Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The obvious and blatant attempt of the Socialist Party to dismantle America and change to a Nation of the very wealthy and powerful elite who will run the nation. and control everything the rest of the people (surfs ) as the elites see Americans is appalling to me . What is worse is the overwhelming majority of Americans who just like sheep led to slaughter oblivious to what is going on, blindly submit to becoming nothing more than weak little surf's working their fingers to the bone trying to make enough to live a meek little life ,holding out their hands on bended knee hoping the elite Socialist will spare them some extra crumbs. America is getting exactly what they voted for a meaningless life of hardship, living in poverty and squalor . If the Socialist are not stopped by the opposition party in the midterms, Dim Wit the puppet of China and the Socialist party will have succeeded in transforming America into another socialist nation owned by the Chinese socialist party.
This is coming from a man who's party elected three ultra rich men for President, inherited not earned (meaning they never had to actually work for money), for our last three presidents? Trump, Bush and Bush.
Against a party who elected three self made men, from humble background to President. Biden, Obama and Bill Clinton.
Those Republicans have given the biggest tax breaks to the ultra rich, and ended their terms with an economic recession.
Those Democrats have produced record economies and job growth.

Kind of brings Stanley's bullshit into perspective. Especially when their leading contender is tRump.
you don't need a mask while driving your car by yourself (idiots)
1. who drives by themselves with a mask on? i have literally never seen this, but I've seen cons complain about it all the time. are the cons making up fake mask-drivers to get mad at them?
2. even if someone is driving by themselves with a mask on, who cares? i don't get bent out of shape when i see someone driving around wearing ray-bans inside their ford raptor. nobody wearing a mask is hurting you
I'm not mad about masks. I'm amazed at the absolute ignorance and lack of common sense.
Your common sense, verses Science? No competition.

For one masks are and have been a joke,
So, face masks do not help protect against the spread of viruses, bacteria and germs? That's your position?

And the dumb ass whomever it was that said "Oh I guess you'll be OK if you need surgery and the doctor doesn't wear a mask. Fucking apples and oranges. One this isn't surgery and two the masks they wear for surgery are not nearly the same as what the sheep are wearing.
I am that dumb ass. Over 100 years of surgeons and researchers in labs wearing masks for protection can't be wrong.
You obviously think they have been brainwashed or it's a fashion statement.
They are exactly the same. Especially the the blue surgical masks. It's in the description.
1. who drives by themselves with a mask on? i have literally never seen this, but I've seen cons complain about it all the time. are the cons making up fake mask-drivers to get mad at them?
2. even if someone is driving by themselves with a mask on, who cares? i don't get bent out of shape when i see someone driving around wearing ray-bans inside their ford raptor. nobody wearing a mask is hurting you
you're absolutely right none of the dumb asses hurt me. I have seen many people in their cars by themselves wearing a mask. Not much bothers me except ignorance and lack of common sense. Everyone has their thing that eats at them. Ignorance and lack of using common sense are mine. That's exactly what has been eating at me the past 100+ days. Oh and add incompetence!
Your common sense, verses Science? No competition.

So, face masks do not help protect against the spread of viruses, bacteria and germs? That's your position?

I am that dumb ass. Over 100 years of surgeons and researchers in labs wearing masks for protection can't be wrong.
You obviously think they have been brainwashed or it's a fashion statement.
They are exactly the same. Especially the the blue surgical masks. It's in the description.
Who's science? Apparently it means nothing. ******* aren't in school. Bozo the clown said all a long when science says it's OK ******* will be back in school. Well the science has said it's OK, 6' distancing doesn't work, k!ds are least likely to get infected.
you're absolutely right none of the dumb asses hurt me. I have seen many people in their cars by themselves wearing a mask. Not much bothers me except ignorance and lack of common sense. Everyone has their thing that eats at them. Ignorance and lack of using common sense are mine. That's exactly what has been eating at me the past 100+ days. Oh and add incompetence!
Who's science? Apparently it means nothing. ******* aren't in school. Bozo the clown said all a long when science says it's OK ******* will be back in school. Well the science has said it's OK, 6' distancing doesn't work, k!ds are least likely to get infected.
Science is science. It's a systematic methodology based on evidence. Not opinion.

******* ARE back in school.
What else you got?
So, face masks do not help protect against the spread of viruses, bacteria and germs? That's your position?

Wearing a face mask may limit exposure to respiratory droplets and large particles and may help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus. It's even been said a huge part of wearing a mask is psychological. Hence the sheep!
Science is science. It's a systematic methodology based on evidence. Not opinion.

******* ARE back in school.
What else you got?
Oh so when Uncle Joe says k!ds will be back in school by this fall is he talking about ******* on Mars?
Science is science. It's a systematic methodology based on evidence. Not opinion.

******* ARE back in school.
What else you got?
Oh and the science. You mean the science that has changed to fit the political narrative? First CDC says OK to go back to school then the teachers union called Uncle Joe and said no no no don't forget all of the money we gave you. All of a sudden it's not safe because ventilation systems need to be replaced/modified. Fucking lying ass mom fuckers.
Science is science. It's a systematic methodology based on evidence. Not opinion.

******* ARE back in school.
What else you got?
I'll say it again. This is a fucking pandemic. Pandemics unfortunately ******* a lot of people. It's happened before and will happen again. The difference with this one is it has become so politicized that that has become the newest pandemic. And just like they discovered during the 1918 pandemic, masks didn't work. And don't say because it was 1918. A mask is a mask I assume was made of cloth just like so many that people wear today.

The true death toll is no where near what is reported because of all the false reports that claimed Covid as cause of death. I was talking to a couple the other day whos ******* passed. They said the first thing they did was to look at the death certificate for cause of death.
I'm not mad about masks. I'm amazed at the absolute ignorance and lack of common sense. For one masks are and have been a joke, two, you don't need one outside (but so many people (Biden for one) are too fucking stupid to understand that), three, you don't need a mask while driving your car by yourself (idiots). And the dumb ass whomever it was that said "Oh I guess you'll be OK if you need surgery and the doctor doesn't wear a mask. Fucking apples and oranges. One this isn't surgery and two the masks they wear for surgery are not nearly the same as what the sheep are wearing.
Trump LOST (to BIDEN), Get Over It. 😂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
America aint great anymore that's for sure. Certainly with these dumb asses in the WH. But hey you hate this country like they do so I totally understand.
Trump LOST, he was DEFEATED & it was not close (at all). He will lose again in 2024. It is over. ACCEPT IT. Invading the U.S. Capitol was the dumbest idea... Trump destroyed himself. Much like you are doing now...🤡
@Latina4BBC You hate this country because you hate who Americans elected as their president. You hate the Constitution & you hate the electoral college. You hate Georgia, Pennsylvania and you hate the people of Arizona.

If you don't like it, leave 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