Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Please show me what I have posted that made you label me a racist.

You know what? Number 1, if you don’t know it already and can’t accept it, then that’s too bad as it demonstrates that you have no self-awareness or understanding of how what you do or say impacts other people to lead them to say that.

And number 2, more importantly you’re simply not worth my time. In fact, people like you are a complete waste of time. I’m not here to try to convince you or get you to change your mind. That’s a loosing proposition, and a waste of life energy.

You’re just not that important to me. So go ask somebody who cares. But, I will kick that ass when you (and others) start getting out of pocket and start talking way too much *******. You’re one of the worst for talking bullshit, and I’m here to help check it. Because our democracy is at stake because of people like you. Believe this.
You know what? Number 1, if you don’t know it already and can’t accept it, then that’s too bad as it demonstrates that you have no self-awareness or understanding of how what you do or say impacts other people to lead them to say that.

And number 2, more importantly you’re simply not worth my time. In fact, people like you are a complete waste of time. I’m not here to try to convince you or get you to change your mind. That’s a loosing proposition, and a waste of life energy.

You’re just not that important to me. So go ask somebody who cares. But, I will kick that ass when you (and others) start getting out of pocket and start talking way too much *******. You’re one of the worst for talking bullshit, and I’m here to help check it. Because our democracy is at stake because of people like you. Believe this.
Just as I thought. Deflect. Back up your ******* asshole!
Just as I thought. Deflect. Back up your ******* asshole!

I don’t have to back ******* up REPUBLICUNT!!! Your words speak for themselves!!! Like I said . . . you’re not worth the time I gave to take a ******* this morning . . . so have a hard look in the mirror and begin to work on yourself. Do it for those in your life who care about you. Because I don’t. No, what I’m a gonna do is what I’ve been doing . . . first I’m gonna beat ya up see . . . THEN I’m gonna beat ya down :mad:!!! Those are your just deserts . . . you RACIST!!!
Trump Appointee Slammed for Refusing to Allow Joe Biden to Begin White House Transition

For centuries, the peaceful transfer of power from one President of the United States to the next has been a key ingredient to the perseverance of American democracy.

This involves not only accepting the results of the election, but working with the incoming administration so that the new President can begin governing on day one of their term.

President Donald Trump is doing away with this centuries-long sacrament, refusing to concede the election to President-elect Biden. Now, his administration is refusing to work with Biden to determine the logistics of the transfer.

The administrator for the General Services Administration (GSA) is tasked with signing the paperwork allocating access to funds, officials, office space, and information for the President-elect's transition into power.

According to reporting from the Washington Post, Trump's GSA administrator Emily Murphy has yet to sign this letter and the Trump administration has shown no intention of facilitating the transition.

The development raised even more alarms about how the Trump administration may sabotage the President-elect and the sacred transition of power that's kept American democracy alive.

Trump rejected Biden's olive branch, the first step in doing everything he can to prevent a peaceful transfer of power & Biden's ability to get to work: Trump appointee won't sign authorization for transition team to begin its work this week.
— Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) November 9, 2020

Biden team has only 10 weeks to complete a massive transition. By his childish antics, Trump threatens to gum up the works & delay help for tens of millions of Americans. No President in history has been more selfish. @CNN
— David Gergen (@David_Gergen) November 9, 2020

Trump's reckless attempt to slow the Biden transition is an attack on our democracy, and everyone should be condemning it. Period.
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) November 9, 2020

With massive challenges ahead, Trump is blocking Biden's transition. He's a spoiled brat who knows he's lost so he upends the game board with a infantile tantrum. The people have spoken. Now let US govern.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) November 9, 2020

This is Emily Murphy, @GSAEmily. She is the Trump political appointee who is presently refusing to recognize Biden's victory and release funds for the transition to commence. She also helped cover for Trump's profiting off his DC hotel while POTUS.
— Justin Hendrix #ProtectTheResults (@justinhendrix) November 9, 2020

There is no transfer of power, at least not yet, you post advise from the leftist Meathead Rob Reiner, the people have spoken but it is yet unclear who they really spoke for.
"Hey Rudy, how's the press conference in Philly going?"

