Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Sounds very much like paranoid nonsense to me.
Pretty much everyone in the world outside America sees a spoilt baby stamping his feet and his party too scared to shout him down, because they're spineless.

That's why the rest of the world is the "rest of the world". The only country that matters is the United States.
And if facts sound like paranoid nonsense to you, well, the world must be a very scary place for you.

Don't look now, but that looks like corruption being uncovered. Recount ahead.
Does anyone else think that Trump lost Arizona when mocked and put down John McCain ? "He's no war hero" "He got captured.......I like guys that dont get captured"
Not at all. I voted for McCain in 2008, and before that as a Senator in Arizona.
When he attacked Trump in 2016 and refused to back him after he won the primary race, all of us who supported McCain prior to that lost faith in him immediately. And then McCain continued to have a crybaby meltdown by not supporting Trump's initiatives.

McCain died a turncoat. It only strengthened my resolve that Trump is the strong leader McCain was never good enough to become.
That's why the rest of the world is the "rest of the world". The only country that matters is the United States.
And if facts sound like paranoid nonsense to you, well, the world must be a very scary place for you.

Don't look now, but that looks like corruption being uncovered. Recount ahead.
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That post was flagged by Twitter within seconds. In fact, almost all of the former president's tweets claiming the election was "rigged" have been flagged with a link to...
Do you believe the election is rigged? Why isn't anyone disputing the down ballot votes...? If the election is "rigged," why did you even bother to vote? Why did you participate in a "rigged" election...? Why are all Trump's lawsuits being dismissed in the courts?




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That post was flagged by Twitter within seconds. In fact, almost all of the former president's tweets claiming the election was "rigged" have been flagged with a link to...
Do you believe the election is rigged? Why isn't anyone disputing the down ballot votes...? If the election is "rigged," why did you even bother to vote? Why did you participate in a "rigged" election...? Why are all Trump's lawsuits being dismissed in the courts?
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Man that angry clown Submission52 🤡 is just sayin’ ******* to try to get people’s backs up. Fuck ‘im, and let him wallow in the fact that Trump lost ARIZONA (Sub52’s state) and brought down other GOP candidates on the down ballot with him :)(y) May Trumpism plague and leave the Republicunt Party forever fucked ;)
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all of us who supported McCain prior to that lost faith in him immediately. And then McCain continued to have a crybaby meltdown by not supporting Trump's initiatives.

McCain died a turncoat. It only strengthened my resolve that Trump is the strong leader McCain was never good enough to become.
Then why did Trump just lose the State of Arizona to McCain supporters yesterday...?

Why did Joe Biden receive 5,320,000 million more votes than Trump?

Why did Clinton receive 3,000,000 million more votes than Trump?

Why did you claim Trump would win the election, go and vote only to claim the election is rigged?

Why have all the courts dismissed Trump's lawsuits...?

Why haven't the Arizona, Nevada Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, & Georgia state officials come out to declare Trump winning either of those states?

You STILL don't know how the electoral college works??? 🤣🤣🤣, you need 270 to win... check out how many Trump has.
That's why the rest of the world is the "rest of the world". The only country that matters is the United States.
And if facts sound like paranoid nonsense to you, well, the world must be a very scary place for you.

Don't look now, but that looks like corruption being uncovered. Recount ahead.
View attachment 3722169
I already pre-debunked this chump, @submission52 , in the last message on the so called Dominion voting machines. That's how predictable his desperateness is. It's almost sad if he wasn't such a dick.

Ask yourselves: Why is it, only the loser has the information on this travesty of democracy?
None of HIS people who can do something have this information. Just some racists, and Trump himself (I guess that's redundant).

Dominion themselves put out a message yesterday, with links to independent sources when they call bullshit on this.

Also, Trump's own Homeland Security minions with state and local election officials called this the most secure election in American history.

Chanel Rion (QAnon promoter) at OAN actually got her information from the Gateway Pundit who said he got it from a 'pro-tRump message board' that is full of conspiracy theories and racist memes. Hence my labeling the source as racist

At this point, the whole world actually does see this race as over. Only Trumptards- who are truly living up to that name, have a different view.
The good news, is that millions of Trump supporters are likely to never vote again 😂😂😂...

The clown is an expert at sabotaging himself!

Right! Why would they want to participate in America’s rigged elections??? They would be much better off and much happier in Russia, or even Belarus for that matter, and welcomed with open arms by like-minded thinkers such as they.
I bet they hate his ass . . . and does this potentially endanger an elderly Biden . . . Trump gets Biden killed by infecting the Secret Service with COVID!!!

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I bet they hate his ass . . . and does this potentially endanger an elderly Biden . . . Trump gets Biden killed by infecting the Secret Service with COVID!!!

Since Trump is a narcissistic psychopathic ox (but perhaps Borderline syndrome cannot be ruled out either), this assumption is not surprising!!
You Biden supporters claim that there is no evidence of fraud or cheating or an organized plot coming from the democratic party to steal this election. America is going to suffer because the losers of this battle weather it be Trumpsters or RINO'S and Democrats. If Biden completes this farce and becomes President at least half of America will be delighted at first, but within a short time many could very well regret it. If Trump is again declared the winner by the court system the Trump supporters will be looking forward to four more years, many of the Trump haters will rebel and Riots in the streets will again occur with great violence.

Now substantial evidence the left claims.


What we’re about to tell you is important, so we’ll get right to the point.

So far, we have 234 pages of sworn affidavits alleging Election irregularities from just ONE county in Michigan. Here are the allegations:​
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots where 60% of them had the SAME signature
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots scanned 5 times
  • EYEWITNESS saw 35 ballots counted that were NOT connected to a voter record
  • EYEWITNESS saw poll workers marking ballots with NO mark for candidates
  • VOTER said deceased ******* was recorded as voting TWICE
  • EYEWITNESS said provisional ballots were placed in the tabulation box
  • FAILED software that caused an error in Antrim County used in Wayne County
  • Republican challengers not readmitted but Democrats admitted
  • Republican challengers physically pushed from counting tables by officials
  • Democrats gave out packet: “Tactics to Distract Republican Challengers”
  • Republican challenges to suspect ballots ignored
You Biden supporters claim that there is no evidence of fraud or cheating or an organized plot coming from the democratic party to steal this election. America is going to suffer because the losers of this battle weather it be Trumpsters or RINO'S and Democrats. If Biden completes this farce and becomes President at least half of America will be delighted at first, but within a short time many could very well regret it. If Trump is again declared the winner by the court system the Trump supporters will be looking forward to four more years, many of the Trump haters will rebel and Riots in the streets will again occur with great violence.

Now substantial evidence the left claims.


What we’re about to tell you is important, so we’ll get right to the point.

So far, we have 234 pages of sworn affidavits alleging Election irregularities from just ONE county in Michigan. Here are the allegations:​
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots where 60% of them had the SAME signature
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots scanned 5 times
  • EYEWITNESS saw 35 ballots counted that were NOT connected to a voter record
  • EYEWITNESS saw poll workers marking ballots with NO mark for candidates
  • VOTER said deceased ******* was recorded as voting TWICE
  • EYEWITNESS said provisional ballots were placed in the tabulation box
  • FAILED software that caused an error in Antrim County used in Wayne County
  • Republican challengers not readmitted but Democrats admitted
  • Republican challengers physically pushed from counting tables by officials
  • Democrats gave out packet: “Tactics to Distract Republican Challengers”
  • Republican challenges to suspect ballots ignored