Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You must not know anything about business. That's called liquidating assets. Every business does it when they close up shop.
Only 25% of businesses make it past 15 years in operation. The Taj Mahal made it 26 years. What exactly did he steal?

By the way, you live in Portugal. People in the United States consider it a slum of Europe.
The only reason Portugal is doing better is because Trump was President and improved the world economy. Portugal was headed down the toilet from 2010 to 2016. Then suddenly, it went up with the rest of the planet because of Trump.
So why don't you mind your own business. Obrigado.
As an American, and a legal resident of Portugal...It brings me great joy knowing that you have never been to Portugal and never will...Please stay right where you're at...and make America Great Again...And as far as the Taj Mahal is concerned anybody with a little diligence knows that it was busted for Money Laundering...Portugal's success came from Tourism you fucking idiot, not Trump...Para alguém com conhecimento do mundo, você gosta do resto da da Wikipédia... Nunca estive em lugar nenhum, não vou a lugar nenhum...See ya...from the slum of Europe...


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Of course he didn’t . . . he didn’t do anything wrong . . . just like all of the white cops we see in all those videos abusing their authority 🙄 Black robes . . . white justice . . . .
You are living in your own world. You make more racists statements than anyone. The truth came out about what really was happening in that video within the next day. The fake news all had to backtrack because of their false reporting, they messed up big time and they rightfully had to pay. I wonder how things are going for President Trump, he is a fighter.
You are living in your own world. You make more racists statements than anyone. The truth came out about what really was happening in that video within the next day. The fake news all had to backtrack because of their false reporting, they messed up big time and they rightfully had to pay. I wonder how things are going for President Trump, he is a fighter.

Fuck off StanleyCuck1!!! I always said that they left a few words out when they were writing the Declaration of Independence . . . all men are created equal . . . as long as the white man is on top . . . unless of course he's being cucked out by his wife or girlfriend 😝 Bite my "racist" ass prick :mad:
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As an American, and a legal resident of Portugal...It brings me great joy knowing that you have never been to Portugal and never will...Please stay right where you're at...and make America Great Again...And as far as the Taj Mahal is concerned anybody with a little diligence knows that it was busted for Money Laundering...Portugal's success came from Tourism you fucking idiot, not Trump...Para alguém com conhecimento do mundo, você gosta do resto da da Wikipédia... Nunca estive em lugar nenhum, não vou a lugar nenhum...See ya...from the slum of Europe...

You act like I know nothing of Portugal. I dated a woman in Lisboa for a while. She talked about the high unemployment during the 2010-2014 period when I knew her. She was getting paid almost nothing for work.
Believe me, I will stay where I'm at. I'm wealthy, healthy, employed, and far better off than you.

Your statement about tourism couldn't be dumber. When the world is doing better from Trump's economy, they have more to spend on travel. So Portugal benefitted from it.
Go back to school. You're clearly a poorly educated Portuguese person.
You act like I know nothing of Portugal. I dated a woman in Lisboa for a while. She talked about the high unemployment during the 2010-2014 period when I knew her. She was getting paid almost nothing for work.
Believe me, I will stay where I'm at. I'm wealthy, healthy, employed, and far better off than you.

Your statement about tourism couldn't be dumber. When the world is doing better from Trump's economy, they have more to spend on travel. So Portugal benefitted from it.
Go back to school. You're clearly a poorly educated Portuguese person.

Making a lot of friends as usual I see

Pretty lame to claim superiority over a country when we have double the ******* mortality that they do. We have far more poverty here, and a healthcare system that is made to bankrupt people rather than keep them healthy.
You act like I know nothing of Portugal. I dated a woman in Lisboa for a while. She talked about the high unemployment during the 2010-2014 period when I knew her. She was getting paid almost nothing for work.
And, Sarah Palin was an expert on Russia because she could see it from her backyard. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Total tRumptard. Hey, proximity does not equal expertise fuck face.

