Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

pretty bad when our military commanders are speaking up....and they need to after trump called his former chief of staff Gen mattis the most over rated gen in history....and look what all Gen Kelly went through working for trump

Ex-special ops commander: 'Our republic is under attack from the president'

Former Adm. William McRaven (Ret.) argued in an op-ed Thursday that President Trump is "destroying" the United States, warning that the future of the country is "in peril" if Trump is not removed from office.

McRaven, former commander of U.S. Special Operations, wrote in an op-ed for The New York Times titled "Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President." In it, he argues that Trump is launching "assaults" on various U.S. institutions: "on the intelligence and law enforcement community, the State Department and the press."

"They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own. They have seen us abandon our allies and have heard the shouts of betrayal from the battlefield," McRaven said of veterans who attended an Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) Society gala which McRaven also attended.

"As I stood on the parade field at Fort Bragg, one retired four-star general, grabbed my arm, shook me and shouted, 'I don't like the Democrats, but Trump is destroying the Republic!'" McRaven wrote.

McRaven went on to suggest that Trump's conduct in the Oval Office could lead to lower military recruitment numbers, as young Americans would distrust the Trump administration and future presidents.

"If our promises are meaningless, how will our allies ever trust us? If we can't have faith in our nation's principles, why would the men and women of this nation join the military? And if they don't join, who will protect us?" he questioned.

McRaven served as commander of U.S. Special Operations Command from 2011 to 2014, and later served as chancellor of the University of Texas school system.

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pretty bad when our military commanders are speaking up....and they need to after trump called his former chief of staff Gen mattis the most over rated gen in history....and look what all Gen Kelly went through working for trump

Ex-special ops commander: 'Our republic is under attack from the president'

Former Adm. William McRaven (Ret.) argued in an op-ed Thursday that President Trump is "destroying" the United States, warning that the future of the country is "in peril" if Trump is not removed from office.

McRaven, former commander of U.S. Special Operations, wrote in an op-ed for The New York Times titled "Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President." In it, he argues that Trump is launching "assaults" on various U.S. institutions: "on the intelligence and law enforcement community, the State Department and the press."

"They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own. They have seen us abandon our allies and have heard the shouts of betrayal from the battlefield," McRaven said of veterans who attended an Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) Society gala which McRaven also attended.

"As I stood on the parade field at Fort Bragg, one retired four-star general, grabbed my arm, shook me and shouted, 'I don't like the Democrats, but Trump is destroying the Republic!'" McRaven wrote.

McRaven went on to suggest that Trump's conduct in the Oval Office could lead to lower military recruitment numbers, as young Americans would distrust the Trump administration and future presidents.

"If our promises are meaningless, how will our allies ever trust us? If we can't have faith in our nation's principles, why would the men and women of this nation join the military? And if they don't join, who will protect us?" he questioned.

McRaven served as commander of U.S. Special Operations Command from 2011 to 2014, and later served as chancellor of the University of Texas school system.

There are / there were retired high ranking officers from the US military that supported President Trump as well such as General William Boykin, a founding member of the Army’s elite Delta *******.

If that is not enough there are other military officials that endorsed Trump such as: Army Gen. Burwell B. Bell III, Air ******* Gen. Alfred G. Hansen, Army Gen. Crosbie “Butch” Saint, Navy Adm. Jerry Johnson, and retired Army Lt. Gen. Marvin Covault.
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There are / there were retired high ranking officers from the US military that supported President Trump as well such as General William Boykin, a founding member of the Army’s elite Delta *******.

If that is not enough there are other military officials that endorsed Trump such as: Army Gen. Burwell B. Bell III, Air ******* Gen. Alfred G. Hansen, Army Gen. Crosbie “Butch” Saint, Navy Adm. Jerry Johnson, and retired Army Lt. Gen. Marvin Covault.
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a lot of people endorsed him at the start...…..and a lot just plain endorse a republican......but he has done to many anti-American the gen said he has degraded about every institution we have....all of our what was once greatest institutions all now have a morale problem.....and a lot of the military not happy with his Syria move...….a lot died over there...… he just made Isis big again....and he could have reversed course and put the military back....but he didn't....refused to.... said he wanted military out of middle east....odd move..... there were reasons we went in the first place....those reasons no matter what he says....have not changed.....our military says they are still a threat......but he used the promise about removing them......well he also promised to remove isis now they are as big as ever.... since the Kurds could not be prison guards and still defend themselves a lot of them will be out now and even more determined to hurt the US.....his comment about they wanted to go to Europe to begin with, let Europe worry about them.....what does that say to our allies?......and if he wanted troops out of the middle east why did he just send 15,000 to Saudi arabia…..a country that he and cuckner have a lot of biz ties in!

for him the country is second to his money interests!.....even with Turkey he can't say to much to make them mad....he has hotels there....nothing is about loyalty to country it is about money!

