Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump's Ukraine Call Was 'Treason, Pure and Simple ...
Sep 23, 2019 · Republican presidential challenger Bill Weld has labeled President Donald Trump's recent Ukraine call an act of "treason" and noted the penalty for treason

Treason: Is It the Future for President Trump? - Law Blog
The short answer is “no.” Treason is only found if a country or entity has declared war or is in a state of open war. While Russia is generally a foreign adversary, we are not at war with Russia. It is much more likely that if the FBI could prove Trump’s ties to Russia, Trump

#TREASON? One of Donald Trump’s aides portrays him as ...
#TREASON? One of Donald Trump’s aides portrays him as unfit to be president, anonymously. Other staff who share this view should say so, publicly
And so the insanity spews forth - endlessly :{

Too bad the Dems have nothing but bozos to run - if they didn’t - maybe just maybe - their insane attacks wouldn’t be so strident and they wouldn’t look so frantic and desperate!!!!
And so the insanity spews forth - endlessly :{

Too bad the Dems have nothing but bozos to run - if they didn’t - maybe just maybe - their insane attacks wouldn’t be so strident and they wouldn’t look so frantic and desperate!!!!
These Democratic crooks need to be replaced, Shifty Shiff, what a disgusting insult to mankind and you ignoramuses call Trump a liar ? Compared to all those that have tried to destroy President Trump from day one, they are felons and Trump is a boy scout. You imbeciles are as insane as your super intelligent puppet masters.
These Democratic crooks need to be replaced, Shifty Shiff, what a disgusting insult to mankind and you ignoramuses call Trump a liar ? Compared to all those that have tried to destroy President Trump from day one, they are felons and Trump is a boy scout. You imbeciles are as insane as your super intelligent puppet masters.

OMG the wizard of witt has spoken...…..blind as a bat and as knowledgeable about things as any common mole
as the evidence just keeps coming

Impeachment: Fiona Hill, Trump's former Russia aide, testifies
14 hours ago · Former Donald Trump Russia adviser Fiona Hill appears before lawmakers in impeachment probe Fiona Hill, President Donald Trump's former Russia adviser, testified Monday before Congress as part of...

Fiona Hill was Trump's top Russia adviser. Now she's ...
Oct 14, 2019 · Fiona Hill was Trump's top Russia adviser. Now she's testifying on the Ukraine scandal - CNNPolitics Fiona Hill, President Donald Trump's former top Russia adviser, is …

Former Trump Aide Fiona Hill Speaks to Impeachment ...
7 hours ago · WASHINGTON — Fiona Hill, President Trump’s former top Russia and Europe adviser, met with House impeachment investigators on Monday prepared to testify that …
It sure isn't trump making a move to stop Turkey....he already made a commitment to Russia

The withdrawal has sparked perhaps the strongest criticism of the president from Republicans of any issue since Mr. Trump's presidency, and at a time when he most needs Republicans' support during the impeachment inquiry. Republicans have been trying to talk the president out of the decision, as Turkey moves deeper into Syria, threatening Kurdish allies who helped the U.S. defeat ISIS fend for their lives.

"Pleased to have a conversation with Senator @LindseyGrahamSC this morning," Pelosi tweeted. "Our first order of business was to agree that we must have a bipartisan, bicameral joint resolution to overturn the president's dangerous decision in Syria immediately."

McConnell said he looks forward to talking with his colleagues in the Senate and with senior administration officials about "what the United States can do to avoid a strategic calamity." He went on to say that while Turkey is a NATO ally, its offensive against the U.S.' Kurdish partners "is jeopardizing years of hard-won progress in the fight against ISIS," and he argued that the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria now would "re-create the very conditions that we have worked hard to destroy and invite the resurgence of ISIS." More broadly, he said, withdrawal would create a power vacuum that Iran and Russia would exploit, which is "a catastrophic outcome" for U.S. strategic interests.

Graham, in an appearance on Fox News' "Fox and Friends," said the Trump administration would work with Republicans and Democrats to "crush" Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and "break his economy" until he stops the bloodshed in northern Syria. The South Carolina senator also said he would be meeting with the president Monday afternoon. He told the Fox News hosts that Turkey would see a "united front," and said that in addition to Pelosi, he was talking with other Democrats — Senators Chris Van Hollen and Bob Menendez.

The U.S. was "preparing to evacuate" about a thousand U.S. troops from northern Syria, Defense Secretary Mark Esper told "Face the Nation" in an interview Sunday. The president said Monday that "a small footprint of United States forces will remain at At Tanf Garrison in southern Syria to continue to disrupt remnants of ISIS."

