Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Really interesting breakdown on a classic study of authoritarianism.

I didn't realize how much the authoritarianism and proto-fascism is based on using juked-up an fabricated stories of violence and destruction from "the other side" to justify their own needs and wants w.r.t. burning ******* down.

It makes total sense. The reason racists love to talk about black-on-black crime is because they want to be doing crime to black people. The reason they constantly make ******* up about "riots in big cities" is because they want to be burning down the cities.

Oh yeah look at the rise of the Nazis. There is a series running on PBS right now. It’s the exact same damn thing. There were people who thought they could control and manipulate the Nazis to achieve their own political ends, but when it was all said and done, it was them who got played (and murdered) by the Nazis, not the other way around. And we know what happened next. Hitler "the little Austrian corporal" was supposed to be a "bad joke" . . . sound familiar :unsure:???

Note: Did not watch most of the video, but I see it's heavily focused on the influence of the Nazis, at least in the beginning.
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Oh yeah look at the rise of the Nazis. There is a series running on PBS right now. It’s the exact same damn thing. There were people who thought they could control and manipulate the Nazis to achieve their own political ends, but when it was all said and done, it was them who got played (and murdered) by the Nazis, not the other way around.

Pretty much exactly right. The institutional right-wingers liked the nazis because they would fight the communists and the left, and they thought they could control the nazis via processes and norms. The communists thought that nazis would expose the broken capitalist system for what it was and lead to a revolution similar to the USSR.

Neither happened. The left got arrested and then killed or sent to concentration camps, the establishment conservatives got murdered in their beds during the "night of long knives"
An American citizen detained, handcuffed hands behind his back, on the ground murdered in broad daylight in front of over a dozen citizens yelling at the officer "you're killing him." comes @Latina4BBC "...but, but, but, what about the destroyed property!?!!" 👀 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Funny, that's the same thing Trump said 😌
He said that???????

damn....that makes him very credible now.....all they have to do is ask which story he wants to stick with today.....must be a republican thing...……..

Republicans must lie to survive: They have no other choice ...
The Republican Party must lie. It has no choice. It must conceal its true inner core. This is a matter of life or death for the party. The survival of the Republican Party itself depends upon lying.

Both Sides Don't Do It: Study Finds Republicans Lie Three ...
On this surface the fact that Republicans lie more than Democrats may appear obvious, but beyond the numbers this study confirms that lying is a major component of Republican political strategy....
Indeed. He reacts that way despite Project Veritas recorded evidence.
Still upset the orangutan, aka "Mr. 214" lost?

Biden winning Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Don't like the results, don't like President Joe Biden & Vice President Kamala Harris get out our country... THE AMERICAN PEOPLE have spoken!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

R.I.P. MAGA 2016 - 2020 ⚰⚰⚰
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Anyone else have an issue with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris...?

@submission52 🇷🇺
@2kindred_spirits 🇷🇺

We will send you first class, on a 1-way flight to Moscow where you belong. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
fuck that....I want to shoot a republican
There are Republicans, then there are Trumptards. We need some oppostion or we'd start fighting amongst ourselves. Thing is, you can't argue with a Trumptard; they don't have a foundation of principles and beliefs. Trump gives them what they need to know, and he doesn't deal in facts or sciences.
They can't comprehend the truth. The narrative is all their weak brains allow them to believe.

you know allfor admitted the loss and is letting it go for now...being a republican I'm sure he will be back...…..but you......I think you are one of those whacko's that get off on abuse and supposedly can not see the error of your ways and continue on this line of *******
This shows the level of their ignorance . . . just unbelievable . . . . I swear to God I would have told this little arrogant motherfucker to back up had I been there! No question! Get out of this man's face you punk ass prick!

The ****** and demonstrative smile on the guy's face is an overcompensation of his inferiority complex, and this is partly due to ignorance!!
The little prick had the nerve to sue claiming he was the one who was wronged. Talk about trying to use the “victimization” crutch to get something for nothing.
The little ******* is a narcissistic psychopath characterized by a lack of conscience and a sacrificial role!!
A few paternal slaps would fix his brain!! The arrogants are annoying!!