Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Waste of time having this (I say this in the loosest sense) discussion here. Neither side recognizes the others perspective as the each have their own realities...but only 1 is based in fact not fiction! The Constitution will win out in the end...NO ONE is above the law...
good new for Canada...….Trudeau is getting and endorsement for America's finest!
some say he is out of office....but still our president since the one we have is Russian appointed!

Obama endorses Trudeau in unprecedented endorsement
Oct 16, 2019 · Obama endorses Trudeau in unprecedented endorsement By ROB GILLIES October 16, 2019 Canada's Liberal leader Justin Trudeau speaks during a campaign stop at the Botanical Garden in Montreal on Wednesday Oct. 16, 2019. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press via AP)

Obama endorses Canada's Trudeau for re-election - BBC News
Oct 16, 2019 · Former US president Barack Obama has endorsed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for re-election. Mr Obama tweeted that "the world needs his …

Barack Obama Endorses Justin Trudeau’s Liberals For Re ...
5 hours ago · Former United States president Barack Obama has endorsed the re-election bid of Justin Trudeau ’s Liberals. Obama made the announcement on Twitter Wednesday, touting Trudeau

Obama Endorses Justin Trudeau Despite Blackface Scandal
2 hours ago · Obama Endorses Justin Trudeau Despite Black- And Brownface Scandal The former U.S. president vouched for the Canadian prime minister in his reelection campaign, despite his history of wearing racist makeup. By Carla Herreria
good new for Canada...….Trudeau is getting and endorsement for America's finest!
some say he is out of office....but still our president since the one we have is Russian appointed!

Obama endorses Trudeau in unprecedented endorsement
Oct 16, 2019 · Obama endorses Trudeau in unprecedented endorsement By ROB GILLIES October 16, 2019 Canada's Liberal leader Justin Trudeau speaks during a campaign stop at the Botanical Garden in Montreal on Wednesday Oct. 16, 2019. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press via AP)

Obama endorses Canada's Trudeau for re-election - BBC News
Oct 16, 2019 · Former US president Barack Obama has endorsed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for re-election. Mr Obama tweeted that "the world needs his …

Barack Obama Endorses Justin Trudeau’s Liberals For Re ...
5 hours ago · Former United States president Barack Obama has endorsed the re-election bid of Justin Trudeau ’s Liberals. Obama made the announcement on Twitter Wednesday, touting Trudeau

Obama Endorses Justin Trudeau Despite Blackface Scandal
2 hours ago · Obama Endorses Justin Trudeau Despite Black- And Brownface Scandal The former U.S. president vouched for the Canadian prime minister in his reelection campaign, despite his history of wearing racist makeup. By Carla Herreria
i like when he fucks up other countries instead of ours
good new for Canada...….Trudeau is getting and endorsement for America's finest!
some say he is out of office....but still our president since the one we have is Russian appointed!

Obama endorses Trudeau in unprecedented endorsement
Oct 16, 2019 · Obama endorses Trudeau in unprecedented endorsement By ROB GILLIES October 16, 2019 Canada's Liberal leader Justin Trudeau speaks during a campaign stop at the Botanical Garden in Montreal on Wednesday Oct. 16, 2019. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press via AP)

Obama endorses Canada's Trudeau for re-election - BBC News
Oct 16, 2019 · Former US president Barack Obama has endorsed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for re-election. Mr Obama tweeted that "the world needs his …

Barack Obama Endorses Justin Trudeau’s Liberals For Re ...
5 hours ago · Former United States president Barack Obama has endorsed the re-election bid of Justin Trudeau ’s Liberals. Obama made the announcement on Twitter Wednesday, touting Trudeau

Obama Endorses Justin Trudeau Despite Blackface Scandal
2 hours ago · Obama Endorses Justin Trudeau Despite Black- And Brownface Scandal The former U.S. president vouched for the Canadian prime minister in his reelection campaign, despite his history of wearing racist makeup. By Carla Herreria
Hmmm I recall recently where you shamed me for trying to influence American politics; so within a week before Canada's federal election, it would appear that Obama is not adverse doing the same thing @subhub174014 ? :unsure:
It must be hard to be a Democrat these days with Pelosi running away from her impeachment challenge of Trump too?

from ( )

DEFEATED: Pelosi Announces NO Impeachment Vote
DHJ Staff
October 16, 2019

ShareTweetSubscribe to David Harris Jr!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not be pursuing a vote to formalize an impeachment inquiry against President Trump, leading some political pundits to believe she does not have enough House Democrats who want to go on record to defend impeachment.

Pelosi first announced that she and her House colleagues would be launching a formal impeachment inquiry on September 24 and have since issued several subpoenas for testimonies from Trump administration officials and documents relating to impeaching Trump.

