Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I assume you can READ? NPR is pretty damn honest, don't you think? Thing is, this is in the first 100 days with the crap Trump left behind, yet STILL more than what Trump accomplished in his first 100 days. At this point, with Trump, he was still hiring anf firing people who would agree to lie for him or NOT.
Status Of Biden's Promises After 100 Days In Office : NPR
Assemble a coronavirus task *******: DONE
This was accomplished, and the task ******* continues with regular briefings, usually three times a week, that do not involve the president. His task ******* has had a focus on equity in a way that was never done under the Trump administration.

Operation Warp Speed appears to have been a true bright spot, regardless of the Biden administration's plan to retire the name.

Push for immediate coronavirus legislation: DONE

This is Biden's signature accomplishment so far, as he signed a $1.9 trillion relief bill that passed along party lines. It contained money for direct payments, enhanced unemployment benefits and rental assistance, but did not include everything Biden wanted, particularly a raise in the minimum wage to $15 an hour. The wage hike was deemed ineligible under the Senate's rules for using reconciliation, a process that Democrats used as an end run around Republican opposition. The legislation also did not include $10,000 per person in student loan forgiveness (other options are still being talked about on that front).

Legislation that contained only 9% funding for Covid. The rest progressive political bullshit paybacks!

Release a vaccine distribution plan: DONE
This was released during the transition. To date, more than 40% of the population has received at least one dose of a vaccine and more than 27% is fully vaccinated. Biden has received high marks in polls for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, but there are still inequities in who has been able to access the vaccines.

Rejoin World Health Organization and keep Dr. Anthony Fauci as a close adviser: DONE

These steps were taken very early on. Fauci was the one to announce that the U.S. would be remaining in the WHO but noted that the U.S. would work "to strengthen and reform" the organization. The WHO was the subject of intense criticism from the Trump administration for what it saw as failures to prevent the spread of the pandemic.


As Long As Communist China Controls The World Health Organization, It’s Completely Unreliable

Reverse Trump's corporate tax cut: NOT YET ACHIEVED
Biden has not been able to accomplish this yet, but he wants to roll back much of what Trump did by enacting tax increases on corporations to pay for his approximately $2 trillion infrastructure plan. The upcoming American Families Plan would reportedly be paid for by tax hikes on wealthy individuals.

Great for business right? When you have to steal from Americans to fund your progressive ideology and political paybacks. Perfect!

Organize a "climate world summit": DONE
Biden held a virtual international climate summit last week, urging countries to follow the United States' lead in reducing their contributions to global warming.

Fucking global warming is a fucking joke. It's called natural earth cycles. I guess it was the heat from dinosaur ******* that caused the ice to melt.



Pledge to "pick up the pieces of Donald Trump's broken foreign policy": IT'S COMPLICATED

It's complicated because he doesn't know wtf he's doing. Trump just pissed off our allies because he called them out for not taking more responsibility ($$$) for themselves and their taking advantage of the US. I expect we and/or our allies will be attacked soon. Guarantee it wouldn't happen under Trump. He's a pussy like Obama who bowed to the King of Saudi and the President of China and he's got Kamala in his ear who hates the military. Our enemy's see his weakness and are going to take advantage.

This regime is the biggest fucking disgrace I have ever seen. The current status of our country: FUCKED! They are trying to do as much damage to our country before they lose seats in 22 and if there is a God get booted to the streets in 24. I am all about giving credit where credit is due. I however, cannot think of one thing where credit is deserved. Biden is a demented old man who is being led like a puppy dog by a bunch of incompetent US hating lying hypocrites. This country is more divided in his first 100 days than it ever has been.
Assemble a coronavirus task *******: DONE
This was accomplished, and the task ******* continues with regular briefings, usually three times a week, that do not involve the president. His task ******* has had a focus on equity in a way that was never done under the Trump administration.

Operation Warp Speed appears to have been a true bright spot, regardless of the Biden administration's plan to retire the name. Check.

