Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Three outlets botch Giuliani; NYT, NBC, and Wa Po. Retract FBI warning. Just like Uncle Joe and phony bitch. Fucking hypocritical liars
NBC News said in its correction that its story "was based on a source familiar with the matter, but a second source now says the briefing was only prepared for Giuliani and not delivered to him, in part over concerns it might complicate the criminal investigation of Giuliani."

wait, you think this is better for Giuliani? That the FBI decided not to warn him so that he wouldn't destroy evidence?
No Just the opposite ed. You're to stupid to see the truth.
You mean "too" stupid? Oh the irony. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Actually maybe you're just a little stupid and more brainwashed and blind to see what these fucking idiots are doing.
As are 80% of the people in the country I guess. Thank goodness we have the genius of someone like you.

Always 1,000,000 excuses why the scum in the WH are incompetent, politics playing, power hungry, lying ass mom fuckers. But it's the people like you and Sceptre who they thrive. You guys fit the bill for them perfectly.
Be clear in understanding this, I thrive economically with whomever has been in office. It's the social fabric of America that suffers.
You seem extra small penised today, and full of spit and vinegar. You get that butt railed raw last night? Still sitting in an ice bath.
You answered nothing.
leave the thinking to people equipped to do it.

And where would one find them? Certainly not at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
You mean the people who restored hope in America? The ones that more people support than the last group?
The two who earned advance educations and have been using their brains everyday until they currently occupy the most powerful positions on the planet. You say they are not thinking people?
The Office Boomer GIF by MOODMAN
Fucking racist. It's amazing you guys can label those of us who voted for Trump as racist but this MF'er has a long history of racist remarks and you blind use one of your million excuses why he is not.
When youtube becomes your beacon of truth because all other mediums that inform are considered biased, maybe it's just you're searching for ******* that ain't true.
You're attempting to gaslight (and such a poor effort. Are you good at anything?).
Your problem is the majority of Americans have seen Joe's actions over the years, heard his sincere words, and see him working in real time.
After tRump, the Republicans have given up any right to talk about race seriously. You have no credibility there. Zero.
Fucking racist. It's amazing you guys can label those of us who voted for Trump as racist but this MF'er has a long history of racist remarks and you blind use one of your million excuses why he is not.

i was somewhat pessimistic on trump, but hopeful he would do an OK job. I was horrifically disappointed (along with the rest of sane america, as you can see from his approval ratings and how the rnc did in the last election)

i was somewhat pessimistic on biden also, but I've been pleasantly surprised at how decent a job he's done. the infrastructure bill especially is a great move, and if passed would get a lot of people out of gig work and part-time poverty jobs into something that will actually feed their families. and fix america's really broken *******, which will help the economy!
i was somewhat pessimistic on trump, but hopeful he would do an OK job. I was horrifically disappointed (along with the rest of sane america, as you can see from his approval ratings and how the rnc did in the last election)

i was somewhat pessimistic on biden also, but I've been pleasantly surprised at how decent a job he's done. the infrastructure bill especially is a great move, and if passed would get a lot of people out of gig work and part-time poverty jobs into something that will actually feed their families. and fix america's really broken *******, which will help the economy!
With stimulus, added unemployment, and more food money no one wants to work. Where I live they had to close the kitchen in one of the nicest restaurants here because they didn't have the staff to accommodate the demand. I talked to the manager and the very common theme is why would anyone work when they can make as much if not more on the handouts. It's exactly where your progressive regime want all you sheep. You're all buying it hook line and sinker.
You mean the people who restored hope in America? The ones that more people support than the last group?
The two who earned advance educations and have been using their brains everyday until they currently occupy the most powerful positions on the planet. You say they are not thinking people?
The Office Boomer GIF by MOODMAN
The only part of their brain that has been working since they moved in is the part that fucks everything up
With stimulus, added unemployment, and more food money no one wants to work. Where I live they had to close the kitchen in one of the nicest restaurants here because they didn't have the staff to accommodate the demand. I talked to the manager and the very common theme is why would anyone work when they can make as much if not more on the handouts. It's exactly where your progressive regime want all you sheep. You're all buying it hook line and sinker.
maybe the person running the restaurant should pay a living wage?
Are you talking about Trump's Border Wall & his promise that Mexico would pay for it or are you being a hypocrite...?

What lies of Trump did you call out???

Which one of the 9,876,543,210 Trump lies did you call out?


I love these lies. And Dems can’t count votes in Iowa he says? Well, we sure the hell could count that more Americans voted against his ass than against any other presidential candidate in history 😆

maybe the person running the restaurant should pay a living wage?
During the season, which recently ended, bartenders and servers in this area earn any where between 200-600 a day in tips. My girlfriends brother makes 2k a week as a server. There are more jobs right now you can literally walk into just about any place you want and will be hired. Too many lazy fucks would rather stay at home and collect Uncle Joe's welfare.
During the season, which recently ended, bartenders and servers in this area earn any where between 200-600 a day in tips. My girlfriends brother makes 2k a week as a server. There are more jobs right now you can literally walk into just about any place you want and will be hired. Too many lazy fucks would rather stay at home and collect Uncle Joe's welfare.
Trump Lost ...fool.