As these officials continue to resist the subpoenas—most notably Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who claims there must be a formal vote held before the subpoena power can be enacted—Pelosi has called off a potential vote.

Politico reports Pelosi told a group of reporters on Tuesday evening, “At this time, we will not have a vote.”
“We’re not here to call bluffs. We’re here to find the truth, to uphold the Constitution of the United States,” the House Speaker continued. “This is not a game for us; this is deadly serious.”
Politico adds:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leaders will hold off on a full House vote authorizing an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, according to multiple lawmakers and aides.

Democratic leadership sources caution, however, that the decision could be “reassessed at some point.”
The move came amid opposition from key chairmen and members of leadership, as well as a number of centrist Democrats facing tough reelection bids.
Trump, White House officials and Republicans on Capitol Hill have seized on the absence of such a vote as an unacceptable break with House precedent and have vowed to resist what they describe as an illegitimate probe.

ABC News Politics


JUST IN: Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she just had a meeting with the House Democratic Caucus and there will be no impeachment inquiry vote by the House "at this time."

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7:22 PM - Oct 15, 2019
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According to Politico, even Democrat House leaders had disagreements over whether or not to formalize the impeachment inquiry:
Pelosi and other top Democrats couldn’t come to an agreement among themselves during internal discussions on Tuesday over whether to move forward with the vote, which would mark an escalation of their impeachment battle with Trump. Vulnerable House Democrats from swing districts were also largely opposed, with some lawmakers fearing that the American public would confuse a vote authorizing an impeachment inquiry as actually impeaching Trump.

Inside the leadership, Hoyer and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.). were opposed to the vote, as were Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), two key players in the impeachment drama, said several Democratic aides.
Hmmm I recall recently where you shamed me for trying to influence American politics; so within a week before Canada's federal election, it would appear that Obama is not adverse doing the same thing @subhub174014 ? :unsure:

I'm not trying to influence anything.....I just posted the news!....and along that note I remember trump endorsing the new leader in the UK....maybe world leaders do one thing and others not?
It must be hard to be a Democrat these days with Pelosi running away from her impeachment challenge of Trump too?

from ( )

DEFEATED: Pelosi Announces NO Impeachment Vote
DHJ Staff
October 16, 2019

ShareTweetSubscribe to David Harris Jr!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not be pursuing a vote to formalize an impeachment inquiry against President Trump, leading some political pundits to believe she does not have enough House Democrats who want to go on record to defend impeachment.

Pelosi first announced that she and her House colleagues would be launching a formal impeachment inquiry on September 24 and have since issued several subpoenas for testimonies from Trump administration officials and documents relating to impeaching Trump.

As these officials continue to resist the subpoenas—most notably Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who claims there must be a formal vote held before the subpoena power can be enacted—Pelosi has called off a potential vote.

Politico reports Pelosi told a group of reporters on Tuesday evening, “At this time, we will not have a vote.”
“We’re not here to call bluffs. We’re here to find the truth, to uphold the Constitution of the United States,” the House Speaker continued. “This is not a game for us; this is deadly serious.”
Politico adds:

251 people are talking about this

According to Politico, even Democrat House leaders had disagreements over whether or not to formalize the impeachment inquiry:

she is not running away from anything...…..everyday more witnesses and facts being discovered why rush things until all the facts are in.....your man would just like to stop the *******....and it is getting to him......

Nancy Pelosi: Donald Trump had a 'meltdown ... -
Oct 16, 2019 · Congressional Democrats walked out of a White House meeting on Syria, claiming Donald Trump had a 'meltdown' and called Nancy Pelosi 'third rate.'

Trump Insulted Pelosi in 'Meltdown' Meeting, Schumer Says
2 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer condemned Donald Trump after leaving a meeting in which they say the president erupted in ...

it was on the news....they just let it keep rolling....the guy was going nuts...….he will resign soon....the meeting was on Syria.....he couldn't get away from impeachment!

Trump Rips Pelosi as 'Third-Rate Politician' in 'Meltdown ...
Oct 16, 2019 · Top Democratic leaders slammed President Donald Trump after they walked out of a White House meeting on Syria that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., described as a "meltdown" and with other leaders bashing Trump for calling her "a third-rate politician."

and you keep posting that harris *******....he is a PAID right wing nut.....far from having any crediability….why not just use Hannity....same want people to take you serious when you post that *******...just a little "tainted"

Trump Spotlight | Interview with DAVID J HARRIS JR | RIGHT ...


Aug 27, 2019 · David J. Harris Jr. is an author, speaker, business owner and leading voice in the conservative movement. He’s met with President Trump on several occasions and longs to wake up the Black ...
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