Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

It's a nice rainy day here in Florida which is good time to stay in and tell a story. I don't tell this to get a pat on the back because that not me. It was a real heartfelt moment that literally brought me to tears. This happened just last week.

I was at a bar I frequent when this dude and his wife, both white, came in. They are from Indiana. Sitting two seats from me was a black woman whom I have spoke with but I really don't know her other than talking to her a couple of times before.

The dude comes up to the bar to order then turns towards me and motions with his thumb pointing toward her and mouthed WTF. At first I thought maybe it's because of her dreads. Which I thought were cool but that was the only thing at the time that crossed my mind.

A little while later a black dude walks in. He too was someone I had talked to once before at the bar. Same white dude says "who let in Kevin Hart." As soon as he said that I realized what he was referring about the black woman. He also yelled at the bartender who is white but he was being disrespectful. This dude was pissing me off.

I approached the black dude and told him what he said. I told him how much it saddens me that there are people who still think this ******* and had his back if he says anything else. Luckily for him he didn't. I gave the dude a hug and said I hope this bullshit ends one day.

I never have nor ever will condone or be a part of racism!

So ed when I say "so they get free *******" I mean that in general liberal terms not a specific race.

When I call Kamala a phony bitch it's because that's how I feel about her as a person not because she is black. Hillary is more of a phony bitch!

When I say I didn't think Obama was a good President it's not because he is black. I voted for the dude. I didn't think GWB was a good President.

It seems too easy for you to judge ones character by certain catch phrase words that do have different meanings other than your own. I admit to being naïve on certain issues and admit when I am wrong on others. For me what I post is strictly that, my opinion. It doesn't mean I dislike anyone who disagrees with them. We are all entitled to our opinions.

Just reminded myself of my naivety. When FUBU came out I bought shoes, pants, hat, shirt. I had no idea what FUBU stood for. I just liked the clothes. I don't remember how long it was after wearing them when someone asked me if I knew what it stood for. When the person told me I was like ok so what.

I don't dispute the disparity in time sentenced/served. All I can say it isn't right and the only ones who can do anything about it don't seem to be.

My daughters fiancé is Hispanic. He moved to the US when he was six.
My ******* and he had a domestic issue and he was arrested. My ******* said the cops were taking notes of her side of what occurred but not his side. He now has a stay away order and can't go to his home even though my ******* is gone for 30 days.
I was on the Zoom conference with the judge vouching for him and explained the whole thing was a convoluted mess. Long story short the judge denied the motion. Made me think for a minute if he was white???

Bottom line ed you can extrapolate, twist my words to your liking, mix and match but I can assure you being a racist is something I have never been accused of until now. The only reason it doesn't bother me coming from you is because I know you have no clue who I am. If we were to sit down throw back a few bourbons have a conversation then you walked away still feeling that way then it would bother me.
Is 14 paragraphs really necessary...?

Damn, that's some TEARS of PAIN... lol, we gon' be continually slapping you to back into the reality of the Biden / Harris administration for the next four years you simp! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I chose not to respond to him, because he addressed that to you. But you see, this is what too many white people do. Especially old ones. They tell some story like he did that's supposed to prove that they aren't racist. But at the end of the day, like you say it's all for nothing because that's not what's going to move this country forward towards the kind of reconciliation we need on all types of fronts, with race being just one of those. Rather than buying me some drinks and/or giving me some hugs . . . stand shoulder to shoulder with me for full civil rights and equal social & economic justice for every single man, woman, and kid in this country, regardless of their race, religion, or ethnicity. And sorry, but you don't do that when you support somebody like a Donald Trump. That’s a vote for the status quo, or even worse, for going backwards.
This says it all. And if you want to parse up language, it says even more.
I voted with the MAJORITY of Americans since 1992 (sans 2004).
Who did you vote with?
And, for the sleuths out there, I am not the owner of this and do not know these people. Saw it on the web and searched for a clear copy.
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The Art Of Cheating And Stealing...and getting Away with it...View attachment 3716645
You must not know anything about business. That's called liquidating assets. Every business does it when they close up shop.
Only 25% of businesses make it past 15 years in operation. The Taj Mahal made it 26 years. What exactly did he steal?

By the way, you live in Portugal. People in the United States consider it a slum of Europe.
The only reason Portugal is doing better is because Trump was President and improved the world economy. Portugal was headed down the toilet from 2010 to 2016. Then suddenly, it went up with the rest of the planet because of Trump.
So why don't you mind your own business. Obrigado.
You must not know anything about business. That's called liquidating assets. Every business does it when they close up shop.
Only 25% of businesses make it past 15 years in operation. The Taj Mahal made it 26 years. What exactly did he steal?

By the way, you live in Portugal. People in the United States consider it a slum of Europe.
The only reason Portugal is doing better is because Trump was President and improved the world economy. Portugal was headed down the toilet from 2010 to 2016. Then suddenly, it went up with the rest of the planet because of Trump.
So why don't you mind your own business. Obrigado.

