Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump Refuses to Say ‘Cut’ On His Presidential Movie

If, while scrolling from CNN to MSNBC to Fox, you find yourself no longer relating to the bulletins about our current president as news and instead come to view them as another season of the self-contradicting, cliffhanging, reality-defying but spectacularly thrilling season of the Trump Cinematic Universe, you’re finally watching TV the way Donald Trump intended. That’s especially if you’ve been binge-watching the post-election episodes in which he’s turning the entire nation inside-out as he continues to defy reality by claiming he was reelected.

Well, let me see now. Is there anything of value in your post ? No it doesn't appear so. Your name for me is incorrect not all white men on here are cuckolds. As for biting you, that would never happen. Get this through your head you don't impress me in the least.

Look StanleyCuck1 you dung beetle . . . for somebody whose opinions you don't care about, you sure do spend a lot of time
reading and responding to what I write . . . go crawl back under your ******* ball with Sub52 dung beetle. I know you thought it was falafel, but it ain't hommes . . . .

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Amazing how...Submission 52 thinks I'm Portuguese...As those folks on here have pointed and called you on lack of real world knowledge...There's about 8 plus million Americans living around the world...Some working, serving in the Military, retired and etc...It's awesome that you dated an Portuguese girl from Lisboa, once...but as I said in my reply to you...You have never been here, as most Americans, and don't know anything about the country...The internet is too easy for the majority of folks on the planet to learn something about another country without ever stepped foot in it...As many Portuguese have never been to America, and know very little history about it...I've dated women from Azerbaijan, U.A.E. all stateside and learned what I could from them about where they came from...But I've never been to those countries and would be foolish to say that I know the lay of the land...I've traveled throughout Portugal these last 4 years and have learned a lot about it's history and people, from small villages to the bigger cities talking with folks from all kinds of backgrounds...This is how you learn...Not from the media or wikipedia page...or some girl from Lisboa...Would you be so kind is to explain to me in this photo where it is and what's it's history...Off the top of your head...No wikipedia or internet search...Bom Noite from the Slum of Europe...View attachment 3720786

I've been a good standing Freemason for a couple of decades, I recognize the building and it's history. It's a pretty unique structure.
That dipshit @submission52 doesn't have an understanding of the world, or much of anything.
A few paternal slaps would fix his brain!! The arrogants are annoying!!
He'll get that and more when he serves a state prison sentence in NY for robbing his charities and inaugural donations for "personal use".
Maybe he and Jared can share a cell with the general prison population, and when they leave, their assholes will be as big around as a saucer plate.
That dipshit @submission52 doesn't have an understanding of the world, or much of anything.
Do ANY of the Trumptards? I mean, really!
Speaking of Trumptards, looks like most of them are taking a sabbatical from these political threads.
Its for sure Trump's not going anywhere ... the day he walks out of the WH as a civilian again, they'll probably toss him in a van heading for New York.
Teach his ass for trying to start a political coup in the US. That's for European & Central American countries ... NOT the USA.
He'll get that and more when he serves a state prison sentence in NY for robbing his charities and inaugural donations for "personal use".
Maybe he and Jared can share a cell with the general prison population, and when they leave, their assholes will be as big around as a saucer plate.

I don't pay attention to the dumb black fucks in this thread. I have them blocked for a reason. I will never see what they say, and more importantly, I don't care what they have to say. It's why I blocked them.

They're still obsessed with me though. Those little bitches can't seem to live without me.
The difference between us and him:
He tries to use insults like name calling, to show he is smart or better than someone else.
We take his statements, and point out with proof the lack of facts, reason and logic. - and throw in insults because he's a dick.
That's what annoys the fuck out of him. Oh, and his attitude of superiority.
He can toss insults but, has trouble when we stick to the issue at hand and address issues on a factual basis.
So, instead of preparing himself by researching what he is trying to say, he just pops off, gets made a fool of, and then tries to throw insults and then blocks us- probably because that sense of superiority is damaged by the fact he can't even match up with the 'dumb black fucks' on here. He can't
He's like tRump, without the inheritance to piss off, mail-order bride, children who secretly hate him, and money for hair plugs.
He does have the life long list of failures, small weird penis and delusional outlook.
So, for me, it's self satisfying to continue to show he's a nothing, regardless if he responds or not. I'm petty like that.
The difference between us and him:
He tries to use insults like name calling, to show he is smart or better than someone else.
We take his statements, and point out with proof the lack of facts, reason and logic. - and throw in insults because he's a dick.
That's what annoys the fuck out of him. Oh, and his attitude of superiority.
He can toss insults but, has trouble when we stick to the issue at hand and address issues on a factual basis.
So, instead of preparing himself by researching what he is trying to say, he just pops off, gets made a fool of, and then tries to throw insults and then blocks us- probably because that sense of superiority is damaged by the fact he can't even match up with the 'dumb black fucks' on here. He can't
He's like tRump, without the inheritance to piss off, mail-order bride, children who secretly hate him, and money for hair plugs.
He does have the life long list of failures, small weird penis and delusional outlook.
So, for me, it's self satisfying to continue to show he's a nothing, regardless if he responds or not. I'm petty like that.


