Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I'm not trying to influence anything.....I just posted the news!....and along that note I remember trump endorsing the new leader in the UK....maybe world leaders do one thing and others not?
I know you are parroting the news and I am glad you caught that as I heard Obama endorse Trudeau too. But as a non American recently and on other occasions you criticized me for trying to influence American politics. I know you personally are above such activities, but I find it interesting that Obama is trying to influence Canadian politics as a non-Canadian a week before our federal election. So I wonder if you would also criticize Obama for doing an activity just like I did? :unsure:
I know you are parroting the news and I am glad you caught that as I heard Obama endorse Trudeau too. But as a non American recently and on other occasions you criticized me for trying to influence American politics. I know you personally are above such activities, but I find it interesting that Obama is trying to influence Canadian politics as a non-Canadian a week before our federal election. So I wonder if you would also criticize Obama for doing an activity just like I did? :unsure:

Like I said.....trump did it just before the election in the UK....mentioned he was old friends with the good a job he would do and etc......I'm sure I posted that also

besides I might add....they are both liberals.....we already have more than enough crazies leading countries now
Gen mattis speaks out against trumps treatment of the Kurds and our allies...…...and trump calls him the most over rated gen in history...Mattis was his chief of staff for over a year
Even Lindsay graham.....said with trumps move in Syria....just killed his own re-election chances

trump announced sanctions on Turkey and their stock market went UP!
selling out our allies in just a few easy steps

Trump claims Kurds 'no angels' as he boasts of his own 'brilliant' strategy

Trump says Turkish offensive has 'nothing to do with us ...
8 hours ago · President Trump said Wednesday that Turkey’s offensive against U.S.-allied Kurdish forces in northern Syria has “has nothing to do with us,” defending his decision to withdraw U.S. troops ...

Trump on Turkish offensive in Syria: Kurds 'didn't help us ...
6 days ago · In the face of growing bipartisan anger, President Donald Trump defended his decision to allow a Turkish offensive in northern Syria by saying that the U.S.-allied Kurds — who led the ground...

Donald Trump has handed over Isis fight in Syria, Turkey ...
7 days ago · Donald Trump has handed over Isis fight in Syria, Turkey says, as offensive looms Ankara says military will cross border ‘shortly’, and claims US president gave green light, contradicting US ...
ISIS plans prison escape from Kurdish jails after US left ...
6 days ago · ISIS is likely plotting a mass prison breakout to free 70,000 or more supporters being held in Kurdish jails, sources tell Insider. The Kurdish Syrian Defence Forces were allies in the US fight ...

ISIS 'poised to RELEASE' thousands of fighters from prison ...
Sep 25, 2019 · ISIS ‘poised to break out thousands of its fighters from Iraq and Syria prison camps’ after Trump threatens to flood Europe with jihadis Mark Hodge 25 Sep 2019, 20:29

ISIS has a plan to bust out 70,000 supporters from Kurdish ...
6 days ago · SDF officials, who have warned that their resources were already overstretched guarding tens of thousands of ISIS prisoners before the invasion, now say the situation is critical.

'We now face the prospect of 10,000 ISIS prisoners ...
6 days ago · 'We now face the prospect of 10,000 ISIS prisoners rejoining the battlefield': US senator's terrifying warning as Kurdish militia claims jihadists will escape jail while they fight Turkey

ISIS latest: Trump threatens to dump 2,500 prisoners on ...
Sep 22, 2019 · Donald Trump issues terrifying threat to dump 2,500 ISIS prisoners on Europe’s doorstep DONALD TRUMP threatened to release prisoners from Europe who have joined Islamic terrorist groups if their ...
Trump’s Impeachment Blockade Crumbles as Witnesses Agree to Talk

WASHINGTON — The White House’s trenchant declaration to House impeachment investigators last week was unequivocal: No more witnesses or documents for a “totally compromised kangaroo court.”

But just a week later, it has become clear that President Trump’s attempts to stonewall the Democrat-led inquiry that has imperiled his presidency and ensnared much of his inner circle are crumbling.

One by one, a parade of Trump administration career diplomats and senior officials has offered a cascade of revelations. Those accounts have corroborated and expanded upon key aspects of the whistle-blower complaint that spawned the impeachment inquiry into whether the president abused his power to enlist Ukraine to help him in the 2020 presidential election.

McConnell tells Senate Republicans to be ready for impeachment trial of Trump

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Republican senators Wednesday to be ready for an impeachment trial of President Trump as soon as Thanksgiving, as the Senate began to brace for a political maelstrom that would engulf the nation.

An air of inevitability has taken hold in Congress, with the expectation Trump will become the third president in history to be impeached — and Republicans believe they need to prepare to defend the president. While McConnell briefed senators on what would happen during a Senate trial, House GOP leaders convened what they expect will be regular impeachment strategy sessions.