You're already backtracking on your statements. I thought you said Portugal was ******* until Trump made it better?
Yet, after I checked your lying ass, you seem to have googled something. As I stated, Portugal's upswing started in the 3rd Quarter of 2014 - not in 2017. The economy collapsed with the worlds back in 2009. So, like America, Republican leadership is bad economically, and Democratic leadership brings prosperity. At least that's what history tells us.
Believe me, I will stay where I'm at. I'm wealthy, healthy, employed, and far better off than you.
First, you lie every time you open your cumdump of mouth. So, it's a safe bet you are none of those things above. Especially when comparing it to a stranger you don't know. You'll stay where you are because you're not wanted anywhere else, and more than likely under house arrest.
Your statement about tourism couldn't be dumber. When the world is doing better from Trump's economy, they have more to spend on travel. So Portugal benefitted from it.
Portugal's Tourism has been on a steady rise since 2012, Trump didn't do *******. Unless you're claiming that Trump's accomplishment is that he didn't do anything to fuck it up- then ok. That's the whole economic and job numbers story of his presidency. Trump didn't do anything to fuck up the rising economy and falling unemployment. Until 2020.
So Portugal, like America, benefitted from Trump not fucking up things too bad. Until he did.
Go back to school. You're clearly a poorly educated Portuguese person.
Follow your own loving advice. You're a poorly educated asshole, that's a sorry excuse of a person.
In other news, I heard your state just called it for Biden and handed both Senate seats over to Democrats. Thank you.
Amazing how...Submission 52 thinks I'm Portuguese...As those folks on here have pointed and called you on lack of real world knowledge...There's about 8 plus million Americans living around the world...Some working, serving in the Military, retired and etc...It's awesome that you dated an Portuguese girl from Lisboa, once...but as I said in my reply to you...You have never been here, as most Americans, and don't know anything about the country...The internet is too easy for the majority of folks on the planet to learn something about another country without ever stepped foot in it...As many Portuguese have never been to America, and know very little history about it...I've dated women from Azerbaijan, U.A.E. all stateside and learned what I could from them about where they came from...But I've never been to those countries and would be foolish to say that I know the lay of the land...I've traveled throughout Portugal these last 4 years and have learned a lot about it's history and people, from small villages to the bigger cities talking with folks from all kinds of backgrounds...This is how you learn...Not from the media or wikipedia page...or some girl from Lisboa...Would you be so kind is to explain to me in this photo where it is and what's it's history...Off the top of your head...No wikipedia or internet search...Bom Noite from the Slum of Europe...20200903_091147.jpg

Amazing how...Submission 52 thinks I'm Portuguese...As those folks on here have pointed and called you on lack of real world knowledge...There's about 8 plus million Americans living around the world...Some working, serving in the Military, retired and etc...It's awesome that you dated an Portuguese girl from Lisboa, once...but as I said in my reply to you...You have never been here, as most Americans, and don't know anything about the country...The internet is too easy for the majority of folks on the planet to learn something about another country without ever stepped foot in it...As many Portuguese have never been to America, and know very little history about it...I've dated women from Azerbaijan, U.A.E. all stateside and learned what I could from them about where they came from...But I've never been to those countries and would be foolish to say that I know the lay of the land...I've traveled throughout Portugal these last 4 years and have learned a lot about it's history and people, from small villages to the bigger cities talking with folks from all kinds of backgrounds...This is how you learn...Not from the media or wikipedia page...or some girl from Lisboa...Would you be so kind is to explain to me in this photo where it is and what's it's history...Off the top of your head...No wikipedia or internet search...Bom Noite from the Slum of Europe...View attachment 3720786

Anyone can show pictures of a few diamonds, but the rest can be coal. I don't care what you are. Stay the fuck over there, we don't want you back. You clearly aren't pro-American.
As those folks on here have pointed and called you on lack of real world knowledge...

I don't pay attention to the dumb black fucks in this thread. I have them blocked for a reason. I will never see what they say, and more importantly, I don't care what they have to say. It's why I blocked them.