Push for immediate coronavirus legislation: DONE

This is Biden's signature accomplishment so far, as he signed a $1.9 trillion relief bill that passed along party lines. It contained money for direct payments, enhanced unemployment benefits and rental assistance, but did not include everything Biden wanted, particularly a raise in the minimum wage to $15 an hour. The wage hike was deemed ineligible under the Senate's rules for using reconciliation, a process that Democrats used as an end run around Republican opposition. The legislation also did not include $10,000 per person in student loan forgiveness (other options are still being talked about on that front).

Legislation that contained only 9% funding for Covid. The rest progressive political bullshit paybacks! Dumbass, its an economy "Stimulus Package" that restarts various parts of the economy the were stopped or slowed by CV19. Stimulus checks, unemployment extensions, agriculture, small business support, education, healthcare, tax credits all in addition to CV 19 support. Learn to read already, as you can't be this ignorant.

Release a vaccine distribution plan: DONE

This was released during the transition. To date, more than 40% of the population has received at least one dose of a vaccine and more than 27% is fully vaccinated. Biden has received high marks in polls for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, but there are still inequities in who has been able to access the vaccines. Stupid line - its available to everyone that doesn't make an excuse at no cost.

Rejoin World Health Organization and keep Dr. Anthony Fauci as a close adviser: DONE

These steps were taken very early on. Fauci was the one to announce that the U.S. would be remaining in the WHO but noted that the U.S. would work "to strengthen and reform" the organization. The WHO was the subject of intense criticism from the Trump administration for what it saw as failures to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

BFD. Yes, it is actually, which can't be understood by the ignorant Tard clan.

As Long As Communist China Controls The World Health Organization, It’s Completely Unreliable

Reverse Trump's corporate tax cut: NOT YET ACHIEVED
Biden has not been able to accomplish this yet, but he wants to roll back much of what Trump did by enacting tax increases on corporations to pay for his approximately $2 trillion infrastructure plan. The upcoming American Families Plan would reportedly be paid for by tax hikes on wealthy individuals.

Great for business right? When you have to steal from Americans to fund your progressive ideology and political paybacks. Perfect!
Another conspiracy azz-wipe. Fixing what Trump-tard wrecked is a complicated challenge. This will take some time, but current leadership will cleanup his mess while Tards are screaming and crying all the way.

Organize a "
climate world summit": DONE
Biden held a virtual international climate summit last week, urging countries to follow the United States' lead in reducing their contributions to global warming.

Fucking global warming is a fucking joke. It's called natural earth cycles. I guess it was the heat from dinosaur ******* that caused the ice to melt. Another ignorant comment from the "Happy Hour Scientist". What a dope.



Pledge to "pick up the pieces of Donald Trump's broken foreign policy": IT'S COMPLICATED

It's complicated because he doesn't know wtf he's doing. Trump just pissed off our allies because he called them out for not taking more responsibility ($$$) for themselves and their taking advantage of the US. I expect we and/or our allies will be attacked soon. Guarantee it wouldn't happen under Trump. He's a pussy like Obama who bowed to the King of Saudi and the President of China and he's got Kamala in his ear who hates the military. Our enemy's see his weakness and are going to take advantage.

This regime is the biggest fucking disgrace I have ever seen. The current status of our country: FUCKED! They are trying to do as much damage to our country before they lose seats in 22 and if there is a God get booted to the streets in 24. I am all about giving credit where credit is due. I however, cannot think of one thing where credit is deserved. Biden is a demented old man who is being led like a puppy dog by a bunch of incompetent US hating lying hypocrites. This country is more divided in his first 100 days than it ever has been.
Ya see latinagurl - every poll and data point shows that you are a bullheaded, ignorant, "know it all" - when in fact you don't understand data and information and actually know zero.

