Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Iraq says US troops leaving Syria can't redeploy there and have to leave in 4 weeks, a fresh embarrassment in Trump's botched withdrawal

  • One thousand American troops are leaving northeastern Syria after President Donald Trump decided to pull them out earlier this month.
  • Earlier this week US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said they would be redeployed to Iraq, where they could keep an eye on oil fields and monitor activity of the Islamic State terrorist group. Hours later, however, Iraq said they were not allowed to.
  • In an emergency meeting on Wednesday, Esper and Iraq's defense minister agreed to allow the US troops to stay in Iraq for four weeks before going elsewhere, the Associated Press reported.
  • It was not clear where the troops would go next.

The 1,000 US troops leaving Syria will be allowed to stay in Iraq for at most four weeks, Iraq's defense minister said Wednesday, in an embarrassing rebuff to President Donald Trump's plans for withdrawing from Syria.

Najah al-Shammari's comments to the Associated Press came shortly after his meeting with US Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who went to Baghdad to negotiate the redeployment of US troops in Iraq after they withdrew from Syria.

The emergency meeting came after Esper announced on Monday that the American troops would be stationed along the Iraq-Syria border.

The announcement was seemingly made without bringing Iraq on board first, as the Iraqi government said hours later that the US had not secured permission to do so.

Esper said at the time that US troops would help secure oil fields and monitor activity of the Islamic State terrorist group from Iraq.

U.S. troops in Syria headed to Iraq, not home, despite Trump’s claims

KABUL, Afghanistan —
While President Trump insists he’s bringing home Americans from “endless wars” in the Mideast, his Pentagon chief says all U.S. troops leaving Syria will go to western Iraq and the American military will continue operations against the Islamic State group.

They aren’t coming home and the United States isn’t leaving the turbulent Middle East, according to current plans outlined by U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper before he arrived in Afghanistan on Sunday. The fight in Syria against Islamic State, once spearheaded by American-allied Syrian Kurds who have been cast aside by Trump, will be undertaken by U.S. forces, possibly from neighboring Iraq.

Something that will make @subhub174014 smile....

Not really...her time has come and gone...needs to move on....I do think she is very well qualified and could do a bang up job......but the right...just like they did with Obama....would just cock block everything she tried to do in their bitterness of her just being there

I still like Joe....think he can reunite the country and get things going again...but worry about his age....after that I guess the Mayor or Amy knobblecocker….both seem level headed
I think the Mayor is a knobblecocker - Amy Klobuschar seems to have her head screwed on more straight than any of them besides ole Uncle Joe - the rest are bozos.
I hope we pull out of Afghanistan next

we are stuck there as long as there are nukes there...….can't take the chance of something happening
and now we have to start all over again with Isis.....and now that we have let Iran move into Iraq.....we will never get out of there.....we should have built a major military base there right after we went in the first time...….every place we have went in with the military in any kind of conflict we have set up a base to maintain stability...….and we let Iraq tell us no?....Guess maybe Bush felt bad after he let cheney start all that...and just wanted them home....although it never did happen....and then Obama tried to "insist"...but the Iraqis said the GI's would follow under local laws which would have been major problems...….we had a small base on the Syrian border....and just bombed it!
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Correction, once a President always a President. Even when ex-Presidents are mentioned they are always referred to as President. Go Trump!
here let me correct that for you stiff

Correction, once a President always a President. Even when ex-Presidents are mentioned they are always referred to as President. Go Trump! fuck trump!
I think we should close all base outside us and build on moon

******* we have bases all over the world....I can remember going to germany 2 times on what was called Reforger….to play war games...….US spent millions playing games.....remember one time I was in an 8in howitzer unit....they gave us orders to mover about every 4 hours it seemed….we would go through these old towns with narrow streets..make a turn and tear out the corner of the bldgs...….and over there you ******* something ...not ******* a chicken you just don't pay for the pay for the eggs and other chicks it would have produced for the next 5 years.....I remember one time we had just got settled in and was about the orders to move to another coordinance….we pull in it is the middle of the night...….bunch of trees all around...….we get up the next morning and villagers all pissed and stacking rocks around our equipment.....we were right in the middle of what was once a nice orchard....anyway you are there for 6 weeks to 2 months...and the war games only last 3 days...but you have equipment to take care of before and after and etc...….millions spent all for?????

