Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I understand that the overwhelming majority of gun owners are responsible and law abiding and don't want to give up their guns.
But you have a massive problem with shootings and I can't think of a simple answer to it.

So take away the guns from the law abiding - so only the criminals have guns - makes perfect sense to a liberal obviously.
we live in trying times....and our freedoms are doing harm to us and time for some changes for our own good

So typical lefty - use those tragedies to usurp the Constitution and start taking our freedoms away and giving the government TOO much power.
So typical lefty - use those tragedies to usurp the Constitution and start taking our freedoms away and giving the government TOO much power.

go do your sock drawer....notice big mo picking up from Ohio in favor of a bann….it's coming....have no idea when but its coming....about 1 more before election you might see it!

just because in Ma you try to destroy each other with spaghetti fights....other states do them with real guns....something you have already taken away from you after newtown
So take away the guns from the law abiding - so only the criminals have guns - makes perfect sense to a liberal obviously.
Well, I know that this won't be popular with many people of moderate politics, as well as swivel-eyed trumpeters like you, but I didn't say that did I?

My solution probably isn't easily workable, but it is the only one I can see to solve your ******* rate. Take them off everyone except a few police. But it'll never happen because the NRA has too many evangelical supporters in positions of power. Probably in their pockets.
Well, I know that this won't be popular with many people of moderate politics, as well as swivel-eyed trumpeters like you, but I didn't say that did I?

My solution probably isn't easily workable, but it is the only one I can see to solve your ******* rate. Take them off everyone except a few police. But it'll never happen because the NRA has too many evangelical supporters in positions of power. Probably in their pockets.

those two people doing all the arguing with you don't have them and can't have them.....they both live in one of the 7 states that have already banned them.....and have been banned for a while they are just crying trying to....??????
those two people doing all the arguing with you don't have them and can't have them.....they both live in one of the 7 states that have already banned them.....and have been banned for a while they are just crying trying to....??????
there are plenty of preban ARs for sale in state still like I said I'd prefer a different system
Well, I know that this won't be popular with many people of moderate politics, as well as swivel-eyed trumpeters like you, but I didn't say that did I?

My solution probably isn't easily workable, but it is the only one I can see to solve your ******* rate. Take them off everyone except a few police. But it'll never happen because the NRA has too many evangelical supporters in positions of power. Probably in their pockets.

It’s Trumpeteer - he said proudly :}

I don’t see how disarming the people that follow the law will stop, in any way, the people that don’t.

It will however give the government way more power - which liberals just LUV to do.
I was referencing your statement regarding the militia and the 2nd Amendment - the Supreme Court addressed that.

On this day, a divided Supreme Court rules on the Second ...
Jun 28, 2019 · On this day, a divided Supreme Court rules on the Second Amendment. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the Heller majority decision. “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home,” Scalia said.

but you do know that Reagan was the first to start gun banns and scalia backed him

Gun Rights Under President Ronald Reagan - ThoughtCo
Jan 30, 2019 · A Pro-Second Amendment President Who Supported Gun Control Measures. His presidential administration did not bring about any new gun control laws of significance. However, in his post-presidency, Reagan cast his support to a pair of critical gun control measures in the 1990s: 1993’s Brady Bill and 1994’s Assault Weapons Ban.

How Ronald Reagan learned to love gun control -
Dec 03, 2015 · "Reagan's California," Winkler added, may have had "one of the strictest gun-control regimes in the nation," though Reagan's views "changed considerably" during the 1970s, too.
  • Author: Peter Weber
Prolly why their so insane about President Trump - he’s got 2 Supreme Court justices and about 180 federal judges appointed or in progress to be. Soon another Supreme Court appointee - hope it’s Barrett just for the wailing of the left.
On this day, a divided Supreme Court rules on the Second ...
Jun 28, 2019 · On this day, a divided Supreme Court rules on the Second Amendment. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the Heller majority decision. “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home,” Scalia said.

but you do know that Reagan was the first to start gun banns and scalia backed him

Gun Rights Under President Ronald Reagan - ThoughtCo
Jan 30, 2019 · A Pro-Second Amendment President Who Supported Gun Control Measures. His presidential administration did not bring about any new gun control laws of significance. However, in his post-presidency, Reagan cast his support to a pair of critical gun control measures in the 1990s: 1993’s Brady Bill and 1994’s Assault Weapons Ban.

How Ronald Reagan learned to love gun control -
Dec 03, 2015 · "Reagan's California," Winkler added, may have had "one of the strictest gun-control regimes in the nation," though Reagan's views "changed considerably" during the 1970s, too.
  • Author: Peter Weber

Thank you M O A
What I stated.