Four plus, plus more years of whining for you, so pull up your Depends and be on your way. :devilish:

Last edited:
Biden is a demented old man who defeated s being led like a puppy dog by a bunch of an incompetent US hating lying hypocrites to become the 46th president the United States ending four years of buffoonery & sparking psychiatric episodes & berserkish outrages amongst demented cult followers who saw the downfall of their cult leader also known as the Orange 🤡. This country is more divided in his first 100 days than it ever has been.
More "divided" than the 🤡's administration?

That's a bold faced lie, Biden's job approval ratings are higher than Trump's dumb dumb. Why don't you see outrage & protests occuring in 50 U.S. cities simultaneously while being burned down like Trump's embarrassing administration??? Why is Washington, D.C. no longer under martial law like it was during Trump? Why was more of the U.S. military needed INSIDE the United States than abroad during Trump's failed administration?

Do you know how hard it is to DEFEAT an INCUMBENT...? An incumbent president NEVER loses... but ONE & DONE was that much of a failure! 😭😭😭🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
It's complicated because he doesn't know wtf he's doing.
The former Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Vice President of the United States do not know what's he doing on the world stage???

Trump just pissed off our allies because he called them out for not taking more responsibility ($$$) for themselves and their taking advantage of the US.
He put money above security and caused our allies to be less trustful of him. He put himself before the country. He gave aid, information and comfort to our enemies. He allowed adversaries to acquire and proliferate nuclear weapons.
That's not 'just'.

I expect we and/or our allies will be attacked soon. Guarantee it wouldn't happen under Trump.
Really? You mean how he pulled our support from our Allies in Syria actually putting their lives on the line, and allowed Turkey to slaughter them?
Or the civilians in Yemen dying with our donated weapons in the hands of Saudi Arabia.
Speaking of Saudi Arabia, we allowed them to ******* and brutally ******* an American resident who wrote articles exposing their corruption. Thus not only showing the world the American word means ******* but, we don't give a damn about our own so called values (Amendment Number One), so how can we preach it to others?

This regime is the biggest fucking disgrace I have ever seen.
How long have you been watching?
What do measure that by? Everything you've wrote, aside from your opinion on character, is factually wrong. Incorrect.

The current status of our country: FUCKED!
Thank goodness more than 80% of the people disagree with you.

They are trying to do as much damage to our country before they lose seats in 22 and if there is a God get booted to the streets in 24.
Brought to you from the same geniuses who brought the Trump re-election and Republican Congressional membership in 2020.

I am all about giving credit where credit is due.
Try it sometime.

I however, cannot think of one thing where credit is deserved.
Fixed it, and we know it's true.

Biden is a demented old man who is being led like a puppy dog by a bunch of incompetent US hating lying hypocrites.
They are working to make the United States a better place for all.
Your side preaches we should hate and avoid Americans who come from elsewhere. Or, Americans who don't look like you, cannot be treated and don't deserve all the same Rights you take for granted. Or, you must change laws that stop Americans who don't agree with you from having a voice.
So, how do you 'love' the US, but hate it's citizens and ruling documents?

This country is more divided in his first 100 days than it ever has been.
Bullshit. It's more hopeful. As the polls say. Ostracized is word you seek.
Those who hate, and support the twice impeached failed former president tRump are being more ostracized by good citizens more and more everyday.
You, @StanleyCush1 , @blkdlaur @WICPL4BBC and others are scared by this. Your positions, views and values are not that of the majority or this country. All you can do is hope we slide backwards in the future in 2022 or 2024
Assemble a coronavirus task *******: DONE
This was accomplished, and the task ******* continues with regular briefings, usually three times a week, that do not involve the president. His task ******* has had a focus on equity in a way that was never done under the Trump administration.

Operation Warp Speed appears to have been a true bright spot, regardless of the Biden administration's plan to retire the name.

Push for immediate coronavirus legislation: DONE

This is Biden's signature accomplishment so far, as he signed a $1.9 trillion relief bill that passed along party lines. It contained money for direct payments, enhanced unemployment benefits and rental assistance, but did not include everything Biden wanted, particularly a raise in the minimum wage to $15 an hour. The wage hike was deemed ineligible under the Senate's rules for using reconciliation, a process that Democrats used as an end run around Republican opposition. The legislation also did not include $10,000 per person in student loan forgiveness (other options are still being talked about on that front).