but anyway we have to stay there I guess because of Russia......and like SK we have to stay there because of the north.....we need a major base in northern help the kurds who have given so much to help keep an eye on Russia/Syria....and keep iran from just taking over in Iraq.....I think if we just got isis under control....we could just sit back let all of them do their own thing...and also keep an eye on Iran
******* we have bases all over the world....I can remember going to germany 2 times on what was called Reforger….to play war games...….US spent millions playing games.....remember one time I was in an 8in howitzer unit....they gave us orders to mover about every 4 hours it seemed….we would go through these old towns with narrow streets..make a turn and tear out the corner of the bldgs...….and over there you ******* something ...not ******* a chicken you just don't pay for the pay for the eggs and other chicks it would have produced for the next 5 years.....I remember one time we had just got settled in and was about the orders to move to another coordinance….we pull in it is the middle of the night...….bunch of trees all around...….we get up the next morning and villagers all pissed and stacking rocks around our equipment.....we were right in the middle of what was once a nice orchard....anyway you are there for 6 weeks to 2 months...and the war games only last 3 days...but you have equipment to take care of before and after and etc...….millions spent all for?????

but anyway we have to stay there I guess because of Russia......and like SK we have to stay there because of the north.....we need a major base in northern help the kurds who have given so much to help keep an eye on Russia/Syria....and keep iran from just taking over in Iraq.....I think if we just got isis under control....we could just sit back let all of them do their own thing...and also keep an eye on Iran
we don't need boots on ground anymore
we don't need boots on ground anymore a way....most of it anymore from the air...…..but presence is also a deterrent….just like I see we have no eyes and ears in Syria anymore to keep tabs on Isis....since the kurds just dropped everything and ran for cover....and we had troops there that had friends and in that part of the country we have no idea what they are up to or how "building" they are doing...NOTHING!
Indicted Giuliani Associate Ties Case to Trump

One of the two indicted associates of President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, on Wednesday tied the case to the president himself, saying that some of the evidence gathered in the campaign-finance investigation could be subject to executive privilege.

The unusual argument was raised by a defense lawyer in federal court in Manhattan as the two associates, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, pleaded not guilty to federal charges that they had made illegal campaign contributions to political candidates in the United States in exchange for potential influence.

Mr. Parnas and Mr. Fruman have become unexpected figures in the events at the heart of the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, having played a role in helping Mr. Giuliani’s efforts on behalf of President Trump to dig up information in Ukraine that could damage former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., a prospective Democratic challenger.

Mr. Giuliani has denied wrongdoing but has acknowledged that he and the two men worked with officials in Ukraine to collect damaging information about the American ambassador to Ukraine and other targets of Mr. Trump and his allies, including Mr. Biden and his younger *******, Hunter.

Edward B. MacMahon Jr., a lawyer for Mr. Parnas, told the judge in the case that the potential for the White House to invoke executive privilege stemmed from the fact that Mr. Parnas had used Mr. Giuliani as his own lawyer at the same time Mr. Giuliani was working as Mr. Trump’s lawyer.

Mr. Parnas and Mr. Fruman were charged earlier this month with concealing the source of political donations in order to advance their own business interests and the political interests of Ukrainian government officials. Mr. Trump and Mr. Giuliani were not named in the indictment, although prosecutors are also investigating whether Mr. Giuliani broke lobbying laws in his dealings in Ukraine, according to people familiar with the inquiry.

Naturally …….he likes these kind of's our allies he wants to ******* he is using trump and trump to fucking dumb to know it

Kim Jong Un calls his relationship with Trump 'special'

Kim Jong Un has praised his "special" relationship with US President Donald Trump, with one of North Korea's most respected diplomats telling state media the two leaders maintain "trust in each other."

Kim Kye Gwan, a former nuclear negotiator who now serves as an adviser to the North Korean leader, said Kim Jong Un and Trump enjoy "close relations" -- a statement that appeared to pin the future of diplomatic talks between Washington and Pyongyang on the two leaders' unique connection.
