Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I stated I am with great disappointment, but not of surprised if a Biden win, Many of the young have not been educated

Did your parents have any children that lived....or were the rest all born brain dead!....if you would care to look it up...which I am sure you won't....and you have spewed to much stupid ******* for me to point it all out to you...…..but anyway....facts show the more education people have the less likely they are to vote republican....if it wasn't for gerrymandering and vote er suppression and etc....there wouldn't be enough republicans voted into office to amount to a *******!

Fracking has brought wealth and good paying Jobs to America
are you nuts....look at how many earth quakes we now areas that have never had many earth quakes do you think this earth will take...all for greed

charter schools have raised many in poverty out of poverty ,The low income people in American have climbed up under Trump,
charter schools have not done ******* for the poor they can not afford it....and the right has cut taxes and needs such as schooling so we are now in the bottom part of the equations world wide....until the right and it's greed we used to lead the go ahead and cut more school funding to give some greedy fucking republican a tax break

Corporations have returned

guess you have not looked ...under trump more jobs gone overseas than ever before....let mke give you just one example...trump gave the corps a tax bell took the money and moved all their call centers to India....trump has done more to fuck the country job wise than any other president

America has created more jobs under Trump
he inherited a growing economy....and fucked it up...if you look the economy was starting a downward turn in late Feb....but it got covered up under the trump virus

This president has realigned the trade policy to stop the massive loss of American jobs and money to China

he fucked that up from the start....first americans have had to pay for his fuck up....we have lost biz that we had before his great tariffs and trade plan....and has us in bad standing with most of our allies

He has made NATO pay its fair share. has not changed much...he tried to establish some rules for pay....but most countries just do not have the money we have so they supply troops.....besides Russia would like nothing more than to see the US pull out of NATO and that was his plan....but luckily the senate stepped in

He has brought a peace accord to the Middle East,
wrong again.....he kissed netingfuckingyahoo's ass and gave him what he wanted....fixing it so there will never be peace in the middle east

He has reduced Americas young from dying overseas
sure he brought them home to lowest veteran unemployment ever...and killing them with his trump virus....used to be a vet stood a better chance of getting a job....trump did away with that policy

He has invested in America's farms
he gave them big handouts at the countries expense trying to buy votes after he killed a lot of farm biz with his tarriff's

He has stopped the flow of illegals into America.
has he....he created a fucking mess bringing the eyes of the world on us jails ..separating k.ids from their parents...he just stopped the ones trying to come in legally....they still come in by truck and tunnel

He has reduced ******* cost for seniors
If he really wanted to do that he would have changed the law another right winger put in...Bush signed into law that they were ****** to buy from whomever the gov choose...ended shopping around for a cheaper price

And fought the COVID-19 in bring America back.

fought what....trying to keep it a secret and denying it existed?....while thousands die!

He was rejected for that America voted for higher taxes

America did not vote for higher taxes.....he gave his rich buddies and himself huge tax breaks at the expense of the rest of the you know what the deficit is?

worse health care, higher ******* cost ,worse schools, higher energy and gas prices.
all something to make the wealthy richer....and to do everything he could to destroy whatever Obama created......mid terms and this of the top things America wanted was health care...he has gone out of his way to take it away.....worse schools...that is true especially in the red states where they cut school money to cover for gov expenses...and with his Devos...he wanted more private schools......guess only those with money can get an education under his plan....

Higher Capitol Gains
he did do that and they took that money overseas!....trickle down does not work!

the end of tax breaks for Business expansion to create more jobs
again...trickle down does not work.... 2 other presidents tried it and brought on a recession...and we could end up with another now

and end all Family and religion values
this from a man with 5 ******* from 3 different wives and an admitted porn fan...charged with c.hild *******

to dismiss and destroy the Constitution
true he has done all that...shown what money and greed can do to the constitution.....and still trying to put an end to democracy!

fuck you are nuts and full of way to much bullshit and not going to even try and answer the rest
I stated I am with great disappointment, but not of surprised if a Biden win, Many of the young have not been educated ,but indoctrinated into the belief of socialism, Fracking has brought wealth and good paying Jobs to America , charter schools have raised many in poverty out of poverty ,The low income people in American have climbed up under Trump, Corporations have returned, America has created more jobs under Trump This president has realigned the trade policy to stop the massive loss of American jobs and money to China ,He has made NATO pay its fair share. He has brought a peace accord to the Middle East, He has reduced Americas young from dying overseas. And bringing our troops home. He has invested in America's farms. He has stopped the flow of illegals into America. He has reduced ******* cost for seniors. He has raised SSI payments. And fought the COVID-19 in bring America back.

He was rejected for that America voted for higher taxes , worse health care, higher ******* cost ,worse schools, higher energy and gas prices. Higher corporate tax rates ,the end of the new employee training tax deduction, Higher Capitol Gains , The end of corporate tax breaks for new equipment , the end of tax breaks for Business expansion to create more jobs. The end of corporate Ins plans for employees, and making one in for all Medicare. For everyone doing away with private Ins.

