Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You do realize this is the new executive class Porto Jon ... Pres Biden & team have been so busy really "GETTING THINGS DONE" (unlike his predecessor) that Biden hasn't had time to take a good crap. He has some "ass wiper" jobs open for some of the Trump team but all want at least a 6-digit salary in the high numbers like Trump paid them.
Getting what done?
oh look right-wing news exposed for fabricating stories is anyone else as shocked as I am?

oh look right-wing news exposed for fabricating stories is anyone else as shocked as I am?

She has not disclosed who "ordered" her to write the article.

Of course she hasn't
Who clearly charged at him and was threatening

On the fucking ground with your hands up!

I could go on and on and on with outrageous examples of excessive ******* and/or police ******* against black people in this country . . . all caught on video . . . and videos of white cops showing great restraint with white suspects. In the second video above, the black man wasn't even engaged in any wrong doing in any way (obey the law and still get shot)! I have been looking for another video that I haven't been able to find. In it, a white guy charges at a white policeman acting like he has a weapon in his pocket. The white policeman draws his weapon but doesn't fire . . . he starts back-peddling and even stumbles and falls down and still does not fire . . . if the suspect had been black, he would have been a dead man! These discrepancies and prejudiced ways of policing are real, and can be seen on video after video . . . enough is enough . . . NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!
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We don't have a lot of prominent cases involving black policemen shooting white people . . . but when we do get one (in Minnesota no less!) guess what happens??? You got it, they end up going where white cops who ******* blacks rarely ever go (I hope that trend is truly changing):

No...i'm just at this point in my life.....

It's not John Goodman, it's a character he played from the movie The Gambler, named Frank.
Your reason for your fear is that you cannot decipher reality from fake.
John Wayne?- real American hero, Capitol Police Officer that led insurrectionist away from the lawmakers ?- not even a real cop.

You can't afford to say 'fuck you'. You would loose friends and business if your posts here were exposed.
You've already given up enough information about yourself that some asshole (not this asshole, but another), could very easily find out your business, your former businesses, hunting license number, and say begin publishing your ******* from here, there. Or sending it to people dying to expose assholes like you. All your little 'cute' Floyd comments, your racist rants etc. What are you going to do, say 'fuck you'? Maybe shoot someone from a group confronting you? Great- you can be cellmates with Chauvin, your hero- next to Trump.
So what I am trying to say, is not 'Watch your fucking self Sonny', that's too much like a threat, against the rules of the forum and not my style 😇. I'm just saying, you are not in a position of 'fuck you' as you claim. Seriously, you get your fucking water from a well. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Not that I had much respect left - but flapping his suck then not meeting the guy...typical...gutless..all spine
FoxNews, NY Post, Blaze, Sean Hannity.
Christ, you ever read anything challenging beyond the Cat in the Hat?

And just like I said . . . you’re happy to dish it out . . . but then you start pissin’ and moanin’ and whinin’ and complain’ when you have to take a dose of your own distasteful medicine “white man”. Thinking you’re going to get away with that tired tactic of calling other people racists when they rightly point out race-based injustices in this world. Particularly racism perpetrated by white people. Uh huh . . . here’s how to deal with the likes of you:

He's a 50 year old guy who finds courage with the anonymity the internet provides.
Lives rural, thinks he's independent. Not sure if the fresh game venture is still working out for him, but he's all talk, behind a wall and a veil. Completely terrified of the world today.
What's really funny, is he's the type that just a few years ago, couldn't stand cops. Didn't like them flexing, and especially enforcing the fishing and game regulations. But, when people he decided he has nothing in common with decided to be vocal about the abuse of police, suddenly, he's all Blue and *******.
Phoney from day 1.
He's a 50 year old guy who finds courage with the anonymity the internet provides.
Lives rural, thinks he's independent. Not sure if the fresh game venture is still working out for him, but he's all talk, behind a wall and a veil. Completely terrified of the world today.
What's really funny, is he's the type that just a few years ago, couldn't stand cops. Didn't like them flexing, and especially enforcing the fishing and game regulations. But, when people he decided he has nothing in common with decided to be vocal about the abuse of police, suddenly, he's all Blue and *******.
Phoney from day 1.

I didn't say he was a tough bully . . . "cyber bullies" usually aren't . . . just a bunch of “cyber pussies”really 🤷🏽‍♂️