Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Tried that with Obama and in the end how did they thank him? They held up a Supreme court nomination for almost a year.
They handed back a government, well, will be ****** to turn over a government that has taken steps back on:
Health Care
Pandemic Action
Economic Activity
Environmental Protections
Civil Rights,
Strength in our basic ideal of democracy
International Relations and Leadership
And generally the health and wealth optimism that most Americans enjoyed before Donald Trump took office.

Fuck me up ass once, shame on you, fuck me up the ass twice, I must like it.
These people that were willing to burn down democracy, just like the confederates, need to take some lumps while we do what we can to rebuild.
The Confederates were given their full citizenship and most of their property back after defeat, and where did that lead us? 100 years of legal segregation and Jim Crow and generations of 'free' blacks being terrorized from entering normal society.
We haven't sworn Joe in yet. At least let's do that, and get through the first 100 day agenda before offering buttermilk to the losers.

Yeah we need to stop going easy on these people . . . they play for keeps . . . and so should we. DC & Puerto Rico statehood!
Tried that with Obama and in the end how did they thank him? They held up a Supreme court nomination for almost a year.
They handed back a government, well, will be ****** to turn over a government that has taken steps back on:
Health Care
Pandemic Action
Economic Activity
Environmental Protections
Civil Rights,
Strength in our basic ideal of democracy
International Relations and Leadership
And generally the health and wealth optimism that most Americans enjoyed before Donald Trump took office.

Fuck me up ass once, shame on you, fuck me up the ass twice, I must like it.
These people that were willing to burn down democracy, just like the confederates, need to take some lumps while we do what we can to rebuild.
The Confederates were given their full citizenship and most of their property back after defeat, and where did that lead us? 100 years of legal segregation and Jim Crow and generations of 'free' blacks being terrorized from entering normal society.
We haven't sworn Joe in yet. At least let's do that, and get through the first 100 day agenda before offering buttermilk to the losers.

I will, agree there they thought John was a shoe in...….and I have to admit he was probably the best candidate the right has had in a while....a lot of that was Gingrich....Boner.....and the main one was Grover Norquist and his Americans for tax was black and a rookie congressman...say what they will about the GOP...fact is they are racists!!.....Biden was one of them for a long time and Harris currently one of them.....I am thinking they can work across the thoughts...and hopes...….I am willing to give anyone a chance or two even

I just know we can not keep on the course we are going.....I think trumptards are completely out of picture now....and it is just the left and the right
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You people are pathetic. Thump has been one of the best Presidents ever for all Americans. If the court system does their job enforcing the Law, he will be shown to have been reelected legally. If they do find ballot tampering, he will be going no where. I personally will never support Biden as President of the United States because he has committed treason making him a traitor. If the court finds ballot tampering all you that are bragging right now, will have 4 more years to Hate Trump and complain saying He WAA WAA WAAH, he cheated!
You people are pathetic. Thump has been one of the best Presidents ever for all Americans. If the court system does their job enforcing the Law, he will be shown to have been reelected legally. If they do find ballot tampering, he will be going no where. I personally will never support Biden as President of the United States because he has committed treason making him a traitor. If the court finds ballot tampering all you that are bragging right now, will have 4 more years to Hate Trump and complain saying He WAA WAA WAAH, he cheated!

Four Seasons Total Landscaping

I mean, FFS, Four Seasons Total Landscaping. That's the venue he chose for the "press conference" on the day the election was called for Biden.

You people are pathetic. Thump has been one of the best Presidents ever for all Americans. If the court system does their job enforcing the Law, he will be shown to have been reelected legally. If they do find ballot tampering, he will be going no where. I personally will never support Biden as President of the United States because he has committed treason making him a traitor. If the court finds ballot tampering all you that are bragging right now, will have 4 more years to Hate Trump and complain saying He WAA WAA WAAH, he cheated!

Typical "trump speech" ☝🏾

Start off by name calling.

Ignore any and all truths or scientific facts.
Then comes the hilarious, narcissistic, egocentric, distorted alternate view of reality.
Move on to the typical misdirection ploy of finger pointing with unfounded, made-up false accusations.

The only thing missing was the weird hairdo, the orange makeup, the banning of reporters who ask tough questions and the firing of staff that does not agree with you.

All of it devisive, ineffective, hurtfull and embarrassing to the USA and all of us who love her.

