S. Pullout From Syria

American forces and their Kurdish-led partners in Syria had been conducting as many as a dozen counterterrorism missions a day against Islamic State militants, officials said. That has stopped.

Those same partners, the Syrian Democratic Forces, had also been quietly releasing some Islamic State prisoners and incorporating them into their ranks, in part as a way to keep them under watch. That, too, is now in jeopardy.

And across Syria’s porous border with Iraq, Islamic State fighters are conducting a campaign of assassination against local village headmen, in part to intimidate government informants.

When President Trump announced this month that he would pull American troops out of northern Syria and make way for a Turkish attack on the Kurds, Washington’s onetime allies, many warned that he was removing the spearhead of the campaign to defeat the Islamic State, also known as ISIS.

Now, analysts say that Mr. Trump’s pullout has handed the Islamic State its biggest win in more than four years and greatly improved its prospects. With American forces rushing for the exits, in fact, American officials said last week that they were already losing their ability to collect critical intelligence about the group’s operations on the ground.

“There is no question that ISIS is one of the big winners in what is happening in Syria,” said Lina Khatib, director of the Middle East and North Africa Program at Chatham House, a research center in London.

News of the American withdrawal set off jubilation among Islamic State supporters on social media and encrypted chat networks. It has lifted the morale of fighters in affiliates as far away as Libya and Nigeria.

And, by removing a critical counterforce, the pullout has eased the re-emergence of the Islamic State’s core as a terrorist network or a more conventional, and potentially long-lasting, insurgency based in Syria and Iraq.

well go figure...………….

Iraq's military says US troops leaving Syria don't have permission to stay in country

The statement appears to contradict U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper who has said that under the current plan, all U.S. troops leaving Syria will go to western Iraq and the military will continue to conduct operations against the Islamic State group to prevent its resurgence.


sure....just taking advantage of the trumpies and what they have been told about regular news sources all fake why not start something that tells the right what they want to a fox news in print?....Hannity wouldn't be editor in chief would he?
Most news sources now - aren’t - they act like news sources but all they do is push the left’s talking points. Watch 10 minutes of CNN or MSNBC and you’ll see exactly what I am saying is true.

damn your ability to sniff out the facts is astounding.........…...I really doubt you can find anyone that won't agree with you on that...…..Cnn and MSNBC are pretty much known for being left...….just like your commentators on Fox...and that whacko you listen to on the radio being on the right

most have news standards and follow them...or get sued
well no *******...…...I really doubt you can find anyone that won't agree with you on that...…..Cnn and MSNBC are pretty much known for being left...….just like your commentators on Fox...and that whacko you listen to on the radio being on the right

most have news standards and follow them...or get sued
they can't get sued for hypothetical innuendo
Meaning they can fling leftist horseshite ;}

and right wing bullshit!

someone with a few smarts can sort out the truth if they want to

but how many of you right wingers feed the propaganda machine and stir up the hate in the country that some on the right Hannity and Carlson and Limbaugh and others....and that is all they do...cater to the right and stir the hate and discontent.....and people wonder why the 2 parties can't work together for the betterment of the country......when people like that stirring weak minds