Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

During the season, which recently ended, bartenders and servers in this area earn any where between 200-600 a day in tips. My girlfriends brother makes 2k a week as a server. There are more jobs right now you can literally walk into just about any place you want and will be hired. Too many lazy fucks would rather stay at home and collect Uncle Joe's welfare.
So people (lazy fucks) turn down $200-600/day because of a one time $1400 must find your logic racing around a damn pretzel....
So people (lazy fucks) turn down $200-600/day because of a one time $1400 must find your logic racing around a damn pretzel....
It's not just the stimulus DA. Ahh what about the extra unemployment and ebt benefits. So yeah lazy fucks will stay home. Is your head in the fucking sand? Employers have been bitching about not being able to find people who want to work. The main reason they (employers) say is because people can make nearly as much and in some cases more if they don't work. Your progressive government at work. They are getting all you little sheep right where they want you!

How much money could you get with Biden's stimulus plan if you're unemployed?​

Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package extends enhanced unemployment benefits until Sept. 6, with a $300 federal bonus on top of what your state pays. That's down from the proposed $400 weekly bonus from an earlier version of the bill, and down from the additional $600 per week extended in last year's CARES Act.
It's not just the stimulus DA. Ahh what about the extra unemployment and ebt benefits. So yeah lazy fucks will stay home. Is your head in the fucking sand? Employers have been bitching about not being able to find people who want to work. The main reason they (employers) say is because people can make nearly as much and in some cases more if they don't work. Your progressive government at work. They are getting all you little sheep right where they want you!

How much money could you get with Biden's stimulus plan if you're unemployed?​

Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package extends enhanced unemployment benefits until Sept. 6, with a $300 federal bonus on top of what your state pays. That's down from the proposed $400 weekly bonus from an earlier version of the bill, and down from the additional $600 per week extended in last year's CARES Act.

So again, if you can make more money staying home, then maybe those employers that are whining about not being able to find employees ought to pay a wage that would be the equivalent or more . . . something that people can actually live off of . . . maybe 🤔 And it’s totally disingenuous to be talking about “Uncle Joe’s Welfare”. These aid packages began under the Trump administration with bi-partisan support, and have been extended in the same way.
So again, if you can make more money staying home, then maybe those employers that are whining about not being able to find employees ought to pay a wage that would be the equivalent or more . . . something that people can actually live off of . . . maybe 🤔 And it’s totally disingenuous to be talking about “Uncle Joe’s Welfare”. These aid packages began under the Trump administration with bi-partisan support, and have been extended in the same way.
Oh so you're saying if an employer doesn't pay the wage you want then the government should take care of you? Now that's some solid thinking. But no surprise.
Oh so you're saying if an employer doesn't pay the wage you want then the government should take care of you? Now that's some solid thinking. But no surprise.

But your comprehension is not (no surprise!)

Uh no, that’s not what I said. Please point out where I wrote that. You can’t because I didn’t. So stop putting words in my mouth. My “radical” suggestion is that rather than bitching and moaning and complaining all the time (like you do), maybe those same employers ought to consider and be required to pay people a decent living wage so that THEY can take care of THEMSELVES and their families. Walk a mile in somebody else’s shoes for a while. If it was you, would you rather be barely scraping by in some shitty job at $7.25 an hour? I didn’t think so! No if you have a better option, you’re going to take that until you can hopefully land somewhere else as good or better. I’ll go Johnny Paycheck on that ass. Take your crappy minimum wage job and shove it!

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It's not just the stimulus DA. Ahh what about the extra unemployment and ebt benefits. So yeah lazy fucks will stay home. Is your head in the fucking sand? Employers have been bitching about not being able to find people who want to work. The main reason they (employers) say is because people can make nearly as much and in some cases more if they don't work. Your progressive government at work. They are getting all you little sheep right where they want you!

How much money could you get with Biden's stimulus plan if you're unemployed?​

Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package extends enhanced unemployment benefits until Sept. 6, with a $300 federal bonus on top of what your state pays. That's down from the proposed $400 weekly bonus from an earlier version of the bill, and down from the additional $600 per week extended in last year's CARES Act.
So what you really meant was that folks should renounce one amount in order to go work for one of your beloved employers for less, otherwise they're lazy fucks? Why don't YOU sign up for "plantation economics"?
But your comprehension is not (no surprise!)