Legislation that contained only 9% funding for Covid. The rest progressive political bullshit paybacks!

Release a vaccine distribution plan: DONE
This was released during the transition. To date, more than 40% of the population has received at least one dose of a vaccine and more than 27% is fully vaccinated. Biden has received high marks in polls for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, but there are still inequities in who has been able to access the vaccines.

Rejoin World Health Organization and keep Dr. Anthony Fauci as a close adviser: DONE

These steps were taken very early on. Fauci was the one to announce that the U.S. would be remaining in the WHO but noted that the U.S. would work "to strengthen and reform" the organization. The WHO was the subject of intense criticism from the Trump administration for what it saw as failures to prevent the spread of the pandemic.


As Long As Communist China Controls The World Health Organization, It’s Completely Unreliable

Reverse Trump's corporate tax cut: NOT YET ACHIEVED
Biden has not been able to accomplish this yet, but he wants to roll back much of what Trump did by enacting tax increases on corporations to pay for his approximately $2 trillion infrastructure plan. The upcoming American Families Plan would reportedly be paid for by tax hikes on wealthy individuals.

Great for business right? When you have to steal from Americans to fund your progressive ideology and political paybacks. Perfect!

Organize a "climate world summit": DONE
Biden held a virtual international climate summit last week, urging countries to follow the United States' lead in reducing their contributions to global warming.

Fucking global warming is a fucking joke. It's called natural earth cycles. I guess it was the heat from dinosaur ******* that caused the ice to melt.



Pledge to "pick up the pieces of Donald Trump's broken foreign policy": IT'S COMPLICATED

It's complicated because he doesn't know wtf he's doing. Trump just pissed off our allies because he called them out for not taking more responsibility ($$$) for themselves and their taking advantage of the US. I expect we and/or our allies will be attacked soon. Guarantee it wouldn't happen under Trump. He's a pussy like Obama who bowed to the King of Saudi and the President of China and he's got Kamala in his ear who hates the military. Our enemy's see his weakness and are going to take advantage.

This regime is the biggest fucking disgrace I have ever seen. The current status of our country: FUCKED! They are trying to do as much damage to our country before they lose seats in 22 and if there is a God get booted to the streets in 24. I am all about giving credit where credit is due. I however, cannot think of one thing where credit is deserved. Biden is a demented old man who is being led like a puppy dog by a bunch of incompetent US hating lying hypocrites. This country is more divided in his first 100 days than it ever has been.
This country is divided more now then any other time in which I have lived through. If the democrats raise taxes and give out a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, it will be the middleclass and those on set incomes who will pay dearly. The large corporations may end up paying more Capital Gains Taxes or move away, but they will recoup that money and the middle class like puppets will pay dearly. You are 100% correct, global warming is a joke. It's called natural earth cycles. Global warming is simply a plot to destroy the worlds economy and bring the people to their knees.
This country is divided more now then any other time in which I have lived through.
yes, because 1/3 of the country won't accept reality and gets real mad about it and tries to ******* congress

If the democrats raise taxes and give out a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, it will be the middleclass and those on set incomes who will pay dearly. The large corporations may end up paying more Capital Gains Taxes or move away, but they will recoup that money and the middle class like puppets will pay dearly.
every large us company is already a multi-national company with headquarters all over the world. man you're so dense

You are 100% correct, global warming is a joke. It's called natural earth cycles. Global warming is simply a plot to destroy the worlds economy and bring the people to their knees.
oh jesus where do you even get this nonsense. the earth has cycles, yes, but we were actually in a cooling cycle before we started dumping tons and tons of carbon into the atmosphere. cycles also take tens of thousands of years, we're getting warm real fast now

who is behind the secret plot to destroy the world economy? climate science lizard people?
This country is divided more now then any other time in which I have lived through. If the democrats raise taxes and give out a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, it will be the middleclass and those on set incomes who will pay dearly. The large corporations may end up paying more Capital Gains Taxes or move away, but they will recoup that money and the middle class like puppets will pay dearly. You are 100% correct, global warming is a joke. It's called natural earth cycles. Global warming is simply a plot to destroy the worlds economy and bring the people to their knees.
Natural earth cycles?? Go back to your play doh lab and account for the record levels of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide infused with hydrocarbons in the upper atmosphere then start again and deal with the shrinking ozone layer around the planet.

