Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

They do vote living dead citizens illegals TRUMP still wins

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
  • Dead People
  • Noncitizens
  • Is Voter Fraud ‘Common’?
  • One of Trump’s principle claims of voter fraud is that “dead people” are voting in large numbers.“People that have died 10 years ago are still voting,” Trump said in his Wisconsin speech.Later, Trump cited a Pew Charitable Trust report as evidence of “dead people” voting in large numbers. But that’s not what the report says.“The following information comes straight from Pew Research, quote, ‘Approximately 24 million people — one out of every eight — voter registrations in the United States ar...
See more on

easy for you to deny any are white
minorities!.....go back to sleep!
Minorities? You mean illegals? Why are minorities an issue. Don't smart off with me, I am not rude to you and I won't sink to that level. Why would voter ID's make it harder, how is it difficult to get one, unless you shouldn't have one, maybe. Again the democrat's want to simply disrupt anything orderly.
Minorities? You mean illegals? Why are minorities an issue. Don't smart off with me, I am not rude to you and I won't sink to that level. Why would voter ID's make it harder, how is it difficult to get one, unless you shouldn't have one, maybe. Again the democrat's want to simply disrupt anything orderly.

you can't jump in the middle of a conversation and expect to know....go back and check what the conversation is about
like I said go back to sleep and wake up in your republican cocoon thing the world is just fine

minorities...illegals can't vote!....but we do have a lot of legals here awaiting citizenship that the trump administration is denying also

haven't you been paying any attention to the world around you at all!

they put all kinds of restrictions on those voter ID"s....drivers lic…..birth owner and on and on......most minorities have none of that! how convenient….
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Can't believe you guys vote for draft dodging cowards.

well would seem so....we have one in the white him captain bonespurs!

yes a draft dodging coward now in charge of our military and close to having us in war.....the right just has no standards at all as long as he gives them tax breaks
Was he told to report for duty.

typical republican horseshit! defend the fucking coward because he put money in your pocket..........he was a fucking coward and you know it...….he filed for a deferment......when you do that and get don't get told to know that and are just being stupid now!

Donald Trump's Draft Deferments -
Aug 02, 2016 · Trump received his second college deferment on 14 December 1965. 1966: Trump’s previous deferment expired and he was reclassified 1-A (available for military

Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for ...
Aug 02, 2016 · For many years, Mr. Trump, 70, has also asserted that it was “ultimately” the luck of a high draft lottery number — rather than the medical deferment — that kept him out of the war.

Trump was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam ...
The final deferment was a medical exemption for a problem with his heels. Trump was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam War | TheHill Skip to main content

funny he was part of the bowling team in college
If we do have a lot of legals here awaiting citizenship that the trump administration is denying also what is wrong with that?I think they need to change the law that allows illegals to come here nine months pregnant, drop the baby and it is a US citizen, If the mom isn't a citizen the baby shouldn't be either.
Especially if they would rather stay home and spend daddy's money.

I'm sure daddy's money played a part in it....Like with Bush and the air guard....and then he doesn't show up.....Kerry a genuine war hero and they go all out to discredit......after the election they admit it was a mistake......these republicans will do anything to get and stay in power...….it is the dumb ones that and buy into the ******* they put out!