Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

and I know there are a lot of Senators that want on the administration...Amyk. …..Sanders...…..AOC...but I think we would be better served if they stayed on as senators.....there are plenty of others to take up the slack and help out....Andrew Y....Stacy A.....Pete the gay mayor...and others all could add to bidens team without taking a senator out of office
Some of those Senators are in safe states. Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders are in safe states. AOC is a congresswoman, and also from a safe area in NYC, part of the Bronx and Queens.
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Ted Cruz is a shifty MFer who is just maneuvering around trying to line those 70 million votes up for himself when he runs for president again in 2024. “I was loyal to Trump all you Trumptards. So vote for me”!
He also knows better. Cruz was a lawyer on Bush v Gore when the Supreme Court stopped the recount and handed the presidency over to W on 550 votes or so.
Some of those Senators are in safe states. Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders are in safe states. AOC is a congresswoman, and also from a safe area in NYC, part of the Bronx and Queens.
true....and I knew aoc was congress...just lumping them all together...…..but at this time why push it....maybe in a year or two.....but trump even has republicans afraid to speak up....he has so many supporters and do not want to turn them against ….

funny I saw one trump supporter complaining about the rest of us believing thing we are told and not thinking for ourselves.....another talking about the vote count turning against trump ...said it proves his point that people are against this guy could fuck up so many heads and practically destroy democracy is scary

guess these same republicans that are afraid of the trump voters have not seen the news with the amount of people dancing in the streets
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true....but at this time why push it....maybe in a year or two.....but trump even has republicans afraid to speak up....he has so many supporters and do not want to turn them against ….

funny I saw one trump supporter complaining about the rest of us believing thing we are told and not thinking for ourselves.....another talking about the vote count turning against trump ...said it proves his point that people are against this guy could fuck up so many heads and practically destroy democracy is scary

I saw some moron on TV yesterday at a protest 🪧 saying that votes from China against Trump had been coming in overnight during the count skewing the election to Biden 🤦‍♂️

Did anybody see the news from Pfizer? They claim to have a vaccine that is proving to be 90% effective so far. I think it’s hilarious that they waited until after the election to release this information as it surely would have helped Trump. I don’t know by how much, but I think it would have. You know he has got to be pissed 😤!!! You see, he will try to take credit for it, but won’t get any.

And what goes around comes around. He was happy when Comey fucked Hillary over by announcing just before the last election that he was reopening the investigation of her. Now Pfizer just fucked Trump over too by withholding their data until this election was over hahaha 😝!!! You know it was intentional. They didn’t come up with all of the data over the weekend! They didn’t want him to try to use it in order to boost his re-election chances.

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can you tell us just one thing he has done for the country....that benefits the country....about all I can see is he gave us the trump virus.....doing p.utins bidding by trashing the elections.....and a lot more
I stated I am with great disappointment, but not of surprised if a Biden win, Many of the young have not been educated ,but indoctrinated into the belief of socialism, Fracking has brought wealth and good paying Jobs to America , charter schools have raised many in poverty out of poverty ,The low income people in American have climbed up under Trump, Corporations have returned, America has created more jobs under Trump This president has realigned the trade policy to stop the massive loss of American jobs and money to China ,He has made NATO pay its fair share. He has brought a peace accord to the Middle East, He has reduced Americas young from dying overseas. And bringing our troops home. He has invested in America's farms. He has stopped the flow of illegals into America. He has reduced ******* cost for seniors. He has raised SSI payments. And fought the COVID-19 in bring America back.

He was rejected for that America voted for higher taxes , worse health care, higher ******* cost ,worse schools, higher energy and gas prices. Higher corporate tax rates ,the end of the new employee training tax deduction, Higher Capitol Gains , The end of corporate tax breaks for new equipment , the end of tax breaks for Business expansion to create more jobs. The end of corporate Ins plans for employees, and making one in for all Medicare. For everyone doing away with private Ins.