Uh no, that’s not what I said. Please point out where I wrote that. You can’t because I didn’t. So stop putting words in my mouth. My “radical” suggestion is that rather than bitching and moaning and complaining all the time (like you do), maybe those same employers ought to consider and be required to pay people a decent living wage so that THEY can take care of THEMSELVES and their families. Walk a mile in somebody else’s shoes for a while. If it was you, would you rather be barely scraping by in some shitty job at $7.25 an hour? I didn’t think so! No if you have a better option, you’re going to take that until you can hopefully land somewhere else as good or better. I’ll go Johnny Paycheck
But your comprehension is not (no surprise!)

Uh no, that’s not what I said. Please point out where I wrote that. You can’t because I didn’t. So stop putting words in my mouth. My “radical” suggestion is that rather than bitching and moaning and complaining all the time (like you do), maybe those same employers ought to consider and be required to pay people a decent living wage so that THEY can take care of THEMSELVES and their families. Walk a mile in somebody else’s shoes for a while. If it was you, would you rather be barely scraping by in some shitty job at $7.25 an hour? I didn’t think so! No if you have a better option, you’re going to take that until you can hopefully land somewhere else as good or better. I’ll go Johnny Paycheck on that ass. Take your crappy minimum wage job and shove it!

No I wouldn't want to be scraping by at a 7.25 an hour job. That's why I did what I thought was best for me and did something about it.
Also a 7.25 an hour job is probably not one intended to be a career and certainly not one intended to support a family.
I know the liberal way is to blame everyone and everything on someone else. Take responsibility and do something to get out of that rut not depend on someone to do it for you.
I've said it before...Why not just raise the minimum wage to $40 an hour and then everyone is happy right. A boost in minimum wage is a boost in prices plain and simple. Net gain zero
During the season, which recently ended, bartenders and servers in this area earn any where between 200-600 a day in tips. My girlfriends brother makes 2k a week as a server. There are more jobs right now you can literally walk into just about any place you want and will be hired. Too many lazy fucks would rather stay at home and collect Uncle Joe's welfare.
Take out baby care and health insurance because there jobs have a zero benefits package or, the deductible is so high it's a deterrent.
What about during the off season? And last I checked, tourism is down everywhere.
The sad thing is that wages are so low that unemployment is a better option.
A living wage across the nation is the solution. That's minimum amount to meet certain basic standards (avg rent, weekly food costs, etc). It will be different in Florida than it would be in Oregon or New York.
Oh so you're saying if an employer doesn't pay the wage you want then the government should take care of you? Now that's some solid thinking. But no surprise.
That's the way of major corporations.
They pay such ******* wages and benefits that their people are on the welfare rolls by the thousands.
You may not agree with it, but these major corporations keep those prices cheap by keeping their EMPLOYEES broke. Working people on welfare because you'd rather pay for those products through your tax dollars.
  • Walmart and McDonald's are among the companies with most workers on federally-funded social safety net programs to help pay for healthcare and food assistance, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
  • Thousands of people working at the chains are on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food stamps and Medicaid, the watchdog found.
  • Walmart was in the top four employers of Medicaid and SNAP recipients in each of the states analyzed in the report.
  • "Giant corporations pay starvation wages – wages so low their workers have to rely on Medicaid and food stamps to survive," said Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who commissioned the report.
  • Spokespersons from Walmart and McDonald's told The Washington Post that the findings reflected that their companies were among the largest employers in the US.
You're paying one way or another. Enjoy that cheap toilet paper you use for that cheap fast food.
There's a lot of tax cuts "catching up" to do for the middle class since ole Ronnie Reagan implemented his "Trickle Down" to the poor & middle class back in the '80s. And, every time the Republicans took control of White House, it was more tax cut help for the poor & middle class through EVEN MORE "trickle down" tax cuts for the rich, as the wage difference btw the poor & rich continued widening, and the nat'l debt continued to climb because tax cuts didn't "pay for themselves" as the Republicans promised they would. Can't believe the conservative voters kept believing that *******. Republicans would keep doing it and THEN go behind the wall and laugh their asses off at the dumb voters who voted them in AGAIN. Just LIKE the Trump Health Plan which Republicans swore they had ready that was way better and less expensive as the Obama plan. And the voters, once again, believed those "lying fuck heads".
worked for you, didn't it?
I swear you guys are retarded. There's a big difference between working for the government and sitting at home waiting for your government check (handout) and not doing one fucking thing to earn it. You yourself said civil service isn't a bad thing. But again I understand your positions. When you're raised to believe it's the government's responsibility to provide for you and your families it makes perfect sense. It's a liberals way of life
That's the way of major corporations.
They pay such ******* wages and benefits that their people are on the welfare rolls by the thousands.
