Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

To all American citizens partaking in this thread:
Be careful, very very careful with where you go from here. Collectively, we ALL stray from democratic rule and we ALL inch closer to anarchy, chaos and civil revolution. Will the law of the land apply to all, or will we follow those we like and dismiss the rest?

And do know this, your words have power and will define you for who you truly are...
Whats that old saying, once a con-man always a con-man. incase ur wondering why he has`nt left the white house yet, here`s a hint.View attachment 3715959

He ran the country right into the ground. But how can anybody be surprised by that? He did the exact same thing with all of his various business enterprises. Although not perfect, the best predictor of the future is the past.

This clown had no thought that he was really going to win. He was more shocked than anybody else. Then when he got in there, he couldn’t do the job. As Obama said, he was incapable. He got a shot he didn’t deserve. Now DING DONG his ass his GONE!
Ahh the hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’

“No, it doesn’t ******* me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”
The leftist douchebags in this thread wouldn't accept DJT or conservatives no matter how big a landslide occurred. They are owned by the DNC. Their brains are simply incapable of breaking free. When you play a victim your entire life, that becomes your identity. These mental midgets like ed4mwf, HardBlackCandy, BBCsceptre (who didn't even know how the Electoral College worked) prove it day after day.

I've blocked them all, because their ignorance is is like a ******* stain on a fresh towel. Like a hair in the salad. Like a herpe on the lip.
All the bitching and complaining about the electoral college is amazing. I wonder how things would be today if Lincoln didn't win electoral vote. I for one am glad he did!
What a punk ass pussy move. Talk ******* about people but, too weak to handle their response. I'm sure it's just coincidence it's only the black men you named you blocked, when damn near everybody is sick of your *******. How dare us disassemble your bullshit.
You tRumptards can't stand to hear anything that your Dear Leader would find offensive or diminished his standings in your mind. @submission52 @hoping hubby @TwoBiFour @blkdlaur @STIFFBBC @StanleyCush1 @cpl2010co and others
You've made ******* up, thrown out all kinds of rumors and straight lies because the facts are not, and never were with you. Start the whine party. Tell us how China imported votes, or the Sharpies were key. Anything but, Biden got more votes that Trump. And the count is still going on, Trump's loss continues to grow.

Hey @submission52, for a guy that blocked us, we sure take up a lot of time in that tiny brain stem of yours.
And, we'd have to be midgets to live in your very very very tiny brain space. For free.
No go fuck yourself and...Wait, you like doing that, it's your thing. Forget it, life has clearly fucked you up enough. Just go.
Oh, and thanks for that turnout in Arizona. Could not have done it without the hateful and lying words people like you have been freely throwing around.
What a punk ass pussy move. Talk ******* about people but, too weak to handle their response. I'm sure it's just coincidence it's only the black men you named you blocked, when damn near everybody is sick of your *******. How dare us disassemble your bullshit.

Serious question...Why go there? Do you really know that's why he blocked you guys? Could be be he disagrees with your viewpoints? That statement is exactly what is plaguing our country. "You don't like what I say it must be because I'm black and your a racist." So sad!
What a punk ass pussy move. Talk ******* about people but, too weak to handle their response. I'm sure it's just coincidence it's only the black men you named you blocked, when damn near everybody is sick of your *******. How dare us disassemble your bullshit.

Serious question...Why go there? Do you really know that's why he blocked you guys? Could be be he disagrees with your viewpoints? That statement is exactly what is plaguing our country. "You don't like what I say it must be because I'm black and your a racist." So sad!

Shut the fuck up asshole. There are plenty of white people saying the same stuff and more in here, and usually with less intelligence and eloquence than Ed does, but they didn’t make the “short list”. But like I said, the honor is mine!

And no, the problem is people like you who would deny the impact of structural racism in this country, or that it even exists. This nation was founded on racism front and center, and we’ve been dealing with it ever since.

And you can save “I used to fuck a Latina”, so that makes me not a racist bullshit. You’ve been fucking the “coloreds” in so many ways for so long it’s old news. Tired! You’re so pathetic that you use a handle referencing a woman who left your cuck ass . . . do yourself a favor and get man’s handle . . . BITCH!!!
Shut the fuck up asshole. There are plenty of white people saying the same stuff and more in here, and usually with less intelligence and eloquence than Ed does, but they didn’t make the “short list”. But like I said, the honor is mine!

And no, the problem is people like you who would deny the impact of structural racism in this country, or that it even exists. This nation was founded on racism front and center, and we’ve been dealing with it ever since.

And you can save “I used to fuck a Latina”, so that makes me not a racist bullshit. You’ve been fucking the “coloreds” in so many ways for so long it’s old news. Tired! You’re so pathetic that you use a handle referencing a woman who left your cuck ass . . . do yourself a favor and get man’s handle . . . BITCH!!!
Good ahead and pat your self on the back. It's amazing how you know how people think. I used to fuck a Latina, dated and fucked a couple of black women. Funny thing... that never occurred to me. In my mind I was dating and fucking beautiful women.
Serious question...Why go there? Do you really know that's why he blocked you guys? Could be be he disagrees with your viewpoints? That statement is exactly what is plaguing our country. "You don't like what I say it must be because I'm black and your a racist." So sad!

If he blocked Ed and not me that's pretty clear.

Ed and I post very similarly (except he knows a shitload more about the law and has a better inside view of politics than me). But Ed is black and he got blocked. Welp.
Ahh the hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’

“No, it doesn’t ******* me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”

I am guessing he gets more in a security briefing than you get from Briebart…..

Jimmy Carter just called Trump an illegitimate president who was elected only because of Russian interference · Jun 28, 2019

Jimmy Carter says Trump wouldn’t be president without help ... · Aug 25, 2019
If he blocked Ed and not me that's pretty clear.

Ed and I post very similarly (except he knows a shitload more about the law and has a better inside view of politics than me). But Ed is black and he got blocked. Welp.
But you or he doesn't know that. It's perceived and that's the problem. He also insinuates I am a racist and the Mf'er doesn't know me from dick! Bu I know who I am and his hate/victim BS is unfortunate!
But you or he doesn't know that. It's perceived and that's the problem. He also insinuates I am a racist and the Mf'er doesn't know me from dick! Bu I know who I am and his hate/victim BS is unfortunate!

You’ve both written enough other stuff that is clearly racist that it’s reasonable to conclude that the action taken was race-based as well. The burden would be on the author to prove otherwise. But each time that rancorous mouth is opened, the case for racism is only further established.
You’ve both written enough other stuff that is clearly racist that it’s reasonable to conclude that the action taken was race-based as well. The burden would be on the author to prove otherwise. But each time that rancorous mouth is opened, the case for racism is only further established.
Please show me what I have posted that made you label me a racist.