The Kurds, former U.S. officials and senior Republican lawmakers have warned that the U.S. pullout from the region could give ISIS room to rebuild and send a message that the U.S. is willing to abandon close allies when the political winds change.

Esper told "Face the Nation" host Margaret Brennan that the remaining U.S. troops were caught between Turkish forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the main U.S. allies in the fight against ISIS. Esper said that he had spoken with Mr. Trump Saturday after discussions with the rest of the national security team. Mr. Trump, Esper said, then ordered a "deliberate withdrawal" of forces from northern Syria.

The move comes a week after Mr. Trump announced the repositioning of several dozen American troops embedded with Kurdish forces in northern Syria, opening the door for a Turkish offensive against the SDF.

Esper also told "Face the Nation" host Margaret Brennan that over the weekend, the U.S. had learned that the Turks "likely intend to extend their attack further south than originally planned, and to the west." He added that "we also have learned in the last 24 hours that the ... SDF are looking to cut a deal, if you will, with the Syrians and the Russians to counterattack against the Turks in the north."

According to the United Nations, more than 100,000 internally displaced people are fleeing the violence.

Shortly after the initial pullback last week, Turkey began its onslaught, attacking the northern part of the country. On Saturday, the fourth day of the offensive, Turkish forces captured a key border town from the SDF. ISIS prisoners were also able to escape imprisonment when Turkish artillery hit a prison compound.

Trump's evangelical base has shrunk - Religion News Service
Trump’s evangelical base has shrunk. ... President Donald Trump speaks with Liberty University president, Jerry Falwell Jr., right, during commencement ceremonies at the school in Lynchburg, Va ..

Trump’s Base is SHRINKING! | EARTH
Aug 05, 2019 · Trump's SHRINKING Base is still shrinking as people come to realize TRUMP IS A RACIST and they realize that by following Trump thet too were racists, blindly following TRUMP's RACISM! EX-TRUMP SUPPORTER APOLOGIZES ON OBAMA'S BIRTHDAY FOR 'HATE I GAVE HIM,' ADMITS 'I DID HAVE RACIST TENDENCIES' A vocal supporter of President Donald Trump who…

As Trump Governs For His Base, The Republican Party Is ...
Jul 19, 2018 · As Trump Governs For His Base, The Republican Party Is Shrinking Tossing his base almost nothing but red meat and constant divisive rhetoric isn’t just driving wedges between Republicans, it’s making them leave the party.

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking | TheHill
"The base is shrinking because there are fewer Republicans. So the base is more solid than it was, but there's fewer of them," he said.

Trump's base appears to be shrinking, as his approval ...
Support for Trump Among Republicans, White Voters, Middle Class Plummets, Signaling His Base Is Shrinking. President Donald Trump has lately spent a curious amount of time talking about his "base," raising the idea that he might be aware it is vanishing. The latest poll released by Investor's Business Daily/TechnoMetrica (IBD/TIPP)...

Trump is losing support among white women (including those ...
Jul 29, 2019 · Trump is losing support among white women (including those w/o college degrees). subir. Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)

Support for Trump is fading among active-duty troops, new ...
Oct 15, 2018 · Reflecting views in the broader American public, Trump’s support is higher in the military among men and enlisted troops, and significantly lower among women, minorities and officers. A …

'Trump is ruining our markets': Farmers lose a huge ...
Aug 10, 2019 · U.S. farmers lost one of their biggest customers after China officially cancelled all purchases of U.S. agricultural products, a retaliatory move following President Donald Trump's pledge

Donald Trump is losing support for his handling of America ...
Mar 27, 2019 · Donald Trump Is Losing Support for His Handling of America's Economy President Donald Trump's approval rating for his handling of the American economy dipped further in March, though it is still in...

The Tragedy of Trump’s Foreign Policy – Foreign Policy
Mar 05, 2019 · More than two years into his first term, Trump most visible foreign-policy “achievement” is a steady and sharp decline in America’s global image. And that’s the real tragedy.

Trump’s Foreign-Policy Meltdown | The Nation
Jul 17, 2017 · Instead of the diplomacy of presidents past, Trump and his advisers, especially his military men, have reacted to his first modest foreign crises as well as the everyday power questions of empire with outbursts akin to Anthony Eden’s.

As a conservative, I despair at Republicans' support for ...
Jul 22, 2018 · As a conservative, I despair at Republicans' support for Trump. His vision is not conservatism It is hard to refute those who say Trumpism is a …

and on and on...…...
we will see

true....I will give you this.....last time Hillary was a lock....and
but then he had a lot of help I don't think he will this time.....and he has offended about everyone in the country...and his base is shrinking......I see him losing the popular vote by a yugge for the office..?????