They're still obsessed with me though. Those little bitches can't seem to live without me.
You act like I know nothing of Portugal. I dated a woman in Lisboa for a while. She talked about the high unemployment during the 2010-2014 period when I knew her. She was getting paid almost nothing for work.
Believe me, I will stay where I'm at. I'm wealthy, healthy, employed, and far better off than you.

Your statement about tourism couldn't be dumber. When the world is doing better from Trump's economy, they have more to spend on travel. So Portugal benefitted from it.
Go back to school. You're clearly a poorly educated Portuguese person.

you really have been mind fucked and have not got a clue as to what reality is
more of that Russian money...between Moscow Mitch...Graham and Cruz and Rubio and a few others...have all the Russian money they of course they have it to give away

Graham donating $1M to Republican Georgia senators in ...
8 hours ago · Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Thursday that he is donating $1 million to help GOP Georgia Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue fight to retain their seats in crucial January runoffs.

Lindsey Graham Donating $1 Million for Georgia Runoff ...
4 hours ago · Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Thursday that he is donating $1 million to help Georgia’s two Republican senators retain their seats in the upcoming runoff
more of that Russian money...between Moscow Mitch...Graham and Cruz and Rubio and a few others...have all the Russian money they of course they have it to give away

Graham donating $1M to Republican Georgia senators in ...
8 hours ago · Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Thursday that he is donating $1 million to help GOP Georgia Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue fight to retain their seats in crucial January runoffs.

Lindsey Graham Donating $1 Million for Georgia Runoff ...
4 hours ago · Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Thursday that he is donating $1 million to help Georgia’s two Republican senators retain their seats in the upcoming runoff

Where the hell did this two-faced, double-dealing, hypocritical jack ass get money like this to donate when he was just on TV begging people for money because he was being badly outspent in his South Carolina Senate race :unsure:???
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Fuck off StanleyCuck1!!! I always said that they left a few words out when they were writing the Declaration of Independence . . . all men are created equal . . . as long as the white man is on top . . . unless of course he's being cucked out by his wife or girlfriend 😝 Bite my "racist" ass prick :mad:
Well, let me see now. Is there anything of value in your post ? No it doesn't appear so. Your name for me is incorrect not all white men on here are cuckolds. As for biting you, that would never happen. Get this through your head you don't impress me in the least.
your hero is not really as hot as you seem to think...…

Trump Counties Make Up Just 29 Percent of U.S. Economic Output, 2020 Election Study Shows

Counties won by Democratic President-elect Joe Biden make up 70 percent of all U.S. economic output—or gross domestic product (GDP)—a new post-election study finds.

Biden has repeated the phrase "there are no blue states or red states, just the United States" in several appeals to President Donald Trump's voters since being named President-elect Saturday. But the more than 75.6 million votes Biden won in the 2020 election led him to victory in nearly all of the country's top 100 most powerful local economies.

Meanwhile, Trump voter counties make up less than one-third of the country's economic output, a Brookings Institution study said. The president's unsuccessful re-election bid hinged on his touting of the pre-pandemic economy. But his railing against urban areas as "crime infested" rather than centers of American wealth only allowed him to amass more rural county voters.

I don't pay attention to the dumb black fucks in this thread. I have them blocked for a reason. I will never see what they say, and more importantly, I don't care what they have to say. It's why I blocked them.

They're still obsessed with me though. Those little bitches can't seem to live without me.
This Cuckold BETA-bitch is still crying because MAGA died...⚰⚰⚰

Go crawl on your kneepads with your face to the floor you submissive CUCK.
Where the hell did this two-faced, double-dealing jack ass get money like this to donate when he was just on TV begging people for money because he was being badly outspent in his South Carolina Senate race :unsure:???
McConnell has unlimited russian money

Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Are Illegally Making Money ...
Trump’s DOT secretary and wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Elaine Chao is illegally using her cabinet position to make money off of Russia and China. Politico reported on Chao’s...