Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Another fine example of an achieved goal of the left winged media... to divide us. She like the rest of you sheep are falling right in line.
A sheriff who was interviewed made a very very good point. This disgraceful woman said she is a teacher. So if we use idiotic liberal ideology and mix in the left media we now must assume that ALL teachers are as fucked up as she is. My sister is a teacher and I used to love and respect her until now. Fuck the teachers!

lol ... "duh, fuck my sister and the teachers ...". Spoken like a prize ignorant jackass. :devilish:
1620146058289.png Hey phony bitch?

What the fuck are we going to do about this border thingy?

Yeah but didn't we tell them we want them to come here. Isn't that a little hypocritical?

1620146067780.pngYes Uncle Joe.

Not to worry. Lets do the libtard thing and send taxpayers money to those pesky people and tell them to stay home. You should know that's how we dems do *******. Wink Wink. Throw money at an issue and BAM it's gone. HAHAHAHAHA!

Fuck no. They won't know the difference. Remember they believe everything we tell them!
I swear you guys are retarded. There's a big difference between working for the government and sitting at home waiting for your government check (handout) and not doing one fucking thing to earn it. You yourself said civil service isn't a bad thing. But again I understand your positions. When you're raised to believe it's the government's responsibility to provide for you and your families it makes perfect sense. It's a liberals way of life
i just like fucking with you because you're so insecure about your cognitive dissonance

you know full well that you provided less to society than any average single mom dependent on STAMP to feed her *******, and you get your nice pension that my tax dollars pay for and get to relax in your shithole state, and deep down you know that you couldn't hack it at a real job. so you lash out at the single mom, pretending that you're better than her because technically you went into an office while you sat on your ass collecting a check
i just like fucking with you because you're so insecure about your cognitive dissonance

you know full well that you provided less to society than any average single mom dependent on STAMP to feed her *******, and you get your nice pension that my tax dollars pay for and get to relax in your shithole state, and deep down you know that you couldn't hack it at a real job. so you lash out at the single mom, pretending that you're better than her because technically you went into an office while you sat on your ass collecting a check
Air traffic controllers have one of the most stressful jobs out there and can often involve making life or death decisions under extreme pressure.

Why is being an air traffic controller so stressful?

Because they're responsible for thousands of lives 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, most air traffic controllers experience a high level of job-related stress. “We often miss birthdays, we work on holidays and weekends, and often operate on alternative sleep cycles,” Miller explains.

Why do air traffic controllers have to be under 31?

Why does the FAA require that air traffic controllers must begin their careers before age 31? ... The most direct reason that the FAA has an age limit for hiring is because the older someone is when they are hired, the less likely they are to successfully complete the training program.

I'd say I contributed more to society than a single mom on food stamps grooming her children to do the same when they grow up. It's not too difficult to throw the frozen dinners bought with EBT funds in the microwave.
I'd say I contributed more to society than a single mom on food stamps grooming her children to do the same when they grow up. It's not too difficult to throw the frozen dinners bought with EBT funds in the microwave.

lol you either don't have ******* or you are a shitty, shitty parent

also remember when reagan fired your ass? lmao
There is our latinagurl all puffed up "duh, retarded ...", because his claim to "civil service fame and a lifetime pension" was pushing a broom in a government building. Now he is the ignorant information prince of happy hour at his little watering hole. And certainly too dumb to understand what a stimulus plan is intended to do ... I didn't get (nor want) a stimulus check and two of my businesses were able to help families because they had the resources to cover important care and services.

Dumbo latardagurl, life is a game of chess and you're just another asinine "civil servant" playing checkers. :devilish:
I did not get any stimulus either because i make too much. However I will damn sure take it in the next round that is proposed to be for every American. It would be a good excuse to buy a couple of things I want but really don't need.

How much do you pay your supposed employees or broom pushers as you say?
Air traffic controllers have one of the most stressful jobs out there and can often involve making life or death decisions under extreme pressure.

Why is being an air traffic controller so stressful?
Oh quit your crying, Latina ... you probably work at some private, county airport with 10-20 prop flights in & out a day. Bet you do the yard work & painting around there during your spare time.
Probably don't even have to watch a scope ... probably just the wind direction/speed.

.............................. Gif_PlaneFlying.gif ............................................... "That jackoff Latina asleep in the tower again!"
.................... gif_INSANE.gif ........................ gif_PlandFlying2.gif

If you want "stimulus" ... go jerk yourself off in the bathroom ... or while sitting in your 2 seat tower control which is probably a frk'n TREEE HOUSE.
You ReThuglicans are such a bragging bunch for as little as you do and being so unpatriotic at times. Always BRAGGING about your MONEY, PENSION, and RETIREMENT to everyone and the tax cuts your ReThuglican Presidents give you. Rarely EVER hear you folks talk about the travesty on January 6th ... just isn't important that YOUR President tried and is probably still trying to arrange a coup against our government.
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lol you either don't have ******* or you are a shitty, shitty parent

also remember when reagan fired your ass? lmao
I have two beautiful college educated daughters. Both have great careers.

