Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

...And this fucking idiot needs attention. The dumbest man in the US Senate, who married money and never really worked until he got to the Senate, draws this conclusion:

This is why you don't vote Republican. They'll fucking ******* you!!!
The GOP has not, shall not and will not embrace the the LGBTQ+ Community. Period.
Jenner is a fucking fool. An empty celebrity that is 3 times famous but only 1 time legit (Olympian Titan and all)
She is no Arnold or even Reagan, both appeal to the GOP fantasy of tough men. Both were legitimate politicians.
The good news is, the bigotry will come out with Jenner in this, and they will fuck around and give Newsome another term.

if you're going to run a gimmick celebrity political campaign though...

i think we all know which party you'll choose
You will see more and more of this.
Democracy was great, before everyone actually had a chance to participate.

Republicans 50 years ago put their cards in appealing to whites. Changing demographics AND their shitty politics, have left them as a minority party in popularity. So, they are pulling out all of the cards to stunt, and bludgeon democracy.
In 30 years, they have won the popular presidential vote ONE time. They redistricted states to give themselves a lock on many legislatures. Their popularity to whatever extent is a facade, smoke and mirrors. They can pass all of these suppression laws, it's their last generation of existence. The country is changing too much.
The uneducated white male as a voting block, is becoming more sparse, and less influential.
You will see more and more of this.
Democracy was great, before everyone actually had a chance to participate.

Republicans 50 years ago put their cards in appealing to whites. Changing demographics AND their shitty politics, have left them as a minority party in popularity. So, they are pulling out all of the cards to stunt, and bludgeon democracy.
In 30 years, they have won the popular presidential vote ONE time. They redistricted states to give themselves a lock on many legislatures. Their popularity to whatever extent is a facade, smoke and mirrors. They can pass all of these suppression laws, it's their last generation of existence. The country is changing too much.
The uneducated white male as a voting block, is becoming more sparse, and less influential.

It's not totally fair to say they're completely locked in with poor whites; they're making in-roads with Latin-American immigrants (especially Cuban ex-pats).

The bigger thing that pissed me off is the fact that the entirety of the economic engine of the country is in the urban centers. Technology, entertainment, tourism, it's all urban. The suburbs and rural parts of the country are basically parasitic, relying on infrastructure and services that are supported by the urban tax bases, but they've managed to leverage out-sized voting influence to get even more voting influence, so they can be even bigger parasites.

You see it in here too, where the rural retirees and working class folks doing fuck-all with their lives but safe and secure with the water, roads, electricity, internet, phones and police and fire services supported by my copious tax dollars love to ******* on the cities that keep their fat asses alive. You want to live out in uncultured bum-fuck in your discount McMansion and drive your F-150 10 miles to get a pizza, fine. But don't insult the half of the country paying taxes to subsidize your tire fire of a life.
@StanleyCush1 You do remember your predictions about President Biden in the first 100 days, don't you? Or were those 'someone else's' words too?

48 months in office and Trump never came close to this. Please run him again.
48 months in office and Trump never came close to this. Please run him again.
NO DON"T RUN HIM AGAIN ... leave well enough alone. Trump runs, bad things will happen regardless of whether he wins or not. Plus, Biden or whoever runs for Democrats would try to run an honest campaign & election. Its become quite apparent that Republicans will do ANYTHING to get Washington back ... ANYTHING! Even ******* and destruction of government property. So far I haven't seen Trump go to trial for anything.
Don't you wonder WHY THAT IS?
So, NO ... let that bastard handle his many lawsuits and go broke doing it ... then turn him over to NY.

@StanleyCush1 You do remember your predictions about President Biden in the first 100 days, don't you? Or were those 'someone else's' words too?

48 months in office and Trump never came close to this. Please run him again.
If you think for one second that information you acquire from any of the 100% bias news sources is true and accurate you continue to live in a fantasy world. O'Biden is a puppet on strings controlled by those with a completely negative agenda for the freedoms of Americans. You are an angry man living in a world where everything you see is racist and this country has picked on you so terribly that you see everything through looking glass of hatred.
If you think for one second that information you acquire from any of the 100% bias news sources is true and accurate you continue to live in a fantasy world. O'Biden is a puppet on strings controlled by those with a completely negative agenda for the freedoms of Americans. You are an angry man living in a world where everything you see is racist and this country has picked on you so terribly that you see everything through looking glass of hatred.
There is our pansy cush-spiracy is all of her pansy florescent colors ... "bad people behind Biden are trying to do negative things to our freedom". Here is all the "Freedom" you have to worry about. Dope. :devilish:


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If you think for one second that information you acquire from any of the 100% bias news sources is true and accurate you continue to live in a fantasy world. O'Biden is a puppet on strings controlled by those with a completely negative agenda for the freedoms of Americans. You are an angry man living in a world where everything you see is racist and this country has picked on you so terribly that you see everything through looking glass of hatred.
Not everything, bozo, but if you haven't picked up on our "To Protect & Serve" racist cops out there by now, the person with the problem is YOU.
As far as the media goes ... 100% bias, huh? Not unbiased like Fox News, right? You don't live in a fantasy world, you live in an insanity world. Why don't you start smelling the BS you're shoveling out on here. A black man, just YESTERDAY shot 9 times because the cops (note plural) mistook a cell phone as a hand gun, and at relatively CLOSE RANGE? So, they shoot the dude 9 frik'n times? Only reason they'd do that is to make sure they killed the man ... their word against a dead man. Well, the kid's not dead yet ... and if he makes it through, I hope he sues their sorry asses and all of them go to a general population jail & become some black man's BITCH.
No more excuses ... I'm tired of even hearing it anymore. I'm almost ashamed to be a white guy these days. God what idiots you folks are.
Not everything, bozo, but if you haven't picked up on our "To Protect & Serve" racist cops out there by now, the person with the problem is YOU.
As far as the media goes ... 100% bias, huh? Not unbiased like Fox News, right? You don't live in a fantasy world, you live in an insanity world. Why don't you start smelling the BS you're shoveling out on here. A black man, just YESTERDAY shot 9 times because the cops (note plural) mistook a cell phone as a hand gun, and at relatively CLOSE RANGE? So, they shoot the dude 9 frik'n times? Only reason they'd do that is to make sure they killed the man ... their word against a dead man. Well, the kid's not dead yet ... and if he makes it through, I hope he sues their sorry asses and all of them go to a general population jail & become some black man's BITCH.
No more excuses ... I'm tired of even hearing it anymore. I'm almost ashamed to be a white guy these days. God what idiots you folks are.

Black and holding a cell phone??? You die now Joe!!!

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