You may not agree with it, but these major corporations keep those prices cheap by keeping their EMPLOYEES broke. Working people on welfare because you'd rather pay for those products through your tax dollars.
  • Walmart and McDonald's are among the companies with most workers on federally-funded social safety net programs to help pay for healthcare and food assistance, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
  • Thousands of people working at the chains are on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food stamps and Medicaid, the watchdog found.
  • Walmart was in the top four employers of Medicaid and SNAP recipients in each of the states analyzed in the report.
  • "Giant corporations pay starvation wages – wages so low their workers have to rely on Medicaid and food stamps to survive," said Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who commissioned the report.
  • Spokespersons from Walmart and McDonald's told The Washington Post that the findings reflected that their companies were among the largest employers in the US.
You're paying one way or another. Enjoy that cheap toilet paper you use for that cheap fast food
Still don't understand why you think it's the responsibility of an employer or the government fill the gap for people who don't do anything to better themselves. I guess you think since Bezo, who I think is a POS liberal, is a gazillionaire he should have to pay his employees $50/hr for packing fucking boxes or McDonalds should pay a hamburger flipper $20/hr. Contrary to your belief I would love for everyone to make enough money to enjoy the type of lifestyle I and many others do. But it's that common sense thing again. (which most libtards don't get). Businesses are in business to make money. Employers main responsibility is provide a safe place to work and a wage commensurate with the market rate for the position being worked.
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That's the way of major corporations.
They pay such ******* wages and benefits that their people are on the welfare rolls by the thousands.
You may not agree with it, but these major corporations keep those prices cheap by keeping their EMPLOYEES broke. Working people on welfare because you'd rather pay for those products through your tax dollars.
  • Walmart and McDonald's are among the companies with most workers on federally-funded social safety net programs to help pay for healthcare and food assistance, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
  • Thousands of people working at the chains are on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food stamps and Medicaid, the watchdog found.
  • Walmart was in the top four employers of Medicaid and SNAP recipients in each of the states analyzed in the report.
  • "Giant corporations pay starvation wages – wages so low their workers have to rely on Medicaid and food stamps to survive," said Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who commissioned the report.
  • Spokespersons from Walmart and McDonald's told The Washington Post that the findings reflected that their companies were among the largest employers in the US.
You're paying one way or another. Enjoy that cheap toilet paper you use for that cheap fast food.
Btw. You said you own a business. What do you pay your employees?
There's a lot of tax cuts "catching up" to do for the middle class since ole Ronnie Reagan implemented his "Trickle Down" to the poor & middle class back in the '80s. And, every time the Republicans took control of White House, it was more tax cut help for the poor & middle class through EVEN MORE "trickle down" tax cuts for the rich, as the wage difference btw the poor & rich continued widening, and the nat'l debt continued to climb because tax cuts didn't "pay for themselves" as the Republicans promised they would. Can't believe the conservative voters kept believing that *******. Republicans would keep doing it and THEN go behind the wall and laugh their asses off at the dumb voters who voted them in AGAIN. Just LIKE the Trump Health Plan which Republicans swore they had ready that was way better and less expensive as the Obama plan. And the voters, once again, believed those "lying fuck heads".

the voters, once again believed those "lying fuck heads".

You got that right!!!
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Another fine example of an achieved goal of the left winged media... to divide us. She like the rest of you sheep are falling right in line.
A sheriff who was interviewed made a very very good point. This disgraceful woman said she is a teacher. So if we use idiotic liberal ideology and mix in the left media we now must assume that ALL teachers are as fucked up as she is. My sister is a teacher and I used to love and respect her until now. Fuck the teachers!

I swear you guys are retarded. There's a big difference between working for the government and sitting at home waiting for your government check (handout) and not doing one fucking thing to earn it. You yourself said civil service isn't a bad thing. But again I understand your positions. When you're raised to believe it's the government's responsibility to provide for you and your families it makes perfect sense. It's a liberals way of life
There is our latinagurl all puffed up "duh, retarded ...", because his claim to "civil service fame and a lifetime pension" was pushing a broom in a government building. Now he is the ignorant information prince of happy hour at his little watering hole. And certainly too dumb to understand what a stimulus plan is intended to do ... I didn't get (nor want) a stimulus check and two of my businesses were able to help families because they had the resources to cover important care and services.

Dumbo latardagurl, life is a game of chess and you're just another asinine "civil servant" playing checkers. :devilish:


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