As we embark on the road to end America, and end all Family and religion values, to dismiss and destroy the Constitution, and the Bill of rights. To remove the Second Amendment or the right to bear arms ,and pack the Supreme Court to make a political arm of Government. America as the Great civilization of Rome is about to also be passed into History to be again judged as the last days of ROME a people that elected the worst of mankind, Senators of deceit and corruption and fraud Biden and his like have sold the labor of America for personal profit .America this day gave him permission to sell America and it's people out. This day in America the final chapter is being written.
We needed a landslide victory to be accepted. We did not get one. Any legal maneuvers at this point will destroy our country. I have seen war and do not wish it here. I support this country and will not see it tear itself apart.
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true....and I knew aoc was congress...just lumping them all together...…..but at this time why push it....maybe in a year or two.....but trump even has republicans afraid to speak up....he has so many supporters and do not want to turn them against ….

funny I saw one trump supporter complaining about the rest of us believing thing we are told and not thinking for ourselves.....another talking about the vote count turning against trump ...said it proves his point that people are against this guy could fuck up so many heads and practically destroy democracy is scary

guess these same republicans that are afraid of the trump voters have not seen the news with the amount of people dancing in the streets
On the rhetorical side, we fucked up three ways and allowed the Republican narrative to drive out votes against us.

1. Socialism
Joe Biden would usher in socialism. The guy that's been a centrist for 40 years suddenly is to the left of Bernie Sanders?
Sanders is who they wanted to run against, and it looked like in some places they did anyway.
Kamala Harris, who's biggest knock was she locked up too many black people, was painted a member of the 'squad' and being led by AOC. Really? First, the squad is not some scary coalition. They're populist on the progress side and many of their issues, are support by a majority of Americans. Nonetheless, we allowed this socialism tag to fester. Or, we do what I did, and show it's not communism or marxism, or really socialism, just another page in the book of capitalism.

2. Defund the Police
Terrible slogan for policing reform.
People don't read. They don't need clever dual meanings. Straight forward, this is a losing slogan.
Again, the reality behind it is policing reform which the vast majority of American agree upon.
Replace the word 'Defund' with the word 'Reform' and you have a winning statement. I can't count the white men I've met over the years from smaller cities and rural towns who think the police are out of control. Even a lot of those 'Back the Blue' supporters got an issue or two they would like to see changed when it comes to policing.

3. Antifa and 'cities' burning.
These riots took place in Donald Trump's America. Spurred by his unapologetic racism and divisiveness.
Antifa, is not a group of people that are meeting and planning and executing like many of the proud boys, boogaloo bois, neo-nazis, white supremacists militias, and other racist organizations, who are number one on the FBI list for domestic terror.
They also lumped Black Lives Matter with the Antifa narrative, therefore delegitimizing it. However, not before monumental changes and policy addressing institutionalized racism was enacted. BLM has had a great year.
Back to the 'riots'. We are getting more and more proof with the people being charged by local police, the FBI and actual video that a lot of unrest was triggered by Right wing groups or individual sympathizers.

Candidates cannot be out on the trail explaining these nuances or realities, it has to be the party, those groups or one of the IE (Independent Expenditure) groups. With that, we could have seen more clear success in some states, and closer races or wins in states like Florida, North Carolina, and Maine.
Their egos never let them “get it” . . . look at what we’re dealing with right now. Ted Cruz’s ego will have him in the race again, and he is still one of the most dangerous ones on the right. For one thing, unlike Trump, he is extremely intelligent. We need to keep an eye on him, and be ready to stop him!

