Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The leftist douchebags in this thread wouldn't accept DJT or conservatives no matter how big a landslide occurred. They are owned by the DNC. Their brains are simply incapable of breaking free. When you play a victim your entire life, that becomes your identity. These mental midgets like ed4mwf, HardBlackCandy, BBCsceptre (who didn't even know how the Electoral College worked) prove it day after day.

I've blocked them all, because their ignorance is is like a ******* stain on a fresh towel. Like a hair in the salad. Like a herpe on the lip.

I’m glad I made your short list asshole :) That means I’m doing a slam bang job at getting under your skin ;) Oh, and that would be “herpes” (singular) and “herpeses” (plural) :LOL: Back on ignore :cool:
The leftist douchebags in this thread wouldn't accept DJT or conservatives no matter how big a landslide occurred. They are owned by the DNC. Their brains are simply incapable of breaking free. When you play a victim your entire life, that becomes your identity. These mental midgets like ed4mwf, HardBlackCandy, BBCsceptre (who didn't even know how the Electoral College worked) prove it day after day.

I've blocked them all, because their ignorance is is like a ******* stain on a fresh towel. Like a hair in the salad. Like a herpe on the lip.
Spoken like a true Russian, 🇷🇺 Get the hell out of our country Mr. 214 Electoral College votes...

Come back when you learn that 270 > 214... and after you've practiced saying "President Joe Biden" & "Vice President Kamala Harris" 100x...
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I stated I am with great disappointment, but not of surprised if a Biden win, Many of the young have not been educated ,but indoctrinated into the belief of socialism, Fracking has brought wealth and good paying Jobs to America , charter schools have raised many in poverty out of poverty ,The low income people in American have climbed up under Trump, Corporations have returned, America has created more jobs under Trump This president has realigned the trade policy to stop the massive loss of American jobs and money to China ,He has made NATO pay its fair share. He has brought a peace accord to the Middle East, He has reduced Americas young from dying overseas. And bringing our troops home. He has invested in America's farms. He has stopped the flow of illegals into America. He has reduced ******* cost for seniors. He has raised SSI payments. And fought the COVID-19 in bring America back.

He was rejected for that America voted for higher taxes , worse health care, higher ******* cost ,worse schools, higher energy and gas prices. Higher corporate tax rates ,the end of the new employee training tax deduction, Higher Capitol Gains , The end of corporate tax breaks for new equipment , the end of tax breaks for Business expansion to create more jobs. The end of corporate Ins plans for employees, and making one in for all Medicare. For everyone doing away with private Ins.

As we embark on the road to end America, and end all Family and religion values, to dismiss and destroy the Constitution, and the Bill of rights. To remove the Second Amendment or the right to bear arms ,and pack the Supreme Court to make a political arm of Government. America as the Great civilization of Rome is about to also be passed into History to be again judged as the last days of ROME a people that elected the worst of mankind, Senators of deceit and corruption and fraud Biden and his like have sold the labor of America for personal profit .America this day gave him permission to sell America and it's people out. This day in America the final chapter is being written.
Leave our country, & take the CUCKOLD crying bitch @submission52 with you...
The leftist douchebags in this thread wouldn't accept DJT or conservatives no matter how big a landslide occurred. They are owned by the DNC. Their brains are simply incapable of breaking free. When you play a victim your entire life, that becomes your identity. These mental midgets like ed4mwf, HardBlackCandy, BBCsceptre (who didn't even know how the Electoral College worked) prove it day after day.

I've blocked them all, because their ignorance is is like a ******* stain on a fresh towel. Like a hair in the salad. Like a he
What a punk ass pussy move. Talk ******* about people but, too weak to handle their response. I'm sure it's just coincidence it's only the black men you named you blocked, when damn near everybody is sick of your *******. How dare us disassemble your bullshit.
You tRumptards can't stand to hear anything that your Dear Leader would find offensive or diminished his standings in your mind. @submission52 @hoping hubby @TwoBiFour @blkdlaur @STIFFBBC @StanleyCush1 @cpl2010co and others
You've made ******* up, thrown out all kinds of rumors and straight lies because the facts are not, and never were with you. Start the whine party. Tell us how China imported votes, or the Sharpies were key. Anything but, Biden got more votes that Trump. And the count is still going on, Trump's loss continues to grow.

Hey @submission52, for a guy that blocked us, we sure take up a lot of time in that tiny brain stem of yours.
And, we'd have to be midgets to live in your very very very tiny brain space. For free.
No go fuck yourself and...Wait, you like doing that, it's your thing. Forget it, life has clearly fucked you up enough. Just go.
Oh, and thanks for that turnout in Arizona. Could not have done it without the hateful and lying words people like you have been freely throwing around.
"Hey Rudy, how's the press conference in Philly going?"

"Just great, Don. We're at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping company parking lot, and we have the sex offender about to take the podium. All the networks, wow!"

Your maturity is staggering.

Disclaimer: This is pure sarcasm.
Too easy here you speak of other's "ignorance" but types is is twice.

You just stay messing up or overly excited.

:cool:Notice my Emoji has the Joe Biden shades on..

Are you even thinking before you post? I have called you the herpes of the thread months ago and then you want to use my jokes again and speak of my maturity....

I am your daddy.

If you gave me an insult and say its "pure sarcasm" you gave me a compliment.
If you gave me a compliment or positive statement and say its "pure sarcasm" you gave me an insult.

Read the two above statements 3x and boom it will hit you real hard how you keep messing up when attempt to address me.

I am your daddy.

I am here as usual to make you tuck your tail and have healthy discussions with like minded people who may or may not agree with my perspectives before I tune into Market Mondays on youtube to see what money gangs President Elect Biden represent. I already bought some EV stocks.

"You are the croutons to my salad because when my world is fresh and healthy you are always stale."


Your maturity is staggering.

Disclaimer: This is pure sarcasm.
Too easy here you speak of other's "ignorance" but types is is twice.

You just stay messing up or overly excited.

:cool:Notice my Emoji has the Joe Biden shades on..

Are you even thinking before you post? I have called you the herpes of the thread months ago and then you want to use my jokes again and speak of my maturity....

I am your daddy.

If you gave me an insult and say its "pure sarcasm" you gave me a compliment.
If you gave me a compliment or positive statement and say its "pure sarcasm" you gave me an insult.

Read the two above statements 3x and boom it will hit you real hard how you keep messing up when attempt to address me.

I am your daddy.

I am here as usual to make you tuck your tail and have healthy discussions with like minded people who may or may not agree with my perspectives before I tune into Market Mondays on youtube to see what money gangs President Elect Biden represent. I already bought some EV stocks.

"You are the croutons to my salad because when my world is fresh and healthy you are always stale."

Does your brain actually work?
Serious question.

I didn't type "is is" twice. Where are you seeing that?

You can't even write a complete or coherent sentence. "You just stay messing up or overly excited."
What the fuck does that mean? Did you pass third grade English? My bet is that you didn't.

"Your maturity is staggering" is a compliment. Saying it's sarcasm means that I meant the opposite. Thus, an insult.
You are no one's daddy. You can't even complete a sentence. You are the type of black man that women run from when you open your mouth. And I'm not just talking about your gingivitis.

"...hit you real hard how you keep messing up when attempt to address me."
You realize there is another tense of the word attempt, right? "Attempting"

My god, you're stupid.