Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

has to be the know often have you seen them have to do a retraction....they may twist things some...but the basic jest of it has to be the facts or the fcc will come down on them.....except for the opinion pieces

you think murduck wouldn't like to tell shepard smith what and how to report....he can't unless he wants to be nothing but an opinion channel like they are in Australia and a couple of other countries
there's 2 sides to every story they pick which they portray

there's 2 sides to every story they pick which they portray

won't deny that....they may leave out a key part here and there to give it the slant they want......but the facts have to remain!.....most can watch either one and know the news and pick out the "odd" parts....that's why I don't watch a lot of CNN....some of them pretty good....some biased as hell....blkdlaur keeps accusing me on MSNBC.and have never watched it.....I have watched fox on occasion....even then I am pretty sure the basic part of the news has to be factual....they may throw in a comment here and there but the news has to be factual
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that's just like me saying Blkdlaur is a cocksucker and he may this is just an opinion thread...…..where as if it was news I would have to have witness's
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that's just like me saying Blkdlaur is a cocksucker and he may this is just an opinion thread...…..where as if it was news I would have to have witness's

F U too - think your the one that’s doin the suckin - hind tit - more of us in here defending our President now than trashing him - that’s a surprise to me - however our ranks are increasing - that should tell you something !!!!
F U too - think your the one that’s doin the suckin - hind tit - more of us in here defending our President now than trashing him - that’s a surprise to me - however our ranks are increasing - that should tell you something !!!!
yes it does....been going to start a whole new thread on it....pretty well documented that trump is a racist.....the majority of blacks don't like him,,,,(see the does he deserve a 2nd term thread...posted plenty there on it)…..and yet so many trump supporters on here wanting IR...… don't think that odd?

and while we are on it there moose breath...….just seems to be a bunch of crazies in one spot that like to shoot off.and actually know very little about the subject at hand...… just get offensive when you tell them so....there are a few that get on here from the dem side....but don't want to put up with all the bullshit so they make a comment and all of it really doesn't mean *******....just confusing
Yeah like OVER 90% against President Trump - most MSM have NOTHING positive to say - I watch CNN - MSNBC - CBS - and some Fox News - the only one that seems to have ANYTHING positive about our President is Fox.

hate to pop your bubble there.....well maybe it already has been don't know......but anyway Fox has started doing facts and trump don't like it......besides I have never really heard them talk bad about him....most of it is just repeating his own words back at him.....and reporting on what he that fake news?
hate to pop your bubble there.....well maybe it already has been don't know......but anyway Fox has started doing facts and trump don't like it......besides I have never really heard them talk bad about him....most of it is just repeating his own words back at him.....and reporting on what he that fake news?
every news station makes news from nothing to fill there 24 hr cycle like ron burgundy
and what is with that?....

look you have never been one to really make your intentions for the other....maybe you should consider "coming out" later

You lefties are SOOOOOO predictable and repetitive - you attacked another poster that way - accusing them of being gay - what possible difference would that make one way or the other ? You’re supposed ta be the party of LBGQT and you attack people by accusing them of being gay - typical lefty hypocrisy.
You lefties are SOOOOOO predictable and repetitive - you attacked another poster that way - accusing them of being gay - what possible difference would that make one way or the other ? You’re supposed ta be the party of LBGQT and you attack people by accusing them of being gay - typical lefty hypocrisy.

wellllll got your chain yanked!...I saw your post on the other thread....and have no idea what got your panties in a wad....the conversation was not directed to you at all!
and have not accused anyone of being gay....except for one or two that say they are a man and yet the pic is of a gal...not sure what you want to call it but
Packed house in New Mexico for President Trump - USA USA USA is the heavy chant - cheers and applause - he is loved by this crowd - Dem polls be damned !!!! : }
How Much Does Trump Pay People to Cheer at His Rallies?
Donald Trump was accused of breaking the law during his campaign by hiring paid actors to attend his rallies. Although the Federal Election Commission dismissed the charges, a lot of U.S. citizens ..

The FEC Inadvertently Confirms That Trump Paid Actors to ...
The FEC Inadvertently Confirms That Trump Paid Actors to Attend His Announcement Event. So the real point here is President Donald Trump had to pay extras to attend his announcement event. The Cleveland RNC was not a huge event. But in between at his rallies, Trump had what seemed often like a lot of support. Today at the inauguration, it was so sparsely attended it caught the notice of all journalists.

Did a Craigslist Ad Solicit Paid Attendees to Donald Trump ...
Oct 13, 2018 · Did a Craigslist Ad Solicit Paid Attendees to Donald Trump’s Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania? Some said the Craigslist ad proved Trump has to pay people to attend his rallies

Are some folks paid to attend, applaud, and scream at ...
Sep 02, 2018 · Yes. Check the Craigslist ads for the next place that Trump holds a rally. There are offers to pay attendees a standard $50 fee. Not everyone who shows up to the rallies gets paid. But enough do in order to fill the venue. This is because Trumps “tv channel" is filming the event.
Ever since 911 the government has used fear to take away peoples rights in place of safety. Now these mass murders are being used to take away guns from the people to take government control to a higher level. The American people have always had the right to own and possess guns for protection and hunting for food. If the government attempts to take Americas guns away, they might accomplish this in the end but. if anyone thinks mass shootings take to many lives, think of the bloodshed that would occur against armed people that have been forewarned by the authors of the constitutions to be ready if a tyrannical government threatens our freedom? No guns, well I take it that people in England don't hunt for game to eat. They do in the rural areas in this country. .
In the UK, many people use shotguns, largely in the countryside, to keep vermin down and to supplement their diet.
Only the very rich hunt deer using rifles and many of those come over from the US to do that in Scotland. They do so largely as trophy hunters, rather than sustenance. And may i add that , where the democratically elected government to decide to tighten gun laws further, then we as a law abiding and progressive people would accept that and not bitch like a bunch of ******* who have had their toys taken off them.
In the UK, many people use shotguns, largely in the countryside, to keep vermin down and to supplement their diet.
Only the very rich hunt deer using rifles and many of those come over from the US to do that in Scotland. They do so largely as trophy hunters, rather than sustenance. And may i add that , where the democratically elected government to decide to tighten gun laws further, then we as a law abiding and progressive people would accept that and not bitch like a bunch of ******* who have had their toys taken off them.
guns are not toys