Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

A white racist will try to TELL you that they care about black on black crime. But in reality, they aren’t being intellectually honest. They don’t give a rat’s ass about black on black crime. No, what a white racist cares about is BLACK ON WHITE crime. Not black on black nor white on black, but black on white crime is what concerns them the most.

Because you see, according to a white racist, the real problem in society is blacks committing crimes against whites. It’s rampant, it’s out of control, and black crimes perpetrated against whites need to be curbed. Lock these “animals” up!

Buuuuuuuuut anybody who knows anything about the FACTS around crime statistics knows that the overwhelming amount of crimes committed against white people are committed byyyyyyyyyy OTHER WHITE PEOPLE! And it’s not even close.

SO if your standard issue white racist was REALLY concerned about curbing crime leveled at white people, s/he ought to be more concerned about what other white people might do to them versus what a black person (or any other kind of person) would 😉

Now, I have seen debates about this very subject before. They just go around and around. You can present all of the objective data possible, and it never makes a dent or difference. Why??? Because stupid Trumptards don’t believe in and eschew facts, preferring “alternative facts” instead.

So, I say what’s the point 🙄??? To hell with trying to reason with these people! Just beat ‘um down . . . bludgeon ‘um to death 😡!!!
Because you see, according to a white racist, the real problem in society is blacks committing crimes against whites. It’s rampant, it’s out of control, and black crimes perpetrated against whites need to be curbed. Lock these “animals” up!

Sounds like what Uncle Joe and Kamala thought too!
Because you see, according to a white racist, the real problem in society is blacks committing crimes against whites. It’s rampant, it’s out of control, and black crimes perpetrated against whites need to be curbed. Lock these “animals” up!

Sounds like what Uncle Joe and Kamala thought too!
You're the one who fell for this. Ridgleyfan called it, and yet you still ran head first into it.
Now, I'm the idiot for offering you an opportunity to hold a normal discussion. You're not worthy of it. You don't value that. I am a fool for trying.
You're a gutter rat, that only understands gutter snipes. I will be sure to treat you as you insist.
You're the one who fell for this. Ridgleyfan called it, and yet you still ran head first into it.
Now, I'm the idiot for offering you an opportunity to hold a normal discussion. You're not worthy of it. You don't value that. I am a fool for trying.
You're a gutter rat, that only understands gutter snipes. I will be sure to treat you as you insist.

Told you ;) Dumb fuck took the bait hook, line, and sinker . . . . they can't help themselves . . . and was sucked in by a white man too 😝 Ridgley called that ******* hahaha :LOL:!!!

Note: Now he's trying to play it off . . . that it wasn't just more sniping . . . when it absolutely was.
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Now, I'm the idiot for offering you an opportunity to hold a normal discussion. You're not worthy of it. You don't value that. I am a fool for trying.
You're a gutter rat, that only understands gutter snipes. I will be sure to treat you as you insist.
Ed I really think you get mixed up when someone speaks the truth and then turn into something it's not. So are you saying crime bills that both Uncle Joe and Kamala backed didn't have that message attached?
Ed I really think you get mixed up when someone speaks the truth and then turn into something it's not. So are you saying crime bills that both Uncle Joe and Kamala backed didn't have that message attached?
Ed can't help but do this. Somewhere in that tiny brain of his, signals get mixed up and he gets it wrong, and changes topics.
He is incapable of staying on point.
Ed I really think you get mixed up when someone speaks the truth and then turn into something it's not. So are you saying crime bills that both Uncle Joe and Kamala backed didn't have that message attached?
What message? Commit Crime A do time A?
Or what actually happened? Commit Crime A and blacks and hispanics will do A. Whites will do time B or even C.
That's the issue. And it comes down the judges and jurys. Laws are laws.
It's ALWAYS been the application of laws that's been race-based and unfair.
If we talk about it, and then Democrats are soft on crime.
No. We are saying that the courts found value in the young lives of whites committing the same crimes, why can't we have that same benefit of doubt? Or opportunity to have a life after a mistake?
That's what I'm saying. Unless, you think whites and blacks who commit the same crime are treated the same in the judicial system.
If you do, then there is nothing to discuss, because those same statistics you point to, show that.
How many black men are dead or have police bullets in them, for a minor, and non-violent alleged violation?
Ed can't help but do this. Somewhere in that tiny brain of his, signals get mixed up and he gets it wrong, and changes topics.
He is incapable of staying on point.
See how this fuck face talks out of his very loose ass? Since I'm blocked, how would he even know?
@Latina4BBC has changed topics three times already.
I asked one simple question about hypocrisy and his comparison to Hillary instead of what Obama did. He has not answered yet.
Instead, he went for the trap. Proof a pig will roll in his own ******* and garbage and mud, over walking to a nearby stream.
What message? Commit Crime A do time A?
Or what actually happened? Commit Crime A and blacks and hispanics will do A. Whites will do time B or even C.
That's the issue. And it comes down the judges and jurys. Laws are laws.
It's ALWAYS been the application of laws that's been race-based and unfair.

