Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Congressman Elijah Cummings is dead. One of Trumps biggest critics. Right on the eve of a probable impeachment vote. Lol, even an atheist would say it’s a sign from god.
True enough but there are atheists here on this site that could face the plagues that Pharaoh Rameses II faced and still shout there is no God. Also, even though Elijah Cummings plotted the downfall of President Trump I do not celebrate his death. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

If more Democrats or those who rabidly loathe President Donald Trump ?? die I would grow concerned for @subhub174014 's safety.
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True enough but there are atheists here on this site that could face the plagues that Pharaoh Rameses II faced and still shout there is no God. Also, even though Elijah Cummings plotted the downfall of President Trump I do not celebrate his death. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The only plague that’s going around are the liberals and snowflakes with TDS.
The only plague that’s going around are the liberals and snowflakes with TDS.
There are others that are not mentioned here brother! Consider the plague of Alzheimers, or cognitive decline in seniors these days? Autism in *******? Not to mention the vast array of sexual diseases roaming around like Syphilis or Gonorrhea these days? If they ever got off Trump's ass and let him do his job as POTUS maybe he could tackle these problems as well too? :unsure:
and the noose just keeps getting tighter...losing republican support...…..don't think he will finish his term!

Mulvaney: Trump Held Back Ukraine Aid Pending Investigation of Democrats
Undercutting President Trump’s denial of a quid pro quo, the acting White House chief of staff told reporters that military aid was held back in part to prod Ukraine to investigate Democrats.

The acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters that military aid was held back in part to prod Ukraine to investigate Democrats, undercutting President Trump’s denial of a quid pro quo.

WASHINGTON — Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, said Thursday that the Trump administration withheld nearly $400 million in military aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate what the president has long insisted was Kiev’s assistance to Democrats during the 2016 election.

The declaration by Mr. Mulvaney undercut Mr. Trump’s repeated denials of a quid pro quo that linked security aid for Ukraine’s battle against Russian-backed separatists to Mr. Trump’s unsubstantiated theory that a server with missing Democratic emails was being held by a company based in Ukraine.

A former White House homeland security adviser had told Mr. Trump repeatedly that the theory had been “completely debunked.” But Mr. Trump demanded Ukraine take a look, Mr. Mulvaney said.

“The only thing I’ll say at this point is that Mr. Mulvaney’s acknowledgment certainly indicates that things have gone from very, very bad to much, much worse,” said Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who is leading the impeachment inquiry.

Mick Mulvaney publicly confirms Trump held up Ukraine aid for political gain
whoops....noose tighter still

Gordon Sondland breaks with Trump in impeachment testimony ...
Oct 17, 2019 · Sondland’s testimony has the potential to be the most devastating yet for Trump’s defenders, who say he did not apply inappropriate pressure on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate...

Gordon Sondland, E.U. Envoy, Testifies That Trump ...
6 hours ago · Gordon Sondland, E.U. Envoy, Testifies That Trump Delegated Ukraine Policy to Giuliani Gordon D. Sondland said in his prepared statement to House impeachment investigators that …
True enough but there are atheists here on this site that could face the plagues that Pharaoh Rameses II faced and still shout there is no God. Also, even though Elijah Cummings plotted the downfall of President Trump I do not celebrate his death. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

If more Democrats or those who rabidly loathe President Donald Trump ?? die I would grow concerned for @subhub174014 's safety.

I would think you two would be mourning a great civil rights leader instead of celebrating his death to try and save your crook....whom the majority of America wants him impeached and out of office

and speaking of devil worshippers few on here today
impeachment picking up steam?

already doubt in a bunch of them

Republicans split on Ukraine questions - CNN Video
Oct 07, 2019 · CNN's Dana Bash discusses the split response from Republicans on Trump's request for China and Ukraine to investigate the Bidens and explains why other conservative

Support for impeachment surges amid Trump-Ukraine scandal ...
Sep 30, 2019 · Strong approval for Trump in the Quinnipiac poll jumped from 29% five days ago to 35%. Among Republicans, 88% said they approved or strongly approved of Trump’s job performance.

Public support for impeaching Donald Trump and removing him from office has climbed significantly in the week since news first emerged that Trump sought foreign help for his 2020 re-election campaign, according to two polls released Monday.

One poll, conducted by Quinnipiac University over the weekend, found a 20-point swing in the last five days in support for Trump’s impeachment. Americans are now split 47-47 on the question of impeachment, the poll found, compared with 37% for impeachment and 57% opposition measured by the poll on 25 September.

A second poll, conducted by CNN/SSRS, also found that 47% of Americans support impeaching Trump, up 6 points from when the question was asked in May.

The odds of Trump’s impeachment hit a new high of 71% in online betting markets, meanwhile.
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I would think you two would be mourning a great civil rights leader instead of celebrating his death to try and save your crook....whom the majority of America wants him impeached and out of office

and speaking of devil worshippers few on here today
Elijah Cummings was a man that did his best to help the Black community and he will be mourned. I'll leave it at that because if I say more you will disagree with me @subhub174014 .
Elijah Cummings was a man that did his best to help the Black community and he will be mourned. I'll leave it at that because if I say more you will disagree with me @subhub174014 .

No...I admired the man......he had principles early in life......and followed them all through his life.....I wonder just how much his early life effected his health...…..during those marches with MLK......he took some pretty harsh beatings.....remember seeing the vids....surprised he was still around after some of them
Why is @Allforthewifey a satanist @subhub174014 just for cheering Trump?

you guys worship me he is the devil.....the most corrupt man to ever go to wash......and brought more corruption to the city in his first couple years than all the politicians before him for the past 20 each their own.....but with the majority of the country not wanting him to be must say something