My My...…..typical of a trump supporter trying to ******* freedom of speech.....and just who in the US considers Portugal the slum of Europe....I served there a couple months in the Army and liked are just back to matter of opinion and trying to stifle free speech

now the question is...….does his opinion bother you....the people of Europe think you might be a fool
You must not know anything about business. That's called liquidating assets. Every business does it when they close up shop.
Only 25% of businesses make it past 15 years in operation. The Taj Mahal made it 26 years. What exactly did he steal?

By the way, you live in Portugal. People in the United States consider it a slum of Europe.
The only reason Portugal is doing better is because Trump was President and improved the world economy. Portugal was headed down the toilet from 2010 to 2016. Then suddenly, it went up with the rest of the planet because of Trump.
So why don't you mind your own business. Obrigado.

Does the sun only shine because of Fuhrer Trump in your world? And I guess rainclouds are because of the evil work of Hillary?

How far up this dude's ass, a dude that would spit in your face before he would shake your hand no less, are you willing to go?

Trump saved Portugal's economy. FFS.
You must not know anything about business. That's called liquidating assets. Every business does it when they close up shop.
Only 25% of businesses make it past 15 years in operation. The Taj Mahal made it 26 years. What exactly did he steal?

By the way, you live in Portugal. People in the United States consider it a slum of Europe.
The only reason Portugal is doing better is because Trump was President and improved the world economy. Portugal was headed down the toilet from 2010 to 2016. Then suddenly, it went up with the rest of the planet because of Trump.
So why don't you mind your own business. Obrigado.
This cuckold submissive bitch must be talking about Trump.

You still here?!?? Go crawl around in kneepads with your face to the ground like you always do lil' Cuck Cuck...
You might want to save some of that “Trump *******” for future use. I got a real good feelin’ it will come in handy!

I hope you are not thinking he might pull this out...and go for a second term...…..right willing to let him do whatever.....afraid of all those trumptards……...I don't think all of them will be around after he loses....flash in the pan......unless somehow the news is stupid enough to keep covering the snakeoil salesman
You must not know anything about business. That's called liquidating assets. Every business does it when they close up shop.
Only 25% of businesses make it past 15 years in operation. The Taj Mahal made it 26 years. What exactly did he steal?

By the way, you live in Portugal. People in the United States consider it a slum of Europe.
The only reason Portugal is doing better is because Trump was President and improved the world economy. Portugal was headed down the toilet from 2010 to 2016. Then suddenly, it went up with the rest of the planet because of Trump.
So why don't you mind your own business. Obrigado.
Fuck a duck!!! You do not speak for 'people in the United States', hell, you couldn't even speak for people in your state of Arizona. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

"Slum of Europe"? Portugal's GDP is in the top half of the European countries and the per capita gdp is ranked 11th of the European countries. According to the World Economic Output report put out by the International Monetary Fund, you're making ******* up.

Portugal's economy has been on the upswing since Q3 of 2014, over two years before Trump was sworn in. So, according to history, you're making ******* up.

But, if you believe your own bullshit that Trump saved Portugal's economy (excuse me🤮), then @Lebain and the 'rest of the planet' have a vested interest in the politics of the United States and it is their business.

You must not know anything about business. That's called liquidating assets. Every business does it when they close up shop.
Only 25% of businesses make it past 15 years in operation. The Taj Mahal made it 26 years. What exactly did he steal?

By the way, you live in Portugal. People in the United States consider it a slum of Europe.
The only reason Portugal is doing better is because Trump was President and improved the world economy. Portugal was headed down the toilet from 2010 to 2016. Then suddenly, it went up with the rest of the planet because of Trump.
So why don't you mind your own business. Obrigado.
I know I found Lisbon to be simply marvelous.....your rhetoric, on the other hand, is an embarrassing reminder of "the ugly American" that is despised the world over, ignorant, boorish behavior and comments, always criticizing other countries for not being America.

Don't you dare again presume that we, the People in the United States, ever chose you to speak for US
Fuck a duck!!! You do not speak for 'people in the United States', hell, you couldn't even speak for people in your state of Arizona. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

"Slum of Europe"? Portugal's GDP is in the top half of the European countries and the per capita gdp is ranked 11th of the European countries. According to the World Economic Output report put out by the International Monetary Fund, you're making ******* up.

Portugal's economy has been on the upswing since Q3 of 2014, over two years before Trump was sworn in. So, according to history, you're making ******* up.

But, if you believe your own bullshit that Trump saved Portugal's economy (excuse me🤮), then @Lebain and the 'rest of the planet' have a vested interest in the politics of the United States and it is their business.

Portugal 🇵🇹 happens to be one of the top tourist destinations in Europe today. Well before COVID anyway. Every time I turned around somebody was going to Portugal. Gotta go to Portugal, gotta go to Portugal! It’s also become a top retirement destination. It’s a slum that Trump somehow saved??? He doesn’t even know where Portugal is on a map! But we all know where Submission52’s head is. That would be up his greasy asshole. What an ignorant, mean-spirited, unworldly jerk. We went to the moon under previous administrations. With Trump, we can’t even go to Europe to visit a marvelous country such as Portugal.
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