Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I have two beautiful college educated daughters. Both have great careers.

Reagan didn't fire "my ass." I wasn't an employee then. Reagan gave the controllers 72 hours to get back to work or be fired. Well the Dem backed union execs told the controllers they would not be fired and to continue the strike. Well Ronnie don't play that ******* and fired them. I had a good friend who showed up to his new facility during that 72 hour period and they wouldn't let him in. He never worked for the FAA after that.
Why were they striking?
For the benefits and time, that YOU enjoyed by the time you came on board.
What is wrong with your basic cognitive operations?
You benefit from union sacrifice, federal labor standards, and the American taxpayer, and you support a party 100% that shits on all of that.
I Don't work DA. As a matter of fact my girlfriend just called and said she is on her way so we can go to my happy hour watering hole and be a, as C&J says, a prince. Enjoy the rest of your sad day. I'm about to go get even more happier than I am right now. Love this place!!!
Don't forget to fill her water dish before you get too pissy *******.
I swear you guys are retarded. There's a big difference between working for the government and sitting at home waiting for your government check (handout) and not doing one fucking thing to earn it. You yourself said civil service isn't a bad thing. But again I understand your positions. When you're raised to believe it's the government's responsibility to provide for you and your families it makes perfect sense. It's a liberals way of life
There you fucking go again!!! If I am retarded, it's better than being stupid, ignorant, and intentionally moronic. I, for one, am proud of my liberal views as I care for the welfare of others outside myself. Once again, dumbass, MY federal employment began in 1976 and continues to this day. As a single parent, I raised and educated two children to doctorate levels, and you're damn right I am a proud Papa. Spew all the hate and condescension you's coming right fucking back shithead!
Still don't understand why you think it's the responsibility of an employer or the government fill the gap for people who don't do anything to better themselves. I guess you think since Bezo, who I think is a POS liberal, is a gazillionaire he should have to pay his employees $50/hr for packing fucking boxes or McDonalds should pay a hamburger flipper $20/hr. Contrary to your belief I would love for everyone to make enough money to enjoy the type of lifestyle I and many others do. But it's that common sense thing again. (which most libtards don't get). Businesses are in business to make money. Employers main responsibility is provide a safe place to work and a wage commensurate with the market rate for the position being worked.
The same damn place your friends can't get table servers at $7/hour while folks like you don't tip but want to belittle them for being "lazy fucks" for your insults.
They like to call others stupid, insult them and make themselves feel better. Latina4BBC I clearly see where your coming from and I know that speak the truth of common sense. I like and respect Thomas Sowell and I always hear " show us the facts " about the issues of today. If anyone wants the true facts, how about you venture into reading and listening to sources other than left wing media . Thomas Sowell is a great start.

No one calls you stupid; I always specifically refer to you as one dumb sumbitch- you are special.
The same damn place your friends can't get table servers at $7/hour while folks like you don't tip but want to belittle them for being "lazy fucks" for your insults.
Now how- in -the- hell do you know how I tip? I am auto 20% for ok -good service, 30-50% on great service. When I go to happy hour I tip based on the regular price. Bet you don't!
Still don't understand why you think it's the responsibility of an employer or the government fill the gap for people who don't do anything to better themselves. I guess you think since Bezo, who I think is a POS liberal, is a gazillionaire he should have to pay his employees $50/hr for packing fucking boxes or McDonalds should pay a hamburger flipper $20/hr. Contrary to your belief I would love for everyone to make enough money to enjoy the type of lifestyle I and many others do. But it's that common sense thing again. (which most libtards don't get). Businesses are in business to make money. Employers main responsibility is provide a safe place to work and a wage commensurate with the market rate for the position being worked.
Trump was fired by the American people.
Now how- in -the- hell do you know how I tip? I am auto 20% for ok -good service, 30-50% on great service. When I go to happy hour I tip based on the regular price. Bet you don't!
Right back at in the hell do you know how I tip? I do know people in the hospitality industry talk to each other, and if your hangouts tipped as you 'say' you do, they would NOT be hurting for employees.