Or, whites may not do any time period for the same offense with the same or a similar record . . . .
See how this fuck face talks out of his very loose ass? Since I'm blocked, how would he even know?

Because Latina4BBC (aka OlderWhiteGuy4PostingPicsOfWomenWithoutTheirPermission) quoted you.

Submission wants to get his swipes in, but doesn't want to read the hard words that make his head confused when you explain things to him.
What message? Commit Crime A do time A?
Or what actually happened? Commit Crime A and blacks and hispanics will do A. Whites will do time B or even C.
That's the issue. And it comes down the judges and jurys. Laws are laws.
It's ALWAYS been the application of laws that's been race-based and unfair.
If we talk about it, and then Democrats are soft on crime.
No. We are saying that the courts found value in the young lives of whites committing the same crimes, why can't we have that same benefit of doubt? Or opportunity to have a life after a mistake?
That's what I'm saying. Unless, you think whites and blacks who commit the same crime are treated the same in the judicial system.
If you do, then there is nothing to discuss, because those same statistics you point to, show that.
How many black men are dead or have police bullets in them, for a minor, and non-violent alleged violation?
It's a nice rainy day here in Florida which is good time to stay in and tell a story. I don't tell this to get a pat on the back because that not me. It was a real heartfelt moment that literally brought me to tears. This happened just last week.

I was at a bar I frequent when this dude and his wife, both white, came in. They are from Indiana. Sitting two seats from me was a black woman whom I have spoke with but I really don't know her other than talking to her a couple of times before.

The dude comes up to the bar to order then turns towards me and motions with his thumb pointing toward her and mouthed WTF. At first I thought maybe it's because of her dreads. Which I thought were cool but that was the only thing at the time that crossed my mind.

A little while later a black dude walks in. He too was someone I had talked to once before at the bar. Same white dude says "who let in Kevin Hart." As soon as he said that I realized what he was referring about the black woman. He also yelled at the bartender who is white but he was being disrespectful. This dude was pissing me off.

I approached the black dude and told him what he said. I told him how much it saddens me that there are people who still think this ******* and had his back if he says anything else. Luckily for him he didn't. I gave the dude a hug and said I hope this bullshit ends one day.

I never have nor ever will condone or be a part of racism!

So ed when I say "so they get free *******" I mean that in general liberal terms not a specific race.

When I call Kamala a phony bitch it's because that's how I feel about her as a person not because she is black. Hillary is more of a phony bitch!

When I say I didn't think Obama was a good President it's not because he is black. I voted for the dude. I didn't think GWB was a good President.

It seems too easy for you to judge ones character by certain catch phrase words that do have different meanings other than your own. I admit to being naïve on certain issues and admit when I am wrong on others. For me what I post is strictly that, my opinion. It doesn't mean I dislike anyone who disagrees with them. We are all entitled to our opinions.

Just reminded myself of my naivety. When FUBU came out I bought shoes, pants, hat, shirt. I had no idea what FUBU stood for. I just liked the clothes. I don't remember how long it was after wearing them when someone asked me if I knew what it stood for. When the person told me I was like ok so what.