In their closed-door weekly luncheon, McConnell gave a PowerPoint presentation about the impeachment process and fielded questions alongside his staff and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who was a manager for the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

Trump Lashes Out on Syria as Republicans Rebuke Him in House Vote

WASHINGTON — President Trump faced off against both parties in Congress on Wednesday in an extraordinary confrontation over his decision to abandon America’s Kurdish allies as the vast majority of House Republicans joined Democrats to condemn his policy in an overwhelming vote.

Mr. Trump found himself increasingly isolated after withdrawing troops from Syria and clearing the way for a Turkish offensive against Kurds who had fought alongside the United States. The president all but washed his hands of the conflict, saying that it “has nothing to do with us,” generating withering criticism from Republicans and leading to a stormy clash with Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Bereft of supporters and under pressure from an impeachment inquiry, Mr. Trump spent much of the day defending his decision and lashing out against rivals. He dismissed the Kurds, who until last week shared outposts with American soldiers, saying they were “no angels” and fought for money. And he berated Ms. Pelosi as a “third-grade politician” or “third-rate politician,” depending on the version, prompting Democrats to walk out of a White House meeting.

“I think now we have to pray for his health,” Ms. Pelosi told reporters afterward. “This was a very serious meltdown on the part of the president.” She said Mr. Trump seemed “very shaken up” by the cascade of criticism.

Mr. Trump said it was the other way around. “Nancy Pelosi needs help fast!” he wrote on Twitter. “She had a total meltdown in the White House today. It was very sad to watch. Pray for her, she is a very sick person!”

The collision in the Cabinet Room came shortly after the House voted 354 to 60 for a nonbinding resolution expressing opposition to Mr. Trump’s decision to abandon the Kurds, a measure that drew support from two-thirds of the House Republican caucus and all three of its top leaders. Senate Republicans spoke out individually on Wednesday, warning that Mr. Trump was courting “disaster,” as one put it.

she is not running away from anything...…..everyday more witnesses and facts being discovered why rush things until all the facts are in.....your man would just like to stop the *******....and it is getting to him......

Nancy Pelosi: Donald Trump had a 'meltdown ... -
Oct 16, 2019 · Congressional Democrats walked out of a White House meeting on Syria, claiming Donald Trump had a 'meltdown' and called Nancy Pelosi 'third rate.'

Trump Insulted Pelosi in 'Meltdown' Meeting, Schumer Says
2 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer condemned Donald Trump after leaving a meeting in which they say the president erupted in ...

it was on the news....they just let it keep rolling....the guy was going nuts...….he will resign soon....the meeting was on Syria.....he couldn't get away from impeachment!

Trump Rips Pelosi as 'Third-Rate Politician' in 'Meltdown ...
Oct 16, 2019 · Top Democratic leaders slammed President Donald Trump after they walked out of a White House meeting on Syria that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., described as a "meltdown" and with other leaders bashing Trump for calling her "a third-rate politician."

and you keep posting that harris *******....he is a PAID right wing nut.....far from having any crediability….why not just use Hannity....same want people to take you serious when you post that *******...just a little "tainted"

Trump Spotlight | Interview with DAVID J HARRIS JR | RIGHT ...
Aug 27, 2019 · David J. Harris Jr. is an author, speaker, business owner and leading voice in the conservative movement. He’s met with President Trump on several occasions and longs to wake up the Black ...
  • Views: 64
It is curious how @subhub174014 is promoting an interview from David Harris Jr, a prominent Black American and a known Trump supporter? I guess he wants to learn more about him? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
It is curious how @subhub174014 is promoting an interview from David Harris Jr, a prominent Black American and a known Trump supporter? I guess he wants to learn more about him? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

I am not promoting nothing and you know just like using a black right wing fanatic as some sort of fact....when he is nothing more than a paid entertainer……..who mind fucks people with weak minds.....and they in turn ..because they are unable to distinguish the facts spread his false claims.....all because he is well paid to make those claims...…...and if you think it is not all about the money you are sadly mistaken...…...look at Lou Dobbs...….now on Fox news.....a loyal trump supporter and etc...….and yet for years was on CNN and always defended the working man...even wrote a couple of books on how the right was destroying the middle class...…..but now that Fox news pays is all about big biz and trump...….money talks!

big biz has the money and if you want some of it you cater to it.....see many left wing talk money there

they go where the money is and tell the people what they want to hear and believe
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I am not promoting nothing and you know just like using a black right wing fanatic as some sort of fact....when he is nothing more than a paid entertainer……..who mind fucks people with weak minds.....and they in turn ..because they are unable to distinguish the facts spread his false claims.....all because he is well paid to make those claims...…...and if you think it is not all about the money you are sadly mistaken...…...look at Lou Dobbs...….now on Fox news.....a loyal trump supporter and etc...….and yet for years was on CNN and always defended the working man...even wrote a couple of books on how the right was destroying the middle class...…..but now that Fox news pays is all about big biz and trump...….money talks!

big biz has the money and if you want some of it you cater to it.....see many left wing talk money there

they go where the money is and tell the people what they want to hear and believe
With all due respect @subhub174014 look at your post at the base of it you included a link to David Harris Jr? That does puzzle me based on your response? I listened to that interview in the meantime and I know you would greatly disagree with it? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
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