Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You are the one that is coming off as drowsy, opinionated, close minded and don't use common sense. All the propaganda you are spreading as facts are useless left wing foolishness. They prove nothing! Vulgar Language and name calling is a definite display of Ignorance and are used when people have nothing of any value to say.
The only CLUE you have is what you read and see on the TOTALLY LEFTY biased media - you eat up all that horseshite - regurgitate back in here and expect reasonable fair minded Americans to believe it - AINT HAPPENING !!!!!

what the hell are you talking about there?....another mindless drone in action?....first off everything I get comes off my homepage...I post what I think is interesting.....and yes I believe unlike you who are told "not to believe what you see and hear...only what I tell you".....and you buy into all that *******?....why is it that there was nothing wrong with the news before trump....ever think about that?...yes fox leaned right and cnn leaned left...but we all knew and understood that....the rest all have standards or end up in court...….so if your man was so mad why hasn't he taken any to task for the lies?....but you never thought about that either did you?

reasonable and fair minded americans?....I think not...….most trumpies only believe what they are told to believe......and most republicans wouldn't know the truth or facts if it jumped up and slapped them.....they have been fed ******* for years and actually buy into what the party tells them.....( Fox news)….and speaking of fox news...trumps go to station....finally got around to telling the truth....trump didn't like it and now they are fake news...….why is it all of them are fake now.....but you don't think that's odd?....of course are just a fair minded American.....

so I may have went a little overboard today.....that dipshit stiff likes to post his bullshit novel and movies...and can't just put the bullshit on the two threads it MIGHT pertain when looking for ******* to reply...the more I looked...the more I found...then allfor starts in...not even sure what about now...but already on a roll and not stopping so he gets...the facts!......then hottobe...jumps republican..nice guy but doesn't have a clue as to what is going on

I'm taking ******* from stiff and he wants to post on everythread here...blkgox hex something or other and throw in a couple more....….and you guys are just in the way of the ******* slinging....although don't think I didn't post anything that wasn't back to your statement......which is entirely false!

so please be sure to let me know if you need anymore clues as I have a lot of them....the net is full of them....and if you notice I always post 2 sources so if you feel one is fake you can read another!
what the hell are you talking about there?....another mindless drone in action?....first off everything I get comes off my homepage...I post what I think is interesting.....and yes I believe unlike you who are told "not to believe what you see and hear...only what I tell you".....and you buy into all that *******?....why is it that there was nothing wrong with the news before trump....ever think about that?...yes fox leaned right and cnn leaned left...but we all knew and understood that....the rest all have standards or end up in court...….so if your man was so mad why hasn't he taken any to task for the lies?....but you never thought about that either did you?

reasonable and fair minded americans?....I think not...….most trumpies only believe what they are told to believe......and most republicans wouldn't know the truth or facts if it jumped up and slapped them.....they have been fed ******* for years and actually buy into what the party tells them.....( Fox news)….and speaking of fox news...trumps go to station....finally got around to telling the truth....trump didn't like it and now they are fake news...….why is it all of them are fake now.....but you don't think that's odd?....of course are just a fair minded American.....

so I may have went a little overboard today.....that dipshit stiff likes to post his bullshit novel and movies...and can't just put the bullshit on the two threads it MIGHT pertain when looking for ******* to reply...the more I looked...the more I found...then allfor starts in...not even sure what about now...but already on a roll and not stopping so he gets...the facts!......then hottobe...jumps republican..nice guy but doesn't have a clue as to what is going on

I'm taking ******* from stiff and he wants to post on everythread here...blkgox hex something or other and throw in a couple more....….and you guys are just in the way of the ******* slinging....although don't think I didn't post anything that wasn't back to your statement......which is entirely false!

so please be sure to let me know if you need anymore clues as I have a lot of them....the net is full of them....and if you notice I always post 2 sources so if you feel one is fake you can read another!
most media owned by same people
most media owned by same people

some...not all....but I don't watch a lot of tv to begin it on for a while in the morning while on here and just listen....most of what I react to comes off yahoo and bing…..and both have a wide variety.....matter of fact I like bing better because you click on the will give a bunch of different articles by different people on that pretty hard to be biased!
besides I am not buying the media thing at all to begin with...….look at fox....since i'm sure most of you can't go a day without it.....Muduck is good friends with the chump.....and yet some of his people don't side with trump they just report the news....all of them have their own little thing...some try to be and are fairly fair in the news.....others just go where ever the money has a very good example of that....fat guy does commentary and ????? was on Cnn for a long a couple of books out how the companies are fucking the working man....everything was always about middle America...….then goes to fox....along comes trump and now everything is about trump and the biased against him
well it would seem trump has a problem with 100% of the don't think that just a little odd...….all of them out to get him....riiiiiight!
like it says 6 companies own it all in 83 it was 50

like it says 6 companies own it all in 83 it was 50

you are trying to sell me something and I ain't buying......ok...some left some right.....what do you really think all 6 of them control everything....just like I said with fox.....same all of them...….if they post an opinion might be biased.....the news is the news....they are not going to bet buy putting out false info.....the gov be on them like stink on *******!

that's where Hannity and a few others get by....OPINION...….where as shepard smith does the news

I don't like Yahoo anymore because of to many pop up adds.....but...…..they post articles from several different sources...if you take the time to look they will have some from CNN and some from fox....pretty hard to be biased that way....but that's why I now prefer Bing...….you just click on the headline...… you a whole host of different people writing on the subject....naturally I am biased as to what I want to read....but I still do look at the other head lines...may not read them but look at them!

with no fucking pop-ups
you are trying to sell me something and I ain't buying......ok...some left some right.....what do you really think all 6 of them control everything....just like I said with fox.....same all of them...….if they post an opinion might be biased.....the news is the news....they are not going to bet buy putting out false info.....the gov be on them like stink on *******!

that's where Hannity and a few others get by....OPINION...….where as shepard smith does the news
I don't like Yahoo anymore because of to many pop up adds.....but...…..they post articles from several different sources...if you take the time to look they will have some from CNN and some from fox....pretty hard to be biased that way....but that's why I now prefer Bing...….you just click on the headline...… you a whole host of different people writing on the subject....naturally I am biased as to what I want to read....but I still do look at the other head lines...may not read them but look at them!
From the same 6 companies just out of reach as monopoly
besides I am not buying the media thing at all to begin with...….look at fox....since i'm sure most of you can't go a day without it.....Muduck is good friends with the chump.....and yet some of his people don't side with trump they just report the news....all of them have their own little thing...some try to be and are fairly fair in the news.....others just go where ever the money has a very good example of that....fat guy does commentary and ????? was on Cnn for a long a couple of books out how the companies are fucking the working man....everything was always about middle America...….then goes to fox....along comes trump and now everything is about trump and the biased against him
news corp owns fox wall street journal and new york post
point is….no matter who owns...left or right...….they have to be acurate on the news or face issues with the gov......they might lean one way or another but can only go so far....opinions....they can get as whacky as they hannity
news corp owns fox wall street journal and new york post

I new fox and wall street were together both pretty biased....although at time both do have some honest reporting just goes to show...….even though the owner might be right....doesn't mean he can dictate what is put out...….think I have posted several articles from wall street journal
So owner wouldn't lean on editor

has to be the know often have you seen them have to do a retraction....they may twist things some...but the basic jest of it has to be the facts or the fcc will come down on them.....except for the opinion pieces

you think murduck wouldn't like to tell shepard smith what and how to report....he can't unless he wants to be nothing but an opinion channel like they are in Australia and a couple of other countries