even Lindsay graham...a strong supporter of Trumps is against all this and taking moves to stop it.....but how many will be dead by the time we get anything done...…..and all of that still means trump has to go along....will he?!
even Graham said again....this is pretty obvious something wrong and will cost him a lot of votes come election time

although I don't think he could ever win re-election anyway and he knows it...his approval has never been higher than 40%...and he has just pissed off way to many people......he had Russia last time.....everyone kind of keeping an eye on that this time

he has turned americans against americans...and America against the world....look at them on here....FBI and CIA all against him...all the press against him....everyone?

he has always been a big conspiracy fan.....even went to some seminar in Baltimore a few years before becoming pres....and it was about all the conspiracies in the US...he himself believes it and pushes it...and now has a lot of supporters believing it....just like his deep state thing about people inside the gov out to do ?????.....all of these illegals voting.....Obama not born here.....and more

like I said look at those on being matter the facts...they just ignore them and believe what ever he says to be the facts.....his comments should have opened some eyes on them but didn't ...he stated one time do not believe what you see and hear only what I tell you
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a lot of people endorsed him at the start...…..and a lot just plain endorse a republican......but he has done to many anti-American the gen said he has degraded about every institution we have....all of our what was once greatest institutions all now have a morale problem.....and a lot of the military not happy with his Syria move...….a lot died over there...… he just made Isis big again....and he could have reversed course and put the military back....but he didn't....refused to.... said he wanted military out of middle east....odd move..... there were reasons we went in the first place....those reasons no matter what he says....have not changed.....our military says they are still a threat......but he used the promise about removing them......well he also promised to remove isis now they are as big as ever.... since the Kurds could not be prison guards and still defend themselves a lot of them will be out now and even more determined to hurt the US.....his comment about they wanted to go to Europe to begin with, let Europe worry about them.....what does that say to our allies?......and if he wanted troops out of the middle east why did he just send 15,000 to Saudi arabia…..a country that he and cuckner have a lot of biz ties in!

for him the country is second to his money interests!.....even with Turkey he can't say to much to make them mad....he has hotels there....nothing is about loyalty to country it is about money!

even Lindsay graham...a strong supporter of Trumps is against all this and taking moves to stop it.....but how many will be dead by the time we get anything done...…..and all of that still means trump has to go along....will he?!
even Graham said again....this is pretty obvious something wrong and will cost him a lot of votes come election time

although I don't think he could ever win re-election anyway and he knows it...his approval has never been higher than 40%...and he has just pissed off way to many people......he had Russia last time.....everyone kind of keeping an eye on that this time

he has turned americans against americans...and America against the world....look at them on here....FBI and CIA all against him...all the press against him....everyone?

he has always been a big conspiracy fan.....even went to some seminar in Baltimore a few years before becoming pres....and it was about all the conspiracies in the US...he himself believes it and pushes it...and now has a lot of supporters believing it....just like his deep state thing about people inside the gov out to do ?????.....all of these illegals voting.....Obama not born here.....and more

like I said look at those on being matter the facts...they just ignore them and believe what ever he says to be the facts.....his comments should have opened some eyes on them but didn't ...he stated one time do not believe what you see and hear only what I tell you
There are considerable opponents and issues against Trump and so far everything that was thrown at him to blow him up has failed. In the past you have rightfully mentioned hundreds of Trump's errors and flaws in his personality that make him ill suited to be POTUS yet there are millions of people who cheer him on? I know you will doubt me but I strongly believed in the past and more so in the present that Trump is God's chess piece to do certain things in this time as unlikely people tend to be in position of power just like Greta Thunberg being a young speaking out for the environment as an activist. King David killed Goliath, among the last of the Nephilim in addition to other accomplishments yet he killed a man for his wife. Cyrus did not believe in the same God that the Jews worshipped yet the Jews fondly remember him as he extended mercy to them. Similarly Trump has his purpose as POTUS during 2016-2020, and 2020-2024. It may make you throw up or laugh @subhub174014 but if you have a public library in your area get a copy of Johnathan Cahn's "The Oracle". This Jewish Rabbi goes a lot further than I do connecting Trump to the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy. And the portion about Trump begins at chapter 45 too, which might be an homage to President Donald Trump ?? as he is the 45th POTUS?


GO Trump
I hope he bankrupts them
Does it bother Trump supporters than Trump required a quid pro quo from Ukraine, a foreign country, that requirement being to interfere with U.S. elections?
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He is a liar. Would you like some examples of the 12,000 he has told since he came into office?

Wasting your breath.. Do you remember the so called "People for Truth for Kerry".. The very same became birthers, tea partiers, and are now defending the impossible.

Basic definition for brain washed.

Arguing with them isn't going to change their minds. Just give them their own country Trumpistan and watch it implode with their give everything to the rich policies.