I don't dispute the disparity in time sentenced/served. All I can say it isn't right and the only ones who can do anything about it don't seem to be.

My daughters fiancé is Hispanic. He moved to the US when he was six.
My ******* and he had a domestic issue and he was arrested. My ******* said the cops were taking notes of her side of what occurred but not his side. He now has a stay away order and can't go to his home even though my ******* is gone for 30 days.
I was on the Zoom conference with the judge vouching for him and explained the whole thing was a convoluted mess. Long story short the judge denied the motion. Made me think for a minute if he was white???

Bottom line ed you can extrapolate, twist my words to your liking, mix and match but I can assure you being a racist is something I have never been accused of until now. The only reason it doesn't bother me coming from you is because I know you have no clue who I am. If we were to sit down throw back a few bourbons have a conversation then you walked away still feeling that way then it would bother me.
It's a nice rainy day here in Florida which is good time to stay in and tell a story. I don't tell this to get a pat on the back because that not me. It was a real heartfelt moment that literally brought me to tears. This happened just last week.

I was at a bar I frequent when this dude and his wife, both white, came in. They are from Indiana. Sitting two seats from me was a black woman whom I have spoke with but I really don't know her other than talking to her a couple of times before.

The dude comes up to the bar to order then turns towards me and motions with his thumb pointing toward her and mouthed WTF. At first I thought maybe it's because of her dreads. Which I thought were cool but that was the only thing at the time that crossed my mind.

A little while later a black dude walks in. He too was someone I had talked to once before at the bar. Same white dude says "who let in Kevin Hart." As soon as he said that I realized what he was referring about the black woman. He also yelled at the bartender who is white but he was being disrespectful. This dude was pissing me off.

I approached the black dude and told him what he said. I told him how much it saddens me that there are people who still think this ******* and had his back if he says anything else. Luckily for him he didn't. I gave the dude a hug and said I hope this bullshit ends one day.

I never have nor ever will condone or be a part of racism!

So ed when I say "so they get free *******" I mean that in general liberal terms not a specific race.

When I call Kamala a phony bitch it's because that's how I feel about her as a person not because she is black. Hillary is more of a phony bitch!

When I say I didn't think Obama was a good President it's not because he is black. I voted for the dude. I didn't think GWB was a good President.

It seems too easy for you to judge ones character by certain catch phrase words that do have different meanings other than your own. I admit to being naïve on certain issues and admit when I am wrong on others. For me what I post is strictly that, my opinion. It doesn't mean I dislike anyone who disagrees with them. We are all entitled to our opinions.

Just reminded myself of my naivety. When FUBU came out I bought shoes, pants, hat, shirt. I had no idea what FUBU stood for. I just liked the clothes. I don't remember how long it was after wearing them when someone asked me if I knew what it stood for. When the person told me I was like ok so what.

I don't dispute the disparity in time sentenced/served. All I can say it isn't right and the only ones who can do anything about it don't seem to be.

My daughters fiancé is Hispanic. He moved to the US when he was six.
My ******* and he had a domestic issue and he was arrested. My ******* said the cops were taking notes of her side of what occurred but not his side. He now has a stay away order and can't go to his home even though my ******* is gone for 30 days.
I was on the Zoom conference with the judge vouching for him and explained the whole thing was a convoluted mess. Long story short the judge denied the motion. Made me think for a minute if he was white???