* Sorry. I promised myself I wasn't going to do this 😥🇺🇸
You people are pathetic. Thump has been one of the best Presidents ever for all Americans. If the court system does their job enforcing the Law, he will be shown to have been reelected legally. If they do find ballot tampering, he will be going no where. I personally will never support Biden as President of the United States because he has committed treason making him a traitor. If the court finds ballot tampering all you that are bragging right now, will have 4 more years to Hate Trump and complain saying He WAA WAA WAAH, he cheated!
Electoral Count Act of 1887 means the states election results must be certified by December 8th. So far the Clown Donald is 0/10 in his lawsuit efforts... I bet you Donald concedes before Dec. 8th or the Secret Service (shadow government) physically removes him from the White House (we are hoping for the latter)... #WeDon'tBelieveYou're the same guy who thought Mr. 214 electoral votes would win🤣🤣🤣

"Best president ever....???"
👀 ...(see below)20201108_215737.jpg
You people are pathetic. Thump has been one of the best Presidents ever for all Americans. If the court system does their job enforcing the Law, he will be shown to have been reelected legally. If they do find ballot tampering, he will be going no where. I personally will never support Biden as President of the United States because he has committed treason making him a traitor. If the court finds ballot tampering all you that are bragging right now, will have 4 more years to Hate Trump and complain saying He WAA WAA WAAH, he cheated!
can you tell us just one thing he has done for the country....that benefits the country....about all I can see is he gave us the trump virus.....doing p.utins bidding by trashing the elections.....and a lot more
Whoa, It been awhile since I been in this room/thread.
Can't we all just get along.
Let's remember the only President who lost the popular vote, impeached and only ran one term is remarkable.

I am not here to cyber bully anyone as I know the First Lady has a program about stopping cyber bullying and it has been proven to be very effective as I am a changed man.

Disclaimer: This is pure sarcasm.

Meanwhile this is not:
Screen Shot 2020-11-08 at 11.44.04 PM.png
You people are pathetic. Thump has been one of the best Presidents ever for all Americans. If the court system does their job enforcing the Law, he will be shown to have been reelected legally. If they do find ballot tampering, he will be going no where. I personally will never support Biden as President of the United States because he has committed treason making him a traitor. If the court finds ballot tampering all you that are bragging right now, will have 4 more years to Hate Trump and complain saying He WAA WAA WAAH, he cheated!
the kid mero crying GIF by Desus & Mero

Well, so far the courts have been doing their job and upholding the integrity of the election.
I would suggest a citizenship class for you. Maybe you would understand what the Presidency and this country is about.
But, we all know you're hoping for a lawless decision based on the fact that tRump appointed a lot of these judges.
And you continue to ignore that tRump had most Americans vote AGAINST him, for the second time in a row. This time though, we set a record.
Votes are still being counted in California and New York- but those aren't votes you care about, are they?
Whoa, It been awhile since I been in this room/thread.
Can't we all just get along.
Let's remember the only President who lost the popular vote, impeached and only ran one term is remarkable.

I am not here to cyber bully anyone as I know the First Lady has a program about stopping cyber bullying and it has been proven to be very effective as I am a changed man.

Disclaimer: This is pure sarcasm.

Meanwhile this is not:
View attachment 3713193
as I know the First Lady has a program about stopping cyber bullying and it has been proven to be very me bro it sure not working , if it was they would not be pics of her like this lol all over the internet.


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Fucking Cruz says the right has not yet congratulated Biden because not really sure he is the new pres....there is counts and etc...…...naturally the MF would say and think that...…...he lost the election until the right pulled some ******* disqualifying a bunch of votes giving it to Cruz

if anyone needs bitch slapped it is Cruz...….luckily Rubio stepped on his dick and crawled back in a hole....still leaves Graham and Mcconnell that need a good kick in the nuts
Fucking Cruz says the right has not yet congratulated Biden because not really sure he is the new pres....there is counts and etc...…...naturally the MF would say and think that...…...he lost the election until the right pulled some ******* disqualifying a bunch of votes giving it to Cruz

if anyone needs bitch slapped it is Cruz...….luckily Rubio stepped on his dick and crawled back in a hole....still leaves Graham and Mcconnell that need a good kick in the nuts

Ted Cruz is a shifty MFer who is just maneuvering around trying to line those 70 million votes up for himself when he runs for president again in 2024. “I was loyal to Trump all you Trumptards. So vote for me”!
and I know there are a lot of Senators that want on the administration...Amyk. …..Sanders...…..AOC...but I think we would be better served if they stayed on as senators.....there are plenty of others to take up the slack and help out....Andrew Y....Stacy A.....Pete the gay mayor...and others all could add to bidens team without taking a senator out of office
never happen...he should have got the message with O'Rourke!

Their egos never let them “get it” . . . look at what we’re dealing with right now. Ted Cruz’s ego will have him in the race again, and he is still one of the most dangerous ones on the right. For one thing, unlike Trump, he is extremely intelligent. We need to keep an eye on him, and be ready to stop him!
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