Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

If we do have a lot of legals here awaiting citizenship that the trump administration is denying also what is wrong with that?I think they need to change the law that allows illegals to come here nine months pregnant, drop the baby and it is a US citizen, If the mom isn't a citizen the baby shouldn't be either.

they came for a citizenship....qualified...and etc....but now being denied because they might not vote republican

things have changed on the baby thing in case you haven't been paying attention....which is something you apparently don't do much of...….our baby birth statistics are worse than some third world countries....they come here to give birth they risk dying....besides they can't come in unless naturally the baby should be a citizen...the parents went through the necessary requirements to be here!

again go back to sleep
they came for a citizenship....qualified...and etc....but now being denied because they might not vote republican

things have changed on the baby thing in case you haven't been paying attention....which is something you apparently don't do much of...….our baby birth statistics are worse than some third world countries....they come here to give birth they risk dying....besides they can't come in unless naturally the baby should be a citizen...the parents went through the necessary requirements to be here!

again go back to sleep
Man you are mired in the leftist attitude. Bill Clinton was a draft dodger. i don't need all your propaganda that you continue to post to decide what I think. The news media CNN, MSNBC, and NBC are just three of the fake news networks spewing complete garbage. For someone that thinks your so with it and intelligent it is you that is gullible and asleep.
Man you are mired in the leftist attitude. Bill Clinton was a draft dodger. i don't need all your propaganda that you continue to post to decide what I think. The news media CNN, MSNBC, and NBC are just three of the fake news networks spewing complete garbage. For someone that thinks your so with it and intelligent it is you that is gullible and asleep.

again go back to sleep...….just keep concentrating on that kool aid trump hands out and the bullshit he feeds seem hungry for more

if you don't need my propaganda why come here? you can tell tell me your version of it....I supply facts and supply butt paste!
go back to sleep!
because i don't believe your bullshit. I live in the realworld

Why do Trump supporters ignore his lies and broken promises?

What this research suggests is that the darts thrown at Trump for his lies are hitting his voters as well as him. The polls are a referendum on them now, not just him. We shouldn't be surprised that they're reluctant to call him out on his lies. That would be like admitting they themselves had been duped.

Why do TrumpCult members ignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?
Your facts are incorrect propaganda. You are not going to convince anyone that the Democratic Party is doing anything correctly. The republicans have a number of highly intelligent representatives, Your party has a bunch of lifers and the squad, so impressive. You are spewing all this internet foolishness and calling it fact. Answer this one simple query, if one of your precious left wing candidates should by some miracle defeat President Trump and attempt to institute all the socialistic ideas they are running on, who is going to pay for Medicare for all, the New Green Deal, erasing school loan debts and making college free? Who? The wealthy? I know the new immigrants, legal and illegal?
Your facts are incorrect propaganda. You are not going to convince anyone that the Democratic Party is doing anything correctly. The republicans have a number of highly intelligent representatives, Your party has a bunch of lifers and the squad, so impressive. You are spewing all this internet foolishness and calling it fact. Answer this one simple query, if one of your precious left wing candidates should by some miracle defeat President Trump and attempt to institute all the socialistic ideas they are running on, who is going to pay for Medicare for all, the New Green Deal, erasing school loan debts and making college free? Who? The wealthy? I know the new immigrants, legal and illegal?

and what have you supplied to back up the bullshit you keep spewing...….Nothing!.....just right wing mind fucking.....that's what you are a prime example of.....go back to sleep!
Ever since 911 the government has used fear to take away peoples rights in place of safety. Now these mass murders are being used to take away guns from the people to take government control to a higher level. The American people have always had the right to own and possess guns for protection and hunting for food. If the government attempts to take Americas guns away, they might accomplish this in the end but. if anyone thinks mass shootings take to many lives, think of the bloodshed that would occur against armed people that have been forewarned by the authors of the constitutions to be ready if a tyrannical government threatens our freedom? No guns, well I take it that people in England don't hunt for game to eat. They do in the rural areas in this country. .
Ever since 911 the government has used fear to take away peoples rights in place of safety. Now these mass murders are being used to take away guns from the people to take government control to a higher level. The American people have always had the right to own and possess guns for protection and hunting for food. If the government attempts to take Americas guns away, they might accomplish this in the end but. if anyone thinks mass shootings take to many lives, think of the bloodshed that would occur against armed people that have been forewarned by the authors of the constitutions to be ready if a tyrannical government threatens our freedom? No guns, well I take it that people in England don't hunt for game to eat. They do in the rural areas in this country. .

you do know that during and since there have been presidents of both during 9/11. And just who do you think is promoting this hate and violence? they don't get it in church!
yes they have that right...think you might be referring to the 2nd should read it some time!
No one said anything about taking guns away.....they want to take away assault weapons......apparently you haven't been paying attention there either....they already have in 3 states and 5 major cities by a judges ruling....two of which are republican judges I might add!

again you just fucking babble!.....who do you think is doing the majority of the mass is our own people...born right here...and like you been mind warped by trump have no idea what you are talking about the people of England do hunt...with guns!

you just keep spewing your mind numbing words.....and have nothing to back up anything you it just boils down to your bullshit opinion!

and opinions are like assholes....everyone has want to make a statement of some kind...prove it with a link...….otherwise AGAIN means go back to sleep

people only really know how stupid you are when you speak
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