Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

This is how Trump is destroying the Republican Party - WHYY

Donald Trump has remade the Republican Party in his own image. Under his mismanagement and ineptitude, the GOP has become the party of corruption and plunder, kakistocracy, and white nationalism. Trump is dismantling the government and his party with it.

The Destruction of the Republican Party by J. Bradford ...
May 07, 2018 · The Destruction of the Republican Party. But the country has been suffering a death by a thousand cuts, leaving it weaker and poorer the longer Trump is in office. Much of the blame for this belongs to the Republicans, who have fallen into line behind Trump

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party -
Jun 14, 2018 · Trump owns a shrinking Republican party. For the Democrats, party identification peaked in Obama’s first term and then dropped in his second term. For Republicans, party identification took a sharp drop at the end of George W. Bush’s second term and never really recovered. The trend seems to have taken another drop after Trump’s election.
The Republican Party, Not Trump, Is the Real Threat to ...
Apr 27, 2018 · The Republican Party, Not Trump, Is the Real Threat to American Democracy. Trump called on the FBI and the Department of Justice to attack his political foes, including Hillary Clinton, and pledge loyalty to him; the agencies have refused to do so. Meanwhile, the courts have denied Trump on issues like his travel ban,...

The project estimates that if the election had been held at the end of last week, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton had at least a 95 percent chance of winning enough states to reach the minimum 270 Electoral College votes needed to become the next president, based on polling between Sept. 30 and Oct. 7.


Will he ever learn?

Highly doubtful.
Republicans were wildly successful at suppressing voters ...
Nov 15, 2016 · Republicans were wildly successful at suppressing voters in 2016 ... themselves by targeting groups unlikely to vote for them.” Republican-controlled county elections ... for you to even try

Republicans suppress votes to win because voters don't ...
Oct 25, 2018 · Republicans are suppressing votes and trying to remake the electorate to win in states like Georgia and North Dakota. That's un-American.

Republicans attempt to rig the vote by suppressing it ...
MORE THAN a third of American voters may have cast their ballots before Election Day under early-voting procedures, a heartening development in the face of aggressive Republican vote-suppression efforts in a number of states with GOP-controlled legislatures. While black turnout slipped by nearly 9 percent during the 17-day early-voting window in...

GOP still trying to suppress the minority turnout ...
You can tell we are nearing the mid terms, the GOP is at it once again, trying to suppress the black vote in this case in Georgia. They know they rarely get a minority vote so between voting suppression and/or gerrymandering they try to cover all the bases.
Are Trump and Pence Really Planning to Suppress Votes ...
May 20, 2017 · How Republicans would suppress the Vote . This would be achieved through a set of “recommendations” for “voting reform” or “ballot security” that the commission would make. The recommendations would form the basis for “vote reform” legislation; the Republicans would try to push through Congress.