Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You clearly don't pay attention to the right news. There are 11,000 accusations of fraud, with signed affidavits from people who have seen the fraud.

Then why do Trump's lawyers testify in court that they have no knowledge of fraud or votes being counted incorrectly by election officials?

Oh yeah, you can lie on TV and nothing happens -- you lie to a judge and you get sanctioned or disbarred.
I don't pay attention to the dumb black fucks in this thread. I have them blocked for a reason. I will never see what they say, and more importantly, I don't care what they have to say. It's why I blocked them.

They're still obsessed with me though. Those little bitches can't seem to live without me.
just to keep the record blocked me and I am not black...…...which means it just boils down to you are a crying fucking bitch.....kind of like trump come to think of it...he thinks he is always right AND well liked....when like you neither is true...

and blocking someone does not really just says you are blocked but if you click on it you can read it

but since you have me blocked...GFY...and even if you didn't have me blocked....GFY
just to keep the record blocked me and I am not black...…...which means it just boils down to you are a crying fucking bitch.....kind of like trump come to think of it...he thinks he is always right AND well liked....when like you neither is true...

and blocking someone does not really just says you are blocked but if you click on it you can read it

but since you have me blocked...GFY

Oh, so now he's blocking the white guys too and not just the "dumb black fucks" :unsure: . . . so as not to appear to be the racist prick that he really is . . . TOO LATE 😀
You clearly don't pay attention to the right news. There are 11,000 accusations of fraud, with signed affidavits from people who have seen the fraud.
What you should be scared and concerned about is the corruption the Democrat party has introduced into the voting procedure, and then tell Republicans not to ask questions... and this is after 2016, when they said Russia interfered in our elections, and every stone must be turned.

You are clearly a leftist and have absolutely no concept of what is going on in this country.
Sadly, Google is a shill for the left, and has covered up reports. But watch Tucker Carlson clips over the past week. Watch Project Veritas. Watch clips from Kayleigh McEnany. Stop watching CNN. Stop watching MSNBC. Stop watching the BBC. They are biased and give you misinformation.
Also, look up the video of the man who testified in front of Congress in 2017 to installing software that flips votes. It is a notorious case. And it still happens.

Also, do some research on our history. Gore had a lawsuit out there for 37 days following the election, in the year 2000. It's only 10 days past our election.
A recount will be able to correct all ballots that were flipped by corrupt software, however, recounts will not identify the potentially millions of mail-in ballots that were intercepted by Democrat operatives and sent in for Biden. Our country needs a re-vote in the swing states of NEvada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.

And if you hear ANYONE, especially the leftist bitches in this thread cry or whine or gripe about it, it's because they don't want a fair election.
They want to win if it means stealing it. The rest of us want a fair election.
Cuckold's kneepads must be worn out, is that why you're crying...?
You clearly don't pay attention to the right news. There are 11,000 accusations of fraud, with signed affidavits from people who have seen the fraud.
What you should be scared and concerned about is the corruption the Democrat party has introduced into the voting procedure, and then tell Republicans not to ask questions... and this is after 2016, when they said Russia interfered in our elections, and every stone must be turned.
The "Right"news. For the Right, by the Reich.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton conceded on Election Night. President Obama ordered his staff to begin working with Trumps's Transition Team the next day, and hosted the Trumps at the White House the following day. Perfect transition.
You are clearly a leftist and have absolutely no concept of what is going on in this country.
Sadly, Google is a shill for the left, and has covered up reports. But watch Tucker Carlson clips over the past week. Watch Project Veritas. Watch clips from Kayleigh McEnany. Stop watching CNN. Stop watching MSNBC. Stop watching the BBC. They are biased and give you misinformation.
Also, look up the video of the man who testified in front of Congress in 2017 to installing software that flips votes. It is a notorious case. And it still happens.
Tucker Carlson. Lies so much, that Fox's own lawyers says don't believe him.
Project Veritas???? A disgraced organization that practices deception to 'trick' its targets, that usually backfires!
Kayleigh McEnany?? The President's Spokesperson who shovel's so much bullshit, even Fox (Tucker's employee) cut her press conference short when she started on the voter fraud bullshit.

That's pretty much all you need to know about the bullshit this guys posts. These are his 'sources'. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Notice, he talks about a certain voting machine case that's so notorious, he can't even name this case. You know why? It doesn't exist.
These voting machines have a near monopoly because of Republican legislation and approval. Dominion Systems.

But you know who loves these voting machine companies? Trump and his family!! They got special patents from CHINA to these machines. The Trumps of course.

A recount will be able to correct all ballots that were flipped by corrupt software, however, recounts will not identify the potentially millions of mail-in ballots that were intercepted by Democrat operatives and sent in for Biden. Our country needs a re-vote in the swing states of NEvada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.
Notice how this fool was has number of mail-in ballots that were 'intercepted' by Democratic operatives and sent in for Biden. This is an easily spotted lie but, more than that, why haven't any of these US Attorneys appointed by tRump as loyalists, done anything?
Who are these Democratic operatives? I mean if they know how many ballots and where they were switched and can obviously pinpoint the time, then we should be able to subpoena a few people.
Oh wait, you would have to go before a judge and present something called evidence.
Every sore loser wants to play the game over. We've never had a revote in this country, even during war. Fuck them.
And if you hear ANYONE, especially the leftist bitches in this thread cry or whine or gripe about it, it's because they don't want a fair election.
They want to win if it means stealing it. The rest of us want a fair election.
There is no 'rest' of them.
You can see who the whiny bitch is, crying and griping about the election results.

You will never see this guy dissect another comment like I did his. You would need credible and objective support for your position which he does not have. It also helps if you're not an angry, shameful, pitiful excuse of a person.