Reagan didn't fire "my ass." I wasn't an employee then. Reagan gave the controllers 72 hours to get back to work or be fired. Well the Dem backed union execs told the controllers they would not be fired and to continue the strike. Well Ronnie don't play that ******* and fired them. I had a good friend who showed up to his new facility during that 72 hour period and they wouldn't let him in. He never worked for the FAA after that.
Oh quit your crying, Latina ... you probably work at some private, county airport with 10-20 prop flights in & out a day. Bet you do the yard work & painting around there during your spare time.
Probably don't even have to watch a scope ... probably just the wind direction/speed.

.............................. View attachment 4092874
.................... View attachment 4092872

If you want "stimulus" ... go jerk yourself off in the bathroom ... or while sitting in your 2 seat tower control which is probably a frk'n TREEE HOUSE.
That's what you jealous fucks like to think. I worked in one of the busiest facilities in the country. That's why I made over 200k a year and have a pension of over 100k per year. You don't make that kind of money sitting in some rinky dink North Carolina airport. But as I say to the others...if it makes you feel better then I am all for it. I love making people happy. Especially here! Because Lord knows there are a lot of angry miserable anti American fucks on here!
Air traffic controllers have one of the most stressful jobs out there and can often involve making life or death decisions under extreme pressure.

Why is being an air traffic controller so stressful?

Because they're responsible for thousands of lives 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, most air traffic controllers experience a high level of job-related stress. “We often miss birthdays, we work on holidays and weekends, and often operate on alternative sleep cycles,” Miller explains.

Why do air traffic controllers have to be under 31?

Why does the FAA require that air traffic controllers must begin their careers before age 31? ... The most direct reason that the FAA has an age limit for hiring is because the older someone is when they are hired, the less likely they are to successfully complete the training program.

I'd say I contributed more to society than a single mom on food stamps grooming her children to do the same when they grow up. It's not too difficult to throw the frozen dinners bought with EBT funds in the microwave.
They like to call others stupid, insult them and make themselves feel better. Latina4BBC I clearly see where your coming from and I know that speak the truth of common sense. I like and respect Thomas Sowell and I always hear " show us the facts " about the issues of today. If anyone wants the true facts, how about you venture into reading and listening to sources other than left wing media . Thomas Sowell is a great start.

There's a lot of tax cuts "catching up" to do for the middle class since ole Ronnie Reagan implemented his "Trickle Down" to the poor & middle class back in the '80s. And, every time the Republicans took control of White House, it was more tax cut help for the poor & middle class through EVEN MORE "trickle down" tax cuts for the rich, as the wage difference btw the poor & rich continued widening, and the nat'l debt continued to climb because tax cuts didn't "pay for themselves" as the Republicans promised they would. Can't believe the conservative voters kept believing that *******. Republicans would keep doing it and THEN go behind the wall and laugh their asses off at the dumb voters who voted them in AGAIN. Just LIKE the Trump Health Plan which Republicans swore they had ready that was way better and less expensive as the Obama plan. And the voters, once again, believed those "lying fuck heads".
They like to call others stupid, insult them and make themselves feel better. Latina4BBC I clearly see where your coming from and I know that speak the truth of common sense. I like and respect Thomas Sowell and I always hear " show us the facts " about the issues of today. If anyone wants the true facts, how about you venture into reading and listening to sources other than left wing media . Thomas Sowell is a great start.

Oh Hell No! He's black...I can't believe anything he says. He's a sellout! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Jealous Fucks, huh? That what YOU think, Latina? .... just keep on bragging 'bout your money. I don't give a fuck if you make 5X more than Bill Gates, you dingo. It just proves where you and most you conservatives values lie ... money, money, money.
How 'bout 'family values' ... any idea what that's all about?
If I knew what airport you were working at, I'd be sure NOT to schedule a flight In or OUT of the place.
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Yeah, that's RIGHT .... just keep on bragging. I don't give a fuck if you make 5X more than Bill Gates, you dingo. And if I knew what airport you were working at, I'd be sure NOT to schedule a flight In or OUT of the place.
I Don't work DA. As a matter of fact my girlfriend just called and said she is on her way so we can go to my happy hour watering hole and be a, as C&J says, a prince. Enjoy the rest of your sad day. I'm about to go get even more happier than I am right now. Love this place!!!
I have two beautiful college educated daughters. Both have great careers.

im glad they were able to thrive despite the absentee dad who never learned how to cook dinner and looks down on parenting. their mom must be a great person

i for one am totally shocked that your ex-wife would leave a guy with such disdain for baby rearing
What was that about people ought to just follow the fucking law :unsure:??? Too many of these pricks who get into law enforcement do so not to serve and to protect, but simply to be on a perpetual paid power trip over the lives of other people :mad: These assholes totaled two police cruisers (public property) and caused other damage 🤬

Btw. You said you own a business. What do you pay your employees?
Considering most have an advance education and at least 5 years experience, they earn a very nice salary and if they are productive, a great quarterly bonus. My compensation package are competitive with similar businesses not the bottom of the rung minimum wage. These are professionals. Don't worry about the specifics, you wouldn't even come close to qualifying.
Hourly wage is not an issue.