Is that too much too ask of a dumb sumbitch?
As he said Wednesday night mostly Quoted from the Washington Post; “We the people are the government. ”Stop and think about what a sick perversion that statement is compared to our Constitution.
“The government of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
It’s all about “the government.”
That really is where the guy is coming from. In his eyes, the federal government is “we the people” and you stupid suckers out there need to just shut up and pay your taxes. He will spend your money for you.
As he said Wednesday night mostly Quoted from the Washington Post; “We the people are the government. ”Stop and think about what a sick perversion that statement is compared to our Constitution.
“The government of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
It’s all about “the government.”
That really is where the guy is coming from. In his eyes, the federal government is “we the people” and you stupid suckers out there need to just shut up and pay your taxes. He will spend your money for you.
Truly spoken like a dumb sumbitch....boy, you never ever disappoint.....a dumb sumbitch thru and thru!!!
The obvious and blatant attempt of the Socialist Party to dismantle America and change to a Nation of the very wealthy and powerful elite who will run the nation. and control everything the rest of the people (surfs ) as the elites see Americans is appalling to me . What is worse is the overwhelming majority of Americans who just like sheep led to slaughter oblivious to what is going on, blindly submit to becoming nothing more than weak little surf's working their fingers to the bone trying to make enough to live a meek little life ,holding out their hands on bended knee hoping the elite Socialist will spare them some extra crumbs. America is getting exactly what they voted for a meaningless life of hardship, living in poverty and squalor . If the Socialist are not stopped by the opposition party in the midterms, Dim Wit the puppet of China and the Socialist party will have succeeded in transforming America into another socialist nation owned by the Chinese socialist party.
The obvious and blatant attempt of the Socialist Party to dismantle America and change to a Nation of the very wealthy and powerful elite who will run the nation.

uh... what socialism are you talking about exactly? i thought capitalists were into having a billionaire class who lived above the law. they even bragged about their billionaire president who wasn't even a billionaire.

that's why the US has a really high gini index for wealth but democratic socialist countries don't

if you don't want a small group of elites running the country, you should be for socialism
The obvious and blatant attempt of the Socialist Party to dismantle America and change to a Nation of the very wealthy and powerful elite who will run the nation. and control everything the rest of the people (surfs ) as the elites see Americans is appalling to me . What is worse is the overwhelming majority of Americans who just like sheep led to slaughter oblivious to what is going on, blindly submit to becoming nothing more than weak little surf's working their fingers to the bone trying to make enough to live a meek little life ,holding out their hands on bended knee hoping the elite Socialist will spare them some extra crumbs. America is getting exactly what they voted for a meaningless life of hardship, living in poverty and squalor . If the Socialist are not stopped by the opposition party in the midterms, Dim Wit the puppet of China and the Socialist party will have succeeded in transforming America into another socialist nation owned by the Chinese socialist party.
Trump Lost (To Biden), Get Over It.
yes getting mad about masks is really going to help the country move forward

very mature
I'm not mad about masks. I'm amazed at the absolute ignorance and lack of common sense. For one masks are and have been a joke, two, you don't need one outside (but so many people (Biden for one) are too fucking stupid to understand that), three, you don't need a mask while driving your car by yourself (idiots). And the dumb ass whomever it was that said "Oh I guess you'll be OK if you need surgery and the doctor doesn't wear a mask. Fucking apples and oranges. One this isn't surgery and two the masks they wear for surgery are not nearly the same as what the sheep are wearing.