Bottom line ed you can extrapolate, twist my words to your liking, mix and match but I can assure you being a racist is something I have never been accused of until now. The only reason it doesn't bother me coming from you is because I know you have no clue who I am. If we were to sit down throw back a few bourbons have a conversation then you walked away still feeling that way then it would bother me.
This is all good.
Except, the good heartedness you may show publicly or privately is all for nothing when you stand behind and defend a man like President Trump.
Trump has fueled guys like that dick from Indiana to make comments like that to someone he barely knows, assuming because you're white, you would agree with him. That same attitude becomes an issue when a group of them get together or, if one is in power over others life or freedom. Sadly that guy is not an anomaly. I've dealt with assholes like that, questioning whether I belong or not, since walking onto the college campus, and walked into my first corporate meeting.
Say, he was a bar owner, or tow truck driver, school admissions officer, or police officer, or ER Surgeon, or prosecutor, or order taker at a sandwich shop? See, why this is poisonous?
You have a measurable backwards slide in race relations since the election of Trump and violent groups created for the sole purpose agitating race relations. This is the Trump base. This is who you support. Doesn't matter why you support him, you do.
So, tell me how good your 401K is, and all I hear is, my money is more important to me than the safety of people like you.
When I point out the issues the protests have been about and you point to property damage, all I hear is insured property damage is more important than my constitutional rights on justice.
Bottom line ed you can extrapolate, twist my words to your liking, mix and match but I can assure you being a racist is something I have never been accused of until now. The only reason it doesn't bother me coming from you is because I know you have no clue who I am. If we were to sit down throw back a few bourbons have a conversation then you walked away still feeling that way then it would bother me.
I don't twist your words. I call you out verbatim. That's why we didn't have to repost of bunch of messages. It sticks.

I have drinks with a lot of people I assume who are less than admirable on their general views on race. However, around me, they are respectful. I establish that and don't care about 'well, at least they're being honest' You should have told that Indiana guy to shut the fuck up.

During the protests, I walked into a dive Polish bar here in Chicago (1 of 500) that I have gone to many times, I was wearing black jeans, black boots, gray sweater and black motorcycle jacket with a black baseball cap. The old fucker I did not know, next to me looked at me said very loudly," NO ANTIFA!". I told him in Polish, "Shut Up you dick", and then in English I said, "it used to be no dumbasses"- (then in Polish) "Yet, here you are!" Everyone, including him laughed. Bought me shots and drinks, and the hot polish bartenders were very attentive. Now, generally his view on race, like a lot of old Polish people, is twisted, however, having drinks with me, he puts that ******* on the back burner.
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This is all good.
Except, the good heartedness you may show publicly or privately is all for nothing when you stand behind and defend a man like President Trump.
Trump has fueled guys like that dick from Indiana to make comments like that to someone he barely knows, assuming because you're white, you would agree with him. That same attitude becomes an issue when a group of them get together or, if one is in power over others life or freedom. Sadly that guy is not an anomaly. I've dealt with assholes like that, questioning whether I belong or not, since walking onto the college campus, and walked into my first corporate meeting.
Say, he was a bar owner, or tow truck driver, school admissions officer, or police officer, or ER Surgeon, or prosecutor, or order taker at a sandwich shop? See, why this is poisonous?
You have a measurable backwards slide in race relations since the election of Trump and violent groups created for the sole purpose agitating race relations. This is the Trump base. This is who you support. Doesn't matter why you support him, you do.
So, tell me how good your 401K is, and all I hear is, my money is more important to me than the safety of people like you.
When I point out the issues the protests have been about and you point to property damage, all I hear is insured property damage is more important than my constitutional rights on justice.

I chose not to respond to him, because he addressed that to you. But you see, this is what too many white people do. Especially old ones. They tell some story like he did that's supposed to prove that they aren't racist. But at the end of the day, like you say it's all for nothing because that's not what's going to move this country forward towards the kind of reconciliation we need on all types of fronts, with race being just one of those. Rather than buying me some drinks and/or giving me some hugs . . . stand shoulder to shoulder with me for full civil rights and equal social & economic justice for every single man, woman, and kid in this country, regardless of their race, religion, or ethnicity. And sorry, but you don't do that when you support somebody like a Donald Trump. That’s a vote for the status quo, or even worse, for going backwards.
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Ahh the hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’

“No, it doesn’t ******* me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”
Wait, so did you show support for Hillary Clinton in 2016 the way you support the Clown now??? 👀
>>> Ahh the hypocrisy <<<

Get the hell out our country you clown. All you Trumptard bitches do is cry & complain... "It's rigged, the system is rigged 😭😭😭"