"Just great, Don. We're at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping company parking lot, and we have the sex offender about to take the podium. All the networks, wow!"

What is the point a man with a past record he can't be a watcher? The truth needs to come out legally period.
What is the point a man with a past record he can't be a watcher? The truth needs to come out legally period.
Haven't you heard, a man can now be declared a sex offender simply by being caught looking at the wrong pornography.
Nothing's sacred; with the internet, they know who you are, where you are, what you're doing, what you're buying, what websites you visit, etc ................... 100% of the time. You'll always be a felon and sexual predator.
Ahh the hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’

“No, it doesn’t ******* me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”
The Biggest reason the election turned out the way it did, the democrats chose the same Witch Hillary Clinton who was defeated by Obama in the primaries of 2007. The people realized that this country needed to find someone not from the swamp.
Ahh the hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’

“No, it doesn’t ******* me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”
I'm going to try and do this without insults because I am genuinely interested in your view.
Answer this, How is this an example of hypocrisy?

Hillary Clinton's words and decision were not that of a sitting President in which ALL of our traditions and norms and unique transfer of power to a new government is sacrosanct to our principles.
Hillary was a private citizen. Not the President.

The sitting and outgoing President, Barack Obama, had the Trumps at the White House on Thursday! Two days after the election!
He had instructed his staff to work with the Trump Transition Team in an announcement on WEDNESDAY- the day after the election, in the Rose Garden. “The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy.” is what he said and demonstrated.

Trump tried to delegitimize the President, and denigrated everything related to Obama and tried to hang that around Hillary.
Trump lost the popular vote and barely won three states with numbers closer than the Biden wins, which he is contesting.
Yet, Obama being the leader he was and understanding American Democracy is the priority, not egos or hurt feeling, choose country over politics.
So that within 48 hours, Trump's transition team had everything they needed to build a new government.

So again, please explain how you see us, Democrats, being hypocritical.
Just as I thought. Deflect. Back up your ******* asshole!

These dumb fucks that I have blocked can't back up anything. That's part of why I blocked them.
They're like a short bus of retards. They aren't open to fact or learning. They regurgitate leftist lying points and believe them wholeheartedly. I won't argue with brainwashed Uncle Toms of the Democratic party.
They griped for years about how white men are oppressive, but they support or vote for a racist old white guy. They needed to prove they are black... because old white Biden said if they weren't for him, they ain't black.
These obedient bitches quickly fell in line and voted to keep themselves feeding off the government.
It's pathetic.
What a punk ass pussy move. Talk ******* about people but, too weak to handle their response. I'm sure it's just coincidence it's only the black men you named you blocked, when damn near everybody is sick of your *******. How dare us disassemble your bullshit.

Serious question...Why go there? Do you really know that's why he blocked you guys? Could be be he disagrees with your viewpoints? That statement is exactly what is plaguing our country. "You don't like what I say it must be because I'm black and your a racist." So sad!
He is a racist because he has a history of racist statements and dismissing that racism exists.
It's not "I'm black and he's a racist". It's the only people, out of about 8 of us, are the black men. Nobody posts more anti-Trump stuff than @subhub174014 and @MacNfries has been kicking his around for years. @ridgelyfan has been here a short time but busted his chops quite well.
Like I said, damn near everybody is sick of *******, yet he only blocked us. I didn't call him racist (in this message), you drew that conclusion from the evidence presented. I said I'm sure it's a coincidence. But, you knew better, so your instinct was to defend his racist appearing actions?
Gotta learn to stay in your lane.
Haven't you heard, a man can now be declared a sex offender simply by being caught looking at the wrong pornography.
Nothing's sacred; with the internet, they know who you are, where you are, what you're doing, what you're buying, what websites you visit, etc ................... 100% of the time. You'll always be a felon and sexual predator.
If you watch pornography on the internet, stuff pops up, most people today watch porn.
Please show me what I have posted that made you label me a racist.
What do you think a racist is? Someone who burns a cross in your front lawn?
Or, someone who refuses to see some of the systematic norms that prevent equal access?
Answer is both. You have absolutely demonstrated the latter one several times with your 'I did it, why can't you' ******* you write, as well as your 'They just want free stuff" bullshit.
You want us to go back and bring up at least 100 examples?
What do you think a racist is? Someone who burns a cross in your front lawn?
Or, someone who refuses to see some of the systematic norms that prevent equal access?
Answer is both. You have absolutely demonstrated the latter one several times with your 'I did it, why can't you' ******* you write, as well as your 'They just want free stuff" bullshit.
You want us to go back and bring up at least 100 examples?
Instead of trying to go through his post history, let's just ask.