An intelligent psychopath is as dangerous as possible!!
I stated I am with great disappointment, but not of surprised if a Biden win, Many of the young have not been educated ,but indoctrinated into the belief of socialism, Fracking has brought wealth and good paying Jobs to America , charter schools have raised many in poverty out of poverty ,The low income people in American have climbed up under Trump, Corporations have returned, America has created more jobs under Trump This president has realigned the trade policy to stop the massive loss of American jobs and money to China ,He has made NATO pay its fair share. He has brought a peace accord to the Middle East, He has reduced Americas young from dying overseas. And bringing our troops home. He has invested in America's farms. He has stopped the flow of illegals into America. He has reduced ******* cost for seniors. He has raised SSI payments. And fought the COVID-19 in bring America back.
But what did Trump do?
I would put an 8th graders understanding against yours demonstrated here any day.
Joe has already said, he's not against fracking. Your first point is proof of laziness and ignorance.
Charter schools use public schools funds which is where the majority of minority students attend. White attendance in public schools has dropped to about 50%. You think we don't see what's going on?
That meager economic gain for people in poverty- was all lost during the Covid lies and mishandling. As a matter of fact, Trump has made sure that others were quickly able to join the ranks of the poor. Visit any suburban food shelf.
His trade policies were a disaster and cost us billions in deficit spending paying farmers for his mistake.
Bringing "a" peace accord, is not bringing peace. He's also made it less safe for Americans and restarted an aggressive adversarial relationship with Iran -also in the middle east.
Troops still dying overseas, you don't know because he doesn't even address, he could care less.
He held up the first Covid relief checks to get his name on those checks, he refused to sign off on another check though the Democrats have had a bill ready since May.
He lied and did nothing but let 10 million Americans get ill and a quarter million die, so that he wouldn't look incompetent.
Covid exposed his ineptness, corrupt values, and ease at lying.
We are not back. Not yet.
He was rejected for that America voted for higher taxes , worse health care, higher ******* cost ,worse schools, higher energy and gas prices. Higher corporate tax rates ,the end of the new employee training tax deduction, Higher Capitol Gains , The end of corporate tax breaks for new equipment , the end of tax breaks for Business expansion to create more jobs. The end of corporate Ins plans for employees, and making one in for all Medicare. For everyone doing away with private Ins.
Where did you copy and past this from? Biden/Harris is not for this. Cut paste from any of the 15 years.
For instance, you said worse health care. The great health care, that we have now, is Obamacare, you remember Joe was his vice president and the one garnering votes for the legislation.
Major wall streeters came out for Biden, and it appears that today, they are ignoring the people like you and rallying around the new incoming president and vice president with record highs already today.
As we embark on the road to end America, and end all Family and religion values, to dismiss and destroy the Constitution, and the Bill of rights. To remove the Second Amendment or the right to bear arms ,and pack the Supreme Court to make a political arm of Government. America as the Great civilization of Rome is about to also be passed into History to be again judged as the last days of ROME a people that elected the worst of mankind, Senators of deceit and corruption and fraud Biden and his like have sold the labor of America for personal profit .America this day gave him permission to sell America and it's people out. This day in America the final chapter is being written.
Wah, wah wah. You lost an election, not a war you asshole.
You watch too much tv if that's what you think happened in Rome.
Biden has not sold anything or profited off public service- why would you say that without an iota of proof but we see in plain sight that tRump and his children has not only fleeced our government but, nations of the world since he's been elected.

How long before you go away?

Did anybody see the news from Pfizer? They claim to have a vaccine that is proving to be 90% effective so far. I think it’s hilarious that they waited until after the election to release this information as it surely would have helped Trump. I don’t know by how much, but I think it would have. You know he has got to be pissed 😤!!! You see, he will try to take credit for it, but won’t get any.

And what goes around comes around. He was happy when Comey fucked Hillary over by announcing just before the last election that he was reopening the investigation of her. Now Pfizer just fucked Trump over too by withholding their data until this election was over hahaha 😝!!! You know it was intentional. They didn’t come up with all of the data over the weekend! They didn’t want him to try to use it in order to boost his re-election chances.

He can't brag too much, Pfizer did not work with the White House and did not take government funding.
Pence is trying to take credit but, Pfizer won't let him and tRump do this.

It's preliminary and will be tested for a few more weeks. Looks like is everything goes well, we will have a formula for a vaccine.
It will still take months to create enough for the American people, then another couple of months of distribution so we are still talking mid ways next year at the soonest.