As we embark on the road to end America, and end all Family and religion values, to dismiss and destroy the Constitution, and the Bill of rights. To remove the Second Amendment or the right to bear arms ,and pack the Supreme Court to make a political arm of Government. America as the Great civilization of Rome is about to also be passed into History to be again judged as the last days of ROME a people that elected the worst of mankind, Senators of deceit and corruption and fraud Biden and his like have sold the labor of America for personal profit .America this day gave him permission to sell America and it's people out. This day in America the final chapter is being written.
English is obviously your second language, it would be interesting to know your native language. America's best interest is very likely not yours.
Did your parents have any children that lived....or were the rest all born brain dead!....if you would care to look it up...which I am sure you won't....and you have spewed to much stupid ******* for me to point it all out to you...…..but anyway....facts show the more education people have the less likely they are to vote republican....if it wasn't for gerrymandering and vote er suppression and etc....there wouldn't be enough republicans voted into office to amount to a *******!

are you nuts....look at how many earth quakes we now areas that have never had many earth quakes do you think this earth will take...all for greed

charter schools have not done ******* for the poor they can not afford it....and the right has cut taxes and needs such as schooling so we are now in the bottom part of the equations world wide....until the right and it's greed we used to lead the go ahead and cut more school funding to give some greedy fucking republican a tax break

guess you have not looked ...under trump more jobs gone overseas than ever before....let mke give you just one example...trump gave the corps a tax bell took the money and moved all their call centers to India....trump has done more to fuck the country job wise than any other president

he inherited a growing economy....and fucked it up...if you look the economy was starting a downward turn in late Feb....but it got covered up under the trump virus

he fucked that up from the start....first americans have had to pay for his fuck up....we have lost biz that we had before his great tariffs and trade plan....and has us in bad standing with most of our allies has not changed much...he tried to establish some rules for pay....but most countries just do not have the money we have so they supply troops.....besides Russia would like nothing more than to see the US pull out of NATO and that was his plan....but luckily the senate stepped in

wrong again.....he kissed netingfuckingyahoo's ass and gave him what he wanted....fixing it so there will never be peace in the middle east

sure he brought them home to lowest veteran unemployment ever...and killing them with his trump virus....used to be a vet stood a better chance of getting a job....trump did away with that policy

he gave them big handouts at the countries expense trying to buy votes after he killed a lot of farm biz with his tarriff's

has he....he created a fucking mess bringing the eyes of the world on us jails ..separating k.ids from their parents...he just stopped the ones trying to come in legally....they still come in by truck and tunnel

If he really wanted to do that he would have changed the law another right winger put in...Bush signed into law that they were ****** to buy from whomever the gov choose...ended shopping around for a cheaper price

fought what....trying to keep it a secret and denying it existed?....while thousands die!

America did not vote for higher taxes.....he gave his rich buddies and himself huge tax breaks at the expense of the rest of the you know what the deficit is?

all something to make the wealthy richer....and to do everything he could to destroy whatever Obama created......mid terms and this of the top things America wanted was health care...he has gone out of his way to take it away.....worse schools...that is true especially in the red states where they cut school money to cover for gov expenses...and with his Devos...he wanted more private schools......guess only those with money can get an education under his plan....

he did do that and they took that money overseas!....trickle down does not work!

again...trickle down does not work.... 2 other presidents tried it and brought on a recession...and we could end up with another now

this from a man with 5 ******* from 3 different wives and an admitted porn fan...charged with c.hild *******

true he has done all that...shown what money and greed can do to the constitution.....and still trying to put an end to democracy!

fuck you are nuts and full of way to much bullshit and not going to even try and answer the rest
Hey you asked, I answered.
Whoa, It been awhile since I been in this room/thread.
Can't we all just get along.
Let's remember the only President who lost the popular vote, impeached and only ran one term is remarkable.

I am not here to cyber bully anyone as I know the First Lady has a program about stopping cyber bullying and it has been proven to be very effective as I am a changed man.

Disclaimer: This is pure sarcasm.

Meanwhile this is not:
View attachment 3713193

Your maturity is staggering.

Disclaimer: This is pure sarcasm.
We needed a landslide victory to be accepted. We did not get one. Any legal maneuvers at this point will destroy our country. I have seen war and do not wish it here. I support this country and will not see it tear itself apart.

The leftist douchebags in this thread wouldn't accept DJT or conservatives no matter how big a landslide occurred. They are owned by the DNC. Their brains are simply incapable of breaking free. When you play a victim your entire life, that becomes your identity. These mental midgets like ed4mwf, HardBlackCandy, BBCsceptre (who didn't even know how the Electoral College worked) prove it day after day.

I've blocked them all, because their ignorance is is like a ******* stain on a fresh towel. Like a hair in the salad. Like a herpe on the lip.
The leftist douchebags in this thread wouldn't accept DJT or conservatives no matter how big a landslide occurred. They are owned by the DNC. Their brains are simply incapable of breaking free. When you play a victim your entire life, that becomes your identity. These mental midgets like ed4mwf, HardBlackCandy, BBCsceptre (who didn't even know how the Electoral College worked) prove it day after day.

I've blocked them all, because their ignorance is is like a ******* stain on a fresh towel. Like a hair in the salad. Like a herpe on the lip.
Quick, quick!!! Flush this turd and spray some air freshener!!!