Hey @Latina4BBC , what are your feelings on "black-on-black crime"?
These dumb fucks that I have blocked can't back up anything. That's part of why I blocked them.
Actually, if you go back, you'll see that we were blocked after he was painted in a corner and could back HIS ******* up. I'll post some of it later.
They're like a short bus of retards. They aren't open to fact or learning. They regurgitate leftist lying points and believe them wholeheartedly. I won't argue with brainwashed Uncle Toms of the Democratic party.
Hate me or not, I post research source after research source when I'm in policy or political debate.
"Uncle Toms"??? Not a racist term at all. Typical for him
Yet, to be an 'Uncle Tom' means the person who is calling you one, must know what it means to be a 'real' black person, or 'regular' black person.
Are you starting to see the racist cajones on this guy yet?
They griped for years about how white men are oppressive, but they support or vote for a racist old white guy. They needed to prove they are black... because old white Biden said if they weren't for him, they ain't black.
So at this point, @Latina4BBC , you can see that he is well aware that we are black. He also has decided they was have something to prove- or a 'chip on our shoulder'.
Because we support 'old white Biden' over 'old white Trump and Pence'. 90% of blacks did which is why he next line is the real disturbing one:
These obedient bitches quickly fell in line and voted to keep themselves feeding off the government.
It's pathetic.
And there were have it. The old racist theme on the Right, that blacks vote for Democrats to keep dependency on the government. (though farmers do it more, major billion dollar corporations even more and military spending is most--- and more whites on the government dole than blacks).
Racist. End of lesson.
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These dumb fucks that I have blocked can't back up anything. That's part of why I blocked them.
They're like a short bus of retards. They aren't open to fact or learning. They regurgitate leftist lying points and believe them wholeheartedly. I won't argue with brainwashed Uncle Toms of the Democratic party.
They griped for years about how white men are oppressive, but they support or vote for a racist old white guy. They needed to prove they are black... because old white Biden said if they weren't for him, they ain't black.
These obedient bitches quickly fell in line and voted to keep themselves feeding off the government.
It's pathetic.
You're back fighting and running back behind your rock. Blocking us. That's the biggest bitch move you can do online.
Instead of trying to go through his post history, let's just ask.

Hey @Latina4BBC , what are your feelings on "black-on-black crime"?

A white racist will try to TELL you that they care about black on black crime. But in reality, they aren’t being intellectually honest. They don’t give a rat’s ass about black on black crime. No, what a white racist cares about is BLACK ON WHITE crime. Not black on black nor white on black, but black on white crime is what concerns them the most.

Because you see, according to a white racist, the real problem in society is blacks committing crimes against whites. It’s rampant, it’s out of control, and black crimes perpetrated against whites need to be curbed. Lock these “animals” up!

Buuuuuuuuut anybody who knows anything about the FACTS around crime statistics knows that the overwhelming amount of crimes committed against white people are committed byyyyyyyyyy OTHER WHITE PEOPLE! And it’s not even close.

SO if your standard issue white racist was REALLY concerned about curbing crime leveled at white people, s/he ought to be more concerned about what other white people might do to them versus what a black person (or any other kind of person) would 😉

Now, I have seen debates about this very subject before. They just go around and around. You can present all of the objective data possible, and it never makes a dent or difference. Why??? Because stupid Trumptards don’t believe in and eschew facts, preferring “alternative facts” instead.

So, I say what’s the point 🙄??? To hell with trying to reason with these people! Just beat ‘um down . . . bludgeon ‘um to death 😡!!!