Well so much for “how do you know he did it for racial reasons” 😝!!! We’ve been black all our lives . . . so believe me . . . we know :)
But Trump continues to discredit the democratic system, despite absolutely no evidence of electoral fraud.

In doing so, he not only compromises the reputation of the republican party, but he weakens the cause of democracy globally. This is why you have so many non Americans concerned as well. The peace and security of the globe in the last 70 years has been founded in no small part on the solidity of the western alliance of the democratic states of North America and western Europe. So, trump's actions threaten not only America and its damaged reputation around the world, but its erstwhile friends in the corridors of global power broking.

He should be warned by the judiciary that, if he continues to make baseless claims of fraud, then he will be charged with sedition and jailed. This would be in the interest of every American, whether they are able to see that or not.
I don't pay attention to the dumb black fucks in this thread. I have them blocked for a reason. I will never see what they say, and more importantly, I don't care what they have to say. It's why I blocked them.

Theany're still obsessed with me though. Those little bitches can't seem to live without me.
Not obsessed at all, amazed that YOU come to where we are; and I for one would be ECSTATIC to live without your dumb ass as well as your prohibited chemical induced vitriol....look it up.
But Trump continues to discredit the democratic system, despite absolutely no evidence of electoral fraud.

In doing so, he not only compromises the reputation of the republican party, but he weakens the cause of democracy globally. This is why you have so many non Americans concerned as well. The peace and security of the globe in the last 70 years has been founded in no small part on the solidity of the western alliance of the democratic states of North America and western Europe. So, trump's actions threaten not only America and its damaged reputation around the world, but its erstwhile friends in the corridors of global power broking.

He should be warned by the judiciary that, if he continues to make baseless claims of fraud, then he will be charged with sedition and jailed. This would be in the interest of every American, whether they are able to see that or not.

You clearly don't pay attention to the right news. There are 11,000 accusations of fraud, with signed affidavits from people who have seen the fraud.
What you should be scared and concerned about is the corruption the Democrat party has introduced into the voting procedure, and then tell Republicans not to ask questions... and this is after 2016, when they said Russia interfered in our elections, and every stone must be turned.

You are clearly a leftist and have absolutely no concept of what is going on in this country.
Sadly, Google is a shill for the left, and has covered up reports. But watch Tucker Carlson clips over the past week. Watch Project Veritas. Watch clips from Kayleigh McEnany. Stop watching CNN. Stop watching MSNBC. Stop watching the BBC. They are biased and give you misinformation.
Also, look up the video of the man who testified in front of Congress in 2017 to installing software that flips votes. It is a notorious case. And it still happens.

Also, do some research on our history. Gore had a lawsuit out there for 37 days following the election, in the year 2000. It's only 10 days past our election.
A recount will be able to correct all ballots that were flipped by corrupt software, however, recounts will not identify the potentially millions of mail-in ballots that were intercepted by Democrat operatives and sent in for Biden. Our country needs a re-vote in the swing states of NEvada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.

And if you hear ANYONE, especially the leftist bitches in this thread cry or whine or gripe about it, it's because they don't want a fair election.
They want to win if it means stealing it. The rest of us want a fair election.
You clearly don't pay attention to the right news. There are 11,000 accusations of fraud, with signed affidavits from people who have seen the fraud.
What you should be scared and concerned about is the corruption the Democrat party has introduced into the voting procedure, and then tell Republicans not to ask questions... and this is after 2016, when they said Russia interfered in our elections, and every stone must be turned.

You are clearly a leftist and have absolutely no concept of what is going on in this country.
Sadly, Google is a shill for the left, and has covered up reports. But watch Tucker Carlson clips over the past week. Watch Project Veritas. Watch clips from Kayleigh McEnany. Stop watching CNN. Stop watching MSNBC. Stop watching the BBC. They are biased and give you misinformation.
Also, look up the video of the man who testified in front of Congress in 2017 to installing software that flips votes. It is a notorious case. And it still happens.

Also, do some research on our history. Gore had a lawsuit out there for 37 days following the election, in the year 2000. It's only 10 days past our election.
A recount will be able to correct all ballots that were flipped by corrupt software, however, recounts will not identify the potentially millions of mail-in ballots that were intercepted by Democrat operatives and sent in for Biden. Our country needs a re-vote in the swing states of NEvada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.

And if you hear ANYONE, especially the leftist bitches in this thread cry or whine or gripe about it, it's because they don't want a fair election.
They want to win if it means stealing it. The rest of us want a fair election.
Sounds very much like paranoid nonsense to me.
Pretty much everyone in the world outside America sees a spoilt baby stamping his feet and his party too scared to shout him down, because they're spineless.
There are 11,000 accusations of fraud, with signed affidavits from people who have seen the fraud. lets say this BULLSHIT is the truth its still nowhere near the 5 million & still going up votes that the sad loser trump lost by is it, you lot are some very sad losers.