Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You Biden supporters claim that there is no evidence of fraud or cheating or an organized plot coming from the democratic party to steal this election. America is going to suffer because the losers of this battle weather it be Trumpsters or RINO'S and Democrats. If Biden completes this farce and becomes President at least half of America will be delighted at first, but within a short time many could very well regret it. If Trump is again declared the winner by the court system the Trump supporters will be looking forward to four more years, many of the Trump haters will rebel and Riots in the streets will again occur with great violence.

Now substantial evidence the left claims.


What we’re about to tell you is important, so we’ll get right to the point.

So far, we have 234 pages of sworn affidavits alleging Election irregularities from just ONE county in Michigan. Here are the allegations:​
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots where 60% of them had the SAME signature
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots scanned 5 times
  • EYEWITNESS saw 35 ballots counted that were NOT connected to a voter record
  • EYEWITNESS saw poll workers marking ballots with NO mark for candidates
  • VOTER said deceased ******* was recorded as voting TWICE
  • EYEWITNESS said provisional ballots were placed in the tabulation box
  • FAILED software that caused an error in Antrim County used in Wayne County
  • Republican challengers not readmitted but Democrats admitted
  • Republican challengers physically pushed from counting tables by officials
  • Democrats gave out packet: “Tactics to Distract Republican Challengers”
  • Republican challenges to suspect ballots ignored
See, that's what trump pulled off in 2016, so we learned well and gave it back to him.
You Biden supporters claim that there is no evidence of fraud or cheating or an organized plot coming from the democratic party to steal this election. America is going to suffer because the losers of this battle weather it be Trumpsters or RINO'S and Democrats. If Biden completes this farce and becomes President at least half of America will be delighted at first, but within a short time many could very well regret it. If Trump is again declared the winner by the court system the Trump supporters will be looking forward to four more years, many of the Trump haters will rebel and Riots in the streets will again occur with great violence.

Now substantial evidence the left claims.


What we’re about to tell you is important, so we’ll get right to the point.

So far, we have 234 pages of sworn affidavits alleging Election irregularities from just ONE county in Michigan. Here are the allegations:​
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots where 60% of them had the SAME signature
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots scanned 5 times
  • EYEWITNESS saw 35 ballots counted that were NOT connected to a voter record
  • EYEWITNESS saw poll workers marking ballots with NO mark for candidates
  • VOTER said deceased ******* was recorded as voting TWICE
  • EYEWITNESS said provisional ballots were placed in the tabulation box
  • FAILED software that caused an error in Antrim County used in Wayne County
  • Republican challengers not readmitted but Democrats admitted
  • Republican challengers physically pushed from counting tables by officials
  • Democrats gave out packet: “Tactics to Distract Republican Challengers”
  • Republican challenges to suspect ballots ignored
All of that above was rejected from the courts, because of no evidence. The first four 'eyewitness' reports are impossible to 'eye-witness'.
But fuck it @StanleyCush1 I'll let the TRUMP courts tell you.
Even Trump's lawyers are running away from him and his bullshit.
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The only thing the left learned was how to hate, and how to cheat more effectively.
Recounts will expose a lot of the latter.
At this point, Trump would have to reverse the final tally in at least 3 states since Biden has 306 electoral votes now, to bring him down 37 votes to under 270 for the win.
There are not 3 states doing a recount. End of story. Stop your crying snowflake.
For the FOURTH presidential election in a row, America has voted in the majority against the Republican candidate.
ou Biden supporters claim that there is no evidence of fraud or cheating or an organized plot coming from the democratic party to steal this election.
I looked at that list of "facts" you listed, and came to one conclusion. You wouldn't know a FACT from a pile of gif_CRAP.gif.
What you've listed are ALL unsubstantiated rhetoric and hearsay. Not one photo, not one hard copy of a mail-in vote from a dead person. Just "sworn affidavits" from people who would lie for $50 dollar bill. You really DON"T know what is necessary for something to be a fact, do you?
You'll believe anything that someone will "swear too" .... Stanley, its not what it IS, its what you can PROVE. Doesn't matter if you saw an illegal act that might convict a person of a crime. If you prosecutors can't prove it with hard evidence, they have NOTHING other than maybe supportive evidence at best.
I'm more concerned here with YOUR OWN mental state .... getting yourself all riled up and/or disturbed over something that is simply someone's fabrication. All those things you mentioned .... there's motives for those things. A lot of people will swear to anything these days.
Please take some time and read up on what is necessary for something to be labeled FACT. Hell, I'll supply you links if you would like.
You really need some peace of mind.

Distinguishing Fact, Opinion, Belief, and Prejudice

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I looked at that list of "facts" you listed, and came to one conclusion. You wouldn't know a FACT from a pile of View attachment 3722881.
What you've listed are ALL unsubstantiated rhetoric and hearsay. Not one photo, not one hard copy of a mail-in vote from a dead person. Just "sworn affidavits" from people who would lie for $50 dollar bill. You really DON"T know what is necessary for something to be a fact, do you?
You'll believe anything that someone will "swear too" .... Stanley, its not what it IS, its what you can PROVE. Doesn't matter if you saw an illegal act that might convict a person of a crime. If you prosecutors can't prove it with hard evidence, they have NOTHING other than maybe supportive evidence at best.
I'm more concerned here with YOUR OWN mental state .... getting yourself all riled up and/or disturbed over something that is simply someone's fabrication. All those things you mentioned .... there's motives for those things. A lot of people will swear to anything these days.
Please take some time and read up on what is necessary for something to be labeled FACT. Hell, I'll supply you links if you would like.
You really need some peace of mind.
View attachment 3722912

Distinguishing Fact, Opinion, Belief, and Prejudice

Actually, as noted previously, that DUNG BEETLE 🪲 knows a pile of 💩 very, VERY well!!!
You Biden supporters claim that there is no evidence of fraud or cheating or an organized plot coming from the democratic party to steal this election. America is going to suffer because the losers of this battle weather it be Trumpsters or RINO'S and Democrats. If Biden completes this farce and becomes President at least half of America will be delighted at first, but within a short time many could very well regret it. If Trump is again declared the winner by the court system the Trump supporters will be looking forward to four more years, many of the Trump haters will rebel and Riots in the streets will again occur with great violence.

Now substantial evidence the left claims.


What we’re about to tell you is important, so we’ll get right to the point.

So far, we have 234 pages of sworn affidavits alleging Election irregularities from just ONE county in Michigan. Here are the allegations:​
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots where 60% of them had the SAME signature
  • EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots scanned 5 times
  • EYEWITNESS saw 35 ballots counted that were NOT connected to a voter record
  • EYEWITNESS saw poll workers marking ballots with NO mark for candidates
  • VOTER said deceased ******* was recorded as voting TWICE
  • EYEWITNESS said provisional ballots were placed in the tabulation box
  • FAILED software that caused an error in Antrim County used in Wayne County
  • Republican challengers not readmitted but Democrats admitted
  • Republican challengers physically pushed from counting tables by officials
  • Democrats gave out packet: “Tactics to Distract Republican Challengers”
  • Republican challenges to suspect ballots ignored
Why have all the courts dismissed the Trump lawsuits...?